The Irony of Whites Talking About Fatherless Black Families...

They were working and industry was adjusting to these environmental regulations.
However, liberal democrat greenies also wanted cheap products to buy

so they exported the jobs -and the pollution - to china
However, trump supporter type ilk also wanted cheap products and allowed manufacturing to move, and they still are moving.
Ok, fair point, but who recognized the detrimental affect on our country first, and wants to reverse the immoral bullcrap ?? You guessed it, the Trump administration and it's supporters. It's sad the Chinese people aren't more powerful against it's sell out government to the west, and to the world, otherwise where for money and power to it's communist , and to it's leadership, it has polluted, and caused terrible diseases in the poor Chinese provinces, and on top of that released a killer virus on the world that has killed hundreds of thousands or maybe millions by now.

So American's foolishly turn on Trump all due to leftist propaganda, and due it's infiltration into the deepest layers of our government. Now isn't that special.
Americans turned on trump because of his lack of moral fiber, divisiveness, constant fabrication, threatening, and bullying manner. His lack of knowledge about subjects that he insisted he knew more about than the experts didn't help his credibility.
Yeah, you remember that if you ever get promoted to a boss in a situation, otherwise that had gotten way out of control, and you are being charged with getting it back under control after years of bullcrap being pushed on American's by these leftist...... That's right leftist who were given power but didn't deserve it. What would you do ?

Have a beer summit with the Iranians and Chinese about the problems faced with them or send in the clowns to make Kim in North Korea laugh so he doesn't poison or nuke someone ??

Maybe tell your son and daughter that it's ok that you aren't allowed to call them son or daughter anymore, and if they are 8 years old just help them to realize that they could be actually a girl instead of a boy or vice versa, so quickly get them down to start their hormone treatments in preparation for their future.

Baby ? No problem if you don't want the inconvenience, well you got up to 9months to decide. If decide hey this baby has got to go, then just go on down to your friendly planned parenthood, and get that burden taking care of, because you got alot more sex to be getting too, and you don't need no babies holding you back.

On and on and on it goes.
They were working and industry was adjusting to these environmental regulations.
However, liberal democrat greenies also wanted cheap products to buy

so they exported the jobs -and the pollution - to china
However, trump supporter type ilk also wanted cheap products and allowed manufacturing to move, and they still are moving.
Ok, fair point, but who recognized the detrimental affect on our country first, and wants to reverse the immoral bullcrap ?? You guessed it, the Trump administration and it's supporters. It's sad the Chinese people aren't more powerful against it's sell out government to the west, and to the world, otherwise where for money and power to it's communist , and to it's leadership, it has polluted, and caused terrible diseases in the poor Chinese provinces, and on top of that released a killer virus on the world that has killed hundreds of thousands or maybe millions by now.

So American's foolishly turn on Trump all due to leftist propaganda, and due it's infiltration into the deepest layers of our government. Now isn't that special.
Americans turned on trump because of his lack of moral fiber, divisiveness, constant fabrication, threatening, and bullying manner. His lack of knowledge about subjects that he insisted he knew more about than the experts didn't help his credibility.
Yeah, you remember that if you ever get promoted to a boss in a situation, otherwise that had gotten way out of control, and you are being charged with getting it back under control after years of bullcrap being pushed on American's by these leftist...... That's right leftist who were given power but didn't deserve it. What would you do ?

Have a beer summit with the Iranians and Chinese about the problems faced with them or send in the clowns to make Kim in North Korea laugh so he doesn't poison or nuke someone ?

Maybe tell your son and daughter that it's ok that you aren't allowed to call them son or daughter anymore, and if they are 8 years old just help them to realize that they could be actually a girl instead of a boy or vice versa, so quickly get them down to start their hormone treatments in preparation for their future.

Baby ? No problem if you don't want the inconvenience, well you got up to 9months to decide. If decide hey this baby has got to go, then just go on down to your friendly planned parenthood, and get that burden taking care of, because you got alot more sex to be getting too, and you don't need no babies holding you back.

