The Jewish Testimonies

No matter how disconnected a Jew may be from Judaism, he is still likely to be appalled by the idea of worshipping Jesus. And that poses a great dilemma for Christian missionaries seeking to convert Jews.

Given this problem, some missionaries got the idea to try a backdoor tactic. They invented "Jews for Jesus," which uses a whole lexicon of Jewish-sounding buzz words in order to make Jesus more palatable to Jews

Jews for Jesus is a subversive organization. The missionaries' approach to ensnare unsuspecting people includes quoting Torah verses out of context and gross mis-translations.

These deceptions are most successful with Jews who have no knowledge of their own Jewish heritage. In Russia, for example, where Jewish education had been suppressed for 70 years, missionaries sponsor "Jewish revival meetings," where a tallit-clad clergyman asks throngs of unsuspecting Russian Jews to "accept Jesus into your heart."

Jews for Jesus
Jews for Jesus founding member dies

Jhan Moskowitz, 64, one of the founders of Jews for Jesus, the best known Jewish evangelism agency in the world, has died after a fall on a subway in New York City.

Moskowitz fell and hit his head in the subway on Tuesday. His injury caused hemorrhaging in his brain which led to him being put on life support. According to one report, his family made the difficult decision of removing him from that life support on Wednesday.

In a message to supporters, David Brickner, the head of Jews for Jesus since 1996, said, "We had hoped to report a miracle today but that has not been the case. As of early afternoon the doctors began the process of determining whether Jhan would be able to survive on his own. With no brain activity since yesterday afternoon, the result was a formal declaration of death. The medical explanation was herniation as a result of intracranial hemorrhage."

Brickner said that there will be a memorial service on Friday morning at 11:00am local time at Trinity Baptist Church, New York. at least he was buried with his own kind , the goyim. His remains would never be allowed to foul a Jewish cemetery

Jews for Jesus founding member dies Christian News on Christian Today
"jews for jesus" aren't jews...they are christians.

They have no right of return to Israel .

When someone converts to judaism, they are just as jewish as someone who was born a jew.....when they kneel before the christian god jesus they are christians
No matter how disconnected a Jew may be from Judaism, he is still likely to be appalled by the idea of worshipping Jesus. And that poses a great dilemma for Christian missionaries seeking to convert Jews.

Given this problem, some missionaries got the idea to try a backdoor tactic. They invented "Jews for Jesus," which uses a whole lexicon of Jewish-sounding buzz words in order to make Jesus more palatable to Jews

Jews for Jesus is a subversive organization. The missionaries' approach to ensnare unsuspecting people includes quoting Torah verses out of context and gross mis-translations.

These deceptions are most successful with Jews who have no knowledge of their own Jewish heritage. In Russia, for example, where Jewish education had been suppressed for 70 years, missionaries sponsor "Jewish revival meetings," where a tallit-clad clergyman asks throngs of unsuspecting Russian Jews to "accept Jesus into your heart."

Jews for Jesus

Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness. So you see that is men of faith who are the sons of Abraham. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, In thee shall all the nations be blessed. So then, those who are men of faith are blessed with Abraham who had faith.

- Rabbi Saul quoting Galatians 3:6-9

Who is Rabbi Saul? A Jew who received Jesus Christ as his Messiah and became like the Apostle Paul. I can picture you becoming like Paul, Guno! Truly I can! What was Rabbi Saul referring to in Galatians 3:6,7,8,9?

Galatians 3: 6-9.

It is written:

Galatians 3:6-9 King James Version (KJV)

6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.

7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.

8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.

9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.

King James Version (KJV)

You say, Guno, as a Jew you believe in the hereafter but have been taught to focus on this life not the one after. But the one after is eternal whereas this life is fleeting! On this earth our life is compared to a vapor! To grass that withereth! Here today, gone tomorrow! Whereas life eternal is never ending. With that in mind, would it not be wiser to focus on the eternal more than the temporal? Yes! Of course it would. You are a very intelligent man. I'm sure you see the wisdom in this.

