The KKK and White Supremacists vs ANTIFA: Absolutely No Comparison

Those that are virulent opposers of this new ANTIFA, which was never heard of until about two months ago or less are somehow being compared to the VIOLENT, RACIST, TERROSTIC and PROVEN history of the KKK and White Supremacists.

Why is this being done? Well, to shut down
PERCEIVED support, which doesn't exist of the ANTIFA group, which is just an abbreviation of Anti-Fascists, meaning the fascists that have comprised of the modern day KKK and White Supremacists, currently going by the more politically correct monikers of Alt-Right and White Nationalists respectively.

These virulent opposers of the ANTIFA, who coincidentally all are FOXNEWS watchers, GOP voters and mostly Trump supporters would have us all believe that ANTIFA is just as bad as the KKK and White Supremacists. However, at no point do they ever virulently oppose the KKK and White Supremacists, and even when and if they do, they say these people are no longer relevant, but just a "few" crazies scattered across America that nobody pays any attention to any more, when the opposite is proven to be the case.

Let us quickly review the history of these groups...

The KKK and/or white supremacists have a racist ideology based upon the belief that white people are superior in many ways to people of other races and that therefore white people should be dominant over other races. White supremacy has roots in scientific racism and it often relies on pseudoscientific arguments. Like most similar movements such as neo-Nazism, white supremacists typically oppose people of color as well as people of most non-Christian religions.

The term is also typically used to describe a political ideology that perpetuates and maintains the social, political, historical or institutional domination by white people (as evidenced by historical and contemporary sociopolitical structures such as the Atlantic slave trade, Jim Crow laws in the United States, and apartheid in South Africa).[1] Different forms of white supremacism put forth different conceptions of who is considered white, and different white supremacists identify various racial and cultural groups as their primary enemy.

White supremacy has ideological foundations that at least date back to 17th-century scientific racism, the predominant paradigm of human variation that helped shape international and intra-national relations from the latter part of the Age of Enlightenment (in European history) through the era of the White Man's Burden until the late 20th century (marked by decolonization and the abolition of apartheid in South Africa in 1991, followed by that country's first multiracial elections in 1994).

White supremacy was dominant in the United States even after the American Civil War and it also persisted for decades after the Reconstruction Era.[3] In large areas of the U.S. this included the holding of non-whites (specifically African Americans) in chattel slavery with four million of them denied freedom from bondage.[4] The outbreak of the Civil War saw the desire to uphold white supremacy being cited as a cause for state secession[5] and the formation of the Confederate States of America.[6] In an editorial about Native Americans in 1890, author L. Frank Baum wrote: "The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians."

The denial of social and political freedom continued into the mid-20th century, resulting in the Civil Rights Movement.[10] On the U.S. immigration laws prior to 1965, sociologist Stephen Klineberg cited the laws as clearly declaring "that Northern Europeans are a superior subspecies of the white race."[11] The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 dramatically opened entry to the U.S. to immigrants other than traditional Northern European and Germanic groups, and as a result it would significantly alter the demographic mix in the U.S.[11] Many U.S. states banned interracial marriage through anti-miscegenation laws until 1967, when these laws were invalidated by the Supreme Court of the United States' decision in Loving v. Virginia. Additionally, white leaders often viewed Native Americans as obstacles to economic and political progress with respect to the natives' claims to land and rights.

You can get into more detail in these links...
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -
White Supremacy and Terrorism | Slavery By Another Name Bento | PBS

A PROVEN history of terrorism of violence, not only in this country, but in others, namely Germany is what these virulent opposers of ANTIFA who were created to go up AGAINST the remnants of the KKK and White Supremacists. What have they done, other than disrupt a rowdy group of armed thugs from the White Supremacists that held a "Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville, SC where of the thugs used his Dodge Charger as a weapon to mow down a bunch of anti-protesters, killing an innocent young white woman in the process.

These people would have you believe are actually WORSE than them, and are deserving of the harshest treatment and your most deepest hatred that you can muster in your heart.


it's amazing how in a country where people died fighting nazis that these white supremacist freaks just love them.... including the orange sociopath.

what's funny about that half witty?

