The Jewish Exodus From France*

Go on, you beat that straw man!

Where did I say, state, imply or infer that I don't think it would be nice if we could all just live togther in peace?

All I did was react with mild sarcasm (not the highest form of wit as Oscar Wilde once noted) at the statement that Muslims go out and about being OBVIOUSLY MUSLIM!

When you take a statement such as mine out of context what other assumptions need be made?

See how that works...

So you favor an apartheid system in which all people in the second largest of the world's religions should not be allowed out in the street in raiment which from which you can deduce their faith?

Good fun this!

No, I favor a world where people who wish to practice their faith are allowed to do so in peace, regardless of who they are, and what their religion is. Jews have been driven underground yet again because of people like you who clearly don't know what the hell you're talking about.

I'm an agnostic so religion in general is irrelevant to me, but to those who believe they should be able to do as they wish so long as they harm no one else.

Obviously you feel that one group should be targeted to make other groups feel good about themselves.
Jewish land?.. That's the problem.. Other people lived there for over 2000 years.

And Jews before that once again.

Palestine was never exclusively Jewish.. Read about the Decapolis, Scythiopolis, the Canaanite coastal cities, the settlement of Samaria under Sargon 2.

Believe me I have, and I agree with you, but, for the vast majority of that lands ancient history, it WAS predominantly Jewish. The Jews were taken from that land by more powerful empires against their will.
One of the complaints used by the Nazis against Jews, Romanis, and other groups was their style of dress made them stand out. Thus any minority group that's recognizable as one is targetted for persecution by the majority who 'blend in.'

This is simple predjudice seen usually only among school children who make fun of the kid who wears glasses and the like. That adults are capable of it is the real concern. 'Adults with the mentality of a child' is far more worrisome.

Did German Jews dress differently??

The elite in Germany were less afraid of Hitler than they were of the Communists if you recall.. Unwittingly they helped Hitler come to power.

Do you recall the speech Samuel Untermyer made in NY in August of 1933?

Depends on what time frame you are referencing.....

And Jews before that once again.

Palestine was never exclusively Jewish.. Read about the Decapolis, Scythiopolis, the Canaanite coastal cities, the settlement of Samaria under Sargon 2.

Believe me I have, and I agree with you, but, for the vast majority of that lands ancient history, it WAS predominantly Jewish. The Jews were taken from that land by more powerful empires against their will.

For most of its history Israel was a small, city state.. and a vassal state that paid tribute to some other empire.
Palestine was never exclusively Jewish.. Read about the Decapolis, Scythiopolis, the Canaanite coastal cities, the settlement of Samaria under Sargon 2.

Believe me I have, and I agree with you, but, for the vast majority of that lands ancient history, it WAS predominantly Jewish. The Jews were taken from that land by more powerful empires against their will.

For most of its history Israel was a small, city state.. and a vassal state that paid tribute to some other empire.

Untrue. Jerusalem was THE city in the region. Its geography and water makes it the dominant city in the region, especially during the pre-written historic era. Jerusalem was never a vassal state, it was conquered by several empires and after the diaspora there were too few Jews left to run the place.

The closest you could claim that Jerusalem ever came to being a vassal state was during the Roman era when the Romans allowed the Jews to maintain their own judicial systems and local governance, however there was a Roman governor who controlled everything.

Your knowledge of Israeli history is rudimentary at best.
The horror!


The video says that 4 teenage vandals threw pebbles at the church members.

Hardly classifies as a stoning. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

I agree with that, however it is incredibly disrespectful to invade a church during Mass. What would have been the result if a Christian had done the same?:eusa_whistle:
Jew hate on the rise again in Europe:eusa_eh:

On January 26, possibly for the first time ever since the end of World War Two, explicit anti-semitic slogans were shouted during a large scale political demonstration in Paris. The incident was just a further indication that French Jews are not as secure today as they used to be a few years ago. Indeed, many French Jews have concluded they have no future in their country, and are leaving for Israel or North America

In 2013, more than 20,000 people formally applied to the Jewish Agency in Paris for aliyah – emigration to Israel – and more than 3,000 completed the emigration process during the same year: twice as much as in 2012. France is now the first country of origin for aliyah, ahead of the United States.