Now on the matter of these verses Rabbi Saul quoted. I give you this to examine concerning the curse of the law, and the faith of Abraham which did justify him before God, Abraham is in heaven because he was justified by faith! Not works. Faith. Abraham was justified by faith.

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

The apostle proves the doctrine he had blamed the Galatians for rejecting; namely, that of justification by faith without the works of the law. This he does from the example of Abraham, whose faith fastened upon the word and promise of God, and upon his believing he was owned and accepted of God as a righteous man.

The Scripture is said to foresee, because the Holy Spirit that indited the Scripture did foresee. Through faith in the promise of God he was blessed; and it is only in the same way that others obtain this privilege.

Let us then study the object, nature, and effects of Abraham's faith; for who can in any other way escape the curse of the holy law?

The curse is against all sinners, therefore against all men; for all have sinned, and are become guilty before God: and if, as transgressors of the law, we are under its curse, it must be vain to look for justification by it.

Those only are just or righteous who are freed from death and wrath, and restored into a state of life in the favour of God; and it is only through faith that persons become righteous. Thus we see that justification by faith is no new doctrine, but was taught in the church of God, long before the times of the gospel.

It is, in truth, the only way wherein any sinners ever were, or can be justified. Though deliverance is not to be expected from the law, there is a way open to escape the curse, and regain the favour of God, namely, through faith in Christ. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law; being made sin, or a sin-offering, for us,

This is what Rabbi Saul realized and he readily accepted Jesus Christ as his messiah! Won't you do the same knowing that this is the way to eternal life, Guno?
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The Anti-Missionary Gateway

This site is not aimed at or against Christians.
This site is aimed against Christians who seek or want to
convert Jews to Christianity.

The Anti-Missionary Gateway

I have shared Christ with you and have given you irrefutable evidence that Jesus Christ is the Messiah by presenting all of these Old Testament Prophecies and their fulfillment through Jesus Christ because I care for your soul! I want you to go to heaven, Guno! My greatest hope for you is that you may know Jesus as your Messiah!

What is this site? You want me to do what? Read it?
"jews for jesus" aren't jews...they are christians.

They have no right of return to Israel .

When someone converts to judaism, they are just as jewish as someone who was born a jew.....when they kneel before the christian god jesus they are christians

It is impossible for me to become a Jew by converting to Judaism! It is not possible! Even now I am a Gentile but inwardly a Jew! I cannot become a Jew by converting to Judaism. You were born a Jew into a Jewish family. I was born a Gentile into a Gentile family. The story of Ruth was a type of Christ when she said, Your God shall be my God and your people shall be my people. At that time - the Messiah - who opened the door to the Gentiles had not yet come! In that matter God made provision for this - to come to Him through faith in Him as the Jewish people had faith in Him. Even as those in Esther's time after Haman and his wicked sons were destroyed - the Gentiles believed in God and received the Hebrew God by faith. It was a type a foreshadow of Christ the Messiah. But today? No. It is not possible, Guno. I cannot come to God that way! And neither can you! We must be born again! The Religious leader Nicodemus was told by Jesus Christ, Ye must be born again! See John Chapter 3. Have a good afternoon.
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jhan died? But they promised eternal life and no illness.... tmp_3145-fc2fca5cc8833d35c92822a6af386914480a4e7c2411a6329d9742eb6bc89110998769409.jpg
I doubt that Jesus would have s
"jews for jesus" aren't jews...they are christians.

They have no right of return to Israel .

