The Kraken has been released on Leftists!

Sooooooooo, I am sure everyone has become aware that Trump has told AG Barr to declassify everything about spygate. But what most people are unaware of is-------------> It wasn't only AG Barr instructed to do so. He was just the one all the media reported on, which is EXACTLY why the Left is screaming from the high heavens.

What do I mean?

Well people, 2 OTHER cabinet secretaries, were also ordered to release pertinent documents relating to the Trump/Russia/Collusion hoax, and this is REALLY going to get good really quick, lol.

How is that you say, and what am I talking about?

Well, you know how we have an education secretary, and a DHS secretary, etc, etc. Well 2 others were ordered to get with Barr, and turn over THEIR documents to Barr also, that pertain to the hoax!

Who/Whom you say?

1. The Treasury Secretary, AND

2. The ENERGY secretary-)

So what is soooooo special about that you say?!?!?!?!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ever hear of Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, along with Uranium One-)

Ever hear of how much money went to Fusion GPS, from where, and by whom-)

That is not all, but basically, that is all you need know at the moment, since that is JUICY enough, lol. But, if you want to invest the time, watch this, and you will find out more.

My friends, the LEFT IS SCREWED, and it is looking more and more that the Obama legacy, is OVER!

I knew it. The Obama legacy. Taking us out of that Republican recession. You watch. Republicans are going to do it again. They want to show that the Obama legacy of taking us out of a recession was a big mistake.
The Beginning is at the End is not the same as it's the beginning of the end.
Did you even think about that before you posted it?
You read left to right, Jews read right to left, you either grasp it or not and therefore never put 2+2 together.
Maybe this will help:
Have you ever worked on a video or audio non linear time line as compared to a linear vhs tape or audio cassette? The (perceived) Beginning (Olam Habah)
is ACTUALLY at the End.
.dne eht fo gninnigeb eht s'ti sa emas eht ton si dnE eht ta si gninnigeB ehT

Nope, still nonsense.
The Beginning is at the End is not the same as it's the beginning of the end.
Did you even think about that before you posted it?
You read left to right, Jews read right to left, you either grasp it or not and therefore never put 2+2 together.
Maybe this will help:
Have you ever worked on a video or audio non linear time line as compared to a linear vhs tape or audio cassette? The (perceived) Beginning (Olam Habah)
is ACTUALLY at the End.
.dne eht fo gninnigeb eht s'ti sa emas eht ton si dnE eht ta si gninnigeB ehT

Nope, still nonsense.
And that is why you can't solve the abortion debate and I can.
Not even one of ya's smart enough to ask let alone solve a simple puzzle.
Even Moonglows Cherry 2000 Robot knows this one, because when She's starting he's already finishing.
*drum roll, crash cymbal -accent the joke affect*
The Beginning is at the End is not the same as it's the beginning of the end.
Did you even think about that before you posted it?
You read left to right, Jews read right to left, you either grasp it or not and therefore never put 2+2 together.
Maybe this will help:
Have you ever worked on a video or audio non linear time line as compared to a linear vhs tape or audio cassette? The (perceived) Beginning (Olam Habah)
is ACTUALLY at the End.
.dne eht fo gninnigeb eht s'ti sa emas eht ton si dnE eht ta si gninnigeB ehT

Nope, still nonsense.
And that is why you can't solve the abortion debate and I can.
Not even one of ya's smart enough to ask let alone solve a simple puzzle.
Even Moonglows Cherry 2000 Robot knows this one, because when She's starting he's already finishing.
*drum roll, crash cymbal -accent the joke affect*
Ok, why don't you call me when you learn to speak English.

Have a nice day.
Sooooooooo, I am sure everyone has become aware that Trump has told AG Barr to declassify everything about spygate. But what most people are unaware of is-------------> It wasn't only AG Barr instructed to do so. He was just the one all the media reported on, which is EXACTLY why the Left is screaming from the high heavens.

What do I mean?

Well people, 2 OTHER cabinet secretaries, were also ordered to release pertinent documents relating to the Trump/Russia/Collusion hoax, and this is REALLY going to get good really quick, lol.

How is that you say, and what am I talking about?

Well, you know how we have an education secretary, and a DHS secretary, etc, etc. Well 2 others were ordered to get with Barr, and turn over THEIR documents to Barr also, that pertain to the hoax!

Who/Whom you say?

1. The Treasury Secretary, AND

2. The ENERGY secretary-)

So what is soooooo special about that you say?!?!?!?!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ever hear of Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, along with Uranium One-)

Ever hear of how much money went to Fusion GPS, from where, and by whom-)

That is not all, but basically, that is all you need know at the moment, since that is JUICY enough, lol. But, if you want to invest the time, watch this, and you will find out more.