You're asking yourself ? Lol ! :biggrin:
No comparison, the KKK and white supremacist are by far the most notorious of the two groups and I have no use for their hatred and bigotry. ANTIFA is a young organization that is trying to suppress free speech by using violence.

I am against the violence used by any group, we all need to follow the rule of law and we must allow the most despicable speech to remain a free country.

Pelosi, who I think is one of the worst politicians in my lifetime has come out and condemns the ANTIFA violence on Sunday. A civil country has no room for this crap.

Pelosi condemns 'antifa' after Berkeley clashes

In the long run, Pelosi is wrong.

And you are wrong that ANTIFA "is trying to suppress free speech".

Using violence to stop another group from voicing and opinion is a trying to supress speech and expression.

Pelosi condemning a groups violence is the correct thing to do. I know you believe violence is the answer as long as you don't lift a finger, however others have higher morals and a deeper appreciation for the Constitution.

so we didn't kill nazis in WWII

again... one group marching out of hate.

another group protesting against that hate.

small percentage of opposition group has some violence.

not representative of the entire group of protesters.

and no justification for likening them to lowlife scum with torches screaming "blood and soil and jews will not replace us".

but keep defending the disgusting cross burners

It's time you got onboard with the growing list of Dimocrats that are condemning the Antifa inbreds.
No comparison, the KKK and white supremacist are by far the most notorious of the two groups and I have no use for their hatred and bigotry. ANTIFA is a young organization that is trying to suppress free speech by using violence.

I am against the violence used by any group, we all need to follow the rule of law and we must allow the most despicable speech to remain a free country.

Pelosi, who I think is one of the worst politicians in my lifetime has come out and condemns the ANTIFA violence on Sunday. A civil country has no room for this crap.

Pelosi condemns 'antifa' after Berkeley clashes

In the long run, Pelosi is wrong.

And you are wrong that ANTIFA "is trying to suppress free speech".

Using violence to stop another group from voicing and opinion is a trying to supress speech and expression.

Pelosi condemning a groups violence is the correct thing to do. I know you believe violence is the answer as long as you don't lift a finger, however others have higher morals and a deeper appreciation for the Constitution.

so we didn't kill nazis in WWII

again... one group marching out of hate.

another group protesting against that hate.

small percentage of opposition group has some violence.

not representative of the entire group of protesters.

and no justification for likening them to lowlife scum with torches screaming "blood and soil and jews will not replace us".

but keep defending the disgusting cross burners

It's time you got onboard with the growing list of Dimocrats that are condemning the Antifa inbreds.

I'd prefer lowlives like you condemned Nazis.

No comparison, the KKK and white supremacist are by far the most notorious of the two groups and I have no use for their hatred and bigotry. ANTIFA is a young organization that is trying to suppress free speech by using violence.

I am against the violence used by any group, we all need to follow the rule of law and we must allow the most despicable speech to remain a free country.

Pelosi, who I think is one of the worst politicians in my lifetime has come out and condemns the ANTIFA violence on Sunday. A civil country has no room for this crap.

Pelosi condemns 'antifa' after Berkeley clashes

In the long run, Pelosi is wrong.

And you are wrong that ANTIFA "is trying to suppress free speech".

Using violence to stop another group from voicing and opinion is a trying to supress speech and expression.

Pelosi condemning a groups violence is the correct thing to do. I know you believe violence is the answer as long as you don't lift a finger, however others have higher morals and a deeper appreciation for the Constitution.

so we didn't kill nazis in WWII

again... one group marching out of hate.

another group protesting against that hate.

small percentage of opposition group has some violence.

not representative of the entire group of protesters.

and no justification for likening them to lowlife scum with torches screaming "blood and soil and jews will not replace us".

but keep defending the disgusting cross burners

it's so cute how a Nazi apologist thought that was funny.

Both groups are destructive and enabled by their end, although both ends will deny it.

Debating which one is "worse" is just another worthless and transparent partisan slap fight.