When someone converts to judaism, they are just as jewish as someone who was born a jew.....when they kneel before the christian god jesus they are christians

It is impossible for me to become a Jew by converting to Judaism! It is not possible! Even now I am a Gentile but inwardly a Jew! I cannot become a Jew by converting to Judaism. You were born a Jew into a Jewish family. I was born a Gentile into a Gentile family. The story of Ruth was a type of Christ when she said, Your God shall be my God and your people shall be my people. At that time - the Messiah - who opened the door to the Gentiles had not yet come! In that matter God made provision for this - to come to Him through faith in Him as the Jewish people had faith in Him. Even as those in Esther's time after Haman and his wicked sons were destroyed - the Gentiles believed in God and received the Hebrew God by faith. It was a type a foreshadow of Christ the Messiah. But today? No. It is not possible, Guno. I cannot come to God that way! And neither can you! We must be born again! The Religious leader Nicodemus was told by Jesus Christ, Ye must be born again! See John Chapter 3. Have a good afternoon.[/QUOTE

I doubt that Jesus would have stated that a person cannot convert to Judaism.
There were converts in his time and before his time-----some of the famous
talmudists that he quoted were actually either converts or the progeny of
converts. Ruth did convert to Judaism and was in the maternal ancestry
of King David (or so they say)-----David was ---certainly a "jew"--------

way back----it seems to me that LOTS of people were effectively converts.
It seems to me that the entire household of JACOB----went with him to Egypt--
when Joseph became Vizier there (remember "joseph and his brothers"?)
----the people who went ---would have included a whole bunch of people------
retainers, servants, some odd and end relatives-----wives of his sons-----that
whole group becomes "Israelites" aka "children of Israel" aka Jacob. That
is how the system worked back then. In fact even the word "AV"----does not
actually mean just biological father ------it actually refers to something like the
Patriarch of the whole GROUP------The conversion thing is considered something
like an "adoption" --------like in the USA-----you get to be the legal -----uhm....heir.

I can see why Abe Cohen was so outraged at the principal who threw his daughter out of school for talking about Jesus Christ (after she received Jesus as her Messiah), Guno. This is the same sort of nonsense they told Mr. Cohen! See his testimony here on this thread! In fact? I'll re-post it for you! He asked the Principal what about if they are practicing Witchcraft? With they get thrown out of the school? No, the Principal replied. But Mr. Cohen's daughter got thrown out of school for saying, "Praise the Lord". Oh! The irony!

Amazing isn't it, Guno? That a witch or a satanist can worship the devil and you'll still consider that person Jewish if they say they are a Jew. If an atheist tells the Jews they spit on the G-d of Israel and they are a Jew no one questions that they are still a Jew!

But let a Jew say, Praise the LORD! Jesus is my Messiah and all of a sudden he or she is no longer a Jew! Amazing!

Listen to this woman! Karen Davis has a beautiful voice and is a worshipper of the LORD - a Jewish woman - does she still sound Jewish? Yes, and she is! Even more now - because she has received Yeshua as her Messiah!

Esther Cohen gives her testimony: I had tried Judaism, astrology, yoga, and Buddhism. Nothing satisfied. There was something intriguing about Joe and Debbie and the kids who came to their house. But it was mostly the Bible that got to me. Joe showed me Isaiah 53 and claimed it was the prophecy of the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. I asked my rabbi and he said the prophet was talking about Israel.

But it didn't make any sense that the nation of Israel could forgive sins.

Sarah gave me a complete Bible for my birthday, which I kept hidden from mother. I was afraid to read it but curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to find where it said Christ-killer. Then I could say, See, Jesus does not love me. When I did open it, my eyes fell on Matthew 6:5 where Jesus said, And when you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites are, they love to pray standing in the synagogues........that they may be seen of men. Wow!
I was shook! I would put on a long dress to go to synagogue just to show how religious I was. Then I would wear a miniskirt to the roller rink where the guys were.

One night I was at a Purim party given by Joe and Debbie and other Jewish believers. After the party Sarah brought an older believer named Bob over to talk to me. We ended up praying and I accepted Jesus as my Jewish Messiah.
............ She continues........ I got in more trouble when I went to school and told my classmates: Guess what? I believe in Jesus and you should too! The principal called me into his office and said, Esther, I'm very sorry to hear that a nice Jewish girl like you should be fooled by such people, but if you keep quiet nothing will happen. If you insist on talking about this thing, we'll have to ask you to leave.

update --- Esther didn't stop talking about Jesus Christ and a letter was sent home to her parents. Now her father,Abe, was called in to meet with the principal and his daughter,Esther.