My friends, the LEFT IS SCREWED, and it is looking more and more that the Obama legacy, is OVER!

It's a distraction to occupy tRump's weak-minded base.

LOL, glad you take that view. Your side is sooooo screwed, and I don't even have to do predictions, because not much after I did it, the real deal is going to smack you in the kisser-)

Hey De-CREPED, you post funnies all you want on my posts, cause within a few weeks if not sooner, your going to be LAUGHED off this board in real time, lol!

You do know you respond to yourself?

Sure I do, which is more logical, then listening to you Leftists, who are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial-)

I can NOT inform you enough that your side, is SCREWED-)

Right now, it appears to be all fun and games for you, calling us racists, dumb, deplorables, etc. What FUN!

Wait until you see what America calls YOUR side in the very near future. Maybe, just maybe, dumbsh*** like YOU will wake up, and realize you have been scammed.

I doubt it, because I think you are so low IQ, they have brainwashed you, and EASILY I might add. But one can always hope!
Sooooooooo, I am sure everyone has become aware that Trump has told AG Barr to declassify everything about spygate. But what most people are unaware of is-------------> It wasn't only AG Barr instructed to do so. He was just the one all the media reported on, which is EXACTLY why the Left is screaming from the high heavens.

What do I mean?

Well people, 2 OTHER cabinet secretaries, were also ordered to release pertinent documents relating to the Trump/Russia/Collusion hoax, and this is REALLY going to get good really quick, lol.

How is that you say, and what am I talking about?

Well, you know how we have an education secretary, and a DHS secretary, etc, etc. Well 2 others were ordered to get with Barr, and turn over THEIR documents to Barr also, that pertain to the hoax!

Who/Whom you say?

1. The Treasury Secretary, AND

2. The ENERGY secretary-)

So what is soooooo special about that you say?!?!?!?!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ever hear of Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, along with Uranium One-)

Ever hear of how much money went to Fusion GPS, from where, and by whom-)

That is not all, but basically, that is all you need know at the moment, since that is JUICY enough, lol. But, if you want to invest the time, watch this, and you will find out more.

My friends, the LEFT IS SCREWED, and it is looking more and more that the Obama legacy, is OVER!

Here is a more detailed report, from the Last Refuge:

President Trump’s Declassification Directive Outlines Specific Process and Direction….

First, President Trump has assigned ownership of the Directive to U.S. Attorney General William Barr. This part was predictable because the purpose of declassification would be to facilitate a DOJ review of how the intelligence apparatus was used in the 2016 election.

Additionally, because the DOJ review encompasses intelligence systems potentially weaponized in 2016 for political purposes and intents, President Trump carries: (a) declassification authority; but also: (b) an inherent conflict. In this DOJ endeavor candidate Trump would have been the target of corrupt agency activity; and therefore would be considered the target/victim if weaponization were affirmed by evidence.

To avoid the conflict President Trump designates the U.S. Attorney General as arbiter and decision-maker for the purposes of declassifying evidence within the investigation:

…”The Attorney General has also been delegated full and complete authority to declassify information pertaining to this investigation, in accordance with the long-established standards for handling classified information.” (link)

Additionally, AG Bill Barr does not need to assemble the intelligence product for approval by the executive (Trump). Instead the office of the president is granting the AG full unilateral decision-making as to each product being considered for declassification.

This is a huge amount of trust from the President to the Attorney General, and a big responsibility for William Barr:

[Sec 2] …”With respect to any matter classified under Executive Order 13526 of December 29, 2009 (Classified National Security Information), the Attorney General may, by applying the standard set forth in either section 3.1(a) or section 3.1(d) of Executive Order 13526, declassify, downgrade, or direct the declassification or downgrading of information or intelligence that relates to the Attorney General’s review referred to in section 1 of this memorandum.” (read more)

The position-designate slightly works around custom insofar as the intelligence hub, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Dan Coats), is given conference – but the decision making is designated to the Attorney General (Bill Barr).

Essentially the DNI will be following the instructions of the AG for this Memorandum. This is slightly unusual; but given the purpose, necessary and expected.
There is a lot more in the link, it will be a COMPREHENSIVE declassification effort over many departments.

Last edited:
Sooooooooo, I am sure everyone has become aware that Trump has told AG Barr to declassify everything about spygate. But what most people are unaware of is-------------> It wasn't only AG Barr instructed to do so. He was just the one all the media reported on, which is EXACTLY why the Left is screaming from the high heavens.

