The Judge's Parents Were Illegals.

Trump suggested the judge recuse himself because of potential opposition to his 'wall' agenda due to his Mexican heritage / bias.

Obama hand-picked female Latino USSC Justice declared ALL judges have racial and gender bias, thereby justifying Trump's challenge.

Trump haters then accuse him of heing a racist...

NOW we find out the judge's parents were illegals, REALLY justifying Trump's suggestion that the judge might be unfairly buas, which, again, Sotomayor AGREES WITH!

Dang I love it when hate-filled, bitter, liberal BS accusations and attacks blow up in their face, leaving them looking like idiots.
there is that lie about the parents, again....
The plot thickens. The liberal slander against Trump is looking more and more baseless and absurd:

The sometimes controversial scoop journalist that runs GotNews.comhas published documents that raise questions about the citizenship status of the parents of federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, presiding over a suit against Trump University.

Charles C. Johnson put up documents showing that Curiel's father crossed the U.S. border with Mexico at least twice and might not have become a U.S. citizen.

He also published images of the death certificates of the judge's parents that apparently show no Social Security number.

" can find no evidence that Curiel's parents ever became U.S. citizens. For all we know, Judge Curiel is an anchor baby," he wrote.
So according to the law HE is an illegal because the 14th was meant for n!ggers NOT illegal mexicans.

^This is the type of person who gets pissed because society doesn't understand his 'proud to be white' party isn't racist.
Trump is pissed because the judge has allowed internal documents to be seen by the public, whaaaa...

The judge did it deliberately to embarrass Trump. That's why Trump is complaining. A judge with a political agenda abused his authority to attack a candidate running for President.
If there is nothing wrong then there is nothing to hide, just like you folks and the use of drug testing for employment and welfare...

That's the logic of a Nazi. Why don't we allow the police to do house-to-house searches if that's the case?

Who is "you folks?"
You folks that support drug testing to earn a living, play sports in public schools and welfare recipients..
Can Newly Minted U.S. Citizens Receive Social Security?

Cleeton Powell:
I am about to become a U.S. citizen. Having never worked in the U.S., can I claim Social Security?

Larry Kotlikoff: You’ll need 40 quarters of coverage. Forty quarters of work during which you pay into the Social Security system, that is. If you live outside the U.S., you will, as a U.S. citizen, need to pay taxes on your world wide income. Consequently, you will be forced to pay Social Security payroll taxes on your foreign earnings. That’s the bad news. The good news is you’ll start earning quarters of coverage.
If Curiel's parents were illegally in the U.S. and Curiel belongs to a radical Hispanic support unit (La Raza) for illegals doesn't it justify Trump's allegations that the judge should recuse himself from presiding on a case involving a defendant who wants to build a freaking wall to keep illegals out?
Cool...can you show us his rulings on immigration then?

The man risked his life for years going after Mexican drug smugglers.

Somehow, that translates into being "pro-immigration" in the Trumpolian Playbook.

Distributing scholarship money to people who are in the United States ILLEGALLY in VIOLATION OF US LAW , WHILE YOU ARE A SITTING JUDGE! In my book, that is a problem. Sorry that you can't seem to make that connection.

Scholarships were given to Dream Act recipients. Perfectly legal.

I don't think that is true. According to what I've read, at least one (or more) were here illegally.

Got a link?

What I saw, was one - only one - described himself as "illegal" according to this: Five Things to Know About Donald Trump’s Criticism of Judge Gonzalo Curiel

Judge Curiel has served as one of several members of the organization’s committee in charge of awarding scholarships to students. Trump supporters have noted that at least one of the past scholarship recipients described himself as an undocumented immigrant. Mr. Osuna said the judge’s involvement with the organization “like his ethnicity, is irrelevant to his ability to objectively preside over the Trump U matters.”​

A claim which was based on this program for a 2014 dinner, for which Judge Curiel served as a member of the selection committee:

The only one who talks about being illegal is Ricardo Elorza, and he also talked about the Dream act. When I googled him, nothing came up about him being illegal. And - if, as he stated, he is now an attorney - he can't possibly be illegal can he?
If Curiel's parents were illegally in the U.S. and Curiel belongs to a radical Hispanic support unit (La Raza) for illegals doesn't it justify Trump's allegations that the judge should recuse himself from presiding on a case involving a defendant who wants to build a freaking wall to keep illegals out?

