The Jewish People Have No Connection to the Lands of the British Mandate

Boston1 I've been debating this topic for a very, very long time. No one has ever been able to differentiate for me in any meaningful way a South Syrian, a Jordanian and a Palestinian. They speak the same language, they share the same religious faith, they have the same laws, customs, stories, history, background, mode of dress, holidays, life celebrations, territories, etc. If someone would like to educate me -- I am most open to learning.

On the other hand, it is pretty easy to differentiate between say, the Catalans and the Spanish; the Coast Salish peoples and the Lakota and the British; between the Quebecois and other Canadians; the Scots and the English and the Welsh; the Korean and the Japanese.

It is ridiculously easy to identify Jewish culture.

LOL yeah, its not even a question. The simple truth is that the 100% increase in palestinian Arab population in the 20 or so years leading up to Israeli independence are clearly a colonization by the Arab states of the mandated area in an effort to stack the deck against Jewish majority rule. The cultural differences between the various Arab colonialists vs the cultural similarities among the Judaic population are obvious

Clearly you have no access to source documentation. There hardly any migration to Palestine of non-Jews. The Muslim and Christian population grew as a result of natural increase. The Jewish grew as a result of migration/invasion from Europe. Between 1920 and 1946 376,415 Jews arrived in Palestine while only 38.041 non-Jews arrived in Palestine.

Immigration 1920-1946.png
They reject the colonization and dispossession.

The topic of this thread is that the Jewish people have no connection to the land in question. Do you agree with this or disagree? If you agree -- tell me why. If you disagree -- tell me why. Everything else is off-topic.
Sure they do and those who lived there became Palestinian citizens in 1925.

It seems strange that for hundreds of years there was almost no immigration. Then the Zionist colonial project started importing them by the boatload.

The Judaic people obviously have a connection to the land of Judea, all of it.

PS And the first thing those palestinian colonists did in 1925 was to start a war with its Jewish neighbors on May 15 1948 and lose.

By the way, you are being childish. Claiming that the native people of Palestine were the colonists is just silly.
They reject the colonization and dispossession.

The topic of this thread is that the Jewish people have no connection to the land in question. Do you agree with this or disagree? If you agree -- tell me why. If you disagree -- tell me why. Everything else is off-topic.
Sure they do and those who lived there became Palestinian citizens in 1925.

It seems strange that for hundreds of years there was almost no immigration. Then the Zionist colonial project started importing them by the boatload.

The Judaic people obviously have a connection to the land of Judea, all of it.

PS And the first thing those palestinian colonists did in 1925 was to start a war with its Jewish neighbors on May 15 1948 and lose.

By the way, you are being childish. Claiming that the native people of Palestine were the colonists is just silly.

Odd, I could say the exact same thing, with one slight difference. I'd be correct and you'd still be wrong.

And genetic studies would prove you wrong ;--)
Genetic Evidence for the Expansion of Arabian Tribes into ...

Interesting though how you spam the same nonsense in multiple threads hoping to sneak your point in unrefuted somewhere and thus confuse the public. I believe such behavior to specifically be forbidden by forum rules.

Oh and that access to demographics you were curious about

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
Year Jews Arabs Total % of Jews to Total
1922 83,790 668,258 752,048 11.141%
1931 174,606 858,708 1,033,314 16.897%
1941 474,102 1,111,398 1,585,500 29.902%
1944 554,000 1,211,000 1,765,000 31.388%
1946 608,225 1,237,334 1,845,559 32.956%

I would further contend that while Jewish immigration during the mandate years was restricted Arab immigration was unregulated and or the illegal immigration of Arabs ignored.

