The Jewish Testimonies

Jhan Moskowitz, North American Director, was born and raised in the Bronx in New York City. From his refugee parents, he learned at an early age what it means to be a Jew. He was disenchanted with religion in his teens, but was committed to the survival of his people and became a short-term volunteer on a kibbutz in Israel. It was there that he became a seeker. He found his answer in 1971 when he came to terms with God through His Messiah, Jesus.

Jhan was one of the "original" Jews for Jesus volunteers, even before the organization's incorporation in 1973. Jhan co-founded the New Jerusalem Players (a mobile drama team of Jews for Jesus) and toured the United States as leader of that team for five years. He has directed the New York branch, where he also served as spiritual leader of a messianic congregation in Manhattan. He served as director of the Chicago branch of Jews for Jesus for 25 years. During that time, he taught a Bible study for the legal community of downtown Chicago. Jhan currently serves as the Director of North American Ministries, overseeing the ten Jews for Jesus branches in North America.

Jhan graduated from Long Island University and received his theological training at Simpson College in San Francisco. He received his Masters in Missions from the School of World Missions at Fuller Seminary. He is currently working on his Doctorate of Ministry at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is ordained through the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination.

Jhan has served as a platform speaker for Promise Keepers, bringing the message of reconciliation through Messiah Jesus to tens of thousands of men.
The truth is tens of thousands of Jewish men, women and children are coming to Jesus Christ! They are receiving Him as their Messiah and they are today more Jewish than ever! To G-d be the glory!
I appreciate this woman's honesty! She has quite a story! Listen to this!

Robyn Wilk heads up our South Florida branch of Jews for Jesus. She grew up in a Conservative Jewish home in New York, relocating to Kansas with her family at age twelve. At Wichita State University, a Christian roommate told her that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. After asking God to show her the truth, even though she did not want the truth to be Jesus, she came to believe that Jesus is the Messiah. When she completed a master's degree in music from the University of Michigan, Robyn joined the Liberated Wailing Wall, Jews for Jesus' music and drama team, where she sang, played flute, and served as the music director. Before coming to Florida, she spent five years directing our missionary training program in New York City, and before that, twelve years working in the San Francisco branch of Jews for Jesus where she formed and led the "Jews for Jesus Singers" team, a local version of the Liberated Wailing Wall, and ultimately led the San Francisco branch.
Meet Melissa! Tens of thousands of Jewish people are believing in Jesus as their Messiah! G-d is doing a great thing among the Jewish people!


Melissa Weinisch was born on Long Island in New York. Her parents—both Jewish—were believers in Jesus and had been involved with various Jewish evangelism efforts in the past. (Their names are Stewart and Shoshanna, and they are both currently on staff with Jews for Jesus in Manhattan.) By the time Melissa was born, her father had become the leader of a Messianic congregation—a calling which he pursued at various locations along the East Coast during Melissa's childhood and teenage years.

Melissa accepted Y'shua (Jesus) at the age of five. But she, her parents, and her younger brother Jonathan were the only believers in their extended family. Melissa recalls:

"Growing up in New York, surrounded by Jewish family, I gained a very strong Jewish Identity. I knew that as a Jew—I was a part of a rich and wonderful culture. But I also knew that, unlike most of the Jewish people around me, I believed in Jesus."

Learning to Seek

Her relationship with God became even more real to her at age thirteen, shortly before her Bat Mitzvah.

"A friend invited me to attend a youth conference; it was at this conference that God grabbed ahold of my heart. As I sat in an auditorium of teenagers who were worshiping God, I realized that I had been missing something. Of course, I loved God and I wanted to please Him, but I was not pursuing Him; I was not seeking Him. I was more just coexisting with Him. At the conference, I made the decision to to seek God with my heart, my soul, my mind, my strength, and with all of my life."

After my Bat Mitzvah, I had a renewed sense of purpose in my pursuit of God, a fresh desire to know Him and seek His will in my life. Along with that came a reconciliation of the difference between doing the right thing and having a right heart. I realized that for the majority of my life there had been a gap between what I did and what I believed, and it was time to make one a product of the other."

Throughout high school, Melissa kept her relationship with God at the center of her priorities. She also was very involved in her Messianic congregation, Beth Shofar. She served as a shabbat schoolteacher and nursery worker and she sang on the worship team. She was active in extra-curricular activities as well: she acted in many plays and musicals and served as president of her school's branch of the "International Thespian Society." In the midst of all this, Melissa also held several jobs, one of which was at an elementary school summer camp.

A Musical Interlude

After high school, Melissa decided to take her love of music, drama, and Y'shua to a new level. She joined the Jews for Jesus mobile music team called "The Liberated Wailing Wall" and traveled the country presenting Jewish gospel music at churches and other venues. Though she was the youngest member of the team, her skills as a singer, guitarist, and composer were invaluable. She was even able to contribute four songs to the album they recorded, titled Never Forget. Melissa toured with the team for twenty months.

While it was a time of blessing, those months spent living in very close quarters with her teammates (on a bus) were also a challenge for Melissa.

"The nearly two years I spent touring with The Liberated Wailing Wall was a time of growth. It is often said that the hard times are what bring us closer to God, and this was no exception. God taught me so much about Himself and His love for me in that season."
And here we have proof by Jeremiah admiting the Bible is not about Jesus: Quote:
" I can assure
you I am not quoting you. You are not in the
Bible. If your name is mentioned in the bible
it is speaking of someone else who happens
to have your name - it isn't about you"

Since Jesus name isn't in the Bible and one can be named first and last name that means Jeremiah's logic is that; fulfilment is not fitting anything while fitting everything is not fulfillment.
Opposite twist things much Jeremiah?
And I got you to admit (inadvertantly) thstJesus was Mashuganah and or your beliefs are. :)

By the way don't you mean Jesus the imposter wasn't me?
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And here we have proof by Jeremiah admiting the Bible is not about Jesus: Quote:
" I can assure
you I am not quoting you. You are not in the
Bible. If your name is mentioned in the bible
it is speaking of someone else who happens
to have your name - it isn't about you"

Since Jesus name isn't in the Bible and one can be named first and last name that means Jeremiah's logic is fulfilment is not fitting anything while fitting everything is not fulfillment. Ooposite twist things much Jeremiah?
And I got you to admit (inadvertantly) thstJesus was Mashuganah and or your beliefs are. :)

By the way don't you mean Jesus the imposter wasn't me?

HaShev, you need to seek help. You are not Jesus, the Scriptures are not speaking about you, you are not the Messiah, the Bible is not using your name and if there is any coincidence and "a name" in the bible happens to be the same as yours I can assure you it is not speaking about you!
Once again Jeremiah admits: HaShev, you need to seek help. You are not Jesus..

Never said I was Jesus, but once again you admit inadvertantly by your standards your idol needed help and that your standards in your mind are nutty, that is what you are accidentally saying through my use of mirror reflecting your standard back for you to toast yourself. :)

Will someone from the short bus please explain this to her.

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