The ends need to be culturally marginalized absolutely as soon as possible, before it's too late.
Antifa is the modern equivalent of the Brown Shirts, Cheka, or NKVD.

only in your demented and lying little mind.

or do you need to be schooled on yet another conspiracy theory, snookie bear?

Take a look at Krystalnacht and tell me how the berkely riots were any different.
The KKK and white supremacists are simply exercising their constitutionally protected rights to protect statues of DEMOCRATS.

Antifa is trying to erase the racist history of the DEMOCRAT party.

Truth hurts?

Actually the statues/monuments under "attack" and review are monuments of the Lost Cause movement -- which is exactly what's been targeted here. Some are statues of actual people, many are not. As for the ones that are of people that are Confederate people, the Confederacy had no political parties at all. No Democrats, no Republicans, no Whigs, no Constitutional Unionists, no Know Nothings, no nothing.

I see some of us are way behind in history class.
Antifa chant: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all."

That clearly represents one (1) end of the current political spectrum.

Feeble denials & deflections notwithstanding.

It does? What "end" would that be?

Are you actually implying that Rump has an "end of the political spectrum"? Because I know several hundred thousand Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Everything Elses who know nothing of what you're even talking about. Did he endorse a political side or what? Because I have no idea about white supremacists....

Are you actually entertaining a fantasy that to oppose Rump, which applies to the majority of everybody, requires a political "side"??
Antifa chant: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all."

That clearly represents one (1) end of the current political spectrum.

Feeble denials & deflections notwithstanding.

It does? What "end" would that be?

Are you actually implying that Rump has an "end of the political spectrum"? Because I know several hundred thousand Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Everything Elses who know nothing of what you're even talking about. Did he endorse a political side or what? Because I have no idea about white supremacists....
The Left end.

You're welcome.
Those that are virulent opposers of this new ANTIFA, which was never heard of until about two months ago or less are somehow being compared to the VIOLENT, RACIST, TERROSTIC and PROVEN history of the KKK and White Supremacists.

Why is this being done? Well, to shut down
PERCEIVED support, which doesn't exist of the ANTIFA group, which is just an abbreviation of Anti-Fascists, meaning the fascists that have comprised of the modern day KKK and White Supremacists, currently going by the more politically correct monikers of Alt-Right and White Nationalists respectively.

These virulent opposers of the ANTIFA, who coincidentally all are FOXNEWS watchers, GOP voters and mostly Trump supporters would have us all believe that ANTIFA is just as bad as the KKK and White Supremacists. However, at no point do they ever virulently oppose the KKK and White Supremacists, and even when and if they do, they say these people are no longer relevant, but just a "few" crazies scattered across America that nobody pays any attention to any more, when the opposite is proven to be the case.

Let us quickly review the history of these groups...

The KKK and/or white supremacists have a racist ideology based upon the belief that white people are superior in many ways to people of other races and that therefore white people should be dominant over other races. White supremacy has roots in scientific racism and it often relies on pseudoscientific arguments. Like most similar movements such as neo-Nazism, white supremacists typically oppose people of color as well as people of most non-Christian religions.

The term is also typically used to describe a political ideology that perpetuates and maintains the social, political, historical or institutional domination by white people (as evidenced by historical and contemporary sociopolitical structures such as the Atlantic slave trade, Jim Crow laws in the United States, and apartheid in South Africa).[1] Different forms of white supremacism put forth different conceptions of who is considered white, and different white supremacists identify various racial and cultural groups as their primary enemy.

White supremacy has ideological foundations that at least date back to 17th-century scientific racism, the predominant paradigm of human variation that helped shape international and intra-national relations from the latter part of the Age of Enlightenment (in European history) through the era of the White Man's Burden until the late 20th century (marked by decolonization and the abolition of apartheid in South Africa in 1991, followed by that country's first multiracial elections in 1994).

White supremacy was dominant in the United States even after the American Civil War and it also persisted for decades after the Reconstruction Era.[3] In large areas of the U.S. this included the holding of non-whites (specifically African Americans) in chattel slavery with four million of them denied freedom from bondage.[4] The outbreak of the Civil War saw the desire to uphold white supremacy being cited as a cause for state secession[5] and the formation of the Confederate States of America.[6] In an editorial about Native Americans in 1890, author L. Frank Baum wrote: "The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians."