British Restrictions on Jewish Immigration to Palestine ...

throughout the Mandatory period, Arab immigration was unrestricted. In 1930, the Hope Simpson Commission, sent from London to investigate the 1929 Arab riots, said the British practice of ignoring the uncontrolled illegal Arab immigration from Egypt, Transjordan and Syria had the effect of displacing the prospective Jewishimmigrants.7

The British Governor of the Sinai from 1922-36 observed: “This illegal immigration was not only going on from the Sinai, but also from Transjordan and Syria, and it is very difficult to make a case out for the misery of the Arabs if at the same time their compatriots from adjoining states could not be kept from going in to share that misery.”8

The Peel Commission reported in 1937 that the “shortfall of land is, we consider, due less to the amount of land acquired by Jews than to the increase in the Arab population.”9

End Quote
I provide source documentation from official governmental archives, you provide opinion pieces.

On migration:

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 212, para. 59

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner


"It follows that the Jewish population may now include between 50,000 and 60,000 illegal immigrantswho have settled in Palestine at any time since 1920 when the first Immigration Ordinance was enacted. The number of Jewish illegal immigrants recorded during 1945 is 370."

A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 210, para. 54

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

On land ownership Jews owned less than 5% of the land in 1943. Non-Jews 24,67.455 dunums, Jews 1,514,246 dunums.

land ownership only.jpg

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner
Nice bait and switch

no I will not now engage in a conversation about Jewish immigration which was never the question. We know there was Jewish immigration to the tune of roughly 35% of the total Jewish population of Israel. Although you did fail to differentiate between European Jewish immigration and immigration of Judaic people expelled from the neighboring countries. Which of course is once again simply the native people returning to their place of origin.

Yes I will stick to the subject once again and note that you have failed completely to rebut the information provided on Arab Muslim colonization of Judea.

In which case I can only assume you actually have no rebuttal and have conceded the point and prefer to switch and bait. A practice I am unwilling to participate in.

They reject the colonization and dispossession.

The topic of this thread is that the Jewish people have no connection to the land in question. Do you agree with this or disagree? If you agree -- tell me why. If you disagree -- tell me why. Everything else is off-topic.
Sure they do and those who lived there became Palestinian citizens in 1925.

It seems strange that for hundreds of years there was almost no immigration. Then the Zionist colonial project started importing them by the boatload.

PS And the first thing those palestinian colonists did in 1925 was to start a war with its Jewish neighbors on May 15 1948 and lose.
The Judaic people obviously have a connection to the land of Judea, all of it.​

Sure they do. So do a lot of other people. What is your point?
Nice bait and switch

no I will not now engage in a conversation about Jewish immigration which was never the question. We know there was Jewish immigration to the tune of roughly 35% of the total Jewish population of Israel. Although you did fail to differentiate between European Jewish immigration and immigration of Judaic people expelled from the neighboring countries. Which of course is once again simply the native people returning to their place of origin.

Yes I will stick to the subject once again and note that you have failed completely to rebut the information provided on Arab Muslim colonization of Judea.

In which case I can only assume you actually have no rebuttal and have conceded the point and prefer to switch and bait. A practice I am unwilling to participate in.


Prior to partition the Jewish migration was 100% from Europe. That's the migration that colonized Palestine.

There was no Arab colonization of Palestine. There was an Arabian conquest of Christian Palestine but the natives of Palestine are the same people that had always lived in Palestine, Canaan or whatever you want to call the area. The fact that the people of Palestine converted to Islam from Christianity over the centuries of Muslim rule (excluding the century of Christian rule by the Crusaders) does not make them any less the native people of Palestine. Many were Jewish before converting to the Roman religions and then the Christian religion when it became the state religion of Rome.

You just don't have a grasp of history. Read a little and then come back a little wiser.
They reject the colonization and dispossession.

The topic of this thread is that the Jewish people have no connection to the land in question. Do you agree with this or disagree? If you agree -- tell me why. If you disagree -- tell me why. Everything else is off-topic.
Sure they do and those who lived there became Palestinian citizens in 1925.

It seems strange that for hundreds of years there was almost no immigration. Then the Zionist colonial project started importing them by the boatload.

PS And the first thing those palestinian colonists did in 1925 was to start a war with its Jewish neighbors on May 15 1948 and lose.
The Judaic people obviously have a connection to the land of Judea, all of it.​

Sure they do. So do a lot of other people. What is your point?

