The Jewish Exodus From France*

I wonder if the rise of the Far Right [National Front party] has something to do with this anti-semitism.
Jewish groups and leaders have feared National Front&#8217;s rise because its leaders include politicians with a penchant for anti-Semitic and xenophobic rhetoric. Among them is Jean-Marie Le Pen, the party founder and honorary president, and the father of current leader Marine Le Pen.

Jean-Marie Le Pen has several convictions for inciting racial hatred against minorities and denying or minimizing the Holocaust.
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Have you guys heard of Dieudonné in America ?
This is kind of the main argument given by those who pretend that anti-semitism is still alive in France, after Merah of course
I wonder if the rise of the Far Right [National Front party] has something to do with this anti-semitism.

Jewish groups and leaders have feared National Front’s rise because its leaders include politicians with a penchant for anti-Semitic and xenophobic rhetoric. Among them is Jean-Marie Le Pen, the party founder and honorary president, and the father of current leader Marine Le Pen.

Jean-Marie Le Pen has several convictions for inciting racial hatred against minorities and denying or minimizing the Holocaust.

That's a little more complicated but you've got a point there.

Indeed, the front national has been able to benefit from an absolutely meaningless anti-semitism which was born in the mind of a part of French young people in the past few years. Some guys who call themselves intellectuals had a great influence on the internet and they have been able to make people think that their ostracism was caused by a jewish plot. For most of them they are simply hack writers and their ideology is buisness. I'll provide the example of Alain Soral, a friend (colleague) of Dieudonné, here is the website of his party: 2galité et réconciliation (can't post urls) . These guys have millions of views on youtube and they speak without conviction, using an absurd and racial rethoric, this culd explain a part of the succes of the Front National.
On the other hand, you have to know that calling this party "far right" does not make much sense. Indeed, this sphere of influence is absolutely anti-liberalism and got the higher number of votes from the working class in the last elections (very far from left and communist parties), just look at the website's banner of which I posted the link ;)
Thus the Front National has managed to stand out in this crisis period thanks to the so called anti-semitism and the fact that they managed to make people think they were opposed to the system and the lobbies which would have driven France to the crisis, but mainly by providing the leftiest policy in France. The biggest racism in France is the one of the working people who fear to lose their job, which will one day lead France to leave European Union, anti-semitism is not a big deal in fact, it's only one element that gives importance to the Front National which is the real danger.

I hope this will be readable if someone has time to read that lel

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