ABE: She was standing before the principal, crying, for she really liked the school. I asked him, Are kids that practice witchcraft allowed to stay in school?

He said, Yes.

Did I get angry!

Because she said, Praise the LORD, she has to leave! I exclaimed, What's wrong with praising the LORD? The principal just stood there. That's just the way it is, he finally said, If we didn't know she believes in Jesus it wouldn't mean anything. But we know. I'm sorry, Mr. Cohen, but she'll have to transfer to a public school....................

Abe finds out about the Finkelsteins and figures he better check into it....

ABE: I figured I'd better check into their home. When I walked in the door they were on their knees praying. Sarah was thanking the LORD she was delivered from the drug habit and asking for strength to keep walking the straight and narrow path. I didn't even know she was messing around with drugs. I started crying and she was crying and we hugged each other.
That night I accepted Jesus, too. He became my Savior.

Shortly after - Mrs. Cohen (Abe's wife) received Jesus Christ as her Savior and today the family serves the LORD.

She says..........
RACHEL: I have only one sister left from my family in the old country. We love each other very much. She hasn't accepted Yeshua, but I'm praying she will. It's the same with my two sons whom we've claimed for the Lord. Abe and I are happier than we've ever been. We're more Jewish than we were. We ought to be. We've found the Messiah.

From James G. Hefley - The New Jews

Testimony of the conversion of Sarah Cohen, Esther Cohen, Abe Cohen, Rachel Cohen.
The name that scares Jeremiah:
War Scroll” (4Q471)
Where in verse XVII, it says, “God will send eternal bliss by the might of the Princely Angel of the Kingdom of Michael. He will enlighten with joy the children of Israel.

Christians who converted to the Evening Star-
kingdom of Michael
Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventist, Coptics, Unitarians, Urantians, some Mormons, Some Catholic orders of Nuns and Priests, Some Orthodox, ULC.

In a ceremony held in the Vatican Gardens on Friday, July 4, 2013 Pope Francis with Emeritus Pope Benedict by his side consecrated the Vatican City to St Michael the Archangel. The Pope suggested that this can be seen as an invitation to reflection and prayer because “Michael fights to…
The Angels Magazine

Pope Leo and Saint Michael the Archangel The American CatholicThe American Catholic

Order of St. Michael the Archangel

Congregation of Saint Michael the Archangel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Spirit Daily - Daily spiritual news from around the world



Saint Michael the Archangel in the Gargano

The Groom
In Judaism the bride get's married/ in union With the groom at
Night (Evening Star=Michael).
Christians are the bride by Day (morning star Lucifer-rev 22:16).

The Groom is Michael in Torah Comentary:
The Maharal of Prague says that this is the secret of Yerushalayim: that Yerushalayim is the joining together of the groom and the bride. Anyone who gladdens the groom and the bride is considered as if he built up one of the ruins of Yerushalayim. When the groom and bride are joined together, then one of the ruins of Yerushalayim is put together again. The bride is the 216; she is the gevurot, and the groom is the “shaleim,” the completion. He bestows completion on the bride, which are the 370 masculine spiritual lights. The Maharal says that Rav Shmuel bar Nachmeini said: "The groom is Michael".

This is why they say the temple (MIKdash) is in his name, and that the name would be in
the MIKra (the Bible), and that his name and essence would be in the Holy city yeruShalem which name is secreted “in the original Canaanite transliteration of ****" (name hidden/witheld).
It's also why they said the names would be in the Torah portion Like Miketz and ****(hidden).

