The Kraken has been released on Leftists!

Lololololololololol. Not long on figures of speach are you.

That is "SPEECH," at least speak English-) Are you an ILLEGAL ALIEN? Wouldn't surprise me at all, lol. GO HOME KEMA SABI!
I misspelled a word.

Is that all you've got?

You Nancy Lugosi turn the country into your utopia!

Don't insult Bela.

I might have known.
That is "SPEECH," at least speak English-) Are you an ILLEGAL ALIEN? Wouldn't surprise me at all, lol. GO HOME KEMA SABI!
I misspelled a word.

Is that all you've got?

You Nancy Lugosi turn the country into your utopia!

Don't insult Bela.

I might have known.
If you mean the actor I don't see a connection.

All of you guys are off your game tonight.
if Pelosi doesn't stop handing Trump his fat ass he's going to have a stroke - the Dems aren't worried in the least.

Is that why the fat man NoseNadler collapsed today? Good thing they have gold-plated free medical 24-7. They will let you die waiting on help.
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if Pelosi doesn't stop handing Trump his fat ass he's going to have a stroke - the Dems aren't worried in the least.
Yeah Anderson Cooper tried out that same lie and narrative, but we all saw Trump checkmate Pelosi and her storm off mad while the President was chippy and cheery. Pelosi got so mad that she hurt her already tarnished image when she told Conway that she doesn't talk to mere staff, which Joe public hears as : "the queen doesn't mix with mere peasants."
She is unraveling as seen by her constant butchering of simple speach. I'M CONCERNED WE'LL NEVER Know if she is having a stroke or just confused & stumbling on her line of prescripted narrative lies of the day.
Conway stated that on many occasions Nancy barks orders to everyone as if they are all servants of hers.

Conway is hardly a reliable source of information. She uses the same bleach that Coulter uses on her hair. It softens the brain.
if Pelosi doesn't stop handing Trump his fat ass he's going to have a stroke - the Dems aren't worried in the least.
Yeah Anderson Cooper tried out that same lie and narrative, but we all saw Trump checkmate Pelosi and her storm off mad while the President was chippy and cheery. Pelosi got so mad that she hurt her already tarnished image when she told Conway that she doesn't talk to mere staff, which Joe public hears as : "the queen doesn't mix with mere peasants."
She is unraveling as seen by her constant butchering of simple speach. I'M CONCERNED WE'LL NEVER Know if she is having a stroke or just confused & stumbling on her line of prescripted narrative lies of the day.
Conway stated that on many occasions Nancy barks orders to everyone as if they are all servants of hers.

Conway is hardly a reliable source of information. She uses the same bleach that Coulter uses on her hair. It softens the brain.
Done around groups of WH people many times, she’s a Hillary type. Hardly confidential info.
I misspelled a word.

Is that all you've got?

You Nancy Lugosi turn the country into your utopia!

Don't insult Bela.

I might have known.
If you mean the actor I don't see a connection.

All of you guys are off your game tonight.

Calling Nancy "Lugosi" besmirches a fine actor's name.

You Nancy Lugosi turn the country into your utopia!

Don't insult Bela.

I might have known.
If you mean the actor I don't see a connection.

All of you guys are off your game tonight.

Calling Nancy "Lugosi" besmirches a fine actor's name.
Nobody did that.

You need to put down the crack pipe and come down.
If you mean the actor I don't see a connection.

All of you guys are off your game tonight.

Calling Nancy "Lugosi" besmirches a fine actor's name.
Nobody did that.

You need to put down the crack pipe and come down.

Okay. You really can't read.
If you mean the actor I don't see a connection.

All of you guys are off your game tonight.

Calling Nancy "Lugosi" besmirches a fine actor's name.
Nobody did that.

You need to put down the crack pipe and come down.

Okay. You really can't read.
Damn it, I said put the pipe down, not hand it to the next guy!
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.
Here is the real coup: Trump invoking emergency powers to sell weapons to muslim country.
Let the redcaps explain how great it is to have the decision to sell weapons to muslims to be solely the decision of the president.

You just traped yourself in a checkmate. If you mean selling to Saudis, so they can defeat Iran and terrorist in Yemin and protect the oil fields, then protecting oil prices(which hurts Russia) and keeping arm sales from Russia (cause that's Saudis next choice to buy from) is opposite your fake rally cry that Trump is helping Putin.
Your post is complaining of the opposite to your tin foil hat conspiracy stance. You just proved the OP's thread, that your fake Russia outrage is coming back around and you guys are flailing, because nobody wants to catch the boomerang as it missed and swung back around.
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.
Nope, he will be the winner. The loser demoncraps are going to cry like the bitches they are.
The only one crying like a bitch lately is Trump himself. Look at his dealings with Pelosi. He obviously can't deal with a woman who will stand up to him, so he throws tantrums like a child.

Trump was right to walk out on the Jack Asses. They were supposed to have a meeting on infrastructure but the Dems cant put aside their partisanship for one moment to get something done. You cant sit down and work on infrastructure with someone in GOOD FAITH, when they just got done once again accusing you of something they really don't have any evidence of... after two years.... of an investigation that had no business ending open ended as it did. Complete crap. They had two years to investigate Trump so what the fuck happened? and why cant the Democrats do something they were elected for?
Seems to me Democrats have the idea that they were elected for the purpose of ensuring Democrats get elected. They have no other purpose than destroying opposition and ensuring their own re-election.
We do know for a fact the Hillary campaign used a foreign agent to collude with people in Russia to come up with a bogus opposition research dossier. This is what needs to be investigated.
Pelosi is the one who blew up the meeting. Lets never hear again the lie that Democrats are willing to work across the isle to get something done for America.. they obstruct every positive thing with only one other thing in mind.
Piss on you but let’s a have a nice meeting. Then act like the instigator is the aggrieved party.
And he will string you up with it.
Lololololololololol. Not long on figures of speach are you.

