The jury will not give Trump a prison sentence. They are only responsible for deciding whether Trump is guilty or not guilty of the charges.

Oh well there ya have it! The SMOKING GUN!

quotes --

An extremely interesting move by Joshua Steinglass just now — he moved very quickly over some of the testimony most damning to Trump, because it came from Michael Cohen. And now he is referring to exhibits that Jeffrey McConney, a longtime loyal Trump employee, testified about: Allen Weisselberg’s notes setting up the repayments.

Steinglass refers to these exhibits as “the smoking guns” of the prosecution’s argument, saying they “completely blow out of the water the claim the money paid to Cohen” was for legal services.

The defense doesn’t get to reply to this, and Todd Blanche may be really frustrated right now by the law that allows prosecutors to deliver the final argument. Because these notes, while damning, belong to Allen Weisselberg, not to Trump. And the testimony that Steinglass just quickly breezed over — that Trump approved a plan to falsify the documents — came from Michael Cohen alone.
We know it will be some form of house arrest, suspended until after the appeals run out. It's not logistically possible to put Trump in a normal prison.
quote --

Joshua Steinglass did something fairly remarkable here as he sought to counter the defense's argument that Michael Cohen called Trump's bodyguard, Keith Schiller, not Trump himself, on the evening of Oct. 24. The defense argued that the call was about a teenage prank caller who had been bothering him, not about arranging the hush-money payment, as prosecutors had said.

Steinglass just started a timer and pretended to have the exact same conversation, adding plenty of asides and silences as he played the role of Cohen, talking first to Schiller and then to Trump.
The call was about 93 seconds if I recall correctly. If Trump had wanted to answer Cohen's calls that quickly, he would have give Cohen his personal number. No way did Schiller find out what Cohen wanted, find Trump, give Trump time to drop whatever he was doing and then Cohen - presumably talking with the speed of an auctioneer - explain the whole reimbursement of Cohen's payment of the NDA, in 93 seconds.

Not to mention that we KNOW what the call was about from the text that preceded it, so Steinglass' demonstration of imagination had no evidentiary value at all. When confronted with the text, Cohen himself instantly changed from that's what happened in the call to he "believed" that's what happened. Hoping to add one less perjury conviction to his record, I suppose.

Here is Cohen's testimony under cross-examination:

“This is the call that you testified about on Tuesday that you had a conversation with President Trump,” Blanche said.

Cohen, who testified on Tuesday that he had called Schiller to speak with Trump, agreed. According to Blanche, Cohen texted Schiller the phone number of the prank caller at 8:04 p.m.

“Part of it was the 14-year-old, but I knew that Keith was with Trump at the time,” Cohen responded.

“That was a lie. You did not talk to President Trump that night,” Blanche said, growing animated, raising his voice. “You can admit it.”

“No sir, I can’t,” Cohen said. “Because I’m not sure that’s accurate.”

“That. Was. A. Lie,” Blanche said again moments later, pausing for effect between each word.

"I'm not sure that's accurate?" That's what a liar says when he's caught dead to rights.

Here's what CNN had to say that day:

CNN legal analyst Elie Honig summed up Cohen’s testimony:

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a star cooperating witness get his knees chopped out quite as clearly and dramatically as what just happened with Michael Cohen,” Honig said Thursday. “I’ve certainly seen very effective cross-examinations of cooperating witnesses. I’ve seen aspects of their story cut into and called into question. But this goes to the heart of the allegation here. That phone call on October 24th, and it looks to the jury and to Anderson Cooper and Kara Scannell, Judge George Grasso, who are all in the courthouse, that that was a devastating moment.”

Your previous post describes Steinglass making an imaginary phone call and timing it- did that not really happen in court today?
The prosecutor was mimicking the real phone cal, the one that is in evidence and is not fictitious. The prosecutor did not make a phone call. HE showed how easy it is to refute the defense argument that the phone call was too short to accomplish what Cohen testified to.
The call was about 93 seconds if I recall correctly. If Trump had wanted to answer Cohen's calls that quickly, he would have give Cohen his personal number. No way did Schiller find out what Cohen wanted, find Trump, give Trump time to drop whatever he was doing and then Cohen - presumably talking with the speed of an auctioneer - explain the whole reimbursement of Cohen's payment of the NDA, in 93 seconds.

Not to mention that we KNOW what the call was about from the text that preceded it, so Steinglass' demonstration of imagination had no evidentiary value at all. When confronted with the text, Cohen himself instantly changed from that's what happened in the call to he "believed" that's what happened. Hoping to add one less perjury conviction to his record, I suppose.

Here is Cohen's testimony under cross-examination:

“This is the call that you testified about on Tuesday that you had a conversation with President Trump,” Blanche said.

Cohen, who testified on Tuesday that he had called Schiller to speak with Trump, agreed. According to Blanche, Cohen texted Schiller the phone number of the prank caller at 8:04 p.m.

“Part of it was the 14-year-old, but I knew that Keith was with Trump at the time,” Cohen responded.