On and on and on it goes.
Unfortunately, the "boss" you chose has made matters worse and has resolved nothing. Note the invasion by the mob of trump supporters egged on by white supremacists, poor boys, and encouraged by your "boss", on our Capital. What the hell? No excuse for it. Trump was supposed to meet you at the Capital so he could usurp our presidency (this is what he told Marc Levin). Instead, he pulled a typical trump--let the other guy do his dirty work, in case his idea went south. He fooled
nobody, except you as usual. Just wanted to create anarchy.
Ok, fair point, but who recognized the detrimental affect on our country first, and wants to reverse the immoral bullcrap ??
Its not a fair point

the ordinary conservative, republican, trump voter knew instinctively that moving jobs to china was a bad idea

I‘m not convinced that the elected class in washington, or in the media, or at our universities had any idea what the consequences of that would be

and many still have not realized the error of their ways because they still embrace globalism and the rise of china

joe biden for instance
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If manufacturing companies were plentiful in our country, and there was little or no competition, "back in the day" would rear its ugly head today.
No one is suggesting a total ban on imported junk from china

just tariffs that make it impossible for china to practice mercantilism
Americans turned on trump because of his lack of moral fiber, divisiveness, constant fabrication, threatening, and bullying manner

democrats had to steal the election to defeat trump
How did they "steal" the election? Where is the fraud, except in trump's mind?
How can you allow a grifter to have such a hold on your thinking process?
Ok, fair point, but who recognized the detrimental affect on our country first, and wants to reverse the immoral bullcrap ??
Its not a fair point

the ordinary conservative, republican, trump voter knew instinctively that moving jobs to china was a bad idea

I‘m not convinced that the elected class in washington, or in the media, or at our universities had any idea what the consequences of that would be

and many still have not realized the error of their ways because they still embrace globalism and the rise of china

joe biden for instance
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters. Back in the day when all this began, nobody knew "instinctively" that companies' moving was a bad idea.
What was known was that the high costs made their stay here untenable.
Cheaper goods were starting to flow into our country and our manufacturing
could no longer compete by lowering costs to meet the competition. It was a moving explosion waiting to happen.
We are a part of a global economy and isolation will drive up your cost of living dramatically. Trump has no skin in the game and, in fact, manufactures his clothing line in China because it is too expensive to do it here. We need to make trade deals with other countries that will benefit both and do it without saber-rattling.
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters. Back in the day when all this began, nobody knew "instinctively" that companies' moving was a bad idea.
What was known was that the high costs made their stay here untenable.
Cheaper goods were starting to flow into our country and our manufacturing
could no longer compete by lowering costs to meet the competition. It was a moving explosion waiting to happen.
We are a part of a global economy and isolation will drive up your cost of living dramatically. Trump has no skin in the game and, in fact, manufactures his clothing line in China because it is too expensive to do it here. We need to make trade deals with other countries that will benefit both and do it without saber-rattling.

As you know, President Donald Trump negotiated the best trade deals and peace agreements in modern history. Why is that a bad thing? I mean, other than it was done by Trump.
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters. Back in the day when all this began, nobody knew "instinctively" that companies' moving was a bad idea.
What was known was that the high costs made their stay here untenable.
Cheaper goods were starting to flow into our country and our manufacturing
could no longer compete by lowering costs to meet the competition. It was a moving explosion waiting to happen.
We are a part of a global economy and isolation will drive up your cost of living dramatically. Trump has no skin in the game and, in fact, manufactures his clothing line in China because it is too expensive to do it here. We need to make trade deals with other countries that will benefit both and do it without saber-rattling.