That's a great question to ask Trump's lawyers who for whatever reason have not raised any issues with the judge.

And, fyi, for the last (I wish) fucking time, it's not the same La Raza. Idiot.
Can Newly Minted U.S. Citizens Receive Social Security?

Cleeton Powell:
I am about to become a U.S. citizen. Having never worked in the U.S., can I claim Social Security?

Larry Kotlikoff: You’ll need 40 quarters of coverage. Forty quarters of work during which you pay into the Social Security system, that is. If you live outside the U.S., you will, as a U.S. citizen, need to pay taxes on your world wide income. Consequently, you will be forced to pay Social Security payroll taxes on your foreign earnings. That’s the bad news. The good news is you’ll start earning quarters of coverage.
You can receive social security disability upon your dainty foot touching ground.
The plot thickens. The liberal slander against Trump is looking more and more baseless and absurd:

The sometimes controversial scoop journalist that runs GotNews.comhas published documents that raise questions about the citizenship status of the parents of federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, presiding over a suit against Trump University.

Charles C. Johnson put up documents showing that Curiel's father crossed the U.S. border with Mexico at least twice and might not have become a U.S. citizen.

He also published images of the death certificates of the judge's parents that apparently show no Social Security number.

" can find no evidence that Curiel's parents ever became U.S. citizens. For all we know, Judge Curiel is an anchor baby," he wrote.
So according to the law HE is an illegal because the 14th was meant for n!ggers NOT illegal mexicans.

^This is the type of person who gets pissed because society doesn't understand his 'proud to be white' party isn't racist.
...says the guy whose party runs a racist organization that makes millions of dollars a year promoting racism -- the NAACP, The National Organization for the Advancement of COLORED people. Can you imagine how bat-shite crazy liberals would go if anyone started a NAAWP - Natl Assoc. for the Advancement of White People?!

While this is true it was said in jest. For those ignorant of history, the party liberals accuse falsely of being a 'whites-only' club supported by the occassional 'Uncle Tom', it was actually the GOP that founded / started the NAACP.

...for all the racists running it and making millions from it each year now, you're welcome.
The plot thickens. The liberal slander against Trump is looking more and more baseless and absurd:

The sometimes controversial scoop journalist that runs GotNews.comhas published documents that raise questions about the citizenship status of the parents of federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, presiding over a suit against Trump University.

Charles C. Johnson put up documents showing that Curiel's father crossed the U.S. border with Mexico at least twice and might not have become a U.S. citizen.

He also published images of the death certificates of the judge's parents that apparently show no Social Security number.

" can find no evidence that Curiel's parents ever became U.S. citizens. For all we know, Judge Curiel is an anchor baby," he wrote.
So according to the law HE is an illegal because the 14th was meant for n!ggers NOT illegal mexicans.

^This is the type of person who gets pissed because society doesn't understand his 'proud to be white' party isn't racist.
...says the guy whose party runs a racist organization that makes millions of dollars a year promoting racism -- the NAACP, The National Organization for the Advancement of COLORED people. Can you imagine how vat-shite crazy liberals would go if anyone started a NAAWP - Natl Assoc. for the Advancement of White People?!

While this is true it was said in jest. For those ignorant of history, the party liberals accuse falsely of being a 'whites-only' club supported by the occassional 'Uncle Tom', it was actually the GOP that founded / started the NAACP.

...for all the racists running it and making millions from it each year, you're welcome.
Who was the founder?
It's funny. The hack web site disregards the US citizenship stated on the judge's mother's death certificate, claiming death certificates are unreliable documents.