What do I mean?

Well people, 2 OTHER cabinet secretaries, were also ordered to release pertinent documents relating to the Trump/Russia/Collusion hoax, and this is REALLY going to get good really quick, lol.

How is that you say, and what am I talking about?

Well, you know how we have an education secretary, and a DHS secretary, etc, etc. Well 2 others were ordered to get with Barr, and turn over THEIR documents to Barr also, that pertain to the hoax!

Who/Whom you say?

1. The Treasury Secretary, AND

2. The ENERGY secretary-)

So what is soooooo special about that you say?!?!?!?!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ever hear of Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, along with Uranium One-)

Ever hear of how much money went to Fusion GPS, from where, and by whom-)

That is not all, but basically, that is all you need know at the moment, since that is JUICY enough, lol. But, if you want to invest the time, watch this, and you will find out more.

My friends, the LEFT IS SCREWED, and it is looking more and more that the Obama legacy, is OVER!

I knew it. The Obama legacy. Taking us out of that Republican recession. You watch. Republicans are going to do it again. They want to show that the Obama legacy of taking us out of a recession was a big mistake.

Hey Deanie won't you come out tonight...……..oh wait, that was a song-)

You don't know SQUAT, that is your problem, lol. You are programmed.

And now, like it or NOT, your side is going to take a bath, and you can thank Nancy BELA LUGOSI!

She and your side wants to paly games?

OK, now lets see! You had your Mueller report and got squat. Lets see what happens when we stick our nose up your a**ses!

By the way, Durham already put in 3 grand juries a few weeks ago, or didn't you know that-) (bet you did NOT) Now you know why, your peeps attacked Barr-) Lets see what they come up with, transparency, correct!

Betcha your side is SCREWED!
Sooooooooo, I am sure everyone has become aware that Trump has told AG Barr to declassify everything about spygate. But what most people are unaware of is-------------> It wasn't only AG Barr instructed to do so. He was just the one all the media reported on, which is EXACTLY why the Left is screaming from the high heavens.

What do I mean?

Well people, 2 OTHER cabinet secretaries, were also ordered to release pertinent documents relating to the Trump/Russia/Collusion hoax, and this is REALLY going to get good really quick, lol.

How is that you say, and what am I talking about?

Well, you know how we have an education secretary, and a DHS secretary, etc, etc. Well 2 others were ordered to get with Barr, and turn over THEIR documents to Barr also, that pertain to the hoax!

Who/Whom you say?

1. The Treasury Secretary, AND

2. The ENERGY secretary-)

So what is soooooo special about that you say?!?!?!?!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ever hear of Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, along with Uranium One-)

Ever hear of how much money went to Fusion GPS, from where, and by whom-)

That is not all, but basically, that is all you need know at the moment, since that is JUICY enough, lol. But, if you want to invest the time, watch this, and you will find out more.

My friends, the LEFT IS SCREWED, and it is looking more and more that the Obama legacy, is OVER!

It's a distraction to occupy tRump's weak-minded base.

LOL, glad you take that view. Your side is sooooo screwed, and I don't even have to do predictions, because not much after I did it, the real deal is going to smack you in the kisser-)

Hey De-CREPED, you post funnies all you want on my posts, cause within a few weeks if not sooner, your going to be LAUGHED off this board in real time, lol!

You do know you respond to yourself?

Sure I do, which is more logical, then listening to you Leftists, who are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial-)

I can NOT inform you enough that your side, is SCREWED-)

Right now, it appears to be all fun and games for you, calling us racists, dumb, deplorables, etc. What FUN!

Wait until you see what America calls YOUR side in the very near future. Maybe, just maybe, dumbsh*** like YOU will wake up, and realize you have been scammed.

I doubt it, because I think you are so low IQ, they have brainwashed you, and EASILY I might add. But one can always hope!

You tried to insult me and quoted your own post.

Sooooooooo, I am sure everyone has become aware that Trump has told AG Barr to declassify everything about spygate. But what most people are unaware of is-------------> It wasn't only AG Barr instructed to do so. He was just the one all the media reported on, which is EXACTLY why the Left is screaming from the high heavens.

What do I mean?

Well people, 2 OTHER cabinet secretaries, were also ordered to release pertinent documents relating to the Trump/Russia/Collusion hoax, and this is REALLY going to get good really quick, lol.

How is that you say, and what am I talking about?

Well, you know how we have an education secretary, and a DHS secretary, etc, etc. Well 2 others were ordered to get with Barr, and turn over THEIR documents to Barr also, that pertain to the hoax!

