The Judge's Parents Were Illegals.

Scholarships were given to Dream Act recipients. Perfectly legal.

I don't think that is true. According to what I've read, at least one (or more) were here illegally.

Got a link?

What I saw, was one - only one - described himself as "illegal" according to this: Five Things to Know About Donald Trump’s Criticism of Judge Gonzalo Curiel

Judge Curiel has served as one of several members of the organization’s committee in charge of awarding scholarships to students. Trump supporters have noted that at least one of the past scholarship recipients described himself as an undocumented immigrant. Mr. Osuna said the judge’s involvement with the organization “like his ethnicity, is irrelevant to his ability to objectively preside over the Trump U matters.”​

A claim which was based on this program for a 2014 dinner, for which Judge Curiel served as a member of the selection committee:

The only one who talks about being illegal is Ricardo Elorza, and he also talked about the Dream act. When I googled him, nothing came up about him being illegal. And - if, as he stated, he is now an attorney - he can't possibly be illegal can he?

Probably. In California, illegals can be lawyers, Doctors, City Council members, etc...They have CA drivers licenses.

The reality is that many of them vote too. All they have to do is "Attest" that they are legal. No ID of any kind is required to register, or to vote. It's all on the "Honor system".

I doubt they can be lawyers.

Do you have evidence that many of them vote? Most of the time, the claim is made but very little evidence provided other than a few odd cases where there was confusion on immigrant status.

You're a very naive person.

Illegals can be lawyers- Undocumented immigrant can practice law in California, court rules -

Illegals can vote in California - I live in California. Plenty of illegals vote. You simply "attest" that you are legal and that is it. Nobody verifies a thing, In fact, it is ILLEGAL to ask for Identification or proof of citizenship..
and some bullshit there
Okay I waded through the bullshit of the article cited by the OP....and guess what- one of the documents they refer to says that the judge's mother was a U.S. citizen- and the slime balls discount the very 'evidence' they use to claim the judges parents were not citizens.
WHAT! Were Trump Hatin’ Judge’s Father & Mother Illegal Aliens?
Yes, it’s true that the death certificate has the mother’s citizenship[United States] but death certificates are a notoriously unreliable document.

And then the slimeball author concludes:

Is Curiel Mexican?

You bet he’s Mexican.

Curiel's parents came to America LEGALLY, because they became US citizens sometime around 1948.

No, Curiel's law group isn't a faction of La Raza. They are simply a group of lawyers joined by a common thread. Lots of lawyers form groups based on commonality or that they are of the same ethnic group. Jewish lawyer groups exist a plenty.

But..............if in your blind support of Trump, you wish to believe lies and half truths, be my guest and have fun.
no, he said the citizenship of the parents did not matter, curiel is a citizen and a duly appointed judge

No, first he said the parents became citizens and then he said "even if they didn't"...that means he lied or is a simpering jackass....which would you prefer? We all know he's an OBAMA appointed judge...and is a US born mexican anchor baby who hates Trump for wanting to build the wall.
Lo and behold- the judge's mother was naturalized in 1969
BUSTED: Mama’s Records Show #JudgeCuriel Was An Anchor Baby! #SanJose

Oh and it gets even better- after the author says in one article
but death certificates are a notoriously unreliable document.

In another article the author claims that the judges father was not a U.S. citizen based upon- yes- you got it- his death certificate

Ay Carumba! Death Record For #JudgeCuriel Papa’s Proves New York Times Lying About U.S. Citizenship

By the way- this guy is the same guy who offered money for photos of Senator Thad Cochran’s wife in her nursing home bed.
no, he said the citizenship of the parents did not matter, curiel is a citizen and a duly appointed judge

No, first he said the parents became citizens and then he said "even if they didn't"...that means he lied or is a simpering jackass....which would you prefer? We all know he's an OBAMA appointed judge...and is a US born mexican anchor baby who hates Trump for wanting to build the wall.

Well now we know that you are the kind of gullible voter Trump is counting on.

The Judge is an American, born and raised in Indiana.