And yet...they accept as gospel everything on the death certificates which confirm their bias! :lol:
...says the guy whose party runs a racist organization that makes millions of dollars a year promoting racism -- the NAACP, The National Organization for the Advancement of COLORED people. Can you imagine how bat-shite crazy liberals would go if anyone started a NAAWP - Natl Assoc. for the Advancement of White People?!
You are clearly too retarded to recognize the difference between organizations which advocate for racial equality (like the judge's organization and the NAACP) and those which advocate racial superiority (like David Duke's organization).

Organizations claiming to be for "white rights" are invariably white supremacist organizations.
If Curiel's parents were illegally in the U.S. and Curiel belongs to a radical Hispanic support unit (La Raza) for illegals doesn't it justify Trump's allegations that the judge should recuse himself from presiding on a case involving a defendant who wants to build a freaking wall to keep illegals out?

That's a great question to ask Trump's lawyers who for whatever reason have not raised any issues with the judge.

And, fyi, for the last (I wish) fucking time, it's not the same La Raza. Idiot.
It is a Latino (only) Bar Association. What's the matter, the regular Bar Association for lawyets not good enough? Why do people feel the need to segregate themselves? Isn't the goal to eliminate color barriers and division?
It's funny. The hack web site disregards the US citizenship stated on the judge's mother's death certificate, claiming death certificates are unreliable documents.

And yet...they accept as gospel everything on the death certificates which confirm their bias! :lol:
Death certificates are not counted as 'reliable' because if they were the Democrats would lose a lot of votes. :p
The plot thickens. The liberal slander against Trump is looking more and more baseless and absurd:

The sometimes controversial scoop journalist that runs GotNews.comhas published documents that raise questions about the citizenship status of the parents of federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, presiding over a suit against Trump University.

Charles C. Johnson put up documents showing that Curiel's father crossed the U.S. border with Mexico at least twice and might not have become a U.S. citizen.

He also published images of the death certificates of the judge's parents that apparently show no Social Security number.

" can find no evidence that Curiel's parents ever became U.S. citizens. For all we know, Judge Curiel is an anchor baby," he wrote.
So according to the law HE is an illegal because the 14th was meant for n!ggers NOT illegal mexicans.

^This is the type of person who gets pissed because society doesn't understand his 'proud to be white' party isn't racist.
...says the guy whose party runs a racist organization that makes millions of dollars a year promoting racism -- the NAACP, The National Organization for the Advancement of COLORED people. Can you imagine how bat-shite crazy liberals would go if anyone started a NAAWP - Natl Assoc. for the Advancement of White People?!

While this is true it was said in jest. For those ignorant of history, the party liberals accuse falsely of being a 'whites-only' club supported by the occassional 'Uncle Tom', it was actually the GOP that founded / started the NAACP.

...for all the racists running it and making millions from it each year now, you're welcome.

The NAACP does not promote black or any kind of racial supremacy. Also, the NAACP is open to any race for membership.

There already is the National Association for the Advancement of White People and for the most part, regardless of race, nobody wants to be involved except for racists.
Here's the thing.

If the judge was out to fuck Trump up the ass, he would move the trial date up to October, and he would allow live cameras into the courtroom so we could all watch Trump sweat on Court TV in real time in the weeks before the election.

I'm sure the judge will take some pleasure providing proof of his parents' citizenship in the coming days. Then the tards can move on to making up more bullshit about him and stating it as fact.
If Curiel's parents were illegally in the U.S. and Curiel belongs to a radical Hispanic support unit (La Raza) for illegals doesn't it justify Trump's allegations that the judge should recuse himself from presiding on a case involving a defendant who wants to build a freaking wall to keep illegals out?

That's a great question to ask Trump's lawyers who for whatever reason have not raised any issues with the judge.

And, fyi, for the last (I wish) fucking time, it's not the same La Raza. Idiot.
It is a Latino (only) Bar Association. What's the matter, the regular Bar Association for lawyets not good enough? Why do people feel the need to segregate themselves? Isn't the goal to eliminate color barriers and division?

