The "IRS Scandal" Is More Right Wing Propaganda, Bush Shook Down Liberal Groups

Who would have thought Obama would participate in rightwing propaganda. Obama said the conduct of the IRS agents was outrageous, then he fired the IRS chief. Are you lefties pissed because Obama is making something out of nothing? Or are you willing to admit that Obama is lying and doesn't believe the statements he is making? Seriously, which is it, libs?
The Rules That Govern 501(c)(4)s

Nearly a century ago, Congress created the complicated legal framework that governs these tax-exempt nonprofits, also known as 501(c)(4)s for the part of the tax code they fall under. That rule said they were supposed to operate “exclusively for the promotion of social welfare” — a definition that includes groups ranging from local fire departments to the Sierra Club to the National Right to Life Committee.

While these nonprofits have always been allowed to lobby for change, in 1959, regulators opened the door to political activity by interpreting “exclusively” to mean that groups had to be “primarily” engaged in social welfare and helping the community.

But regulators never defined exactly how they would measure this balance. Part of the reason, said Marcus Owens, a former head of the IRS division overseeing nonprofits, is because the IRS didn’t want to limit what it could evaluate in deciding what was political activity.

However, the lack of clarity has created a unique type of organization when it comes to politics — chief among those differences being what the public must be told about these nonprofits’ donors.
More: The Rules That Govern 501(c)(4)s | Big Money 2012 | FRONTLINE | PBS by Emma Schwartz

TaxAlmanac - A free online tax research resource and community - Treasury Regulations, Subchapter A, Sec. 1.501(c)(4)-1
More right wing propaganda? Man oh man the liberals on this board are showing themselves to be true clowns.

They are arguing against the Inspector Generals report. The IG for the Tax Administration of the Treasury Department.

It's surreal. Obviously to the liberals at USMB despite this report, the resignation of the interim head of the IRS, the President calling the behavior outrageous, AND the AG ordering the FBI to start a criminal investigation into the IRS's activities, all of this is just right wing propaganda.


" But, according to the IG report, the IRS was not only targeting tea party organizations; it wasgoing after “groups focused on government spending, government debt, taxes, and education on ways to ‘make America a better place to live.’”

It also started targeting groups criticizing the government or educating Americans about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights."

The IRS Scandal Just Got More Bizarre | RealClearPolitics
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No one was denied. The problem is that a critical word was changed in 1959 from EXCLUSIVELY to PRIMARILY. The solution is simple. Just go back to EXCLUSIVELY.
"...Put it in perspective..."
Unfortunately, 'the buck' is all-encompassing. John Q. Public makes no such distinctions. I can understand why 'fans' would want to push the 'underling' idea but do you really think that it is going to play-out that way in real life, now that the Opposition has its ammunition?

No it isn't, not to anyone who can think reasonably and with basic logic. If your postman decides to shoot your dog because the barking annoys him, it is not the President's responsibility because someone he appointed hired someone who hired someone who hired that foolish postman. Use reason instead of hysteria.
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No one was denied. The problem is that a critical word was changed in 1959 from EXCLUSIVELY to PRIMARILY. The solution is simple. Just go back to EXCLUSIVELY.


Close to 500 applicants were targeted. Half that were finally passed endured a waiting period of an average of 537 days and the other half of the applicants are still waiting to hopefully receive their tax exempt status.

But by all means continue to look like a clown. The IG report is just the tip of the iceberg. One major resignation at the IRS. FBI criminal investigation.

Even the left wing media is saying this is like the days of Nixon.

NBC Compares Obama Admin to the Nixon Era


Video and transcript at link:

NBC Compares Obama Admin to The Nixon Era | Washington Free Beacon
Will the right wing machine tell the truth? Of course not, they are too busy spreading their propaganda,..

When the IRS targeted liberals -

Three groups scrutinized but allowed to operate versus hundreds of groups prevented from operating at all.

Sure thing, go with that.

Wrong. Only 8 TP groups were denied.

What the hell happened to you? You used to use facts in your arguments.

How many liberal groups were denied?
The Rules That Govern 501(c)(4)s

Nearly a century ago, Congress created the complicated legal framework that governs these tax-exempt nonprofits, also known as 501(c)(4)s for the part of the tax code they fall under. That rule said they were supposed to operate “exclusively for the promotion of social welfare” — a definition that includes groups ranging from local fire departments to the Sierra Club to the National Right to Life Committee.

While these nonprofits have always been allowed to lobby for change, in 1959, regulators opened the door to political activity by interpreting “exclusively” to mean that groups had to be “primarily” engaged in social welfare and helping the community.

But regulators never defined exactly how they would measure this balance. Part of the reason, said Marcus Owens, a former head of the IRS division overseeing nonprofits, is because the IRS didn’t want to limit what it could evaluate in deciding what was political activity.

However, the lack of clarity has created a unique type of organization when it comes to politics — chief among those differences being what the public must be told about these nonprofits’ donors.
More: The Rules That Govern 501(c)(4)s | Big Money 2012 | FRONTLINE | PBS by Emma Schwartz

TaxAlmanac - A free online tax research resource and community - Treasury Regulations, Subchapter A, Sec. 1.501(c)(4)-1

Would you like a list of left wing groups that are political that have tax exempt status just to prove that it actually happens? How about I just mention one of the biggest ones, OFA, which was started by Obama. If you honestly think that the IRS should level this type of scrutiny against these types of organizations you should be outraged that they didn't give it to Obama's group.