To you- and Trump- that makes him a Mexican.
The plot thickens. The liberal slander against Trump is looking more and more baseless and absurd:

The sometimes controversial scoop journalist that runs GotNews.comhas published documents that raise questions about the citizenship status of the parents of federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, presiding over a suit against Trump University.

Charles C. Johnson put up documents showing that Curiel's father crossed the U.S. border with Mexico at least twice and might not have become a U.S. citizen.

He also published images of the death certificates of the judge's parents that apparently show no Social Security number.

" can find no evidence that Curiel's parents ever became U.S. citizens. For all we know, Judge Curiel is an anchor baby," he wrote.
Wow- Mr. Johnson found out something that might have- or not have happened.

That is cutting edge Right Wing Nut job journalism there.

Next I am going to provide proof that Trump might- or might not have defrauded college students.

What he found is that there is no evidence the judge's parents were citizens.

It's quit telling that no leftwing douche bag has even tried to demonstrate his parents were citizens.
no, he said the citizenship of the parents did not matter, curiel is a citizen and a duly appointed judge

No, first he said the parents became citizens and then he said "even if they didn't"...that means he lied or is a simpering jackass....which would you prefer? We all know he's an OBAMA appointed judge...and is a US born mexican anchor baby who hates Trump for wanting to build the wall.

Well now we know that you are the kind of gullible voter Trump is counting on.

The Judge is an American, born and raised in Indiana.

To you- and Trump- that makes him a Mexican.

That's are what you believe and he believes in "la raza", is an asshole leftist, and believes Trump is against "his kind" no matter what you want me to believe.
no, he said the citizenship of the parents did not matter, curiel is a citizen and a duly appointed judge

No, first he said the parents became citizens and then he said "even if they didn't"...that means he lied or is a simpering jackass....which would you prefer? We all know he's an OBAMA appointed judge...and is a US born mexican anchor baby who hates Trump for wanting to build the wall.

Well now we know that you are the kind of gullible voter Trump is counting on.

The Judge is an American, born and raised in Indiana.

To you- and Trump- that makes him a Mexican.

I love the way you leftwing douche bags keep informing us of facts that no one is disputing.
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The plot thickens. The liberal slander against Trump is looking more and more baseless and absurd:

The sometimes controversial scoop journalist that runs GotNews.comhas published documents that raise questions about the citizenship status of the parents of federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, presiding over a suit against Trump University.

Charles C. Johnson put up documents showing that Curiel's father crossed the U.S. border with Mexico at least twice and might not have become a U.S. citizen.

He also published images of the death certificates of the judge's parents that apparently show no Social Security number.

" can find no evidence that Curiel's parents ever became U.S. citizens. For all we know, Judge Curiel is an anchor baby," he wrote.
Wow- Mr. Johnson found out something that might have- or not have happened.

That is cutting edge Right Wing Nut job journalism there.

Next I am going to provide proof that Trump might- or might not have defrauded college students.

What he found is that there is no evidence the judge's parents were citizens.

It's quit telling that no leftwing douche bag has even tried to demonstrate his parents were citizens.

Thats because there are no leftwing douche bags- we leave the douche baggery to you and your fellow travellers.

Actually- he found evidence that the mother was a citizen- in the very article you cited- but the author- being the right wing douche bag that he is said "ignore the evidence that shows she was a citizen" and then you lied about what the article said.

You two are a prime right wing douche bags.
no, he said the citizenship of the parents did not matter, curiel is a citizen and a duly appointed judge

No, first he said the parents became citizens and then he said "even if they didn't"...that means he lied or is a simpering jackass....which would you prefer? We all know he's an OBAMA appointed judge...and is a US born mexican anchor baby who hates Trump for wanting to build the wall.

Well now we know that you are the kind of gullible voter Trump is counting on.

The Judge is an American, born and raised in Indiana.

To you- and Trump- that makes him a Mexican.

That's are what you believe and he believes in "la raza", is an asshole leftist, and believes Trump is against "his kind" no matter what you want me to believe.

You should stop listening to what the voices in your head tell you.