Is it Latino membership only? Link please
So I guess a white judge who's a member of the KKK would be fine with you when a black defendant is standing before him..

Curiel is not a member of the KKK or any other racist group involved in lynchings, murders, arson, terrorism etc.

No comparison.

Well, he has distributed scholarships to illegal aliens, and he belongs to an organization that sends lawyers to the border to ensure that no illegal aliens' "human rights" are violated. The San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association -- "La Raza" meaning THE RACE. He is obviously pro illegal immigration and very active as an "hispanic".

It boggles my mind that you are even attempting to stretch this into being comparable to the KKK. Sounds like an act of desperation, not to mention inaccuracy.

It is not out of line to question his ability to be an objective judge in light of Trumps promising to crack down on illegal immigration and build a wall.

It is if it depends on fiction to demonize the judge (like being a member of La Raza) and - the more Trump puffs and bellows, the more his supporters jump on the bandwagon and attack the judge.

How much do they really know about him and his record? Not much apparently, since all they come up with is a sort of "guilt by association" many times removed.

All I am saying is that is its fair to question this judge's ability to be non biased towards Trump.
Trump's lawyers have never filed a motion to have the judge removed so why the fuck should anyone care? If Trump's insinuations were true or had any merit don't you suppose his lawyers would have done so by now?
Face it, Trump got pissed at the judge, lashed out publicly & you fell for it.
The silence speaks volumes
It's funny. The hack web site disregards the US citizenship stated on the judge's mother's death certificate, claiming death certificates are unreliable documents.

And yet...they accept as gospel everything on the death certificates which confirm their bias! :lol:
Curiel is not a member of the KKK or any other racist group involved in lynchings, murders, arson, terrorism etc.

No comparison.

Well, he has distributed scholarships to illegal aliens, and he belongs to an organization that sends lawyers to the border to ensure that no illegal aliens' "human rights" are violated. The San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association -- "La Raza" meaning THE RACE. He is obviously pro illegal immigration and very active as an "hispanic".

It boggles my mind that you are even attempting to stretch this into being comparable to the KKK. Sounds like an act of desperation, not to mention inaccuracy.

It is not out of line to question his ability to be an objective judge in light of Trumps promising to crack down on illegal immigration and build a wall.

It is if it depends on fiction to demonize the judge (like being a member of La Raza) and - the more Trump puffs and bellows, the more his supporters jump on the bandwagon and attack the judge.

How much do they really know about him and his record? Not much apparently, since all they come up with is a sort of "guilt by association" many times removed.

All I am saying is that is its fair to question this judge's ability to be non biased towards Trump.
Trump's lawyers have never filed a motion to have the judge removed so why the fuck should anyone care? If Trump's insinuations were true or had any merit don't you suppose his lawyers would have done so by now?
Face it, Trump got pissed at the judge, lashed out publicly & you fell for it.
The silence speaks volumes
If this isn't evidence of bias, then you've never seen it:

Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump Businesses

Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing a fraud case against Trump University, is reportedly a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, which is affiliated with the Hispanic National Bar Association.

The Hispanic National Bar Association sent out a press release last summer after Donald Trump, who is now the presumptive Republican nominee, announced he was running for president and created a controversy by discussing illegal immigration and crime during his announcement speech.

The press release stated the organization’s mission to target Trump’s “business interests,” according to the Conservative Treehouse.

“By his recent derogatory remarks about Mexican immigrants, Donald Trump’s disrespect of such a large segment of the population of America is not only unbelievable but outright wrong,” the press release states. “His comment that Mexico only sends rapists and criminals to the United States reveals a racist nature that cannot and will not go unnoticed by the Hispanic National Bar Association nor the Latino community.”

The press release adds:

The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.
It takes a special kind of retard to confuse the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association with the National Council of La Raza.

The dumb fucks saw the words "La Raza" and spunked in their shorts.

It's just like the way they think Nazis are left wing "because it says Socialist right in their name!" :lol:

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