As you know, President Donald Trump negotiated the best trade deals and peace agreements in modern history. Why is that a bad thing? I mean, other than it was done by Trump.
What "best trade deals", and at what cost to our standing in the free world with his
buffoonery and saber-rattling? Many countries have made trade deals with China and each other and have excluded us, and China is stepping into the void.
So far, the peace deal sounds good as long as Israel does not build settlements
and annex occupied land. And any peace deal will not hold water unless the Palestinians sign on and they are angry because they were not included in the discussions. Their charter calls for the destruction of Israel.
Ok, fair point, but who recognized the detrimental affect on our country first, and wants to reverse the immoral bullcrap ??
Its not a fair point

the ordinary conservative, republican, trump voter knew instinctively that moving jobs to china was a bad idea

I‘m not convinced that the elected class in washington, or in the media, or at our universities had any idea what the consequences of that would be

and many still have not realized the error of their ways because they still embrace globalism and the rise of china

joe biden for instance
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters. Back in the day when all this began, nobody knew "instinctively" that companies' moving was a bad idea.
What was known was that the high costs made their stay here untenable.
Cheaper goods were starting to flow into our country and our manufacturing
could no longer compete by lowering costs to meet the competition. It was a moving explosion waiting to happen.
We are a part of a global economy and isolation will drive up your cost of living dramatically. Trump has no skin in the game and, in fact, manufactures his clothing line in China because it is too expensive to do it here. We need to make trade deals with other countries that will benefit both and do it without saber-rattling.
To late for your pie in the sky bullcrap now bud. That ship has sailed. You'll do what your told, and you'll like it. Oh and don't try to find anything worth a crap for your money anymore, because you won't find that anymore.

You'll replace that washer and dryer every two to three years and like it. Oh and for the blacks who are still trying to get ahead, well that washer and dryer with everything else cheap that gobbles up all their money, will cause them to remain in poverty for years to come...The race baiting Democrat's will blame the white's for the black folks woes in life, otherwise as they sit back on their kick backs pile, and create the tax loop holes that they provide for their globalist loving buddies to do what they do.
Ok, fair point, but who recognized the detrimental affect on our country first, and wants to reverse the immoral bullcrap ??
Its not a fair point

the ordinary conservative, republican, trump voter knew instinctively that moving jobs to china was a bad idea

I‘m not convinced that the elected class in washington, or in the media, or at our universities had any idea what the consequences of that would be

and many still have not realized the error of their ways because they still embrace globalism and the rise of china

joe biden for instance
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters. Back in the day when all this began, nobody knew "instinctively" that companies' moving was a bad idea.
What was known was that the high costs made their stay here untenable.
Cheaper goods were starting to flow into our country and our manufacturing
could no longer compete by lowering costs to meet the competition. It was a moving explosion waiting to happen.
We are a part of a global economy and isolation will drive up your cost of living dramatically. Trump has no skin in the game and, in fact, manufactures his clothing line in China because it is too expensive to do it here. We need to make trade deals with other countries that will benefit both and do it without saber-rattling.
To late for your pie in the sky bullcrap now bud. That ship has sailed. You'll do what your told, and you'll like it. Oh and don't try to find anything worth a crap for your money anymore, because you won't find that anymore.

You'll replace that washer and dryer every two to three years and like it. Oh and for the blacks who are still trying to get ahead, well that washer and dryer with everything else cheap that gobbles up all their money, will cause them to remain in poverty for years to come...The race baiting Democrat's will blame the white's for the black folks woes in life, otherwise as they sit back on their kick backs pile, and create the tax loop holes that they provide for their globalist loving buddies to do what they do.
Your washer and dryer are probably made somewhere else, hotshot. Do you know
where Bosch refrigeratorrs are
Ok, fair point, but who recognized the detrimental affect on our country first, and wants to reverse the immoral bullcrap ??
Its not a fair point

the ordinary conservative, republican, trump voter knew instinctively that moving jobs to china was a bad idea

I‘m not convinced that the elected class in washington, or in the media, or at our universities had any idea what the consequences of that would be

and many still have not realized the error of their ways because they still embrace globalism and the rise of china

joe biden for instance
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters. Back in the day when all this began, nobody knew "instinctively" that companies' moving was a bad idea.
What was known was that the high costs made their stay here untenable.
Cheaper goods were starting to flow into our country and our manufacturing
could no longer compete by lowering costs to meet the competition. It was a moving explosion waiting to happen.
We are a part of a global economy and isolation will drive up your cost of living dramatically. Trump has no skin in the game and, in fact, manufactures his clothing line in China because it is too expensive to do it here. We need to make trade deals with other countries that will benefit both and do it without saber-rattling.
To late for your pie in the sky bullcrap now bud. That ship has sailed. You'll do what your told, and you'll like it. Oh and don't try to find anything worth a crap for your money anymore, because you won't find that anymore.