What is the evidence that this judge believes Trump is against 'his kind'?

There is none.
no, he said the citizenship of the parents did not matter, curiel is a citizen and a duly appointed judge

No, first he said the parents became citizens and then he said "even if they didn't"...that means he lied or is a simpering jackass....which would you prefer? We all know he's an OBAMA appointed judge...and is a US born mexican anchor baby who hates Trump for wanting to build the wall.

Well now we know that you are the kind of gullible voter Trump is counting on.

The Judge is an American, born and raised in Indiana.

To you- and Trump- that makes him a Mexican.

I love the way you leftwing douche bags keep informing of facts that no one is disputing.

Yep- to right wing douche bags like you and Trump- a man born and raised in Indiana is a "Mexican".
That is nonsense.

They became citizens.

And if they did not, who cares?

Curiel was born in the US. End of story.

So you just claimed they became citizens and in the next sentence admit that you'd just lied.
no, he said the citizenship of the parents did not matter, curiel is a citizen and a duly appointed judge
Anyone who claims it doesn't matter whether his parents were citizens is a douche bag.
no, he said the citizenship of the parents did not matter, curiel is a citizen and a duly appointed judge

No, first he said the parents became citizens and then he said "even if they didn't"...that means he lied or is a simpering jackass....which would you prefer? We all know he's an OBAMA appointed judge...and is a US born mexican anchor baby who hates Trump for wanting to build the wall.

Well now we know that you are the kind of gullible voter Trump is counting on.

The Judge is an American, born and raised in Indiana.

To you- and Trump- that makes him a Mexican.

That's are what you believe and he believes in "la raza", is an asshole leftist, and believes Trump is against "his kind" no matter what you want me to believe.

You should stop listening to what the voices in your head tell you.

What is the evidence that this judge believes Trump is against 'his kind'?

There is none.

The fact that the judge "accidentally" released confidential evidence in the case is plenty of evidence.
no, he said the citizenship of the parents did not matter, curiel is a citizen and a duly appointed judge

No, first he said the parents became citizens and then he said "even if they didn't"...that means he lied or is a simpering jackass....which would you prefer? We all know he's an OBAMA appointed judge...and is a US born mexican anchor baby who hates Trump for wanting to build the wall.

Well now we know that you are the kind of gullible voter Trump is counting on.

The Judge is an American, born and raised in Indiana.

To you- and Trump- that makes him a Mexican.

I love the way you leftwing douche bags keep informing of facts that no one is disputing.

Yep- to right wing douche bags like you and Trump- a man born and raised in Indiana is a "Mexican".

In this country when someone says he's "Mexican" or he's "Irish," they mean he's of Mexican or Irish descent. See, it wasn't until blacks started calling themselves African Americans that we started having to use a hyphen to explain everyone's heritage.

Yes, the anchor baby judge is a Mexican. If our legal system was run correctly, he wouldn't be an American, period.
no, he said the citizenship of the parents did not matter, curiel is a citizen and a duly appointed judge

No, first he said the parents became citizens and then he said "even if they didn't"...that means he lied or is a simpering jackass....which would you prefer? We all know he's an OBAMA appointed judge...and is a US born mexican anchor baby who hates Trump for wanting to build the wall.

Well now we know that you are the kind of gullible voter Trump is counting on.

The Judge is an American, born and raised in Indiana.

To you- and Trump- that makes him a Mexican.

That's are what you believe and he believes in "la raza", is an asshole leftist, and believes Trump is against "his kind" no matter what you want me to believe.

You should stop listening to what the voices in your head tell you.

What is the evidence that this judge believes Trump is against 'his kind'?

There is none.

The fact that the judge "accidentally" released confidential evidence in the case is plenty of evidence.

If in fact, the judge accidentally released confidential evidence, then that is no evidence that the judge has anything against Trump.

Now if you had some evidence that the judge intentionally broke the law- well then not only could Trump request a new judge, you could try to get the judge impeached.

But then again you RWNJ's never have cared much for that 'evidence' thingie.

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