The Jewish Testimonies

Did you know that there is a forbidden chapter in the Tanakh? That all Rabbis avoid because they know it is about the Messiah? Watch this amazing video and see for yourself! This is truly a remarkable video / interviews with Jewish people who learn for the first time about the forbidden chapter in their own book! Look at what happens when these Jews read their own Tanakh in Hebrew and read aloud the truth about their Messiah! These Jews do not know Jesus as their Messiah! This is an amazing video! AMAZING.

About Us Tree of Life


Tree of Life Ministries is sharing the Gospel with Israelis through quality booklets, videos, and websites, street evangelism, and special outreach events.

We’re equipping the Body of Messiah in Israel through worship training, evangelism training, children’s ministry, and discipleship.

Ariel and Shayla Hyde

Ariel comes from a background rich in ministry experience, having served the Lord with his family in the U.S., Germany, and Israel. He graduated from Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL), with a double major in Communication and International Relations. He served in the Israel Defense Forces, representing Israel to international organizations and embassies.

The Lord has opened up doors for him to share the Gospel regularly with soldiers and commanders, people on buses and trains and on the street, people online through websites and videos, and at special outreach events. He wrote “Supernatural or Just Remarkable” together with his father. He leads an evangelistic media team, and also teaches evangelism seminars to equip and inspire Israeli believers to share the Gospel more often and effectively.

Shayla has been serving in ministry from a young age, having grown up as a pastor’s daughter. She completed a bachelor’s degree in Music Education at Southeastern University (Lakeland, FL), while being mentored for three years in Collegiate Master’s Corps, an intensive ministry training program. She has taught music, led worship and served in ministry to children in the U.S., Thailand, and Israel.

Shayla leads the children’s ministry at Carmel Congregation and a discipleship program for older children. She also runs a worship training program for people of all ages.

Ariel and Shayla are actively involved in Carmel and Kerem El Messianic congregations in Haifa, Israel, serving through worship, children’s ministry, outreach, translation, special performances, and co-leading a home group. They love to lead others into the presence of God through worship with piano, harp, flute, and voice.
Jeremiah how many times do I have to tell you to self reflect what you say and post before it bites you in the rear? You make counter missionary toooooo easy. :)
Quote in a mirror reflection:
Did you know that there is a forbidden chapter in
the NT? That all Preachers avoid because they
know it is about Jesus admitting he's Lucifer?
or how about this one:
Did you know that there is a forbidden chapter in
the Tanakh? That all Preachers avoid because they
know it is about Jesus being lucifer?
or how about this one:
Did you know that there is a forbidden chapter in
the scrolls? That all forum missionaries avoid because they know it is about them being the sons of darkness?
Busted by your own post again.
Notice Jeremiah had to flood her post again to hide her admission that her idol was a nutterbar and that her logic in placement is not only flawed but admittingly insane.
: -)
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Notice Jeremiah had to flood her post again to hide her admission that her idol was a nutterbar and that her logic in pkacement is not only flawed but admittingly insane.
: -)
"Jesus’ experiences can be potentially conceptualized within the framework of Paranoid Schizophrenia or Psychosis NOS. Other reasonable possibilities might include bipolar and schizoaffective disorders. … hyperreligiosity … Suicide-by-proxy is described as “any incident in which a suicidal individual causes his or her death to be carried out by another person. … a Supraphrenic” (The Role of Psychotic Disorders in Religious History Considered, Evan D. Murray, M.D. Miles G. Cunningham, M.D., Ph.D. Bruce H. Price, M.D., The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2012; 24:410-426)

“The reasons we declared Jesus unhinged had to do with his unstable behavior in cursing a fig tree for not having fruit on it (Mark 11:12-14), for sending soul-raping demons into a herd of two thousand swine, causing their needless deaths (Mark 5:11-13), and for his famous temple conniption fit (John 2:14-17).” Dr. Eardman said.

Mark 11:13-14 says, “13. And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet. 14. And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter forever.” Dr. Eardman asked, “Can any thinking person deny that this behavior is insane?” He continued, “Why would the Lord of heaven and earth expect to find fruit on a fig tree out of season? This is the first evidence of demonstrable insanity.” But the team wasn’t yet through showing that Jesus was a fruitcake. They then moved on to what was said to be an even worse example of a sick, twisted mind.

Dr. Gregory Barnes referred to Jesus as “a male menopausal, foaming-at-the-mouth, psychopath,”
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But did any of those figures really see themselves anything more the a revolutionary or teacher?
According to the tenses the figure is teaching about son of man third person tense in the same way Rabbi Shneerson taught about Moshiach. Therefore it's the followers who make the teachers one in the same as who they taught about as being overly zealous, thus a bit out in left field. According to the NT they did not see their failed leader as the Moshiach when he failed to liberate them they made such admission that as Luke said: "he's not who we HOPED HIM TO BE".
SO the earlier followers weren't even the nut jobs, it's those who made this created figure a god or believed such nonsense that should be wearing the white jackets with the bondage buckles in the back.
Since we don't have 2 billion rubber rooms the best solution is to reach & teach and deprogram them.
Jeremiah showing her complete ignorance says there is a forbidden chapter in the jewish scriptures.... Shakes my head... Jews read the tanach from cover to cover every week and then start all over the following year... That is why it is split into parshas so we can read it.....where does she get this stuff from.... Oh yah she misinterprets the verses and tries to deceive others with her malarky...... As for trying to deprogram her from the cult i dont know if it is possible after all she is so used to lying and beliefing those lies that tearing away the blinders and letting in the light of truth and knowledge might be too much for her to handle....
If that's the case then she won't be saved and those that don't heed the warning will end up facing what we were warning them about. That's where the bug refusing the warning & splating against the window analogy comes to play.
They didn't make it any more obvious- the verse the Preachers skip over:
John 6:66
After Jesus said these things(equating himself higher the God as the Morning star matching Isaiah 14:12-17) , many of his followers left him. They stopped following Jesus.
Yes besides connecting jesus to lucifer the fallen one it is interesting to note that matt 5 19 states whoever breaks one of the least of the commandment and teaches men so shall be called least in the kingdom.... By that statement jesus will be least in the kingdom and any of his followers as well....

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