You'll replace that washer and dryer every two to three years and like it. Oh and for the blacks who are still trying to get ahead, well that washer and dryer with everything else cheap that gobbles up all their money, will cause them to remain in poverty for years to come...The race baiting Democrat's will blame the white's for the black folks woes in life, otherwise as they sit back on their kick backs pile, and create the tax loop holes that they provide for their globalist loving buddies to do what they do.
Your washer and dryer are probably already made somewhere else. Do you know
where Bosch (German) appliances are made? They are manufactured in North Carolina because we are a part of a global economy.
"Race-baiting Democrats"? You mean racist Trump supporters, yes. Read some of the blogs on this site.
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters. Back in the day when all this began, nobody knew "instinctively" that companies' moving was a bad idea.
What was known was that the high costs made their stay here untenable.
Cheaper goods were starting to flow into our country and our manufacturing
could no longer compete by lowering costs to meet the competition. It was a moving explosion waiting to happen.
We are a part of a global economy and isolation will drive up your cost of living dramatically. Trump has no skin in the game and, in fact, manufactures his clothing line in China because it is too expensive to do it here. We need to make trade deals with other countries that will benefit both and do it without saber-rattling.

As you know, President Donald Trump negotiated the best trade deals and peace agreements in modern history. Why is that a bad thing? I mean, other than it was done by Trump.
What "best trade deals", and at what cost to our standing in the free world with his
buffoonery and saber-rattling? Many countries have made trade deals with China and each other and have excluded us, and China is stepping into the void.
So far, the peace deal sounds good as long as Israel does not build settlements
and annex occupied land. And any peace deal will not hold water unless the Palestinians sign on and they are angry because they were not included in the discussions. Their charter calls for the destruction of Israel.

What is the difference between the Palestinians position today and that of five or twenty years ago? They voted for a terrorist organization for their government. President Trump negotiated for five fewer countries to demand the destruction of Israel. Those countries are now trading with Israel. No other President was able to accomplish that feat. How is this a bad thing?

Palestine was given the opportunity to join in the negotiations. They thought Trump was bluffing like all the past presidents. Then Trump made good on his promise to move our embassy to the capital of Israel. Other presidential candidates had promised to make that move but but lied. Trump kept his word.
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters.
You are talking to an ordinary reoublican and trump supporter

what you mean is that the corrupt career politicians in washington who call themselves republicans are really not

they are phonies

fakes who say one thing during election campaigns are do something else in office
Back in the day when all this began, nobody knew "instinctively" that companies' moving was a bad idea.
Employees at those companies instinctively knew

do you think American workers were happy to become unemployed so that a poor peasant in china could enjoy upward mobility?

or do you just think that the opinions of those workers does not matter in the grand scheme of globalism?
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters.
You are talking to an ordinary reoublican and trump supporter

what you mean is that the corrupt career politicians in washington who call themselves republicans are really not

they are phonies

fakes who say one thing during election campaigns are do something else in office
What I mean is exactly how I put it. Trump supporters are not Republicans, and neither are you with your blather. Republicans have different ideals than trump supporters and do not support an insurrection the likes of which we witnessed on Wednesday when 6 people died and Trump was cheering and encouraging them.
Back in the day when all this began, nobody knew "instinctively" that companies' moving was a bad idea.
Employees at those companies instinctively knew

do you think American workers were happy to become unemployed so that a poor peasant in china could enjoy upward mobility?