If, on the other hand, you are an authoritarian fascist fuckwad, feel free to keep pretending that IRS did its job.
No one was denied. The problem is that a critical word was changed in 1959 from EXCLUSIVELY to PRIMARILY. The solution is simple. Just go back to EXCLUSIVELY.

Prove you mean it, demand the IRS investigate Obama for violating the law.
"...Put it in perspective..."
Unfortunately, 'the buck' is all-encompassing. John Q. Public makes no such distinctions. I can understand why 'fans' would want to push the 'underling' idea but do you really think that it is going to play-out that way in real life, now that the Opposition has its ammunition?

No it isn't, not to anyone who can think reasonably and with basic logic. If your postman decides to shoot your dog because the barking annoys him, it is not the President's responsibility because someone he appointed hired someone who hired someone who hired that foolish postman. Use reason instead of hysteria.

Actually, it is, if you understand what responsibility means.
"...Put it in perspective..."
Unfortunately, 'the buck' is all-encompassing. John Q. Public makes no such distinctions. I can understand why 'fans' would want to push the 'underling' idea but do you really think that it is going to play-out that way in real life, now that the Opposition has its ammunition?

No it isn't, not to anyone who can think reasonably and with basic logic. If your postman decides to shoot your dog because the barking annoys him, it is not the President's responsibility because someone he appointed hired someone who hired someone who hired that foolish postman. Use reason instead of hysteria.
But we are not talking about a postman shooting my dog.

We are talking about a deviation from Statute and/or Policy on the part of so-called 'responsible' executives within a government department.

And the top-dog overseeing all of these departments is ultimately the responsible one.

Again, you seem to be ignoring the Captain of the Ship responsibility maxim...

But do feel free to continue to cling to your ideas of broad-ranging responsibility, if those will bring you any comfort, while we are waiting for the next major repercussion to unfold...
Doesn't matter who does it. It's wrong. Brown_Noser needs to stfu. I love how liberals continue to justify their behavior off of the actions taken by the previous administration! "Bush did it, so therefore we can do it too!"

No. When anyone does it, it's wrong. Period.

The fact that government targets either group is scary. All the OP has done is proven the federal government is terribly abusive and tyrannical.
Ole Mother Jones is cranking out the propaganda...remember the other garbage from them?

this is a time-honored thingy...

dear gawd save us from these idiots
If this happened it is not RIGHT WING propaganda.

Not EVEN IF the people who did it were BUSH appointees.

If it happened then it is a SERIOUS problem we have with government.

Not republican government, not democratic government, but GOVERNMENT ITSELF.

Of course this is exactly what we NON PARTISANS have been telling you partisan all along, isn't it?

YOU AFFECTION for your parties IS the primary problem this nation faces.
Will the right wing machine tell the truth? Of course not, they are too busy spreading their propaganda,..

When the IRS targeted liberals -

Three groups scrutinized but allowed to operate versus hundreds of groups prevented from operating at all.

Sure thing, go with that.

Wrong. Only 8 TP groups were denied.

What the hell happened to you? You used to use facts in your arguments.

I never said that the groups were denied (and where are your facts to back up on 8 were denied?).

WASHINGTON -- In the 27 months that the Internal Revenue Service put a hold on all Tea Party applications for non-profit status, it approved applications from similar liberal groups, a USA TODAY review of IRS data shows.

As applications from conservative groups sat in limbo, groups with obviously liberal names were approved in as little as nine months. With names including words like "Progress" or "Progressive," these groups applied for the same tax status and were engaged in the same kinds of activities as the conservative groups.

The controversial, 3-year-old strategy to manage the increasing number of political groups seeking tax-exempt status came under fire Tuesday. The agency's own inspector general blamed IRS leadership for "ineffective management."

IRS gave liberals a pass; Tea Party groups put on hold

A delay causes groups to miss an entire election cycle that's preventing them from operating.
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Name the head of the IRS that President Obama appointed that this happened under.

Fact is both parties try and use or persuade the IRS to target individuals and groups who oppose their particualor politcal perspective.

I think the whole idea that the President is directly responsible for any actions of the IRS is ludicrous. Whoever got the bright idea to hassel the Tea Party members over this would not have gotten direct orders from the President to do so; I doubt a president would approve such a thing, no less ordering it. It would be stupid to do so because it always ends up in a fiasco like this. If something like this happens, whether it is under Obama or Bush, etc., it is an underlinging making the decision to do it.

Nobody was hassled. They were asked to prove they were a non-profit.

That's it.

"Organizations that applied for tax-exempt status and had their applications forwarded to the team of specialists experienced substantial delays. As of December 17, 2012, many organizations had not received an approval or denial letter for more than two years after they submitted their applications. Some cases have been open during two election cycles (2010 and 2012). The IRS Strategic Plan 2009–2013 has several goals and objectives that involve timely interacting with taxpayers, including enforcement of the tax law in a timely manner while minimizing taxpayer burden"

"Potential political cases took significantly longer than average to process due to ineffective
management oversight."

"The team of specialists stopped working on potential political cases from October 2010 through November 2011, resulting in a 13-month delay"

"The Determinations Unit sent requests for information that we later (in whole or in part)
determined to be unnecessary for 98 (58 percent) of 170 organizations that received additional information request letters"
The IRS "scandal" just showed us we need campaign finance NOW.
We need to change the tax code and get rid of the IRS.
IRS has abused both the left and the right.
When a Republican President is our President the left get abused.
When a Democrat President gets elected the right is abused.
This has been happening since the 1950's.
If we got rid of the IRS Department and got a fairer tax system it would end the abuse to all of us, as well as get rid of the power of lobbyists and Crony Capitalism.

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