Once again your premise is wrong. Yes, Judaic people have a connection with Judea. No, Bronze age and even neolithic people were tribal in nature and highly territorial, so it is unlikely that "a lot" of other people/tribes jointly inhabited this area. What we do know from modern science is that certain haplotypes and their uniqueness show clearly a colonization of the Judaic area during the Arab Muslim expansion. Which has been pointed out previously numerous times, which lends one to wonder why this simple fact must be pointed out again and again.
Nice bait and switch

no I will not now engage in a conversation about Jewish immigration which was never the question. We know there was Jewish immigration to the tune of roughly 35% of the total Jewish population of Israel. Although you did fail to differentiate between European Jewish immigration and immigration of Judaic people expelled from the neighboring countries. Which of course is once again simply the native people returning to their place of origin.

Yes I will stick to the subject once again and note that you have failed completely to rebut the information provided on Arab Muslim colonization of Judea.

In which case I can only assume you actually have no rebuttal and have conceded the point and prefer to switch and bait. A practice I am unwilling to participate in.


Prior to partition the Jewish migration was 100% from Europe. That's the migration that colonized Palestine.

There was no Arab colonization of Palestine. There was an Arabian conquest of Christian Palestine but the natives of Palestine are the same people that had always lived in Palestine, Canaan or whatever you want to call the area. The fact that the people of Palestine converted to Islam from Christianity over the centuries of Muslim rule (excluding the century of Christian rule by the Crusaders) does not make them any less the native people of Palestine. Many were Jewish before converting to the Roman religions and then the Christian religion when it became the state religion of Rome.

You just don't have a grasp of history. Read a little and then come back a little wiser.

I'm starting to wonder if you are what could be termed a "denier" someone who when faced with scientific evidence or fact that disputes their preferred view simply rejects the information regardless of its truthfulness.

A) you have not a shred of evidence to support the idea that 100% of Judaic immigration during the mandate period was from Europe and that no part of it was from the surrounding countryside/countries. Evidence clearly shows roughly 25% of Israelis returned from the immediate vicinity. And you have been provided references repeatedly for those figures.

Denial is no way to engage in conversation

B) You have not a shred of evidence to support the idea that NO Arab Muslims colonized Judea during the Arab Muslim expansion EXACTLY as referenced, also many times. Which you seem desperate to deny once again.

Lets look at that reference again
Genetic Evidence for the Expansion of Arabian Tribes into ...

It can be clearly seen that the genetic nature of the Judaic people has remained reasonably intact which the genetic nature of the Arab Muslim colonists is of mixed nature, mostly from Northwestern African and Arabian peninsula haplotypes. See reference for any assistance you need in comprehending this simple fact.

In the end while repeating the same old tired arguments it can clearly be seen that these simply don't stand up to even the slightest knowledge of science and history.

Again the revisionist view is shown to be false.
They reject the colonization and dispossession.

The topic of this thread is that the Jewish people have no connection to the land in question. Do you agree with this or disagree? If you agree -- tell me why. If you disagree -- tell me why. Everything else is off-topic.
Sure they do and those who lived there became Palestinian citizens in 1925.

It seems strange that for hundreds of years there was almost no immigration. Then the Zionist colonial project started importing them by the boatload.

PS And the first thing those palestinian colonists did in 1925 was to start a war with its Jewish neighbors on May 15 1948 and lose.
The Judaic people obviously have a connection to the land of Judea, all of it.​

Sure they do. So do a lot of other people. What is your point?

Once again your premise is wrong. Yes, Judaic people have a connection with Judea. No, Bronze age and even neolithic people were tribal in nature and highly territorial, so it is unlikely that "a lot" of other people/tribes jointly inhabited this area. What we do know from modern science is that certain haplotypes and their uniqueness show clearly a colonization of the Judaic area during the Arab Muslim expansion. Which has been pointed out previously numerous times, which lends one to wonder why this simple fact must be pointed out again and again.
Because they remain meaningless no matter how many times they are posted.
They reject the colonization and dispossession.

