The "IRS Scandal" Is More Right Wing Propaganda, Bush Shook Down Liberal Groups

We need to change the tax code and get rid of the IRS.
IRS has abused both the left and the right.
When a Republican President is our President the left get abused.
When a Democrat President gets elected the right is abused.
This has been happening since the 1950's.
If we got rid of the IRS Department and got a fairer tax system it would end the abuse to all of us, as well as get rid of the power of lobbyists and Crony Capitalism.

Yep. Enact the FairTax.
Fair tax or sales tax.
I'm still mulling it over as to which would be the best.

I like the idea of a sales tax if we would exempt food and medical.
A sales tax would get income from the underground economy.
The underground alone would bring in billions.
We need to change the tax code and get rid of the IRS.
IRS has abused both the left and the right.
When a Republican President is our President the left get abused.
When a Democrat President gets elected the right is abused.
This has been happening since the 1950's.
If we got rid of the IRS Department and got a fairer tax system it would end the abuse to all of us, as well as get rid of the power of lobbyists and Crony Capitalism.

Yep. Enact the FairTax.

So your fair tax would eliminate 501 c status that allows these political groups to get tax exempt status and hide campaign donations?
We need to change the tax code and get rid of the IRS.
IRS has abused both the left and the right.
When a Republican President is our President the left get abused.
When a Democrat President gets elected the right is abused.
This has been happening since the 1950's.
If we got rid of the IRS Department and got a fairer tax system it would end the abuse to all of us, as well as get rid of the power of lobbyists and Crony Capitalism.


IRS abuses and scandals are truly bipartisan. Last night I started a thread on the real history behind these abuses going back to Roosevelt, but I didn't have time to drive it.

I'll find it and bump it because the article is just awesome.

I'm so tired of the "holier than thou" attitude of liberals. Cripes if one were to believe the progressive clowns on this board one would think they were vestal virgins.


"The fact is, we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest? Or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they'd go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again." ~~Hillary Clinton

Evidently Hillary was totally ignorant of the re-election campaign that was the reason WH /Obama had to blame the video and not a planned terrorist act.
The difference is you don't inform Americans about something that should be above politics..
But as we are finding out 12 different versions as to how to explain without causing ANY political damage was the DIFFERENCE!

And if she and you and your ilk DON"T see "the difference"... you are not Americans and you should NOT be in office!
We need to change the tax code and get rid of the IRS.
IRS has abused both the left and the right.
When a Republican President is our President the left get abused.
When a Democrat President gets elected the right is abused.
This has been happening since the 1950's.
If we got rid of the IRS Department and got a fairer tax system it would end the abuse to all of us, as well as get rid of the power of lobbyists and Crony Capitalism.

Yep. Enact the FairTax.

So your fair tax would eliminate 501 c status that allows these political groups to get tax exempt status and hide campaign donations?

Yes and no. It eliminates income tax and with it income tax deductions for nonprofit contributions. It does not deal with campaign donation rules.
Fair tax or sales tax.
I'm still mulling it over as to which would be the best.

I like the idea of a sales tax if we would exempt food and medical.
A sales tax would get income from the underground economy.
The underground alone would bring in billions.

The FairTax is a sales tax. It does not exempt food and medical but it prebates everyone in an amount equal to taxes paid on poverty level spending.

What is the FairTax | What is a Consumption Tax | Answers on Tax Reform - Americans For Fair Taxation
Bush did it, well I guess this is the inevitable response. Even if it were proven, which it never was, that leftist groups were unfairly targeted, does that make what happened acceptable in your mind?

No, there were never any proof that the Bush administration illegally used the power of the IRS to harass and scrutinize their opponents. However, there is a preponderance of evidence, including an admission and apology, that the IRS under Obama-appointed leadership did specifically target and harass conservative, Jewish, pro-life, Catholic, and Tea Party organizations.

Now think real hard, concentrate, and think is there a difference?

Of course it's proven. And it sets a precedence.

One which you folks want stopped once you are out of power.

#1. Show your proof.
#2. The word you were looking for was precedent.

1. NACCP investigation during the Bush years, ring a bell? Probably not. Because those sorts of things didn't concern you folks.

2. No..the word I used was just fine, professor.

Precedence - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Of course it's proven. And it sets a precedence.

One which you folks want stopped once you are out of power.

#1. Show your proof.
#2. The word you were looking for was precedent.

1. NACCP investigation during the Bush years, ring a bell? Probably not. Because those sorts of things didn't concern you folks.

2. No..the word I used was just fine, professor.

Precedence - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
From your link:
Definition of PRECEDENCE
a obsolete : antecedent
b : the fact of coming or occurring earlier in time
a : the right to superior honor on a ceremonial or formal occasion
b : the order of ceremonial or formal preference
c : priority of importance <your safety takes precedence>


noun \&#712;pre-s&#601;-d&#601;nt\
Definition of PRECEDENT
: an earlier occurrence of something similar
a : something done or said that may serve as an example or rule to authorize or justify a subsequent act of the same or an analogous kind <a verdict that had no precedent>
b : the convention established by such a precedent or by long practice
: a person or thing that serves as a model
See precedent defined for English-language learners »
Examples of PRECEDENT

The judge's ruling was based on a precedent established by an earlier decision.

So, no, not really.
Non sequitur... Fearless Leader and his bunch are in a wee-bit-o-trouble... ;-)
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I say that 'cause I'm not sure where all this is going... at a bare-bones minimum, the Administration has suffered some serious credibility and ethics damage in recent days, and, at worst, the Opposition could conceivably do more with it than we are making allowances for now. I'll believe that last bit when I see it, so I'm coming down on the side of 'wee' until the Players on the Opposite side of the table show us some cards worth lookin' at... ;-)
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Hey man, I'm just pointing out the inaccuracy in Googles post.

From what I heard last night, the direct supervisor of the guys who did this shit told them it was wrong and to stop it, but they continued to do it behind her back for another three months before she was able to put an end to it. Hearsay I know.......

What were you watching, SyFy?

No. Are you high?

Here's the woman who damn well should resign or be fired.

The Nine Lies of Lois Lerner | National Review Online
We need to change the tax code and get rid of the IRS.
IRS has abused both the left and the right.
When a Republican President is our President the left get abused.
When a Democrat President gets elected the right is abused.
This has been happening since the 1950's.
If we got rid of the IRS Department and got a fairer tax system it would end the abuse to all of us, as well as get rid of the power of lobbyists and Crony Capitalism.

Yep. Enact the FairTax.

So your fair tax would eliminate 501 c status that allows these political groups to get tax exempt status and hide campaign donations?

501(c) groups are not affiliated with any campaign.
obama said americans have a right to be angry, but laktota, black label and sallow would have you believe this was no big deal and we should not be angry

that is how much hackery they engage when even obama said this was outrageous and that he was mad.

those three are the biggest hacks on this board
Of course it's proven. And it sets a precedence.

One which you folks want stopped once you are out of power.

#1. Show your proof.
#2. The word you were looking for was precedent.

1. NACCP investigation during the Bush years, ring a bell? Probably not. Because those sorts of things didn't concern you folks.

2. No..the word I used was just fine, professor.

Precedence - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The NAACP investigation was for a part of the group that was not supposed to be involved in politics, yet made political statements. It is no different than the IRS investigating churches that publish voting guides. The simplest way to fix this is to stop restricting the speech of groups because of what they do. What you are doing is pretending that the rules that apply to groups that already have tax exempt status apply to family members of people trying to form such a group.

That makes you a fascist, where the label proudly.

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