Who/Whom you say?

1. The Treasury Secretary, AND

2. The ENERGY secretary-)

So what is soooooo special about that you say?!?!?!?!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ever hear of Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, along with Uranium One-)

Ever hear of how much money went to Fusion GPS, from where, and by whom-)

That is not all, but basically, that is all you need know at the moment, since that is JUICY enough, lol. But, if you want to invest the time, watch this, and you will find out more.

My friends, the LEFT IS SCREWED, and it is looking more and more that the Obama legacy, is OVER!

Here is a more detailed report, from the Last Refuge:

Congress welcomes Robert Mueller as special counsel, some more enthusiastically than others

First, President Trump has assigned ownership of the Directive to U.S. Attorney General William Barr. This part was predictable because the purpose of declassification would be to facilitate a DOJ review of how the intelligence apparatus was used in the 2016 election.

Additionally, because the DOJ review encompasses intelligence systems potentially weaponized in 2016 for political purposes and intents, President Trump carries: (a) declassification authority; but also: (b) an inherent conflict. In this DOJ endeavor candidate Trump would have been the target of corrupt agency activity; and therefore would be considered the target/victim if weaponization were affirmed by evidence.

To avoid the conflict President Trump designates the U.S. Attorney General as arbiter and decision-maker for the purposes of declassifying evidence within the investigation:

…”The Attorney General has also been delegated full and complete authority to declassify information pertaining to this investigation, in accordance with the long-established standards for handling classified information.” (link)

Additionally, AG Bill Barr does not need to assemble the intelligence product for approval by the executive (Trump). Instead the office of the president is granting the AG full unilateral decision-making as to each product being considered for declassification.

This is a huge amount of trust from the President to the Attorney General, and a big responsibility for William Barr:

[Sec 2] …”With respect to any matter classified under Executive Order 13526 of December 29, 2009 (Classified National Security Information), the Attorney General may, by applying the standard set forth in either section 3.1(a) or section 3.1(d) of Executive Order 13526, declassify, downgrade, or direct the declassification or downgrading of information or intelligence that relates to the Attorney General’s review referred to in section 1 of this memorandum.” (read more)

The position-designate slightly works around custom insofar as the intelligence hub, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Dan Coats), is given conference – but the decision making is designated to the Attorney General (Bill Barr).

Essentially the DNI will be following the instructions of the AG for this Memorandum. This is slightly unusual; but given the purpose, necessary and expected.
There is a lot more in the link, it will be a COMPREHENSIVE declassification effort over many departments.

Thank you for your input, it is greatly appreciated.

It is terrific to see someone putting in actual facts, instead of Leftists putting in barbs. Of course, you realize, you will most like be a new target of Leftists on this board, you RACIST, lol.

They will never be able to stand you, because you post FACTS!
It's a distraction to occupy tRump's weak-minded base.

LOL, glad you take that view. Your side is sooooo screwed, and I don't even have to do predictions, because not much after I did it, the real deal is going to smack you in the kisser-)

Hey De-CREPED, you post funnies all you want on my posts, cause within a few weeks if not sooner, your going to be LAUGHED off this board in real time, lol!
You do know you respond to yourself?

Sure I do, which is more logical, then listening to you Leftists, who are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial-)

I can NOT inform you enough that your side, is SCREWED-)

Right now, it appears to be all fun and games for you, calling us racists, dumb, deplorables, etc. What FUN!

Wait until you see what America calls YOUR side in the very near future. Maybe, just maybe, dumbsh*** like YOU will wake up, and realize you have been scammed.

I doubt it, because I think you are so low IQ, they have brainwashed you, and EASILY I might add. But one can always hope!
You tried to insult me and quoted your own post.

View attachment 262281

I am not trying to insult you, I am trying to rename you-) I think I succeeded-) De-Crepped, yep, sounds good to me!
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.

"We need rope. Lots of rope."

Don't worry, we're giving tRump plenty.

And he will string you up with it.
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.

Trump may well indeed be an insufferable bombastic asshole but so was Winston Churchill, George Patton and Douglas McCarther, just to name a few. Movers and shakers often are, it's part of the kit.

Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.
Nope, he will be the winner. The loser demoncraps are going to cry like the bitches they are.