The topic of this thread is that the Jewish people have no connection to the land in question. Do you agree with this or disagree? If you agree -- tell me why. If you disagree -- tell me why. Everything else is off-topic.
Sure they do and those who lived there became Palestinian citizens in 1925.

It seems strange that for hundreds of years there was almost no immigration. Then the Zionist colonial project started importing them by the boatload.

PS And the first thing those palestinian colonists did in 1925 was to start a war with its Jewish neighbors on May 15 1948 and lose.
The Judaic people obviously have a connection to the land of Judea, all of it.​

Sure they do. So do a lot of other people. What is your point?

Once again your premise is wrong. Yes, Judaic people have a connection with Judea. No, Bronze age and even neolithic people were tribal in nature and highly territorial, so it is unlikely that "a lot" of other people/tribes jointly inhabited this area. What we do know from modern science is that certain haplotypes and their uniqueness show clearly a colonization of the Judaic area during the Arab Muslim expansion. Which has been pointed out previously numerous times, which lends one to wonder why this simple fact must be pointed out again and again.

There was no "Judaic" area during the Muslim conquests of Roman (Byzantine) Palaestina Prima, the area of Palestine and the surrounding lands were 100% Christian, and the Muslim expansion was almost exclusively through conversion, not a transfer of population. There weren't that many Arabians, the desert does not allow for large populations.

Arab is a cultural and linguistic phenomenon not a race or ethnicity. Just as most Hispanics are not Spaniards, most Arabs are not Arabians.
The topic of this thread is that the Jewish people have no connection to the land in question. Do you agree with this or disagree? If you agree -- tell me why. If you disagree -- tell me why. Everything else is off-topic.
Sure they do and those who lived there became Palestinian citizens in 1925.

It seems strange that for hundreds of years there was almost no immigration. Then the Zionist colonial project started importing them by the boatload.

PS And the first thing those palestinian colonists did in 1925 was to start a war with its Jewish neighbors on May 15 1948 and lose.
The Judaic people obviously have a connection to the land of Judea, all of it.​

Sure they do. So do a lot of other people. What is your point?

Once again your premise is wrong. Yes, Judaic people have a connection with Judea. No, Bronze age and even neolithic people were tribal in nature and highly territorial, so it is unlikely that "a lot" of other people/tribes jointly inhabited this area. What we do know from modern science is that certain haplotypes and their uniqueness show clearly a colonization of the Judaic area during the Arab Muslim expansion. Which has been pointed out previously numerous times, which lends one to wonder why this simple fact must be pointed out again and again.
Because they remain meaningless no matter how many times they are posted.

facts are meaningless ? Really ?

Spoken like a true denier.

Wow, OK then is discussion in any way going to be productive with someone who thinks facts are meaningless.

Just WOW
Nice bait and switch

no I will not now engage in a conversation about Jewish immigration which was never the question. We know there was Jewish immigration to the tune of roughly 35% of the total Jewish population of Israel. Although you did fail to differentiate between European Jewish immigration and immigration of Judaic people expelled from the neighboring countries. Which of course is once again simply the native people returning to their place of origin.

Yes I will stick to the subject once again and note that you have failed completely to rebut the information provided on Arab Muslim colonization of Judea.

In which case I can only assume you actually have no rebuttal and have conceded the point and prefer to switch and bait. A practice I am unwilling to participate in.


Prior to partition the Jewish migration was 100% from Europe. That's the migration that colonized Palestine.

There was no Arab colonization of Palestine. There was an Arabian conquest of Christian Palestine but the natives of Palestine are the same people that had always lived in Palestine, Canaan or whatever you want to call the area. The fact that the people of Palestine converted to Islam from Christianity over the centuries of Muslim rule (excluding the century of Christian rule by the Crusaders) does not make them any less the native people of Palestine. Many were Jewish before converting to the Roman religions and then the Christian religion when it became the state religion of Rome.