Proverbs 1:22-33 They say Proverbs was inspired by Michael.
Words of the Archangel Michael (4Q529, 6Q23)
1 Kings 11:36
Exodus (Shemot ) 4:7
Deut 24: 13 (Ki Tetse )
in Numbers 31:12 Matot
Isaiah 11:4
EXODUS 23:20-22
Neh 9:6
Psalm 52:1-3
(Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 )
Song of Songs 5:2 on the dew of the Night
(Mishnah Sota 9:15)
Psalms 2:4
PSALMS 22:12-16
Psalms 27:12
Psalm 37:4
Psalms 52:1-3
Psalm 74:10 & 18 -They Blasphemy my given name and my title
PSALMS 109:2
PSALMS 109:3
Psalm 119:104
Thanksgiving Hymn 12-14
More: Isaiah 55:8-9
[Isa 62:1.29] For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until her vindication goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a burning torch.
Psalm 121:4 "indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. "
Psalm 132:4 I will allow no sleep to my eyes, no slumber to my eyelids,
Ecclesiastes 8:16 When I applied my mind to know wisdom and to observe man's labor on earth--his eyes not seeing sleep day or night-. Micah 3:5-7 Micah 7:18
Daniel 10:13; 10:20-21;12:1-4 . Jeremiah 11:20, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Isaiah 51:9, Isaiah 59;19, Is.11:4,Isaiah 25:8, Is.52:13-53:12,Is 61:2,
Zephaniah, 3:9,
Eliyahu Rabbah ch.4
Hilchot Melachim 12:5
Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15 & Ezekiel 36:29-30
Ezekiel 36:28-30 & Isaiah 11:6-11:9
Talmud Ketubot 56a
Zohar II, 146a-146b
(Isaiah 45 and book of Ezra along with Dan 10-giving the vision to Cyrus to gather the dispersed and build the temple) Malachi 3:24, The Prophet Haggai 2:6-7 ,
Ps. 72:16, 4Q285 4-5&10, Psalms 7:7-8
4Q246, 1QS x12-18, 1QSb=1Q28b , 4Q300I ii4=4Q299 2 i I4, Melakim {I Kings8:43)Ezekiel 40-43)(Is.2:2, Zekh.14.16-21) Midrash Rabba (Exodus 18) . Exodus 23:20-22, Micah 4:5, Nahum 1. Isaiah 9:6, 11:2-3, 42:19, 61:2 .Psalms 7:7-9, 82:1, 90:4 .Jeremiel 14 · Jude 9
Book of Hebrews chapter 1, 5 and 6 and HEBREWS 7:1
1John 3:8
Revelations 12:7 3 · Baruch 4:7; 11:2,4,6,8; 12:4,6-7; 13:2-3,5; 14:1-2; 15:1,3; 16:1,3 4 · Baruch 9:5 1 .1 Adam 29:6,8; 31:5 · Enoch 9:1; 10:11; 20:5; 24:4; 40:9; 53:6; 54:6; 60:4-5; 68:2-4; 69:14-15; 71:3,8-9,13 · 2 Enoch 22:1,6,8-9; 33:1&11; 71:28 (Recension J); 72:1,3,8-9 (Recension J) 3 Enoch 17:3; 44:10 · Apocalypse of Ezra 1:3; 2:1; 4:7,24; 6:2 · Life of Adam and Eve 13:3; 14:1-3; 15:2; 21:2; 22:2; 25:2; 29:1-3; 43:3; 45:1; 51:2 · Apocalypse of Adam and Eve 3:2; 22:1; 37:4,6; 40:1-2; 43:1-2 · Sibylline Oracles 