The J6 prisoners are being treated worse than you can imagine. I wonder if they can sue the government like the migrants?

Should the J6 prisoners be allowed to lawyer up and receive visitors?

  • Yes, this is the USA, not Xiden's Gulag for political prisoners

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • No, the J6 prisoners deserve solitary until they die.

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
So, clearly, the dipshit did a lot more than trespassing.
He may have, but does that list of "crimes" warrant 9-months of solitary?
No visitors, no lawyers, no doctors, no trial, no conviction, no sentence, just solitary????
Yeah, in the fucking capitol in the middle of a mob that is trying to break into both chambers of Congress while chanting threats about hanging the Vice President of the United States.
Thanks for listing the crimes that are more than trespassing. You lost.
Which "crime" warrants 9-months of solitary?
The list is basically "breaking and entering" and "trespassing".
I don't think "chanting" is a crime yet??
Do you whine for all prisoners in the US or just the ones from 1/6?
Apparently conditions in that particular DC jail are bad and a judge ordered 400 prisoners moved elsewhere as a result. 400 prisoners, of which ..what, a dozen are from j6? Where is Marjorie Greene advocating for the rest of them? These people are total wimps who can’t accept the consequences for what they did.

Are the incarcerated Floyd rioters political prisoners?
He may have, but does that list of "crimes" warrant 9-months of solitary?
No visitors, no lawyers, no doctors, no trial, no conviction, no sentence, just solitary????
They get the same care as any prisoner and the same rights to a lawyer.
All caught up to yourself now, dipshit?
You're welcome.
Then REPLY to the right fucking post so I know WTF you are whining about.
For most of us non-criminals behind bars is behind bars, no matter who owns the lockup.
But thanks for the clarification, at least now I know you weren't hallucinating.
Come on, I can hear them backing up the FEMA reeducation campers from here. Agenda 21 part deux.
Yep, these "domestic terrorists", aka "goobers" need keep them in solitary until they comply...

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They get the same care as any prisoner and the same rights to a lawyer.
Link please. That's NOT what my links show. That's why the judge is furious, as well as congressmen who wanted to visit the "political prisoners".
They won't let them sue because they are the enemy.

ILLEGALS (they aren't migrants) on the other hand are the Democrats friends because they serve a purpose.
Apparently conditions in that particular DC jail are bad and a judge ordered 400 prisoners moved elsewhere as a result. 400 prisoners, of which ..what, a dozen are from j6? Where is Marjorie Greene advocating for the rest of them? These people are total wimps who can’t accept the consequences for what they did.

Are the incarcerated Floyd rioters political prisoners?
Are you sure there any incarcerated Floyd rioters behind bars? Link please.
I know for a fact that the FBI did NOT hunt down the Floyd rioters like the J6 protesters, why not?
Apparently conditions in that particular DC jail are bad and a judge ordered 400 prisoners moved elsewhere as a result. 400 prisoners, of which ..what, a dozen are from j6? Where is Marjorie Greene advocating for the rest of them? These people are total wimps who can’t accept the consequences for what they did.

Are the incarcerated Floyd rioters political prisoners?
Have these people had trials? Why would anyone arrested for trespass be still held with no bail, when others with much more dangerous crimes are released?

Migrants who illegally entered the US are suing to get $450,000 if they were separated from their kids. But a US citizen whose hand is purple and thumb is black can't get any medical attention in Xiden's DC Gulag? WTF? Xiden's GULAG is in DC, run by his urban stooges.
During a 6-tweet thread, MTG said she had “never seen human suffering” like this in her life. The Biden regime apparently loves punishing their political prisoners.

“We’re in totalitarian, Marxist territory here. This is the way third-world people get treated,” he added.
They will release them that is if they promise them that they will shoot up a government building so that they can strip away the second amendment.

I believe that this guy who pulled out a gun on these church goers is going to be release so that he can finish the job that the preacher had interrupted.

They are trying to manufacture another shooting by making certain groups upset.

So sue the govt. and shut up or learn to be a real man and realize that the reason you are in jail is because of yourself.

Hey Nazi fuckwad, isn't trespassing the same crime your beloved illegal aliens are committing? Why have the Reichstag Fire political prisoners been in the dungeon for 11 months for fucking trespass?
Do you whine for all prisoners in the US or just the ones from 1/6?

Ones who are imprisoned without cause.

What was their crime? Opposing your Reich.

Time to storm the Bastille and liberate the political prisoners.
Yeah, Nazi. Sure.

Seriously, how do you describe your fascist, totalitarian beliefs?

Do you consider yourself a Stalinist? A Maoist perhaps?

Regardless, you are a collectivist totalitarian who opposes civil rights and seeks the iron fist of authoritarian rulers.

"Nazi" is a convenient and accurate term.
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Oh? Now you have a problem with the American justice system?


The American system of jurisprudence doesn't lock people in a gulag in solitary for 11 months on suspicion of trespassing. The American system of jurisprudence fines them $50 and moves on.

What you Nazi scum are doing isn't justice, and it isn't American.
You think they are in there for trespassing? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You just keep exposing more and more of your ignorance. Please stop, for your own good.

They're in there for opposing the democrat Reich.

The only crime they committed was trespass.

But we KNOW what you Nazi vermin are keeping them in the gulag for.
Hey Nazi fuckwad, isn't trespassing the same crime your beloved illegal aliens are committing? Why have the Reichstag Fire political prisoners been in the dungeon for 11 months for fucking trespass?
Ask the feds you silly bitch.

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