You just don't have a grasp of history. Read a little and then come back a little wiser.

I'm starting to wonder if you are what could be termed a "denier" someone who when faced with scientific evidence or fact that disputes their preferred view simply rejects the information regardless of its truthfulness.

A) you have not a shred of evidence to support the idea that 100% of Judaic immigration during the mandate period was from Europe and that no part of it was from the surrounding countryside/countries. Evidence clearly shows roughly 25% of Israelis returned from the immediate vicinity. And you have been provided references repeatedly for those figures.

Denial is no way to engage in conversation

B) You have not a shred of evidence to support the idea that NO Arab Muslims colonized Judea during the Arab Muslim expansion EXACTLY as referenced, also many times. Which you seem desperate to deny once again.

Lets look at that reference again
Genetic Evidence for the Expansion of Arabian Tribes into ...

It can be clearly seen that the genetic nature of the Judaic people has remained reasonably intact which the genetic nature of the Arab Muslim colonists is of mixed nature, mostly from Northwestern African and Arabian peninsula haplotypes. See reference for any assistance you need in comprehending this simple fact.

In the end while repeating the same old tired arguments it can clearly be seen that these simply don't stand up to even the slightest knowledge of science and history.

Again the revisionist view is shown to be false.

"A) you have not a shred of evidence to support the idea that 100% of Judaic immigration
during the mandate period was from Europe.."

Actually, I do:


From A Survey of Palestine, Vol. 1 page 186

You can download the whole volume from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at NYU/Wagner

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ NYU Wagner
The topic of this thread is that the Jewish people have no connection to the land in question. Do you agree with this or disagree? If you agree -- tell me why. If you disagree -- tell me why. Everything else is off-topic.
Sure they do and those who lived there became Palestinian citizens in 1925.

It seems strange that for hundreds of years there was almost no immigration. Then the Zionist colonial project started importing them by the boatload.

PS And the first thing those palestinian colonists did in 1925 was to start a war with its Jewish neighbors on May 15 1948 and lose.
The Judaic people obviously have a connection to the land of Judea, all of it.​

Sure they do. So do a lot of other people. What is your point?

Once again your premise is wrong. Yes, Judaic people have a connection with Judea. No, Bronze age and even neolithic people were tribal in nature and highly territorial, so it is unlikely that "a lot" of other people/tribes jointly inhabited this area. What we do know from modern science is that certain haplotypes and their uniqueness show clearly a colonization of the Judaic area during the Arab Muslim expansion. Which has been pointed out previously numerous times, which lends one to wonder why this simple fact must be pointed out again and again.

There was no "Judaic" area during the Muslim conquests of Roman (Byzantine) Palaestina Prima, the area of Palestine and the surrounding lands were 100% Christian, and the Muslim expansion was almost exclusively through conversion, not a transfer of population.

LOL another outright lie. I'm sorry but you have not one shred of evidence to support this ludicrous assertion.

Clearly not only do you have not a shred of evidence to support this latest lie in a string of lies but you are once again denying the scientific evidence to the contrary and ignore the references provided.

The evidence for denial similar to the denial of climate science is becoming overwhelming
Nice bait and switch

no I will not now engage in a conversation about Jewish immigration which was never the question. We know there was Jewish immigration to the tune of roughly 35% of the total Jewish population of Israel. Although you did fail to differentiate between European Jewish immigration and immigration of Judaic people expelled from the neighboring countries. Which of course is once again simply the native people returning to their place of origin.

Yes I will stick to the subject once again and note that you have failed completely to rebut the information provided on Arab Muslim colonization of Judea.

In which case I can only assume you actually have no rebuttal and have conceded the point and prefer to switch and bait. A practice I am unwilling to participate in.


Prior to partition the Jewish migration was 100% from Europe. That's the migration that colonized Palestine.