“That was a lie. You did not talk to President Trump that night,” Blanche said, growing animated, raising his voice. “You can admit it.”

“No sir, I can’t,” Cohen said. “Because I’m not sure that’s accurate.”

“That. Was. A. Lie,” Blanche said again moments later, pausing for effect between each word.

"I'm not sure that's accurate?" That's what a liar says when he's caught dead to rights.

Here's what CNN had to say that day:

CNN legal analyst Elie Honig summed up Cohen’s testimony:

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a star cooperating witness get his knees chopped out quite as clearly and dramatically as what just happened with Michael Cohen,” Honig said Thursday. “I’ve certainly seen very effective cross-examinations of cooperating witnesses. I’ve seen aspects of their story cut into and called into question. But this goes to the heart of the allegation here. That phone call on October 24th, and it looks to the jury and to Anderson Cooper and Kara Scannell, Judge George Grasso, who are all in the courthouse, that that was a devastating moment.”

Great story. That's all you have a story, a false, bullshit narrative. One that is hilarious because it is not what the jury will be thinking
The "judge" wanted the jury to know that he doesn't plan to give Trump prison time. Odd for a man the prosecution claims to have proven beyond a reasonable doubt committed 34 felonies. That's the definition of soft on crime, isn't it? Is it because Trump is white? What's up with that?

Just kidding. Obviousy Mr. Merchan is hoping the jury will be more likely to convict if he hints that prison time is off the table.

Just as when Trump appears on a "news" show with a Democrat guest, he ends up having to debate both the Democrat and the host, during this trial, he was prosecuted by both the prosecutor and the "judge."
The "judge" wanted the jury to know that he doesn't plan to give Trump prison time. Odd for a man the prosecution claims to have proven beyond a reasonable doubt committed 34 felonies. That's the definition of soft on crime, isn't it? Is it because Trump is white? What's up with that?

Just kidding. Obviousy Mr. Merchan is hoping the jury will be more likely to convict if he hints that prison time is off the table. Just as when Trump appears on a "news" show with a Democrat, he ends up having to debate both the Democrat and the host, during this trial, he was prosecuted by both the prosecutor and the "judge."
It's not "Mr. Merchan" it's Judge Merchan.

You misrepresent what the Judge warned the defense about. The jury is not supposed to be considering if a guilty verdict will result in prison time. That would affect their ability to focus on the evidence at hand. Sentencing is not the jury's concern or responsibility. The defense is trying to make that case, against all rules and against the instructions from the Judge.
The prosecutor was mimicking the real phone cal, the one that is in evidence and is not fictitious. The prosecutor did not make a phone call. HE showed how easy it is to refute the defense argument that the phone call was too short to accomplish what Cohen testified to.
The only thing in evidence is the call record between Cohen and Schiller. There is no recording, only Cohen's testimony as to what the call was about.

That testimony was destroyed by Blanche under cross and the text messages before and after the call.

Steinglass is trying to rehabilitate his witness by this stunt. Every word he said in his fictitious call is made up. There is no actual record of what was really said in that call.

That tells me he is desperate- he knows how damaging Cohen's lie was to his case.
The only thing in evidence is the call record between Cohen and Schiller. There is no recording, only Cohen's testimony as to what the call was about.

That testimony was destroyed by Blanche under cross and the text messages before and after the call.

Steinglass is trying to rehabilitate his witness by this stunt. Every word he said in his fictitious call is made up. There is no actual record of what was really said in that call.

That tells me he is desperate- he knows how damaging Cohen's lie was to his case.
from inside the courtroom:

Joshua Steinglass, who had hewn to a chronological timeline, is now back in 2016 as he seeks to connect Trump to each element that prosecutors say is a crime. He argues that David Pecker corroborated the idea that Michael Cohen had kept Trump up to date on the hush-money payments at every step. Cohen, Steinglass says, “is not some rogue actor here.”
The only thing in evidence is the call record between Cohen and Schiller. There is no recording, only Cohen's testimony as to what the call was about.

That testimony was destroyed by Blanche under cross and the text messages before and after the call.

Steinglass is trying to rehabilitate his witness by this stunt. Every word he said in his fictitious call is made up. There is no actual record of what was really said in that call.

That tells me he is desperate- he knows how damaging Cohen's lie was to his case.
observation from within the courtroom:
The point of reviewing this timeline again seems to be to link Trump to each and every action that prosecutors say led to the crime, the falsification of 34 business records related to the hush money payment to Stormy Daniels.
And with one word Trump describes a whole day of closing argument...

I can tell from your descriptions that the prosecution knows how weak their case is. The stunt with the fictitious phone call says it all.
Haha, you just made that up out of thin air.
Haha, you just made that up out of thin air.
The fictitious phone call? That came from one of Prostate Stretched's "courtroom updates"

I was just noticing that the courtroom stunt shows that Steinglass knew Cohen was damaged goods.

Blanche gutted Cohen that day- the jury knows that they were lied to just two days earlier. That's pretty hard to overcome for the prosecution, hence the stunt.

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