The Beginning is at the End is not the same as it's the beginning of the end.
Did you even think about that before you posted it?
You read left to right, Jews read right to left, you either grasp it or not and therefore never put 2+2 together.
Maybe this will help:
Have you ever worked on a video or audio non linear time line as compared to a linear vhs tape or audio cassette? The (perceived) Beginning (Olam Habah)
is ACTUALLY at the End.
.dne eht fo gninnigeb eht s'ti sa emas eht ton si dnE eht ta si gninnigeB ehT

Nope, still nonsense.
And that is why you can't solve the abortion debate and I can.
Not even one of ya's smart enough to ask let alone solve a simple puzzle.
Even Moonglows Cherry 2000 Robot knows this one, because when She's starting he's already finishing.
*drum roll, crash cymbal -accent the joke affect*

Sooooooooo, I am sure everyone has become aware that Trump has told AG Barr to declassify everything about spygate. But what most people are unaware of is-------------> It wasn't only AG Barr instructed to do so. He was just the one all the media reported on, which is EXACTLY why the Left is screaming from the high heavens.

What do I mean?

Well people, 2 OTHER cabinet secretaries, were also ordered to release pertinent documents relating to the Trump/Russia/Collusion hoax, and this is REALLY going to get good really quick, lol.

How is that you say, and what am I talking about?

Well, you know how we have an education secretary, and a DHS secretary, etc, etc. Well 2 others were ordered to get with Barr, and turn over THEIR documents to Barr also, that pertain to the hoax!

Who/Whom you say?

1. The Treasury Secretary, AND

2. The ENERGY secretary-)

So what is soooooo special about that you say?!?!?!?!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ever hear of Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, along with Uranium One-)

Ever hear of how much money went to Fusion GPS, from where, and by whom-)

That is not all, but basically, that is all you need know at the moment, since that is JUICY enough, lol. But, if you want to invest the time, watch this, and you will find out more.

My friends, the LEFT IS SCREWED, and it is looking more and more that the Obama legacy, is OVER!

Here is a more detailed report, from the Last Refuge:

President Trump’s Declassification Directive Outlines Specific Process and Direction….

First, President Trump has assigned ownership of the Directive to U.S. Attorney General William Barr. This part was predictable because the purpose of declassification would be to facilitate a DOJ review of how the intelligence apparatus was used in the 2016 election.

Additionally, because the DOJ review encompasses intelligence systems potentially weaponized in 2016 for political purposes and intents, President Trump carries: (a) declassification authority; but also: (b) an inherent conflict. In this DOJ endeavor candidate Trump would have been the target of corrupt agency activity; and therefore would be considered the target/victim if weaponization were affirmed by evidence.

To avoid the conflict President Trump designates the U.S. Attorney General as arbiter and decision-maker for the purposes of declassifying evidence within the investigation:

…”The Attorney General has also been delegated full and complete authority to declassify information pertaining to this investigation, in accordance with the long-established standards for handling classified information.” (link)

Additionally, AG Bill Barr does not need to assemble the intelligence product for approval by the executive (Trump). Instead the office of the president is granting the AG full unilateral decision-making as to each product being considered for declassification.

This is a huge amount of trust from the President to the Attorney General, and a big responsibility for William Barr:

[Sec 2] …”With respect to any matter classified under Executive Order 13526 of December 29, 2009 (Classified National Security Information), the Attorney General may, by applying the standard set forth in either section 3.1(a) or section 3.1(d) of Executive Order 13526, declassify, downgrade, or direct the declassification or downgrading of information or intelligence that relates to the Attorney General’s review referred to in section 1 of this memorandum.” (read more)

The position-designate slightly works around custom insofar as the intelligence hub, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Dan Coats), is given conference – but the decision making is designated to the Attorney General (Bill Barr).

Essentially the DNI will be following the instructions of the AG for this Memorandum. This is slightly unusual; but given the purpose, necessary and expected.
There is a lot more in the link, it will be a COMPREHENSIVE declassification effort over many departments.

View attachment 262282

So, just so everyone gets it correct-------->we are now going to find out almost EVERYTHING about this whole investigation.

HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, the Left wants transparency? Well, now they are going to get it, and so are ALL the American people.

What is wrong with that-)

Like I said months ago--------->Crossfire Hurricane would turn into Crossfire Boomerang, and now the Leftist chickens have come home to roost!

You far Left Socialists are cooked. We are going to vote against you, independents are going to mass against you, and even REAL DEMOCRATS are going to throw your a**es under the bus. CYA, wouldn't want to be ya-)
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

Trump is smelling like a Rose

and the Tards evil deeds are being exposed for all to see....

Unless you listen to the FAKE NEWS...
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.

"We need rope. Lots of rope."

Don't worry, we're giving tRump plenty.

And he will string you up with it.
Lololololololololol. Not long on figures of speach are you.
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.

