The "IRS Scandal" Is More Right Wing Propaganda, Bush Shook Down Liberal Groups

When are y'all lefties going to stop whining about "other kids who did the same thing" and own up to the infractions.
Will the right wing machine tell the truth? Of course not, they are too busy spreading their propaganda,..

When the IRS targeted liberals -

As usual when caught with their hands in the cookie jar the liberal left starts a lying story line.

But let's just really pretend that the lying article is absolutely correct, then that just makes this corrupt administration all the worse. I don't remember stories like this during Bush and is there a person in the world that believes that if it were done to liberals then they wouldn't still be howling at the Moon?

No this administration has admitted to the wrong doing of the IRS nothing made up. Nothing made up regardless of what Bush did. The left wing liberals are becoming down right pathetic and criminal covering for all these crimes.
Bush did it, well I guess this is the inevitable response. Even if it were proven, which it never was, that leftist groups were unfairly targeted, does that make what happened acceptable in your mind?

No, there were never any proof that the Bush administration illegally used the power of the IRS to harass and scrutinize their opponents. However, there is a preponderance of evidence, including an admission and apology, that the IRS under Obama-appointed leadership did specifically target and harass conservative, Jewish, pro-life, Catholic, and Tea Party organizations.

Now think real hard, concentrate, and think is there a difference?

Name the head of the IRS that President Obama appointed that this happened under.

Fact is both parties try and use or persuade the IRS to target individuals and groups who oppose their particualor politcal perspective.

Is that really the truth? Prove it if it is.
i wonder if black label will show his face in this thread after obama's speech
I don't know if anyone actually read that article he linked to.

I can understand WHY he wouldn't, couldn't, post anything from it.

1 - The well-known church, All Saints Episcopal in Pasadena, became a bit of a cause célèbre on the left after the IRS threatened to revoke the church’s tax-exempt status over an anti-Iraq War sermon the Sunday before the 2004 election. “Jesus [would say], ‘Mr. President, your doctrine of preemptive war is a failed doctrine,’” rector George Regas said from the dais.

It preached a poltical message from the Pulpit. Now been on the mailing list for Americans United for separation of Church and State, I will tell you that this is their number one peeve that they want the IRS to go after Conservative Churches for. They have sicced the IRS onto churchs for preaching against Abortion as well as for issuing voting guides.

So this "Case" that he brings up is not a case of the IRS "Going" after a Liberal Church as they have admitted they went after Tea Party Groups.

2 - The second is the NAACP case which has been discussed on other threads. The NAACP was accused of promoting a political agenda with their non-politilcal, tax exempt wing. The IRS investigated the accusation, as they were supposed to.

Again, this is what the IRS is supposed to do. Again, it is not even close to being what they did to groups because they had Tea Party in their name.

3 - The final one, the IRS investigating Green Peace had nothing to do with President Bush or any elected Republican. It was a group, supported Soros-like by Exxon Mobile, who filed a complaint against Green Peace. The investigation lasted a measely 3 months. Not the 18 months that the IRS investigated Tea Party groups.

Of the three examples Salon and the Liberals have come up with, not a single one has ties to President Bush or any other elected Offical.

Just more lies by the left.
I don't know if anyone actually read that article he linked to.

I can understand WHY he wouldn't, couldn't, post anything from it.

1 - The well-known church, All Saints Episcopal in Pasadena, became a bit of a cause célèbre on the left after the IRS threatened to revoke the church’s tax-exempt status over an anti-Iraq War sermon the Sunday before the 2004 election. “Jesus [would say], ‘Mr. President, your doctrine of preemptive war is a failed doctrine,’” rector George Regas said from the dais.

It preached a poltical message from the Pulpit. Now been on the mailing list for Americans United for separation of Church and State, I will tell you that this is their number one peeve that they want the IRS to go after Conservative Churches for. They have sicced the IRS onto churchs for preaching against Abortion as well as for issuing voting guides.

So this "Case" that he brings up is not a case of the IRS "Going" after a Liberal Church as they have admitted they went after Tea Party Groups.

2 - The second is the NAACP case which has been discussed on other threads. The NAACP was accused of promoting a political agenda with their non-politilcal, tax exempt wing. The IRS investigated the accusation, as they were supposed to.

Again, this is what the IRS is supposed to do. Again, it is not even close to being what they did to groups because they had Tea Party in their name.

3 - The final one, the IRS investigating Green Peace had nothing to do with President Bush or any elected Republican. It was a group, supported Soros-like by Exxon Mobile, who filed a complaint against Green Peace. The investigation lasted a measely 3 months. Not the 18 months that the IRS investigated Tea Party groups.

Of the three examples Salon and the Liberals have come up with, not a single one has ties to President Bush or any other elected Offical.

Just more lies by the left.

All we can do is stick our thumbs in our ears, fingers straight, moving hands back and forth and say liar, liar pants on fire.
Propaganda, huh? It's not propaganda when the IRS admitted doing what they did!

Why are you defending massive shakedowns under W? I'm sure you will be trashing Bush and the right wing machine for not reporting it as well. I'd hate to think you are nothing but a partisan hack,...

You can not possibly be this fucking stupid, can you?

Yes, it is possible, assuming they have spell check.
in black label's world, obama is innocent of anything, but bush is completely guilty

makes no sense how you can hold obama innocent, and bush guilty for doing what you claim is the same thing

Actually..if you folks were so upset about this stuff..why weren't you complaining when it was ongoing during the Bush administration.



you limp wrist ed sissies have a conniption every time Bush farts

what a self-righteous hypocrite you are
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Will the right wing machine tell the truth? Of course not, they are too busy spreading their propaganda,..