2:215 · Testament of Solomon 1:6 (5 in Conybeare); 18:5 (73 in Conybeare) · Apocalypse of Abraham 10:17 · Apocalypse of Sedrach 14:1 · Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah 3:16 · Testament of Abraham 1:4,6; 2:2-14:7 · Testament of Isaac 2:1 · Testament of Jacob 1:6; 5:13 · Vision of Ezra verse 56 .Isaiah Commentary: (IQSb,v 20-29) .HEBREWS chapter one the son apointed higher then the angels (arch) also Hebrews 1:8 & 7:1 · Gnostic Texts (Nag Hammadi Scrolls) .Coptic Accounts of Genesis .Oral traditions of Genesis 3: .Genesis 15.1 · Apocryphon of John 17:30 .Dead Sea Scrolls 1QM v, 1-2 .Blessings scroll (1QSb=1Q28b) V:20 .Hymn 12-14 .4Q471 XVII .llQMelch ll,9,13 .4Q246 .1QS x12-18 .4Q285 5&10 ."War Scroll" (4Q471)verse XVII ."THE SONGS OF THE HOLOCAUST OF THE SABBATH"(4Q403 I,ii,18-29) ."The Heavenly Prince Melchizedek" Scroll(IIQ13) .(4Q529,6Q23) "Words Of The Archangel Michael" .The Koran 2:98 and many verses .THE BOOK OF URANTIA. The Archangel Michael and King Zedekiah (4Q470) , The Coming of Melchizedek (11Q19-20) , Novalis Hymn to the Night, Celtic Lores,Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny), Portrait ‘Et in Arcadia Ego’, African Bushmen Lores, Native American Lores, book called Alas Babylon, Louis Llamore's High Graders, Many Nosty quatrians C;2 Q;28, C5 Q83, C10 Q74, C4Q24, C1Q56, C1 Q96 /C2 Q28/ C2 Q29, C5 Q8, 1.96 - XCVI., 1. 91 - XCI., C1. 1 - 1 ... To many more to list..... Third Fatima revelation, Garabandal Intercession, Catholic Litany as the lamb of G-d and Commander of G-d of Israel, 4Q285, Fr.4&5 and fr 10 Akedas Yitzhak on Genesis 49:12 - 15th century C.E. 5. Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 - 6th century C.E. Hilchos Melachim 11:3-4, Talmud,The Rabbi's Sicha (address) of Shabbos Parshas Shoftim, 5751 (August 17, 1991) Expecting the Messiah An ultra-Orthodox sect says the Redeemer is due to he might be an American ; Time LISA BEYER KFAR HABAD With reporting by Hannah Bloch/Brooklyn; 03-23-1992 ,Hindu Tantrik many verses and even chants, (Ezekiel 21:25-27),4Q299 F.5 ,book of Micah, the Mishnah Torah, Numbers /Korach 17: 2, 4Q285 fr4,Psa 134:1-3,(Psalm 90:4),(John 9:4-5),1 John 3:8, JOHN 5:22 (Luke 12:38), Rev 3:7 the angel of Phila with the keys, scrollIIQ13,1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, ACTS 5:31,4Q471 XVII,Perek Tzaddik Gimmel (93), Fr. 2I (=4Q 418, Fr. 43) Dead Sea Scrolls shows my name as the remover of the veil