The Jared Kushner Investigation has Rightfully Started in the Senate

yea nice try, too bad there are no facts to support that at all, and worse still, there is substantial evidence to prove the corrupt GOP did exactly that.

Republicans are the party of corruption
And your deflection attempts continue.
It's a great example of how Republicans make something out of nothing. Like with Hunter. After 5 years you got him for a gun charge and not paying taxes, which he paid back. Is that all you have after 5 years? With a Trump appointed investigator?

Yesterday a con at the dog park said, "oh come on, do you think Biden is innocent?" and I said "YES". Why? Because if he wasn't, Republicans would have exposed his corruption already. He wouldn't have made it through the Democratic primaries. One bad thing from the past can kill your campaign.

Only one man gets a free pass on being a criminal. Only one man has been caught like 36 charges for this crime and 48 charges for that crime and his corporation didn't pay taxes, his foundation was shut down, his university was shut down and he was sued. Only one man is the Lex Luthor of politics. Trump
haha something out of nothing? he was just convicted by his own father for being a tax cheat and running illegal guns!
haha something out of nothing? he was just convicted by his own father for being a tax cheat and running illegal guns!

Let's put this into perspective. Hunter is not Joe. Hunter is not a great person or was not a good person in the past. Seems to have cleaned up his act. Yes, rich white male Democrats can be just as douchy as rich white Republican boys. Trump's not an ideal dad either and his sons I'm sure have committed crimes if the apple truly doesn't fall far from the tree. But I guess until I find something on the Trump boys, let's say they are good boys who do no wrong except big game trophy hunt and they don't eat the meat.

Sorry, getting off point. Here is my point. Joe didn't hire Hunter to work for him. But you claim guilty by association. Well what about Jared? Jared's father is or was a criminal who went to jail for his crimes. So why did Trump hire Jared? Then the Saudi's give Jared $2 billion dollars? That's 2000 million dollars. And I bet the Saudi deal, as ridiculous as it is, is probably 100% legal. Still, would love to know what Jared does for them that they gave him so much money.
Let's put this into perspective. Hunter is not Joe. Hunter is not a great person or was not a good person in the past. Seems to have cleaned up his act. Yes, rich white male Democrats can be just as douchy as rich white Republican boys. Trump's not an ideal dad either and his sons I'm sure have committed crimes if the apple truly doesn't fall far from the tree. But I guess until I find something on the Trump boys, let's say they are good boys who do no wrong except big game trophy hunt and they don't eat the meat.

Sorry, getting off point. Here is my point. Joe didn't hire Hunter to work for him. But you claim guilty by association. Well what about Jared? Jared's father is or was a criminal who went to jail for his crimes. So why did Trump hire Jared? Then the Saudi's give Jared $2 billion dollars? That's 2000 million dollars. And I bet the Saudi deal, as ridiculous as it is, is probably 100% legal. Still, would love to know what Jared does for them that they gave him so much money.
Agreed, he's not the Big Guy, he's clearly a patsy, bag man, that his father has protected by abusing his office.
Republicans try to deflect attacks at Hunter Biden for his little $200k painting, and little $500k for working for Ukraine, meanwhile Jared Kushner and trump get $2B from the corrupt Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, to start a "Private Equity fund", with absolutely no PE experience at all. Oh and BTW, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman only obtained power because he had the backing of Kushner and Trump. Even after he killed that journalist.

What a scam ! This is a mega scandal, Pay for Play, Quid Pro Quo on the Grandest scale ever. Kushner sold out America for his personal benefit for $2B and these people complain about Hunter Biden's little $500k? What a joke.

The only reason Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman came to power was because of Kushner and Trump, with out their endorsement he would have never come to power over other members of the family, then for payback he gives Kushner $2B in oil money. Now we know why he got away with killing that journalist. Kushner gets $2B as payment for backing a corrupt Saudi Crown prince's rise to power, what a total scam, sham, fraud, sell out, disgrace to America. Trump is the most corrupt president in US history.

“The financial links between the Saudi royal family and the Trump family raise very serious issues, and when you factor in Jared Kushner’s financial interests, you are looking right at the cat’s cradle of financial entanglements,” Wyden told The Post last week.

In his letter to Kushner, Raskin wrote, “Your efforts to protect the Crown Prince may have allowed him to maintain his position at the top of the Saudi government and, thus, his ability to deliver significant financial benefits to you and your father-in-law after the end of the Trump Administration.”

Jared = trouble for Trump who does it to himself daily
You're just as delusional as The Banker
your empty words mean nothing at all.

Meanwhile the facts and evidence prove Trump committed serious crimes with overwhelming evidence to prove Trump's guilt.

You watch fake news and are obviously un-informed. Trump's trials are going to be a gut punch for you as the evidence proves Trump's guilt
I disapprove of nepotism. Anyone who has a close & positive attachment to Any one who is very rich, famous, or a well connected politician. Has an advantage. And that is advantage enough. We see the negative effects in family members of presidents, supreme court justices & all who take advantage of the situation in a negative manor.
your empty words mean nothing at all.

Meanwhile the facts and evidence prove Trump committed serious crimes with overwhelming evidence to prove Trump's guilt.

You watch fake news and are obviously un-informed. Trump's trials are going to be a gut punch for you as the evidence proves Trump's guilt
Youre a stooge for the democrat cult
they do NOT believe in having to PROVE IT Mac....

the investigators just want the opportunity to claim impropriety by making stuff up with ? mark's at the end...if even that.... And their well tuned internet media will spread it like wildfire and FACT endlessly.... even though never PROVEN....and 20 to 30 years from now, they will still continue to claim it... :(endlessly

that's simply how it seems to work in their universe.
All he wanted Zelensky to do was make an announcement that there was an investigation into the Bidens.
What services did the Biden family officer global businesses to the point they needed 20 shell companies? Why did the banks report SAR linked to the biden's?
I don’t know that “shell companies “ require services.
your empty words mean nothing at all.

Meanwhile the facts and evidence prove Trump committed serious crimes with overwhelming evidence to prove Trump's guilt.

You watch fake news and are obviously un-informed. Trump's trials are going to be a gut punch for you as the evidence proves Trump's guilt
Hey what were the results of the Senate’s investigation???
Republicans try to deflect attacks at Hunter Biden for his little $200k painting, and little $500k for working for Ukraine, meanwhile Jared Kushner and trump get $2B from the corrupt Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, to start a "Private Equity fund", with absolutely no PE experience at all. Oh and BTW, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman only obtained power because he had the backing of Kushner and Trump. Even after he killed that journalist.

What a scam ! This is a mega scandal, Pay for Play, Quid Pro Quo on the Grandest scale ever. Kushner sold out America for his personal benefit for $2B and these people complain about Hunter Biden's little $500k? What a joke.

The only reason Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman came to power was because of Kushner and Trump, with out their endorsement he would have never come to power over other members of the family, then for payback he gives Kushner $2B in oil money. Now we know why he got away with killing that journalist. Kushner gets $2B as payment for backing a corrupt Saudi Crown prince's rise to power, what a total scam, sham, fraud, sell out, disgrace to America. Trump is the most corrupt president in US history.

“The financial links between the Saudi royal family and the Trump family raise very serious issues, and when you factor in Jared Kushner’s financial interests, you are looking right at the cat’s cradle of financial entanglements,” Wyden told The Post last week.

In his letter to Kushner, Raskin wrote, “Your efforts to protect the Crown Prince may have allowed him to maintain his position at the top of the Saudi government and, thus, his ability to deliver significant financial benefits to you and your father-in-law after the end of the Trump Administration.”

What a crock . MbS was Crown Prince before Trump was elected.

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