The Jared Kushner Investigation has Rightfully Started in the Senate

Let's put this into perspective. Hunter is not Joe. Hunter is not a great person or was not a good person in the past. Seems to have cleaned up his act. Yes, rich white male Democrats can be just as douchy as rich white Republican boys. Trump's not an ideal dad either and his sons I'm sure have committed crimes if the apple truly doesn't fall far from the tree. But I guess until I find something on the Trump boys, let's say they are good boys who do no wrong except big game trophy hunt and they don't eat the meat.

Sorry, getting off point. Here is my point. Joe didn't hire Hunter to work for him. But you claim guilty by association. Well what about Jared? Jared's father is or was a criminal who went to jail for his crimes. So why did Trump hire Jared? Then the Saudi's give Jared $2 billion dollars? That's 2000 million dollars. And I bet the Saudi deal, as ridiculous as it is, is probably 100% legal. Still, would love to know what Jared does for them that they gave him so much money.
If Jared is corrupted, he can go ph uk himself. However, we know Hunter is and daddy is a lot closer to his success. For some reason Saudi Arabia is not so friendly anymore under old Joe. It's like 1970's OPEC again. We keep playing games with Israel, oil rich middle east nations and rogue states.
What a crock . MbS was Crown Prince before Trump was elected.

Mohammed was promoted to crown prince in 2017 after the dismissal of Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef, King Salman's nephew. Salman ceded the position of prime minister to his son in 2022.

Republicans are a total joke and dumb as fuck, everything they say is a lie or some mis-truth. Republicans should all be executed for stupidity and treason. Now go cry like a pussy about election fraud that never happened. Waaaaa ! Waaaa ! mommy the election was stolen Waaaa ! Have fun watching Trump lose his trial(s).

What services did the Biden family officer global businesses to the point they needed 20 shell companies? Why did the banks report SAR linked to the biden's?
I don’t know that “shell companies “ require services.
The companies putting money into those companies for the biden's were getting what services for that money?
There are lots of reasons for a shell company. Ask Trump . He’s had hundreds of em
Like what are the reasons?
The purpose of a shell company is to12345:
  • Hold funds and manage another entity’s financial transactions.
  • Provide the owner with some legal protection, such as confidentiality.
  • Hold or store money temporarily when the main company/ owner of the shell company is planning to start a new company.
  • Facilitate domestic and cross-border currency and asset transfers and corporate mergers.
  • Hide a company's dealings with another company, which has a bad reputation.
Shell companies neither make money nor provide customers with products or services1.

You're a friggin idiot
The purpose of a shell company is to12345:
  • Hold funds and manage another entity’s financial transactions.
  • Provide the owner with some legal protection, such as confidentiality.
  • Hold or store money temporarily when the main company/ owner of the shell company is planning to start a new company.
  • Facilitate domestic and cross-border currency and asset transfers and corporate mergers.
  • Hide a company's dealings with another company, which has a bad reputation.
Shell companies neither make money nor provide customers with products or services1.

You're a friggin idiot
So why where the xidenMs hiding company dealings with other companies? Why?

What other entity were they managing money for in their shell companies?

What corp mergers were the xidens engaged in? What business?

You’ve just opened a can of worms of questions and yet we still don’t know what sort of business the xidens were in…what product or service where they selling?
So why where the xidenMs hiding company dealings with other companies? Why?

What other entity were they managing money for in their shell companies?

What corp mergers were the xidens engaged in? What business?

You’ve just opened a can of worms of questions and yet we still don’t know what sort of business the xidens were in…what product or service where they selling?
Ask those questions about the hundreds of shell companies Trump owns or has owned
A fake BS scam investment fund that really was a cover term to funnel millions to Kushner in "fees"

Kushner is about as qualified to run a PE firm as Hunter Biden is to be a Nat Gas consultant, only difference is Kushner is making like $50 Mill a year, whereas Hunter got a little $500k...
Like the Trump family's shell companies?

and the Trump's lying about "billions" -- the value of real estate in order to get loans and pay less tax?
Proven in court of law: not mere accusation from partisan goons

Long before Donald J. Trump’s company was accused of plotting detours around the tax code to compensate its chief financial officer with carpeting, televisions and car leases, there were the $16,135 boilers.