while mentioning my main web pages and it's context along with my main poems name and site name, 4QSe (4Q259) the Moshiach's Aaron Lineage, (1 Thes 5:2), Koran 73, 1-5, "al-Mahdi is from our Ahlul-Bayt, no doubt Allah will enforce his appearance within a Night." References: Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, p269, Genesis 15.1 "Do not be afraid, Abraham, I am your shield and your very great reward." said the Lord to Abraham in “a vision of the Night” again The exact phrase “visions of the Night” is found in Genesis 46:2 and has to do with God revealing things directly to Jacob. Psalm 16:7-11 7 I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel; yea, in the NIGHT seasons, my reins instruct me. the Watchman song;-Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608 (adapted and harmized by J.S. Bach) ,
More in the Koran: (24: 55) 097.001-5
Koran: Sura:36:37 (44) ; 3-6 In Sura 32, Verses 11 and 12. [TMQ Al-Ahzaab:36]
(24: 55)
Many uses of the number 7 (Sheva), the Shev (shew)Bread, the staff (HaShevet)in the Torah.
Name in the Holy city
1 Kings 11:36 & in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75), In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).
HaShev in the bible: 1 (Gen 3:19 - Gen 24:5) 2 (Gen 24:6 - Gen 38:22) 3 (Gen 38:29 - Exd 4:7) 4 (Exd 4:7 - Exd 32:12) 5 (Exd 32:27 - Lev 27:24) 6 (Num 5:7 - Num 25:4) 7 (Num 25:11 - Deu 20:7) 8 (Deu 20:8 - Jos 1:15) 9 (Jos 2:16 - Jos 19:34) 10 (Jos 20:6 - Jdg 9:57) 11 (Jdg 11:8 - Rth 1:15) 12 (Rth 1:16 - 1Sa 12:3) 13 (1Sa 14:27 - 1Sa 29:4) 14 (1Sa 29:7 - 2Sa 14:13) 15 (2Sa 14:21 - 2Sa 19:12) 16 (2Sa 19:14 - 1Ki 8:33) 17 (1Ki 8:34 - 1Ki 13:10) 18 (1Ki 13:16 - 1Ki 20:9) 19 (1Ki 20:34 - 2Ki 7:15) 20 (2Ki 8:3 - 2Ki 19:36) 21 (2Ki 20:5 - 2Ch 6:37) 22 (2Ch 6:38 - 2Ch 19:1) 23 (2Ch 19:4 - 2Ch 32:21) 24 (2Ch 32:25 - Neh 6:4) 25 (Neh 7:6 - Job 9:18) 26 (Job 10:9 - Job 34:15) 27 (Job 35:4 - Psa 35:17) 28 (Psa 44:10 - Psa 78:38) 29 (Psa 78:39 - Psa 116:12) 30 (Psa 119:59 - Pro 25:13) 31 (Pro 26:11 - Isa 1:27) 32 (Isa 5:25 - Isa 37:37) 33 (Isa 38:8 - Jer 2:24) 34 (Jer 2:35 - Jer 14:3) 35 (Jer 15:7 - Jer 28:3) 36 (Jer 28:4 - Jer 33:26) 37 (Jer 33:26 - Jer 44:5) 38 (Jer 44:14 - Lam 3:40) 39 (Lam 3:64 - Eze 18:12) 40 (Eze 18:17 - Eze 33:18) 41 (Eze 33:19 - Dan 11:13) 42 (Dan 11:18 - Hsa 12:6) 43 (Hsa 12:14 - Amo 4:10) 44 (Amo 4:11 - Zec 6:1) 45 (Zec 7:14 - Mal 4:6)
There's also a Serbian Prophet who's predictions match
Michael HaMoshiach.