The Jewish Exodus From France? | Jewish & Israel News

In Paris it is common to see Muslims out and about and they are very obvious. Jews not so much. They've gone back underground I'm afraid....and that bodes ill.

This is so stupid. Perhaps some Muslims dress in a way that identifies them as Muslim, but the bottom line is you cannot tell by looking at people on the street if they are Muslim or Jewish, or any other religion. Don't you realize that? How do you know if the person standing in line with you at the grocery store is any one religion? Muslims who dress a certain way dress that way because of their culture, not because of their religion. Really, your point is so completely stupid.
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The horror!


The video says that 4 teenage vandals threw pebbles at the church members.

Hardly classifies as a stoning. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

The Muslim thugs entered the Christian church and threw stones [pebbles are stones] at the congregation, who were mostly old folks.

Yes, Muslims in public in France...they seem to be just allowed to do as they please and are taking over.

Time for the Christians to fight back or risk being pelted with stones at every church service.
The first thing the Christians need to do is elect a different President, a right wing one...not a left wing one seemingly doing the bidding of Muslims.
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In Paris it is common to see Muslims out and about and they are very obvious. Jews not so much. They've gone back underground I'm afraid....and that bodes ill.

This is so stupid. Perhaps some Muslims dress in a way that identifies them as Muslim, but the bottom line is you cannot tell by looking at people on the street if they are Muslim or Jewish, or any other religion. Don't you realize that? How do you know if the person standing in line with you at the grocery store is any one religion? Muslims who dress a certain way dress that way because of their culture, not because of their religion. Really, your point is so completely stupid.

No, it isn't, it is merely a factual observation nothing more.
Oriana Fallaci was quite prescient.

I find it shameful that in Italy there was a procession of individuals who, dressed as kamikazes, uttered vile insults at Israel, held up photos of Israeli leaders on whose foreheads they had drawn a swastika, inciting the populace to hate the Jews. And in order to see the Jews again in the extermination camps, in the gas chambers, in the crematoria of Dachau, Mauthausen, Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, etc., they would sell their own mothers to a harem.

I find it shameful that the Catholic Church permits a bishop, moreover one housed in the Vatican, a "saintly" bishop, who, in Jerusalem was found with an arsenal of weapons and explosives hidden in special compartments of his sacred Mercedes, to participate in that procession and to place himself in front of a microphone to thank, in the name of God, the kamikazes who massacre the Jews in the pizzerias and supermarkets. He called them "martyrs who go to death as to a party."

I find it shameful that in France-the France of "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" - synagogues are torched, Jews are terrorized, and their cemeteries profaned. I find it shameful that in Holland and Germany and Denmark youngsters show off the kaffiyeh like the vanguard of Mussolini displayed the stick and the Fascist emblem. I find it shameful that in almost every European university Palestinian students take over and nurture anti-Semitism; that in Sweden they asked that the Nobel Peace Prize given to Shimon Peres in 1994 be withdrawn, and left solely in the hands of the dove with the olive branch in his mouth-that is, Arafat. I find it shameful that the esteemed members of the (Nobel) Committee, a committee that it seems makes choice based on politics and not merit, are taking the request into consideration and thinking of fulfilling it. To hell with the Nobel Prize and hooray to those who don't receive it...


I find it shameful, and I see in all of this the growth of a new fascism, of a new nazism-a fascism, a nazism, so much more malevolent and repulsive because it is conducted and nourished by those who hypocritically play the part of the good guys, the progressives, the communists, pacifists, Catholics and even more, the Christians, who have the gall to call those like me who shout truth at them a warmonger. I see it, yes, and therefore I will state the following: to the tragic and Shakespearean Sharon, I never gave him a break. ("I know that you came to add a scalp to your necklace," he murmured almost with sadness when I went to interview him in 1982.) With the Israelis, I've argued often and bitterly, and in the past I defended the Palestinians quite a bit, maybe more than they deserved. But I am with Israel, I am with the Jews. I am with them now, as I was with them as a young girl-in other words, from the time when I was in the trenches with them and the Anne Maries were shot to death. I defend their right to exist, to defend themselves, to avoid a second extermination. And disgusted by the anti-Semitism of many Italians, of many Europeans, I am ashamed by this shame that dishonors my country and Europe, in the best of cases, not a community of nations (e.g., Europe) but a well of Pontius Pilates. And even if all the inhabitants of this planet think differently, I will continue to think this way.

