So leftists hate the Supreme Court

I cant find it saying that. Please quote it.

(1) injunctive relief sufficient to prevent the
defendant from violating this subchapter or engaging in acts that
aid or abet violations of this subchapter;
(2) statutory damages in an amount of not less than
$10,000 for each abortion that the defendant performed or induced
in violation of this subchapter, and for each abortion performed or
induced in violation of this subchapter that the defendant aided or
abetted; and
(3) costs and attorney's fees.
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Thats nto about taking people over state lines so they can get an abortion.

Women who are experiencing a miscarriage NOW, don't have time to drive to another state and find a clinic that will treat them.

If you have an ectopic pregnancy (1 in 50 pregnancies), when your tube bursts, you have 10 minutes to get care or you're dead. An ectopic pregnancy is never viable, but Texas law requires doctors to wait until the tube bursts and the fetal heartbeat stops, before any treatment starts for the mother.

If the woman lives, her fallopian tube is destroyed. She may never be able to have a baby again. She'll be left with one fallopinian tube, at best.

Also true if she has a partial miscarriage and sepsis sets in. She may require a hysterectomy.

Women are getting sterilized in red states because they're AFRAID to get pregnant.
Because the left would be able to intimidate and hector their proponents?

Mob Rule lover loves mob rule.

And Dems do the same shit, but of course that's A-OK in your book even despite your protests to the contrary.

Anything restricting speech like this would be abused by people with no qualms about using government to punish their enemies, i.e. democrats and progressives.

No, because the right couldn't get unlimited resources from billionaires to run their campaigns.

Republicans are abusing "free speech" every time they tell you the 2020 election was "stolen".
Women who are experiencing a miscarriage NOW, don't have time to drive to another state and find a clinic that will treat them.

If you have an ectopic pregnancy (1 in 50 pregnancies), when your tube bursts, you have 10 minutes to get care or you're dead. An ectopic pregnancy is never viable, but Texas law requires doctors to wait until the tube bursts and the fetal heartbeat stops, before any treatment starts for the mother.

If the woman lives, her fallopian tube is destroyed. She may never be able to have a baby again. She'll be left with one fallopinian tube, at best.

Also true if she has a partial miscarriage and sepsis sets in. She may require a hysterectomy.

Women are getting sterilized in red states because they're AFRAID to get pregnant.

No, because the right couldn't get unlimited resources from billionaires to run their campaigns.

Republicans are abusing "free speech" every time they tell you the 2020 election was "stolen".

Right now, most of the "Billionaires" support the Dems.

And your last statement just shows what a silencing soon to be dead old cat lady Canuck you are.

(1) injunctive relief sufficient to prevent the
defendant from violating this subchapter or engaging in acts that
aid or abet violations of this subchapter;
(2) statutory damages in an amount of not less than
$10,000 for each abortion that the defendant performed or induced
in violation of this subchapter, and for each abortion performed or
induced in violation of this subchapter that the defendant aided or
abetted; and
(3) costs and attorney's fees.
ABETTING VIOLATION. (a) Any person, other than an officer or
employee of a state or local governmental entity in this state, may
bring a civil action against any person who:

Nothing about crossing state lines. In fact, I cant even find where that actually became law. All I can find is about local laws.
They overturned Roe vs. Wade, a direct infringement upon the Constitution.

In fact, the Founding Fathers would not have even revolted against the British crown had they been allowed to murder their unborn babies.
Ironically, the same people who complain about babies in the womb being slaughtered don't care about babies being slaughtered in Gaza, or babies being born to single mothers who can't raise them properly, leading to those babies becoming like this:




dv08c-1693589063-262955-blog-jail barricaders.png


Is that really "pro-life"? You right-wingers claim to care for fetuses in other people's wombs, you're all the righteous champions of fetuses, you supposedly love babies, in other people's bodies, until they're born then you flip them the finger:

"To hell with you and your single mother"..."Too bad if she can't provide for you or raise you properly, I don't care, I have no obligation to assist your impoverished mother", "I'm a holy roller, right-wing conservative, which forces women to remain pregnant when they don't want to, using the heavy hand of government, AND I'M ALSO FOR DEFUNDING ALL GOVERNMENT SOCIAL PROGRAMS THAT HELP SINGLE MOMS RAISE THEIR CHILDREN - BECAUSE I'M A SELF-RIGHTEOUS PSYCHO, who cares about fetuses in the wombs of strangers.....".