Trump may well indeed be an insufferable bombastic asshole but so was Winston Churchill, George Patton and Douglas McCarther, just to name a few. Movers and shakers often are, it's part of the kit.

Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.
Nope, he will be the winner. The loser demoncraps are going to cry like the bitches they are.

The Beginning is at the End is not the same as it's the beginning of the end.
Did you even think about that before you posted it?
You read left to right, Jews read right to left, you either grasp it or not and therefore never put 2+2 together.
Maybe this will help:
Have you ever worked on a video or audio non linear time line as compared to a linear vhs tape or audio cassette? The (perceived) Beginning (Olam Habah)
is ACTUALLY at the End.
.dne eht fo gninnigeb eht s'ti sa emas eht ton si dnE eht ta si gninnigeB ehT

Nope, still nonsense.
And that is why you can't solve the abortion debate and I can.
Not even one of ya's smart enough to ask let alone solve a simple puzzle.
Even Moonglows Cherry 2000 Robot knows this one, because when She's starting he's already finishing.
*drum roll, crash cymbal -accent the joke affect*

Sooooooooo, I am sure everyone has become aware that Trump has told AG Barr to declassify everything about spygate. But what most people are unaware of is-------------> It wasn't only AG Barr instructed to do so. He was just the one all the media reported on, which is EXACTLY why the Left is screaming from the high heavens.

What do I mean?

Well people, 2 OTHER cabinet secretaries, were also ordered to release pertinent documents relating to the Trump/Russia/Collusion hoax, and this is REALLY going to get good really quick, lol.

How is that you say, and what am I talking about?

Well, you know how we have an education secretary, and a DHS secretary, etc, etc. Well 2 others were ordered to get with Barr, and turn over THEIR documents to Barr also, that pertain to the hoax!

Who/Whom you say?

1. The Treasury Secretary, AND

2. The ENERGY secretary-)

So what is soooooo special about that you say?!?!?!?!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ever hear of Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, along with Uranium One-)

Ever hear of how much money went to Fusion GPS, from where, and by whom-)

That is not all, but basically, that is all you need know at the moment, since that is JUICY enough, lol. But, if you want to invest the time, watch this, and you will find out more.

My friends, the LEFT IS SCREWED, and it is looking more and more that the Obama legacy, is OVER!

Here is a more detailed report, from the Last Refuge:

President Trump’s Declassification Directive Outlines Specific Process and Direction….

First, President Trump has assigned ownership of the Directive to U.S. Attorney General William Barr. This part was predictable because the purpose of declassification would be to facilitate a DOJ review of how the intelligence apparatus was used in the 2016 election.

Additionally, because the DOJ review encompasses intelligence systems potentially weaponized in 2016 for political purposes and intents, President Trump carries: (a) declassification authority; but also: (b) an inherent conflict. In this DOJ endeavor candidate Trump would have been the target of corrupt agency activity; and therefore would be considered the target/victim if weaponization were affirmed by evidence.

To avoid the conflict President Trump designates the U.S. Attorney General as arbiter and decision-maker for the purposes of declassifying evidence within the investigation:

…”The Attorney General has also been delegated full and complete authority to declassify information pertaining to this investigation, in accordance with the long-established standards for handling classified information.” (link)

Additionally, AG Bill Barr does not need to assemble the intelligence product for approval by the executive (Trump). Instead the office of the president is granting the AG full unilateral decision-making as to each product being considered for declassification.

This is a huge amount of trust from the President to the Attorney General, and a big responsibility for William Barr:

[Sec 2] …”With respect to any matter classified under Executive Order 13526 of December 29, 2009 (Classified National Security Information), the Attorney General may, by applying the standard set forth in either section 3.1(a) or section 3.1(d) of Executive Order 13526, declassify, downgrade, or direct the declassification or downgrading of information or intelligence that relates to the Attorney General’s review referred to in section 1 of this memorandum.” (read more)

The position-designate slightly works around custom insofar as the intelligence hub, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Dan Coats), is given conference – but the decision making is designated to the Attorney General (Bill Barr).

Essentially the DNI will be following the instructions of the AG for this Memorandum. This is slightly unusual; but given the purpose, necessary and expected.
There is a lot more in the link, it will be a COMPREHENSIVE declassification effort over many departments.

View attachment 262282

So, just so everyone gets it correct-------->we are now going to find out almost EVERYTHING about this whole investigation.

HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, the Left wants transparency? Well, now they are going to get it, and so are ALL the American people.