Oriana Fallaci on European Anti-Semitism
Jew hate on the rise again in Europe:eusa_eh:

On January 26, possibly for the first time ever since the end of World War Two, explicit anti-semitic slogans were shouted during a large scale political demonstration in Paris. The incident was just a further indication that French Jews are not as secure today as they used to be a few years ago. Indeed, many French Jews have concluded they have no future in their country, and are leaving for Israel or North America

In 2013, more than 20,000 people formally applied to the Jewish Agency in Paris for aliyah – emigration to Israel – and more than 3,000 completed the emigration process during the same year: twice as much as in 2012. France is now the first country of origin for aliyah, ahead of the United States.

The Jewish Exodus From France? | Jewish & Israel News
This is unbelievable. Why are the French turning towards anti-semitism??? Are we seeing a resurgence of 1930's Germany here?

Obama was just meeting with the French President today, I hope he raised serious concerns in regards to the anti-semitism that is currently unfolding in France. This is seriously the first I hear of this. I still can't believe it. These folks are being forced to leave their homes because of anti-semitism.
Jew hate on the rise again in Europe:eusa_eh:

On January 26, possibly for the first time ever since the end of World War Two, explicit anti-semitic slogans were shouted during a large scale political demonstration in Paris. The incident was just a further indication that French Jews are not as secure today as they used to be a few years ago. Indeed, many French Jews have concluded they have no future in their country, and are leaving for Israel or North America

In 2013, more than 20,000 people formally applied to the Jewish Agency in Paris for aliyah – emigration to Israel – and more than 3,000 completed the emigration process during the same year: twice as much as in 2012. France is now the first country of origin for aliyah, ahead of the United States.

The Jewish Exodus From France? | Jewish & Israel News
This is unbelievable. Why are the French turning towards anti-semitism??? Are we seeing a resurgence of 1930's Germany here?

Seems to be.
Who knows?

Muslim Voters Change Europe :: Gatestone Institute

Muslim Voters Change Europe

Muslims cast the deciding voted that thrust Hollande into the Elysée Palace. He also pledged to change French electoral laws so that Muslim residents without French citizenship would be allowed to vote in municipal elections as of 2014, enabling the Socialist Party to tighten its grip on political power.

An analysis of the voting patterns that barrelled François Hollande to victory on May 6 as the first Socialist president of France since 1995 shows that this overthrow was due in large measure to Muslims, who voted for him in overwhelming numbers.

The French vote marks the first time that Muslims have determined the outcome of a presidential election in a major western European country; it is a preview of things to come.

As the politically active Muslim population in France continues to swell, and as most Muslims vote for Socialist and leftwing parties, conservative parties will find it increasingly difficult to win future elections in France.


Obama is said by many to be a Muslim.

Jews are the first boarding the exodus bus, because they are the easiest target.
Next will come the Christians.
Should be interesting though if the Christians decide to stand and fight, singing the French National anthem;

The first 1m is what's sung these days;

If the Christians in France don't soon wake up they'll likely be singing to a very different tune!

[ame=]French national anthem France v Scotland 2013 - YouTube[/ame]
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In Paris it is common to see Muslims out and about and they are very obvious.

The horror!



Not quite up to Goebbels standards that video, a very poor effort. Just because 4 kids throw some stones that means that the entire EU is going to be under Muslim control?
Oh and one medievel citadel city in the south of france was once conquered in the 8th century so there's precedent? I was in Carcassonne this fall and I did not see a single non-white face.
Muslim Voters Change Europe

Muslims cast the deciding voted that thrust Hollande into the Elysée Palace. He also pledged to change French electoral laws so that Muslim residents without French citizenship would be allowed to vote in municipal elections as of 2014, enabling the Socialist Party to tighten its grip on political power.

An analysis of the voting patterns that barrelled François Hollande to victory on May 6 as the first Socialist president of France since 1995 shows that this overthrow was due in large measure to Muslims, who voted for him in overwhelming numbers.