The UTTER HYPOCRISY of these "righteous" conservatives:

"How dare the government mandate I wear a mask in crowded public venues in the middle of a nationwide deadly pandemic! I can do whatever I want, even become a public health hazard, because I'm a born again, right-wing conservative, who doesn't have to comply with the government's public safety measures..HOW DARE THE GOVERNMENT FORCE ME TO WEAR A MASK ON MY FACE!!!!".....

Ask the same "born again", right-wing righteous crap-head, if he's for the government forcing women to remain pregnant even when all they have in THEIR BODIES/THEIR WOMBS/THEIR UTERUSES, is a mere embryo or brainless fetus, and they'll say, "YEAH!", "LET THE GOVERNMENT FORCE WOMEN TO REMAIN PREGNANT UNDER THREAT OF CRIMINAL PROSECUTION! YEAH!!".

What happens when this single, pregnant young woman, loses her job due to her pregnancy or needs medical care? Will these "holy rollers", help her out? Provide her with some food, housing, a job, and the healthcare that she needs? NO WAY!.......

"She should've left her legs closed. She had premarital sex hence she should be punished by GAWD, and by society...She should be left to fend for herself, the hell with her. The government will force her to remain pregnant because I'm a self-righteous holy-roller right-winger and a champion of fetuses in strangers' wombs. I'll spend $100 or more on Papa John's monthly, but I won't spend a penny more in taxes, not even $20 monthly, to make sure these single mothers have access to healthcare, housing, daycare, school lunch programs for her child. She can go to hell!!! I HATE HARLOTS, I'M A BORN AGAIN, HOLY MAN/HOLY WOMAN, THE CHAMPION OF FETUSES"....

These conservatives aren't "pro-life", they're pro-death. They cause more death and destruction, by forcing women to remain pregnant and of course, defunding social programs that help single moms raise their children. These right-wing conservatives are the disciples of Satan, not Jesus. They're demonic psychopaths and DISGUSTING HYPOCRITES.
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Ironically, the same people who complain about babies in the womb being slaughtered don't care about babies being slaughtered in Gaza, or babies being born to single mothers who can't raise them properly, leading to those babies becoming like this:

Is that really "pro-life"? You right-wingers claim to care for fetuses in other people's wombs, you're all the righteous champions of fetuses, you supposedly love babies, in other people's bodies, until they're born then you flip them the finger:

"To hell with you and your single mother"..."Too bad if she can't provide for you or raise you properly, I don't care, I have no obligation to assist your impoverished mother", "I'm a holy roller, right-wing conservative, which forces women to remain pregnant when they don't want to, using the heavy hand of government, AND I'M ALSO FOR DEFUNDING ALL GOVERNMENT SOCIAL PROGRAMS THAT HELP SINGLE MOMS RAISE THEIR CHILDREN - BECAUSE I'M A SELF-RIGHTEOUS PSYCHO, who cares about fetuses in the wombs of strangers.....".

The UTTER HYPOCRISY of these "righteous" conservatives:

"How dare the government mandate I wear a mask in crowded public venues in the middle of a nationwide deadly pandemic! I can do whatever I want, even become a public health hazard, because I'm a born again, right-wing conservative, who doesn't have to comply with the government's public safety measures..HOW DARE THE GOVERNMENT FORCE ME TO WEAR A MASK ON MY FACE!!!!".....

Ask the same "born again", right-wing righteous crap-head, if he's for the government forcing women to remain pregnant even when all they have in THEIR BODIES/THEIR WOMBS/THEIR UTERUSES, is a mere embryo or brainless fetus, and they'll say YEAH. LET THE GOVERNMENT FORCE WOMEN TO REMAIN PREGNANT UNDER THREAT OF CRIMINAL PROSECUTION! YEAH!!". What happens when this single, pregnant young woman, loses her job due to her pregnancy or needs medical care? Well these "holy rollers", help her out? Provide her with some food, housing, a job, and the healthcare that she needs? NO WAY!.......

"She should've left her legs closed. She had premarital sex hence she should be punished by GAWD, and by society...She should be left to fend for herself, the hell with her. The government will force her to remain pregnant because I'm a self-righteous holy-roller right-winger and a champion of fetuses in strangers' wombs. I'll spend $100 or more on Papa John's monthly, but I won't spend a penny more in taxes, not even $20 monthly, to make sure these single mothers have access to healthcare, housing, daycare, school lunch programs for her child. She can go to hell!!! I HARE HARLOTS, I'M A BORN AGAIN, HOLY PERSON, CHAMPION OF FETUSES"....

These conservatives aren't "pro-life", they're pro-death. They cause more death and destruction, by forcing women to remain pregnant and of course, defunding social programs that help single moms raise their children. These right-wing conservatives are the disciples of Satan, not Jesus. They're demonic psychopaths.