What is wrong with that-)

Like I said months ago--------->Crossfire Hurricane would turn into Crossfire Boomerang, and now the Leftist chickens have come home to roost!

You far Left Socialists are cooked. We are going to vote against you, independents are going to mass against you, and even REAL DEMOCRATS are going to throw your a**es under the bus. CYA, wouldn't want to be ya-)

If we could truly find out everything that would be fine.

We won't, we will hear what that liar Barr and his sockpuppet boss want us to hear.
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.

"We need rope. Lots of rope."

Don't worry, we're giving tRump plenty.

And he will string you up with it.
Lololololololololol. Not long on figures of speach are you.

That is "SPEECH," at least speak English-) Are you an ILLEGAL ALIEN? Wouldn't surprise me at all, lol. GO HOME KEMA SABI!
Sooooooooo, I am sure everyone has become aware that Trump has told AG Barr to declassify everything about spygate. But what most people are unaware of is-------------> It wasn't only AG Barr instructed to do so. He was just the one all the media reported on, which is EXACTLY why the Left is screaming from the high heavens.

What do I mean?

Well people, 2 OTHER cabinet secretaries, were also ordered to release pertinent documents relating to the Trump/Russia/Collusion hoax, and this is REALLY going to get good really quick, lol.

How is that you say, and what am I talking about?

Well, you know how we have an education secretary, and a DHS secretary, etc, etc. Well 2 others were ordered to get with Barr, and turn over THEIR documents to Barr also, that pertain to the hoax!

Who/Whom you say?

1. The Treasury Secretary, AND

2. The ENERGY secretary-)

So what is soooooo special about that you say?!?!?!?!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ever hear of Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, along with Uranium One-)

Ever hear of how much money went to Fusion GPS, from where, and by whom-)

That is not all, but basically, that is all you need know at the moment, since that is JUICY enough, lol. But, if you want to invest the time, watch this, and you will find out more.

My friends, the LEFT IS SCREWED, and it is looking more and more that the Obama legacy, is OVER!

It's a distraction to occupy tRump's weak-minded base.

LOL, glad you take that view. Your side is sooooo screwed, and I don't even have to do predictions, because not much after I did it, the real deal is going to smack you in the kisser-)

Hey De-CREPED, you post funnies all you want on my posts, cause within a few weeks if not sooner, your going to be LAUGHED off this board in real time, lol!

You do know you respond to yourself?

Sure I do, which is more logical, then listening to you Leftists, who are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial-)

I can NOT inform you enough that your side, is SCREWED-)

Right now, it appears to be all fun and games for you, calling us racists, dumb, deplorables, etc. What FUN!

Wait until you see what America calls YOUR side in the very near future. Maybe, just maybe, dumbsh*** like YOU will wake up, and realize you have been scammed.

I doubt it, because I think you are so low IQ, they have brainwashed you, and EASILY I might add. But one can always hope!

Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.

Trump may well indeed be an insufferable bombastic asshole but so was Winston Churchill, George Patton and Douglas McCarther, just to name a few. Movers and shakers often are, it's part of the kit.

Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.
Nope, he will be the winner. The loser demoncraps are going to cry like the bitches they are.

Did you even think about that before you posted it?
You read left to right, Jews read right to left, you either grasp it or not and therefore never put 2+2 together.
Maybe this will help:
Have you ever worked on a video or audio non linear time line as compared to a linear vhs tape or audio cassette? The (perceived) Beginning (Olam Habah)
is ACTUALLY at the End.
.dne eht fo gninnigeb eht s'ti sa emas eht ton si dnE eht ta si gninnigeB ehT

Nope, still nonsense.
And that is why you can't solve the abortion debate and I can.
Not even one of ya's smart enough to ask let alone solve a simple puzzle.
Even Moonglows Cherry 2000 Robot knows this one, because when She's starting he's already finishing.
*drum roll, crash cymbal -accent the joke affect*

Sooooooooo, I am sure everyone has become aware that Trump has told AG Barr to declassify everything about spygate. But what most people are unaware of is-------------> It wasn't only AG Barr instructed to do so. He was just the one all the media reported on, which is EXACTLY why the Left is screaming from the high heavens.

What do I mean?

Well people, 2 OTHER cabinet secretaries, were also ordered to release pertinent documents relating to the Trump/Russia/Collusion hoax, and this is REALLY going to get good really quick, lol.

How is that you say, and what am I talking about?

Well, you know how we have an education secretary, and a DHS secretary, etc, etc. Well 2 others were ordered to get with Barr, and turn over THEIR documents to Barr also, that pertain to the hoax!