When the IRS targeted liberals -

Not so sure. Although you're right about Bush and how his administration went after political opponents up to and including divulging the ID of a CIA agent, this is a scandal. Plain and simple. Regardless of whether it was done before, this was flat out wrong and Obama should come down hard on whomever was responsible.

It would be refreshing.
Obama's War on Whistleblowers

Obama's War on Whistleblowers | Mother Jones

On the Other Side of the Mirror

The Obama administration has been cruelly and unusually punishing in its use of the 1917 Espionage Act to stomp on governmental leakers, truth-tellers, and whistleblowers whose disclosures do not support the president's political ambitions. As Thomas Drake, himself a victim of Obama's crusade against whistleblowers, told me, "This makes a mockery of the entire classification system, where political gain is now incentive for leaking and whistleblowing is incentive for prosecution."

The Obama administration has charged more people (six) under the Espionage Act for the alleged mishandling of classified information than all past presidencies combined. (Prior to Obama, there were only three such cases in American history, one being Daniel Ellsberg, of Nixon-era Pentagon Papers fame.) The most recent Espionage Act case is that of former CIA officer John Kiriakou, charged for allegedly disclosing classified information to journalists about the horrors of waterboarding. Meanwhile, his evil twin, former CIA officer Jose Rodriguez, has a best-selling book out bragging about the success of waterboarding and his own hand in the dirty work.

Obama's zeal in silencing leaks that don't make him look like a superhero extends beyond the deployment of the Espionage Act into a complex legal tangle of retaliatory practices, life-destroying threats, on-the-job harassment, and firings. Lots of firings.
Hey man, I'm just pointing out the inaccuracy in Googles post.

From what I heard last night, the direct supervisor of the guys who did this shit told them it was wrong and to stop it, but they continued to do it behind her back for another three months before she was able to put an end to it. Hearsay I know.......

What were you watching, SyFy?
I am so sick to death of the world according to liberals at USMB only including two Presidents ever in the history of mankind.

Bush and Obama. Like they are the only Presidents that ever walked the face of the planet.

I just put up a great article on IRS scandals that go back to Roosevelt. And it's a bipartisan slam on how the IRS has been used to target enemies. Not a pretty history.
Bush did it, well I guess this is the inevitable response. Even if it were proven, which it never was, that leftist groups were unfairly targeted, does that make what happened acceptable in your mind?

No, there were never any proof that the Bush administration illegally used the power of the IRS to harass and scrutinize their opponents. However, there is a preponderance of evidence, including an admission and apology, that the IRS under Obama-appointed leadership did specifically target and harass conservative, Jewish, pro-life, Catholic, and Tea Party organizations.

Now think real hard, concentrate, and think is there a difference?

Of course it's proven. And it sets a precedence.

One which you folks want stopped once you are out of power.

How many liberal groups were targeted by Bush and IRS? More then the 298 groups targeted by Obama's IRS?
298 groups for special scrutiny, according to a congressional aide with knowledge of the report.
Seventy-two had “tea party” in their title, while 13 had “patriot” and 11 had “9/12,” the aide said.
Lingering questions about the IRS targeting of conservative groups

Groups including NAACP 501c STATUS were questioned when 99% of their endorsements were Democrats in violation of 501c rules.

So I'm sure politically adept IRS with Obama loyalties looked at the same story!

MY point though 298 groups were targeted by Obama's IRS.

HOW MANY were targeted by IRS in 2004 for liberal/progressive/socialist titles???
How many???

Where is your list ???
It doesn't make one bit of difference whether any such thing was ever done under a previous administration...

The question now before the bar is what has been done under the current Administration...

Early indications do not bode well for present-day leadership et al...

The Administration may have foolishly provided its Opposition with sufficient ammunition to mount a serious challenge...

Putting your hand in the cookie jar is one thing...

Being dumb enough to get caught with your hand in the cookie jar is quite another...

Dinner AND a show... :D
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Bush did it, well I guess this is the inevitable response. Even if it were proven, which it never was, that leftist groups were unfairly targeted, does that make what happened acceptable in your mind?

No, there were never any proof that the Bush administration illegally used the power of the IRS to harass and scrutinize their opponents. However, there is a preponderance of evidence, including an admission and apology, that the IRS under Obama-appointed leadership did specifically target and harass conservative, Jewish, pro-life, Catholic, and Tea Party organizations.

Now think real hard, concentrate, and think is there a difference?

Name the head of the IRS that President Obama appointed that this happened under.

Fact is both parties try and use or persuade the IRS to target individuals and groups who oppose their particualor politcal perspective.

I think the whole idea that the President is directly responsible for any actions of the IRS is ludicrous. Whoever got the bright idea to hassel the Tea Party members over this would not have gotten direct orders from the President to do so; I doubt a president would approve such a thing, no less ordering it. It would be stupid to do so because it always ends up in a fiasco like this. If something like this happens, whether it is under Obama or Bush, etc., it is an underlinging making the decision to do it.
"...I think the whole idea that the President is directly responsible for any actions of the IRS is ludicrous..."
In the immortal words of another revered old-time Democrat...

President Harry Truman


A captain is responsible for everything that happens on his ship...

A President is responsible for everything that happens under his Administration...

That responsibility is a very real and living expectation on the part of The Nation...

Even if he didn't know about it, it's his fault...

The buck stops in the White House...

The President is ultimately responsible...

That is our Tradition...

And there's nothing ludicrous about it...

It comes with the job...
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