Brevity would help you. A lot.

And we can care about babies in Gaza. Why don’t you care about the victims of Hamas?

I’d continue, but your post was more than verbose enough for all of us.
Sure. Their decision on Roe v Wade decided on the idea that the constitution needs to be very strictly interpreted. While the oral arguments in the Trump ineligibility case were solely about the negative consequences of interpreting the constitution narrowly and so forcing the Supreme Court to rule on any such motion in the future even of it was done in bad faith.

My problem with how the conservative judges decide is not a function of me not liking what they decide. Although I don't.

The problem lies in the fact that they change the judicial philosophy they use as a justification of that decision depending on the case before them.

That makes them activists.
Recognizing state rights to decide such matters is merely following the Constitution.

Try again
Ironically, the same people who complain about babies in the womb being slaughtered don't care about babies being slaughtered in Gaza, or babies being born to single mothers who can't raise them properly, leading to those babies becoming like this:

Is that really "pro-life"? You right-wingers claim to care for fetuses in other people's wombs, you're all the righteous champions of fetuses, you supposedly love babies, in other people's bodies, until they're born then you flip them the finger:

"To hell with you and your single mother"..."Too bad if she can't provide for you or raise you properly, I don't care, I have no obligation to assist your impoverished mother", "I'm a holy roller, right-wing conservative, which forces women to remain pregnant when they don't want to, using the heavy hand of government, AND I'M ALSO FOR DEFUNDING ALL GOVERNMENT SOCIAL PROGRAMS THAT HELP SINGLE MOMS RAISE THEIR CHILDREN - BECAUSE I'M A SELF-RIGHTEOUS PSYCHO, who cares about fetuses in the wombs of strangers.....".

The UTTER HYPOCRISY of these "righteous" conservatives:

"How dare the government mandate I wear a mask in crowded public venues in the middle of a nationwide deadly pandemic! I can do whatever I want, even become a public health hazard, because I'm a born again, right-wing conservative, who doesn't have to comply with the government's public safety measures..HOW DARE THE GOVERNMENT FORCE ME TO WEAR A MASK ON MY FACE!!!!".....

Ask the same "born again", right-wing righteous crap-head, if he's for the government forcing women to remain pregnant even when all they have in THEIR BODIES/THEIR WOMBS/THEIR UTERUSES, is a mere embryo or brainless fetus, and they'll say, "YEAH!", "LET THE GOVERNMENT FORCE WOMEN TO REMAIN PREGNANT UNDER THREAT OF CRIMINAL PROSECUTION! YEAH!!".

What happens when this single, pregnant young woman, loses her job due to her pregnancy or needs medical care? Will these "holy rollers", help her out? Provide her with some food, housing, a job, and the healthcare that she needs? NO WAY!.......

"She should've left her legs closed. She had premarital sex hence she should be punished by GAWD, and by society...She should be left to fend for herself, the hell with her. The government will force her to remain pregnant because I'm a self-righteous holy-roller right-winger and a champion of fetuses in strangers' wombs. I'll spend $100 or more on Papa John's monthly, but I won't spend a penny more in taxes, not even $20 monthly, to make sure these single mothers have access to healthcare, housing, daycare, school lunch programs for her child. She can go to hell!!! I HATE HARLOTS, I'M A BORN AGAIN, HOLY MAN/HOLY WOMAN, THE CHAMPION OF FETUSES"....

These conservatives aren't "pro-life", they're pro-death. They cause more death and destruction, by forcing women to remain pregnant and of course, defunding social programs that help single moms raise their children. These right-wing conservatives are the disciples of Satan, not Jesus. They're demonic psychopaths and DISGUSTING HYPOCRITES.

You don't happen to work for the Babylon Bee do you?


Thanks, I needed a good laugh today.
You don't happen to work for the Babylon Bee do you?


Thanks, I needed a good laugh today.
Laughing at your opponent in a debate or in other words, insulting them, is the refuge of a bad argument. You're essentially speechless and unable to provide a coherent rebuttal to what I said. While you are laughing the younger generation is steering the country to the left, turning America into a socialist country, economically and otherwise. Their progressive ideals are the future and you baby boomer dinosaurs are the now fleeting, perishing past state of affairs. Laugh yourself into oblivion, the young Millenials and Zoomers are coming.
How about overturning a decision that was made 7-2 and overturned 5-4. After they swore it was settled law.
Was never settled. Roe V Wade set a childs Viability. Prevented States from abortion laws to that date.

It never BANNED ABORTION after that point. So this is how late term abortion states basically get away with murdering their own baby.

Roe V Wade said THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH needed to handle it. They NEVER DID

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