or do you just think that the opinions of those workers does not matter in the grand scheme of globalism?
The union employees are a major cause of the problem. Many companies that returned or started up have done so in the south, where unionism is weak.
Ok, fair point, but who recognized the detrimental affect on our country first, and wants to reverse the immoral bullcrap ??
Its not a fair point

the ordinary conservative, republican, trump voter knew instinctively that moving jobs to china was a bad idea

I‘m not convinced that the elected class in washington, or in the media, or at our universities had any idea what the consequences of that would be

and many still have not realized the error of their ways because they still embrace globalism and the rise of china

joe biden for instance
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters. Back in the day when all this began, nobody knew "instinctively" that companies' moving was a bad idea.
What was known was that the high costs made their stay here untenable.
Cheaper goods were starting to flow into our country and our manufacturing
could no longer compete by lowering costs to meet the competition. It was a moving explosion waiting to happen.
We are a part of a global economy and isolation will drive up your cost of living dramatically. Trump has no skin in the game and, in fact, manufactures his clothing line in China because it is too expensive to do it here. We need to make trade deals with other countries that will benefit both and do it without saber-rattling.
To late for your pie in the sky bullcrap now bud. That ship has sailed. You'll do what your told, and you'll like it. Oh and don't try to find anything worth a crap for your money anymore, because you won't find that anymore.

You'll replace that washer and dryer every two to three years and like it. Oh and for the blacks who are still trying to get ahead, well that washer and dryer with everything else cheap that gobbles up all their money, will cause them to remain in poverty for years to come...The race baiting Democrat's will blame the white's for the black folks woes in life, otherwise as they sit back on their kick backs pile, and create the tax loop holes that they provide for their globalist loving buddies to do what they do.
Your washer and dryer are probably made somewhere else, hotshot. Do you know
where Bosch refrigeratorrs are
Ok, fair point, but who recognized the detrimental affect on our country first, and wants to reverse the immoral bullcrap ??
Its not a fair point

the ordinary conservative, republican, trump voter knew instinctively that moving jobs to china was a bad idea

I‘m not convinced that the elected class in washington, or in the media, or at our universities had any idea what the consequences of that would be

and many still have not realized the error of their ways because they still embrace globalism and the rise of china

joe biden for instance
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters. Back in the day when all this began, nobody knew "instinctively" that companies' moving was a bad idea.
What was known was that the high costs made their stay here untenable.
Cheaper goods were starting to flow into our country and our manufacturing
could no longer compete by lowering costs to meet the competition. It was a moving explosion waiting to happen.
We are a part of a global economy and isolation will drive up your cost of living dramatically. Trump has no skin in the game and, in fact, manufactures his clothing line in China because it is too expensive to do it here. We need to make trade deals with other countries that will benefit both and do it without saber-rattling.
To late for your pie in the sky bullcrap now bud. That ship has sailed. You'll do what your told, and you'll like it. Oh and don't try to find anything worth a crap for your money anymore, because you won't find that anymore.

You'll replace that washer and dryer every two to three years and like it. Oh and for the blacks who are still trying to get ahead, well that washer and dryer with everything else cheap that gobbles up all their money, will cause them to remain in poverty for years to come...The race baiting Democrat's will blame the white's for the black folks woes in life, otherwise as they sit back on their kick backs pile, and create the tax loop holes that they provide for their globalist loving buddies to do what they do.
Your washer and dryer are probably already made somewhere else. Do you know
where Bosch (German) appliances are made? They are manufactured in North Carolina because we are a part of a global economy.
"Race-baiting Democrats"? You mean racist Trump supporters, yes. Read some of the blogs on this site.
Germany may be our enemy in the future but in soite of some differences we are not enemies now

they have a standard of living comparable to ours and are a good example of what the global economy that you worship should look like

china on the other hand is our enemy and they do not have the same values or standard of living
The union employees are a major cause of the problem
Maybe so

or at least they were in the 1970’s and ‘80’s

unions have their place, but left unchecked they can be just as bad as the employeers

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