The denial of social and political freedom continued into the mid-20th century, resulting in the Civil Rights Movement.[10] On the U.S. immigration laws prior to 1965, sociologist Stephen Klineberg cited the laws as clearly declaring "that Northern Europeans are a superior subspecies of the white race."[11] The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 dramatically opened entry to the U.S. to immigrants other than traditional Northern European and Germanic groups, and as a result it would significantly alter the demographic mix in the U.S.[11] Many U.S. states banned interracial marriage through anti-miscegenation laws until 1967, when these laws were invalidated by the Supreme Court of the United States' decision in Loving v. Virginia. Additionally, white leaders often viewed Native Americans as obstacles to economic and political progress with respect to the natives' claims to land and rights.

You can get into more detail in these links...
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -
White Supremacy and Terrorism | Slavery By Another Name Bento | PBS

A PROVEN history of terrorism of violence, not only in this country, but in others, namely Germany is what these virulent opposers of ANTIFA who were created to go up AGAINST the remnants of the KKK and White Supremacists. What have they done, other than disrupt a rowdy group of armed thugs from the White Supremacists that held a "Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville, SC where of the thugs used his Dodge Charger as a weapon to mow down a bunch of anti-protesters, killing an innocent young white woman in the process.

These people would have you believe are actually WORSE than them, and are deserving of the harshest treatment and your most deepest hatred that you can muster in your heart.


it's amazing how in a country where people died fighting nazis that these white supremacist freaks just love them.... including the orange sociopath.

what's funny about that half witty?

You're asking yourself ? Lol ! :biggrin:

But but but it's the White Supremacists who are the problem :uhoh3:

Pay no attention to the Far Left Antifa Fascists, like the below :rolleyes-41:

The ONLY good Communist is a dead Communist. Period.



Everywhere a Battlefield

I mean the Leftist Maniacs support Marxist-Leninists, they always have, they happily got into bed with Josef Stalin remember?


They happily championed Mao Tse-tung and Fidel Casto and Che Guevara as Heroes.



In These Times Pacifists are Shameful





Never Forget, R.I.P all the souls who were murdered, starved to death, shot to death by the Communist human filth, the Godless lead by the Historically God Hating and God Denying

Josef Stalin and Mao Tse-tung the two biggest mass murderers in History, NOBODY compares to EITHER....and that means NOBODY. PERIOD.

The Far Left Antifa human filth support this:


Row 1: (left to right) Brittany Mooreman, Emily Gillespie, Harlan Paknau. Row 2: James Dominic, Joshua Phillips, Kristopher Wyrick, Levi Smith. Row 3: Rachael Lea Moore, Sean Hines,
Seth Vasquez, Yesenia Mendez. (Photos/Alameda County Sheriff)

Berkeley Police released mugshots Tuesday of 11 of the 13 persons arrested at Sunday’s violent political riots in the California university town.

Read more at Unmasked: 11 antifa mugshots guaranteed to make your blood boil


^^^^ They look like a typical combination of bull dykes and paedophiles.

When your argument reduces to fantasies of sex lives, in a point that has zero to do with sex ---- you're pretty much rhetorically bankrupt.
Antifa chant: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all."

That clearly represents one (1) end of the current political spectrum.

Feeble denials & deflections notwithstanding.

It does? What "end" would that be?

Are you actually implying that Rump has an "end of the political spectrum"? Because I know several hundred thousand Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Everything Elses who know nothing of what you're even talking about. Did he endorse a political side or what? Because I have no idea about white supremacists....
The Left end.

You're welcome.

So you actually think Rump is on the right? And that in order to oppose him you need to be on the left?

Re-read that and tell the class how it makes a lick of sense.
Antifa chant: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all."

That clearly represents one (1) end of the current political spectrum.

Feeble denials & deflections notwithstanding.

It does? What "end" would that be?