There was no Arab colonization of Palestine. There was an Arabian conquest of Christian Palestine but the natives of Palestine are the same people that had always lived in Palestine, Canaan or whatever you want to call the area. The fact that the people of Palestine converted to Islam from Christianity over the centuries of Muslim rule (excluding the century of Christian rule by the Crusaders) does not make them any less the native people of Palestine. Many were Jewish before converting to the Roman religions and then the Christian religion when it became the state religion of Rome.

You just don't have a grasp of history. Read a little and then come back a little wiser.

I'm starting to wonder if you are what could be termed a "denier" someone who when faced with scientific evidence or fact that disputes their preferred view simply rejects the information regardless of its truthfulness.

A) you have not a shred of evidence to support the idea that 100% of Judaic immigration during the mandate period was from Europe and that no part of it was from the surrounding countryside/countries. Evidence clearly shows roughly 25% of Israelis returned from the immediate vicinity. And you have been provided references repeatedly for those figures.

Denial is no way to engage in conversation

B) You have not a shred of evidence to support the idea that NO Arab Muslims colonized Judea during the Arab Muslim expansion EXACTLY as referenced, also many times. Which you seem desperate to deny once again.

Lets look at that reference again
Genetic Evidence for the Expansion of Arabian Tribes into ...

It can be clearly seen that the genetic nature of the Judaic people has remained reasonably intact which the genetic nature of the Arab Muslim colonists is of mixed nature, mostly from Northwestern African and Arabian peninsula haplotypes. See reference for any assistance you need in comprehending this simple fact.

In the end while repeating the same old tired arguments it can clearly be seen that these simply don't stand up to even the slightest knowledge of science and history.

Again the revisionist view is shown to be false.

"A) you have not a shred of evidence to support the idea that 100% of Judaic immigration
during the mandate period was from Europe.."

Actually, I do:

View attachment 58183

From A Survey of Palestine, Vol. 1 page 186

You can download the whole volume from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive at NYU/WagnerView attachment 58183

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ NYU Wagner

Your funny

So um, not to bust your bubble or anything but, what is that 20~60% of all immigration that came from "other" countries ;--) as seen in YOUR OWN POST

Sure they do and those who lived there became Palestinian citizens in 1925.

It seems strange that for hundreds of years there was almost no immigration. Then the Zionist colonial project started importing them by the boatload.

PS And the first thing those palestinian colonists did in 1925 was to start a war with its Jewish neighbors on May 15 1948 and lose.
The Judaic people obviously have a connection to the land of Judea, all of it.​

Sure they do. So do a lot of other people. What is your point?

Once again your premise is wrong. Yes, Judaic people have a connection with Judea. No, Bronze age and even neolithic people were tribal in nature and highly territorial, so it is unlikely that "a lot" of other people/tribes jointly inhabited this area. What we do know from modern science is that certain haplotypes and their uniqueness show clearly a colonization of the Judaic area during the Arab Muslim expansion. Which has been pointed out previously numerous times, which lends one to wonder why this simple fact must be pointed out again and again.

There was no "Judaic" area during the Muslim conquests of Roman (Byzantine) Palaestina Prima, the area of Palestine and the surrounding lands were 100% Christian, and the Muslim expansion was almost exclusively through conversion, not a transfer of population.

LOL another outright lie. I'm sorry but you have not one shred of evidence to support this ludicrous assertion.

Clearly not only do you have not a shred of evidence to support this latest lie in a string of lies but you are once again denying the scientific evidence to the contrary and ignore the references provided.

The evidence for denial similar to the denial of climate science is becoming overwhelming

Factual, historical evidence is put before you and you accuse others of being "deniers"?


I believe the questions in the OP to be loaded...

However, suffice to say....

Jews have a "connection" with MANY countries throughout the world... Afterall, most Jews do not come from just Israel! Most Jews have never been to Israel...

In the same way that Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and on and on and on have a "connection" to MANY countries throughout the world...
Sure they do and those who lived there became Palestinian citizens in 1925.

It seems strange that for hundreds of years there was almost no immigration. Then the Zionist colonial project started importing them by the boatload.