According to "Missionaries & Jeremiah standards"
I fulfill many times more verses making me the Shiloh who had his rights stolen from the thief Jesus, which is why they said he was a thief of the night (Evening Star).
That makes jesus lucifer & our resident Jeremiah a messenger for satan according to their standards.
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The missionary may tell you that he (or a Christian friend or
acquaintance) was once an Orthodox Jew, or that he had a solid Jewish
education, a traditional Jewish family life, etc. This is almost always
a lie, so don’t let him fool you. The hidden message that he is
attempting to convey is that he came to believe in Jesus after knowing
and overcoming all of the Jewish objections, and therefore, why should
you bother to check it out?

He may drop certain Yiddish phrases or talk about the details of his
“traditional” Jewish upbringing, in order to lend more credence to his
story. In fact, his “memory” is often the result of careful coaching.

Usually, all that is necessary to expose this type of hoax is to ask
him about various small details of Jewish life that any observant
Jewish child would know, and see how he responds. In almost all cases,
he will begin to hedge about the extent of his “background” and “Jewish
knowledge”. Unfortunately, most Jews are themselves not knowledgeable
enough to be able to expose this type of deception.

In the same vein, the missionary might tell you that he knows the
Jewish objections to his arguments, and will then proceed to show how
such objectives are ill-founded. Don’t expect to hear the real Jewish
response from such a source.

A Guide to Missionary Tactics - Jews For Judaism
As I said before people are constantly going up and down Jacob's ladder.... Missionaries pray on the weak and the gulliable....This is even explained in a verse where Gd says "my people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge"... the time will come soon when none will lack knowledge then Satan(the christian adversary) will no longer be able to deceive anyone anymore....
Guno, Guy Cohen was an orthodox Jew so this claim you are making goes right out the window. Here, listen to his testimony. See for yourself. He was an orthodox Jew! And a Cohen!

"Guy Cohen, an orthodox Jew cries out to God and finds the Messiah. Growing up in an orthodox family, Guy has many questions about the Messiah. He couldn't find answers in the teachings of the rabbi's and left the orthodox life. He became a conservative Jew, in the mean time waiting on God to show him who is the Messiah. Five years later someone gives him a New Testament. Reading this, Yeshua reveals Himself and Guy knows that He is the Messiah of Israel. He has welcomed Him in his heart and accepted Him to be his Lord and Saviour. And now every day in his life is victorious and beautiful!"
Guy Cohen studied the Talmud in the rabbinical style, The Torah, his Rabbi was a Kabbalist and used trickery to deceive him.

I find it disturbing about Guy Cohen's testimony how he tells of when he asked his rabbi about the Messiah - he asked him, the Scriptures say that Messiah would come on a donkey to Jerusalem but how is this possible when there are cars? He said his Rabbi was a Kabbalist and he was playing with the bible and he changed the meaning of word Donkey in order to deceive the young man - very deceptive how Kabbalists do such things and thank God, Guy Cohen did not accept his explanation nor his teaching. He had many,many questions but he could see the Rabbi was about money and not about the heart. You should listen to his testimony. It really is moving when he tells about praying to G-d and asking him why He allowed the Rabbis to manipulate the people like this?

Very moving and sincere testimony about this man's search to know who was the Messiah. G-d answered his prayer. Now he knows. Jesus Christ is the Messiah

Mark 11 King James Version (KJV)
11 And when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, he sendeth forth two of his disciples,

2 And saith unto them, Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never man sat; loose him, and bring him.

3 And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and straightway he will send him hither.

4 And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met; and they loose him.

5 And certain of them that stood there said unto them, What do ye, loosing the colt?

6 And they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded: and they let them go.

7 And they brought the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments on him; and he sat upon him.

8 And many spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strawed them in the way.

9 And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord:

10 Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest.

11 And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple.........

To God be the glory! This is the question that this orthodox Jew, Guy Cohen had! How could Messiah come today on a donkey with cars and airplanes and all that is today? His Rabbi tried to trick him by changing the word meaning of donkey (which was trickery and a lie) but Guy was not convinced - God began to open his eyes - then? Well, listen to his testimony! It is truly a miracle how Jesus reveals himself to Guy as his Messiah! I love Guy Cohen's story! I praise God for all the Jewish people the LORD is saving today! Truly it is time for the salvation of the LORD to come to his people!
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A teaching about the Great Tribulation and what lies up ahead.........

Rabbi Schneider imparts revelation of Jesus' Jewish heritage and His fulfillment of messianic prophecy. Questions of how the Old and New Testaments tie together, and how Yeshua completes the unfolding plan of The Almighty Yahweh, are answered with exceptional clarity.
Through understanding the Old Testament and its prophetic nature, with Yeshua as its fulfillment, the viewer's faith is strengthened, increased relationship and intimacy with the LORD is discovered, and an end-times vision of life is crystallized. "Discovering The Jewish Jesus" is an end-times ministry, strengthening the church and calling her to be a readied bride for the return of the Bridegroom, Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus The Messiah).

part 2 of the teaching on the Great Tribulation taught by Rabbi Schneider
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