Are you actually implying that Rump has an "end of the political spectrum"? Because I know several hundred thousand Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Everything Elses who know nothing of what you're even talking about. Did he endorse a political side or what? Because I have no idea about white supremacists....
The Left end.

You're welcome.

So you actually think Rump is on the right? And that in order to oppose him you need to be on the left?

Re-read that and tell the class how it makes a lick of sense.
I'm shocked that it doesn't make sense to you.

Shocked, I say.
The KKK and white supremacists are simply exercising their constitutionally protected rights to protect statues of DEMOCRATS.

Antifa is trying to erase the racist history of the DEMOCRAT party.

Truth hurts?
Sure they were....the city of Charlottesville voted to remove the statues....why did the KKK and NAZIS from out of town think it was their business?

Liar.........the city council took it upon themselves. You are claiming that the entire city populace voted in unison to remove the Lee statute and that makes you a liar........not that I didn't already know that.

And the city council is elected by the city populace. Just as they are in, say, New Orleans, which removed statues and a monument without incident. That's because the yellow-pole beaters and the James Fieldses were not yet organized to beat people with poles and run over people with cars.

The point is entirely valid --- what the fuck is James Fields from western Ohio doing running people down to oppose Charlottesvillé's decision? What the fuck business is it of David Duke's? Why can't Charlottesville make its own decisions about its own property just as New Orleans did?
Antifa chant: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all."

That clearly represents one (1) end of the current political spectrum.

Feeble denials & deflections notwithstanding.

It does? What "end" would that be?

Are you actually implying that Rump has an "end of the political spectrum"? Because I know several hundred thousand Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Everything Elses who know nothing of what you're even talking about. Did he endorse a political side or what? Because I have no idea about white supremacists....
The Left end.

You're welcome.

So you actually think Rump is on the right? And that in order to oppose him you need to be on the left?

Re-read that and tell the class how it makes a lick of sense.
I'm shocked that it doesn't make sense to you.

Shocked, I say.

And I'm "shocked" that you can't explain it after you stepped in it. :eusa_hand:

Row 1: (left to right) Brittany Mooreman, Emily Gillespie, Harlan Paknau. Row 2: James Dominic, Joshua Phillips, Kristopher Wyrick, Levi Smith. Row 3: Rachael Lea Moore, Sean Hines,
Seth Vasquez, Yesenia Mendez. (Photos/Alameda County Sheriff)

Berkeley Police released mugshots Tuesday of 11 of the 13 persons arrested at Sunday’s violent political riots in the California university town.

Read more at Unmasked: 11 antifa mugshots guaranteed to make your blood boil


^^^^ They look like a typical combination of bull dykes and paedophiles.

When your argument reduces to fantasies of sex lives, in a point that has zero to do with sex ---- you're pretty much rhetorically bankrupt.

I was commenting what they look like, nothing to do with sex lives, they look like bull dykes and paedophiles.
Antifa chant: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all."

That clearly represents one (1) end of the current political spectrum.

Feeble denials & deflections notwithstanding.

It does? What "end" would that be?

Are you actually implying that Rump has an "end of the political spectrum"? Because I know several hundred thousand Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Everything Elses who know nothing of what you're even talking about. Did he endorse a political side or what? Because I have no idea about white supremacists....
The Left end.

You're welcome.

So you actually think Rump is on the right? And that in order to oppose him you need to be on the left?

Re-read that and tell the class how it makes a lick of sense.
I'm shocked that it doesn't make sense to you.

Shocked, I say.

And I'm "shocked" that you can't explain it after you stepped in it. :eusa_hand:
I answered your obtuse question as directly and simply as I could, and my answer was beyond you.

I'm not obligated to simplify clear comments; if you can't grasp them, it's not my problem.
They [meaning /all/ the groups down there, including the non-nazi ones] were not stopping the statue coming down and never intended to do so, they were protesting that it was being torn down over "hurt feelings," they were protesting the loss of "history", they were protesting the PC culture that puts one groups opinions, beliefs, and feelings over another. They all were well within their rights to protest that action.

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