The "IRS Scandal" Is More Right Wing Propaganda, Bush Shook Down Liberal Groups

Bushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The last gasp desperate excuse of the truly blind partisan.
Will the right wing machine tell the truth? Of course not, they are too busy spreading their propaganda,..

When the IRS targeted liberals -

So, targeting individuals for political purposes is fine because it appears it has been done in the past. It that what you are saying? How many years do we have to go back to placate your interests? Where is the propaganda?
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Will the right wing machine tell the truth? Of course not, they are too busy spreading their propaganda,..

When the IRS targeted liberals -

Three groups scrutinized but allowed to operate versus hundreds of groups prevented from operating at all.

Sure thing, go with that.

Wrong. Only 8 TP groups were denied.

What the hell happened to you? You used to use facts in your arguments.
"...I think the whole idea that the President is directly responsible for any actions of the IRS is ludicrous..."
In the immortal words of another revered old-time Democrat...

President Harry Truman


A captain is responsible for everything that happens on his ship...

A President is responsible for everything that happens under his Administration...

That responsibility is a very real and living expectation on the part of The Nation...

Even if he didn't know about it, it's his fault...

The buck stops in the White House...

The President is ultimately responsible...

That is our Tradition...

And there's nothing ludicrous about it...

It comes with the job...

Put it in perspective: he didn't mean any small time unidentifiable underling who works for a massive govenment agency like the IRS. Some democrat working for the IRS didn't like the Tea Party so decided to target them. This guy's idiocy is not the fault of anyone else but himself.
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It has become more clear from the Inspector General's findings that the IRS was not being ordered and was not encouraged by the White House to do what they did.

Abuses by the IRS have a long history in America. When the NAACP criticized President Bush a few years ago, they got unnecessarily harassed by the IRS as well. Same with that liberal church.

I think this happens because subordinates of either political stripe sometimes let power go to their heads, and they make foolish decisions because of it.

As for this being an Obama scandal, we just haven't gotten any actual proof that this had anything to do with the White House.

In Nixon's days and in a few administrations before his, the White House actually ordered the IRS to go after people, which is far worse than what we're seeing in this instance.

I believe this administration will fire the wrongdoers here and set the example that we would expect any administration to. It will never stop this President's haters from hating him and jumping to conclusions, but that's always the case with blindly partisan demagogues, no matter their party affiliation.

The problem with Republicans is that every little instance of wrongdoing is always CODE RED!! After awhile, you just have to learn to get the full picture and figure out what degree of attention the story really deserves, and this one is not as big a deal as they set it up to be earlier in the week.

Even O'Reilly and Krauthammer are warning the Right to cool it, that they are hurting their cause, comparing everything to Watergate.
Doesn't matter who does it. It's wrong. Brown_Noser needs to stfu. I love how liberals continue to justify their behavior off of the actions taken by the previous administration! "Bush did it, so therefore we can do it too!"

No. When anyone does it, it's wrong. Period.

What myself, and everyone else in sanity land are doing is laughing our asses off that those on the far right are politicizing and throwing a pissy fit, trying to throw mud in the faces of Obama and the democrats, when the R's did the exact same things X1000, and they remain completely silent,...

ABC News is now far right?

Gov't Probe Obtains Wide Swath of AP Phone Records - ABC News


Was that illegal? No.

You can thank Alberto Gonzalez.
"...Put it in perspective..."
Unfortunately, 'the buck' is all-encompassing. John Q. Public makes no such distinctions. I can understand why 'fans' would want to push the 'underling' idea but do you really think that it is going to play-out that way in real life, now that the Opposition has its ammunition?
"...Put it in perspective..."
Unfortunately, 'the buck' is all-encompassing. John Q. Public makes no such distinctions. I can understand why 'fans' would want to push the 'underling' idea but do you really think that it is going to play-out that way in real life, now that the Opposition has its ammunition?

Very few "low level" people will do something for as long or as many times as these people did unless they knew that they would, at the very least, not expect to get into any trouble with their bosses.

Bosses, even mid level management, will not let something continue for months unless they expect that their bosses would respond with a wink and a nod regardless of what was said.
When did Bush do something like this?

Sen. Carl Levin (D., Mich.) repeatedly pressed the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the tax-exempt status of specific conservative nonprofit organizations in letters to then-IRS commissioner Doug Shulman and director Lois Lerner in 2012.

Levin said he was concerned nonprofit organizations were abusing their tax-exempt status and engaging in partisan politics and requested information from the IRS on 12 organizations.

“Organizations are using Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(4) to gain tax exempt status while engaging in partisan political campaigns,” wrote Levin in one letter on July 27, 2012. “Making the problem worse is that the IRS knows there is a problem because of the public nature of the activity but has failed to address it.”

He asked whether the 12 organizations “applied for [tax-exempt status]; and if so … received the described exemption for political activity from the IRS.”

Levin’s list contained nine conservative groups, including Club for Growth, Americans for Tax Reform, and Americans for Prosperity. It also included two liberal groups and one centrist group.

Carl Levin pressured IRS to investigate nonprofits | Washington Free Beacon

You actually read what you post?