The French vote marks the first time that Muslims have determined the outcome of a presidential election in a major western European country; it is a preview of things to come.
Isn't this what Democracy and voting is all about?? ... :cool:
It's comical how some people here want to blame the newly immigrated muslims for the resurrection of anti-semitism in Europe.

When in reality, rabid anti-semitism has existed in europe for centuries.

And most of the attacks on the juden are by non muslims. .. :cool:

Most of the jews that were in countries invaded by the pigs and dogs ---either
fled or were murdered -----the pigs and dogs cannot attack that which is not there
anymore-----which is one of the reason that in many of the lands of the pigs and
dogs ------they are simply raping and killing each other-----for sunnis----shiites
are the new JEWS

In Paris it is common to see Muslims out and about and they are very obvious. Jews not so much. They've gone back underground I'm afraid....and that bodes ill.

This is so stupid. Perhaps some Muslims dress in a way that identifies them as Muslim, but the bottom line is you cannot tell by looking at people on the street if they are Muslim or Jewish, or any other religion. Don't you realize that? How do you know if the person standing in line with you at the grocery store is any one religion? Muslims who dress a certain way dress that way because of their culture, not because of their religion. Really, your point is so completely stupid.
It is nothing short of chilling.

A video, taken on the eve of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, shows masses of French protesters marching down a Paris thoroughfare chanting openly anti-Semitic slogans and calling on Jews to get out of France.

Chants include "Jews, France is not yours!" "Jews out of France" and "The story of the gas chambers is bull***!" At one point, in a show of raw, seething hatred, the crowd simply spits out the word "Jew, Jew, Jew!"

Many of the marchers can be seen giving the "quenelle" inverted Nazi salute popularized by anti-Semitic comedian Dieudonne. The gesture is seen as a way for anti-Semites to give a Nazi salute without incurring the wrath of authorities - although one demonstrator can be seen giving a full-on Nazi salute as well.


'Jews, Out of France!' - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

[ame=]Paris Demonstrators Chant: "Jew, France is Not Yours!" - YouTube[/ame]
Many of the marchers can be seen giving the "quenelle" inverted Nazi salute popularized by anti-Semitic comedian Dieudonne. The gesture is seen as a way for anti-Semites to give a Nazi salute without incurring the wrath of authorities - although one demonstrator can be seen giving a full-on Nazi salute as well

Whilst the rest of that report is pretty scary sounding I am worried about this above.

Many people have made this statement that the quenelle is an inverted nazi salute. It's quite the opposite, it's an anti governemntal guesture which literally stands for "this is how much you can shove up your ass"
The man who invented it has been credited with saying anti-semitec things but then the peace sign was invented by Winston Churchill who was viciously anti-Catholic and yet the peace sign isn't seen as an anti-catholic gesture.
The victim of a brutal anti-Semitic attack in Paris late last month said assaults similar to the one he faced are a common occurrence in France.


His comments were made in an exclusive interview with The Algemeiner on Thursday.

“This incident is not isolated. There are similar incidences every week in Paris, in the suburbs [and] in the provinces,” said the 59-year-old Jewish teacher, only identified as David. “There was another attack after mine in Paris and the general media did not mention it, only the Jewish media did. They never talk about Jews being attacked, they don’t write that ’Jews [were] attacked by Arabs.’”

David was assaulted by three North African “Maghreb men” at 10 p.m. on March 20 after leaving a kosher restaurant in Rue Manin, Paris, and making his way to a subway station. “They started to curse me out: ‘dirty Jew,’ ‘death to the Jews,’ ‘son of a b***,’ etc. Then they started to beat me up,” he said in an interview following the incident. Then, with a marker, they drew a swastika on his bare chest.

When members of the public approached the scene of the attack, the three men fled.

David, who was wearing a yarmulke and tzitzis at the time of the assault, told The Algemeiner that no progress has been made by the police tasked with finding his attackers. He explained, “The problem is that the people who attacked me were well organized, they probably waited for me to pass by a street with no cameras.”

While David’s horrific assault made international headlines, he is disappointed with the public response it received in France.

Victim of Anti-Semitic Attack in France Says Similar Incidents Occur Every Week (INTERVIEW) | Jewish & Israel News

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