Who/Whom you say?

1. The Treasury Secretary, AND

2. The ENERGY secretary-)

So what is soooooo special about that you say?!?!?!?!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ever hear of Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, along with Uranium One-)

Ever hear of how much money went to Fusion GPS, from where, and by whom-)

That is not all, but basically, that is all you need know at the moment, since that is JUICY enough, lol. But, if you want to invest the time, watch this, and you will find out more.

My friends, the LEFT IS SCREWED, and it is looking more and more that the Obama legacy, is OVER!

Here is a more detailed report, from the Last Refuge:

President Trump’s Declassification Directive Outlines Specific Process and Direction….

First, President Trump has assigned ownership of the Directive to U.S. Attorney General William Barr. This part was predictable because the purpose of declassification would be to facilitate a DOJ review of how the intelligence apparatus was used in the 2016 election.

Additionally, because the DOJ review encompasses intelligence systems potentially weaponized in 2016 for political purposes and intents, President Trump carries: (a) declassification authority; but also: (b) an inherent conflict. In this DOJ endeavor candidate Trump would have been the target of corrupt agency activity; and therefore would be considered the target/victim if weaponization were affirmed by evidence.

To avoid the conflict President Trump designates the U.S. Attorney General as arbiter and decision-maker for the purposes of declassifying evidence within the investigation:

…”The Attorney General has also been delegated full and complete authority to declassify information pertaining to this investigation, in accordance with the long-established standards for handling classified information.” (link)

Additionally, AG Bill Barr does not need to assemble the intelligence product for approval by the executive (Trump). Instead the office of the president is granting the AG full unilateral decision-making as to each product being considered for declassification.

This is a huge amount of trust from the President to the Attorney General, and a big responsibility for William Barr:

[Sec 2] …”With respect to any matter classified under Executive Order 13526 of December 29, 2009 (Classified National Security Information), the Attorney General may, by applying the standard set forth in either section 3.1(a) or section 3.1(d) of Executive Order 13526, declassify, downgrade, or direct the declassification or downgrading of information or intelligence that relates to the Attorney General’s review referred to in section 1 of this memorandum.” (read more)

The position-designate slightly works around custom insofar as the intelligence hub, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Dan Coats), is given conference – but the decision making is designated to the Attorney General (Bill Barr).

Essentially the DNI will be following the instructions of the AG for this Memorandum. This is slightly unusual; but given the purpose, necessary and expected.
There is a lot more in the link, it will be a COMPREHENSIVE declassification effort over many departments.

View attachment 262282

So, just so everyone gets it correct-------->we are now going to find out almost EVERYTHING about this whole investigation.

HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, the Left wants transparency? Well, now they are going to get it, and so are ALL the American people.

What is wrong with that-)

Like I said months ago--------->Crossfire Hurricane would turn into Crossfire Boomerang, and now the Leftist chickens have come home to roost!

You far Left Socialists are cooked. We are going to vote against you, independents are going to mass against you, and even REAL DEMOCRATS are going to throw your a**es under the bus. CYA, wouldn't want to be ya-)

If we could truly find out everything that would be fine.

We won't, we will hear what that liar Barr and his sockpuppet boss want us to hear.

Liar? And Mueller is a liar too? In other words-------->everyone is a liar, unless they agree with you, lol.

Opinions are like a**holes. Everyone has one. Difference is------------>you ran 4 investigations, and none of them produced anything.

Now, we are going to run 1. Betcha we get a bunch of your peeps, lol. Funny how it works, isn't it!
It's a distraction to occupy tRump's weak-minded base.

LOL, glad you take that view. Your side is sooooo screwed, and I don't even have to do predictions, because not much after I did it, the real deal is going to smack you in the kisser-)

Hey De-CREPED, you post funnies all you want on my posts, cause within a few weeks if not sooner, your going to be LAUGHED off this board in real time, lol!
You do know you respond to yourself?

Sure I do, which is more logical, then listening to you Leftists, who are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial-)

I can NOT inform you enough that your side, is SCREWED-)

Right now, it appears to be all fun and games for you, calling us racists, dumb, deplorables, etc. What FUN!

Wait until you see what America calls YOUR side in the very near future. Maybe, just maybe, dumbsh*** like YOU will wake up, and realize you have been scammed.

I doubt it, because I think you are so low IQ, they have brainwashed you, and EASILY I might add. But one can always hope!


Cute, and enjoy, lol. The party is over for YOU and YOUR SIDE, and now you pay the piper.

This is going to be the most fun I have had in years, watching you people grovel at our feet-)

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