The boilers were bought for that amount by Mr. Trump’s father, Fred, in the 1990s for his numerous apartment buildings. But in a bit of financial alchemy that embodied the family ethos of paying as little tax as possible, the elder Mr. Trump used inflated invoices to pay the bill and the extra money was skimmed off for his children — all to avoid gift and inheritance taxes.

Echoes of the earlier scheme could be found in the indictment on Thursday of the Trump Organization and Allen H. Weisselberg, its chief financial officer, who first went to work for Fred Trump in the 1970s. While the amount of tax-free benefits that Mr. Weisselberg reportedly received is significant — $1.76 million over 15 years — the way the company went about doling them out is strikingly small-bore and incremental.

In fact, the first criminal case against the former president’s company features no grand schemes to launder money through Russia, hide millions offshore or commit other offenses commensurate with a self-described global business empire headquartered in a Fifth Avenue skyscraper. Rather, the details of the charges brought by a Manhattan grand jury have a rather low-rent feel that one might associate with a scrappy real-estate operation born in Brooklyn and Queens.

Which, of course, it is.
The Trump Organization, for all the puffery of its leader, has always been essentially a family business, tightly controlled by Mr. Trump and a small number of relatives and trusted associates, including Mr. Weisselberg. Although the company has about 3,500 employees worldwide, most are lower-tier workers at golf resorts and hotels and only 122 made $100,000 or more in 2018, according to tax records for Mr. Trump and his businesses obtained by The New York Times.

The tax records, which The Times reported on last year, also reveal a deep commitment to green-eyeshades maneuvering to winnow taxes to a minimum. Hundreds of millions of dollars in deductions for business expenses ran the gamut, from $6 for food in Uruguay and $10 for using a telephone in Panama to $13.7 million for “sales and marketing” in Las Vegas.

So why where the xidenMs hiding company dealings with other companies? Why?

What other entity were they managing money for in their shell companies?

What corp mergers were the xidens engaged in? What business?

You’ve just opened a can of worms of questions and yet we still don’t know what sort of business the xidens were in…what product or service where they selling?

All County! Vendors who sold goods and services to Trump properties were asked to send invoices to All County, which would pad the actual cost by an additional 20 percent or more and bill Fred Trump, who paid the inflated amount. The extra money was then split among the former president, his siblings and Mr. Walter.

But The Times’s investigation of the Trump family’s finances is unprecedented in scope and precision, offering the first comprehensive look at the inherited fortune and tax dodges that guaranteed Donald J. Trump a gilded life. The reporting makes clear that in every era of Mr. Trump’s life, his finances were deeply intertwined with, and dependent on, his father’s wealth.
Ask those questions about the hundreds of shell companies Trump owns or has owned
Trump was in the real estate development business, he also was in the branding business, he also made a sold everything from clothes to wine…this isn’t a secret

So, what business were the xidens in?

All County! Vendors who sold goods and services to Trump properties were asked to send invoices to All County, which would pad the actual cost by an additional 20 percent or more and bill Fred Trump, who paid the inflated amount. The extra money was then split among the former president, his siblings and Mr. Walter.

But The Times’s investigation of the Trump family’s finances is unprecedented in scope and precision, offering the first comprehensive look at the inherited fortune and tax dodges that guaranteed Donald J. Trump a gilded life. The reporting makes clear that in every era of Mr. Trump’s life, his finances were deeply intertwined with, and dependent on, his father’s wealth.
So you just want to deflect and can’t answer the question? Gotcha
Trump was in the real estate development business, he also was in the branding business, he also made a sold everything from clothes to wine…this isn’t a secret

So, what business were the xidens in?
So those things require shell companies?

Explain how and why
So those things require shell companies?

Explain how and why
um you laid out the reasons why someone would need a shell company…read your own link

So what product or service were the xidens selling?
um you laid out the reasons why someone would need a shell company…read your own link

So what product or service were the xidens selling?
I laid out SOME reasons

And that link specifically said that shell companies are not ABOUT products or services.

Christ you are stupid
What services did the Biden family officer global businesses to the point they needed 20 shell companies? Why did the banks report SAR linked to the biden's?
Why didn't the authorities find anything after all the SAR reporting?

The SAR reports turned over by the banks are investigated....most all are nothing, only some turn out to be illegal doings.

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