PS And the first thing those palestinian colonists did in 1925 was to start a war with its Jewish neighbors on May 15 1948 and lose.
The Judaic people obviously have a connection to the land of Judea, all of it.​

Sure they do. So do a lot of other people. What is your point?

Once again your premise is wrong. Yes, Judaic people have a connection with Judea. No, Bronze age and even neolithic people were tribal in nature and highly territorial, so it is unlikely that "a lot" of other people/tribes jointly inhabited this area. What we do know from modern science is that certain haplotypes and their uniqueness show clearly a colonization of the Judaic area during the Arab Muslim expansion. Which has been pointed out previously numerous times, which lends one to wonder why this simple fact must be pointed out again and again.
Because they remain meaningless no matter how many times they are posted.

facts are meaningless ? Really ?

Spoken like a true denier.

Wow, OK then is discussion in any way going to be productive with someone who thinks facts are meaningless.

Just WOW
So, what is the relevance?
PS And the first thing those palestinian colonists did in 1925 was to start a war with its Jewish neighbors on May 15 1948 and lose.
The Judaic people obviously have a connection to the land of Judea, all of it.​

Sure they do. So do a lot of other people. What is your point?

Once again your premise is wrong. Yes, Judaic people have a connection with Judea. No, Bronze age and even neolithic people were tribal in nature and highly territorial, so it is unlikely that "a lot" of other people/tribes jointly inhabited this area. What we do know from modern science is that certain haplotypes and their uniqueness show clearly a colonization of the Judaic area during the Arab Muslim expansion. Which has been pointed out previously numerous times, which lends one to wonder why this simple fact must be pointed out again and again.

There was no "Judaic" area during the Muslim conquests of Roman (Byzantine) Palaestina Prima, the area of Palestine and the surrounding lands were 100% Christian, and the Muslim expansion was almost exclusively through conversion, not a transfer of population.

LOL another outright lie. I'm sorry but you have not one shred of evidence to support this ludicrous assertion.

Clearly not only do you have not a shred of evidence to support this latest lie in a string of lies but you are once again denying the scientific evidence to the contrary and ignore the references provided.

The evidence for denial similar to the denial of climate science is becoming overwhelming

Factual, historical evidence is put before you and you accuse others of being "deniers"?


I believe the questions in the OP to be loaded...

However, suffice to say....

Jews have a "connection" with MANY countries throughout the world... Afterall, most Jews do not come from just Israel! Most Jews have never been to Israel...

In the same way that Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and on and on and on have a "connection" to MANY countries throughout the world...

Nonsense, the data presented clearly noted between the years considered, starting with about 20% and ending with roughly 60% of immigration came from "other" countries than those European countries listed.
PS And the first thing those palestinian colonists did in 1925 was to start a war with its Jewish neighbors on May 15 1948 and lose.
The Judaic people obviously have a connection to the land of Judea, all of it.​

Sure they do. So do a lot of other people. What is your point?

Once again your premise is wrong. Yes, Judaic people have a connection with Judea. No, Bronze age and even neolithic people were tribal in nature and highly territorial, so it is unlikely that "a lot" of other people/tribes jointly inhabited this area. What we do know from modern science is that certain haplotypes and their uniqueness show clearly a colonization of the Judaic area during the Arab Muslim expansion. Which has been pointed out previously numerous times, which lends one to wonder why this simple fact must be pointed out again and again.
Because they remain meaningless no matter how many times they are posted.

facts are meaningless ? Really ?

Spoken like a true denier.

Wow, OK then is discussion in any way going to be productive with someone who thinks facts are meaningless.

Just WOW
So, what is the relevance?

The relevance is that these facts definitively expose the revisionist lie that, 100% of Jewish immigration into Israel during the time of the mandate period was from Europe.

Overall IE the average of those years seems to place the number closer to 35% with references provided earlier in the conversation. The only real argument revisionists can make is that none of the numbers are very accurate, being that prejudice in the recording procedures and illegal immigration make it nearly impossible to say definitively what the actual numbers are. However we do have best evidence and that best evidence seems to place the average at roughly 35%

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