The Knockout Game Escalates in the Streets


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Another reason I carry. So I can blow the heads off smucks like this who would mistake me as a victim.

Hope Obamacare offers life insurance for these thugs



San Francisco police have arrested Authur Lee Jones, the suspect who allegedly beat a homeless man with a metal rod in the Tenderloin on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. (KGO) (KGO-TV )...

Surveillance video shows a man smashing the victim in the head with some kind of pipe or bat.

The footage clearly shows the suspect walking on Larkin Street, and when he reaches a homeless man sitting against a wall, he attacks the man.

"Pulls out a blunt metal object and, almost like a baseball swing, swings it across the left side of the victims head, knocking him unconscious," said Officer Carlos Manfredi with San Francisco police.

The incident happened shortly before 9:30 p.m. Wednesday.


Surveillance video captured the suspect who allegedly beat a homeless man with a metal rod on Larkin and Geary streets April 1, 2015.

Manfredi says the victim lost a lot of blood and needed 50 stitches. He's taking this case personally because he knows the homeless man.;-suspect-arrested/618538/
Racism from black people against whites is very real. Yet, all we hear is what happened in the past against blacks all the fucking time.

Racism from black people against whites is very real. Yet, all we hear is what happened in the past against blacks all the fucking time.


The left has accepted black on white crime however its manifest. It eases their guilt of being the founding party of racism

If this was a white dude smashing heads- look out. The media would make race bait fodder from it

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Crimes like this have happened against the homeless for many years now. It's not the knockout game.
That's not the knockout game...​

Um... the dude was knockout with a pipe instead of fist. That is called 'escalation'


How is that connected to the knockout game? The whole point of it is to become familiar with knocking someone out with one punch. Using a weapon betrays the whole purpose of the game. Anyone can take a metal pipe and knock someone out. A child could bash someone over the head with a pipe and knock them out. But one punch? Especially against a healthy adult... that takes practice. That's why they start out with the weak, and why its mostly teenagers who ain't really got any fightin' experience yet. To prepare themselves for the fights they will inevitably experience as they get older.

Some of them though... obviously find it to be a lil' too much fun. Terrorizing the helpless. They must learn to experience the far greater feeling of taking down someone of equal or superior power, in a fair fight.

No matter the circumstances, if they get their ass shot or beat down for playin' the knockout game, they have only themselves to blame.

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That's not the knockout game...​
Since I carry, it would be called pick up the body of the black boy game regardless of what you might call it.

Assuming your weak ass didn't get laid out in one punch lmao. And assumin' his homeboys ain't packin heat in case he needs the backup. And...blacks ain't the only ones doin' it. So talk the talk mothafuckaaaaa but when it comes down to it, you best not find yourself in the wrong hood

That's not the knockout game...​
Since I carry, it would be called pick up the body of the black boy game regardless of what you might call it.

Assuming your weak ass didn't get laid out in one punch lmao. And assumin' his homeboys ain't packin heat in case he needs the backup. And...blacks ain't the only ones doin' it. So talk the talk mothafuckaaaaa but when it comes down to it, you best not find yourself in the wrong hood

Assuming a punch was made. You give too much credit to a bunch of thugs.

I'm sure his homeboys would be with him. That's how they operate. Remember, three on one is n*gger fun.

I'll go where I damn well please. I do my best to stay out of the hoods because being around the kind of people that live there leaves a stench.
That's not the knockout game...​
Since I carry, it would be called pick up the body of the black boy game regardless of what you might call it.

Assuming your weak ass didn't get laid out in one punch lmao. And assumin' his homeboys ain't packin heat in case he needs the backup. And...blacks ain't the only ones doin' it. So talk the talk mothafuckaaaaa but when it comes down to it, you best not find yourself in the wrong hood

Remember, three on one is n*gger fun.

I do my best to stay out of the hoods

Yeah you best stay out the hood. Nobody would miss a racist ass weakling with a big mouth lol

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And no. You will not "go where you damn well please". Armed or not, there's plenty of places you'd never make it into. Oh, but I encourage you to try...

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Another reason I carry. So I can blow the heads off smucks like this who would mistake me as a victim.

Hope Obamacare offers life insurance for these thugs



San Francisco police have arrested Authur Lee Jones, the suspect who allegedly beat a homeless man with a metal rod in the Tenderloin on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. (KGO) (KGO-TV )...

Surveillance video shows a man smashing the victim in the head with some kind of pipe or bat.

The footage clearly shows the suspect walking on Larkin Street, and when he reaches a homeless man sitting against a wall, he attacks the man.

"Pulls out a blunt metal object and, almost like a baseball swing, swings it across the left side of the victims head, knocking him unconscious," said Officer Carlos Manfredi with San Francisco police.

The incident happened shortly before 9:30 p.m. Wednesday.


Surveillance video captured the suspect who allegedly beat a homeless man with a metal rod on Larkin and Geary streets April 1, 2015.

Manfredi says the victim lost a lot of blood and needed 50 stitches. He's taking this case personally because he knows the homeless man.;-suspect-arrested/618538/

Those who do violence shall die a violent death. Whatsoever a man (or woman) sows they shall reap. It's a spiritual law.
I am armed and always ready for this to happen. But the problem is, they wouldn't fuck with me, they usually look for elderly, homeless, women or basic shrinking violet types.

They stay away from men in their prime, walking tall and looking right at them. I can usually get the thugs around here to look at their shoe laces without much doing.
Another reason I carry. So I can blow the heads off smucks like this who would mistake me as a victim.

Hope Obamacare offers life insurance for these thugs



San Francisco police have arrested Authur Lee Jones, the suspect who allegedly beat a homeless man with a metal rod in the Tenderloin on Wednesday, April 1, 2015. (KGO) (KGO-TV )...

Surveillance video shows a man smashing the victim in the head with some kind of pipe or bat.

The footage clearly shows the suspect walking on Larkin Street, and when he reaches a homeless man sitting against a wall, he attacks the man.

"Pulls out a blunt metal object and, almost like a baseball swing, swings it across the left side of the victims head, knocking him unconscious," said Officer Carlos Manfredi with San Francisco police.

The incident happened shortly before 9:30 p.m. Wednesday.


Surveillance video captured the suspect who allegedly beat a homeless man with a metal rod on Larkin and Geary streets April 1, 2015.

Manfredi says the victim lost a lot of blood and needed 50 stitches. He's taking this case personally because he knows the homeless man.;-suspect-arrested/618538/

You see how young that attacker is? He is what the Bible calls a bloodthirsty and deceitful man. He won't live out half his days. Then he will be in hell for all eternity suffering for what he did here.

It is written:
But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee.
Psalm 55:23

So consider this - what if his days on this earth had been appointed to be 70 years? God's Word declares, bloody and deceitful men will not live out half their days on this earth and he looks to be about 30 in the photo - he has less than 5 years to live. And then hell for all eternity. Was his life of sin worth it? You tell me.

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

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