Doug Shulman and Lois Lerner are Bush appointees.

do you actually read what you post? the person putting pressure on them was a dem, not a bush appointee. funny how you "missed" that.

Who was that?
Bush did it, well I guess this is the inevitable response. Even if it were proven, which it never was, that leftist groups were unfairly targeted, does that make what happened acceptable in your mind?

No, there were never any proof that the Bush administration illegally used the power of the IRS to harass and scrutinize their opponents. However, there is a preponderance of evidence, including an admission and apology, that the IRS under Obama-appointed leadership did specifically target and harass conservative, Jewish, pro-life, Catholic, and Tea Party organizations.

Now think real hard, concentrate, and think is there a difference?

Name the head of the IRS that President Obama appointed that this happened under.

Fact is both parties try and use or persuade the IRS to target individuals and groups who oppose their particualor politcal perspective.

I think the whole idea that the President is directly responsible for any actions of the IRS is ludicrous. Whoever got the bright idea to hassel the Tea Party members over this would not have gotten direct orders from the President to do so; I doubt a president would approve such a thing, no less ordering it. It would be stupid to do so because it always ends up in a fiasco like this. If something like this happens, whether it is under Obama or Bush, etc., it is an underlinging making the decision to do it.

Nobody was hassled. They were asked to prove they were a non-profit.

That's it.
Will the right wing machine tell the truth? Of course not, they are too busy spreading their propaganda,..

When the IRS targeted liberals -

Three groups scrutinized but allowed to operate versus hundreds of groups prevented from operating at all.

Sure thing, go with that.

Wrong. Only 8 TP groups were denied.

What the hell happened to you? You used to use facts in your arguments.

It's close to 500 conservative groups targeted. Average wait time was 537 days for those that were processed.

AND over half are still waiting for their status.
Three groups scrutinized but allowed to operate versus hundreds of groups prevented from operating at all.

Sure thing, go with that.

Wrong. Only 8 TP groups were denied.

What the hell happened to you? You used to use facts in your arguments.

It's close to 500 conservative groups targeted. Average wait time was 537 days for those that were processed.

AND over half are still waiting for their status.
Like I asked in the other thread: define 'targeted'.
Name the head of the IRS that President Obama appointed that this happened under.

Fact is both parties try and use or persuade the IRS to target individuals and groups who oppose their particualor politcal perspective.

I think the whole idea that the President is directly responsible for any actions of the IRS is ludicrous. Whoever got the bright idea to hassel the Tea Party members over this would not have gotten direct orders from the President to do so; I doubt a president would approve such a thing, no less ordering it. It would be stupid to do so because it always ends up in a fiasco like this. If something like this happens, whether it is under Obama or Bush, etc., it is an underlinging making the decision to do it.

Nobody was hassled. They were asked to prove they were a non-profit.

That's it.

You mean like the NAACP, Green Peace, and that Left Wing Church were asked to verify that they were complying with the law to keep their non-profit status that the Left is claiming was example of President G.W. Bush abusing the IRS's powers?
Wrong. Only 8 TP groups were denied.

What the hell happened to you? You used to use facts in your arguments.

It's close to 500 conservative groups targeted. Average wait time was 537 days for those that were processed.

AND over half are still waiting for their status.
Like I asked in the other thread: define 'targeted'.

You mean being chosen for extra attention because of their name? Because it had "Tea Party" or "Constitution" in it?
Name the head of the IRS that President Obama appointed that this happened under.

Fact is both parties try and use or persuade the IRS to target individuals and groups who oppose their particualor politcal perspective.

I think the whole idea that the President is directly responsible for any actions of the IRS is ludicrous. Whoever got the bright idea to hassel the Tea Party members over this would not have gotten direct orders from the President to do so; I doubt a president would approve such a thing, no less ordering it. It would be stupid to do so because it always ends up in a fiasco like this. If something like this happens, whether it is under Obama or Bush, etc., it is an underlinging making the decision to do it.

Nobody was hassled. They were asked to prove they were a non-profit.

That's it.

So you disagree with the President that this is a serious issue? I believe he called it "outrageous".
Newsflash: IRS Commissioner forced to resign.

It's not "Republicans exaggerating" when that happens.
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It would appear that my gut feelings were quite correct when I said, several times, that these low level employees had their bosses' permission.

Four Cincy IRS workers, not two, allegedly connected to scandal - News, Weather & Sports

One of FOX19's two sources went on say that these four IRS workers claim "they simply did what their bosses ordered". Keep in mind, as FOX19 reported on Tuesday, the report by the Office of Inspector General states that senior IRS officials knew agents were targeting Tea Party groups as early as 2011.

In fact, according to that report, Lois Lerner who heads the IRS division that oversees tax exempt organizations, was told on June 29, 2011 that groups with 'Tea Party', 'Patriot' or '9/12 Project' in their names were being flagged for additional, and often burdensome, scrutiny.

While the IRS is pointing at 'two rogue employees', the number of organizations that were singled out has swelled to nearly 500, according to Rep. Congressmen Darryl Issa and Ohio's Jim Jordan.

FOX News is also reporting that at least two Cincinnati agents have been subpoenaed to testify before congress on Monday.

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