That is "SPEECH," at least speak English-) Are you an ILLEGAL ALIEN? Wouldn't surprise me at all, lol. GO HOME KEMA SABI!
I misspelled a word.

Is that all you've got?

You Nancy Lugosi turn the country into your utopia!

Nobody's making sense tonight.

Is there a gas leak in here?
Only from your ass.
The proof is in the pudding where is the pudding?
It's in Bill Cosby's special pudding pops, but don't be surprised if you wake up groggy with Biden sniffing your hair and John Conyers cornering your wife with Avanetti rumaging through your pockets.

You forgot to add that Moonglow's ass is sore and Buttplug is sitting in the corner with a satisfied look on his face!
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.

Trump may well indeed be an insufferable bombastic asshole but so was Winston Churchill, George Patton and Douglas McCarther, just to name a few. Movers and shakers often are, it's part of the kit.

Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.
Here is the real coup: Trump invoking emergency powers to sell weapons to muslim country.
Let the redcaps explain how great it is to have the decision to sell weapons to muslims to be solely the decision of the president.

You just traped yourself in a checkmate. If you mean selling to Saudis, so they can defeat Iran and terrorist in Yemin and protect the oil fields, then protecting oil prices(which hurts Russia) and keeping arm sales from Russia (cause that's Saudis next choice to buy from) is opposite your fake rally cry that Trump is helping Putin.
Your post is complaining of the opposite to your tin foil hat conspiracy stance. You just proved the OP's thread, that your fake Russia outrage is coming back around and you guys are flailing, because nobody wants to catch the boomerang as it missed and swung back around.
There is no evidence of threat from Iran.

On Yemen, congress voted to get out of Yemen. Trump is usurping power.

Iran oil boycott helps Putin. Trump is doing exactly what Putin wants.
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.
Here is the real coup: Trump invoking emergency powers to sell weapons to muslim country.
Let the redcaps explain how great it is to have the decision to sell weapons to muslims to be solely the decision of the president.

You just traped yourself in a checkmate. If you mean selling to Saudis, so they can defeat Iran and terrorist in Yemin and protect the oil fields, then protecting oil prices(which hurts Russia) and keeping arm sales from Russia (cause that's Saudis next choice to buy from) is opposite your fake rally cry that Trump is helping Putin.
Your post is complaining of the opposite to your tin foil hat conspiracy stance. You just proved the OP's thread, that your fake Russia outrage is coming back around and you guys are flailing, because nobody wants to catch the boomerang as it missed and swung back around.
There is no evidence of threat from Iran.

On Yemen, congress voted to get out of Yemen. Trump is usurping power.

Iran oil boycott helps Putin. Trump is doing exactly what Putin wants.
Left said no border crisis, then admited there was a border crisis and denied they said there was none.
TV broadcasts on file shows they lied and flip floped.=insult your intelligence by lying.
You say Iran there is no crisis yet they've been at proxy war with us for years, they just launched a rocket near Iraq Embassy which we fled due to intell they were chatting up attacking it, but you say there's no there- there.
It will take nukes for you to change your stance and egg on your face to make you lie and say you never said there was no Iranian threat.
You therefore are the asset of Russia and Iran that their best agents never could infiltrate and succeed doing.
You have become the weapons of evil regimes- congratulations,
Bill Engvil says: "here's your sign"!

Note: the oil embargo existed before president Trump, so is that the deal Obama promised Putin's spokesperson on the hot mic saying "after I get elected I'll be able to do more"? According to Dems own argument that act constituted asking Russia to help him win for benefits after he's elected =collusion by Obama=caught (Russian) red handed!
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.
Here is the real coup: Trump invoking emergency powers to sell weapons to muslim country.
Let the redcaps explain how great it is to have the decision to sell weapons to muslims to be solely the decision of the president.

You just traped yourself in a checkmate. If you mean selling to Saudis, so they can defeat Iran and terrorist in Yemin and protect the oil fields, then protecting oil prices(which hurts Russia) and keeping arm sales from Russia (cause that's Saudis next choice to buy from) is opposite your fake rally cry that Trump is helping Putin.
Your post is complaining of the opposite to your tin foil hat conspiracy stance. You just proved the OP's thread, that your fake Russia outrage is coming back around and you guys are flailing, because nobody wants to catch the boomerang as it missed and swung back around.

As you can see, the Left really does NOT want transparency. WILL THEY GO TO COURT and try and block release? Why would they do that? What are they hiding-)

It is plainly obvious that Operation Crossfire Hurricane, has become Crossfire Bommerang, and they are screwed!

And to think that Hillys former state department was the one to screw her over, lol. Talk about justice!

And you know-------------->I actually believe 1/2 of these dolt Leftists do not know what the hell we are talking about. They listen to the MSM, which only lies on OPINION, but DOES LIE by omission. So, unless the Left is actually following what has happened, they have no idea, since the MSM omits information, that does not fit the narrative. You would logically THINK that after being led down the primrose path by their leaders and MSM for over 2 years, they would resist taking such a hard stance when using their information again, putting their own reputations on the line.

But no, oh no! They are fully invested, just like the MSM who mislead America for over 2 years. They would rather double down on a lie, instead of looking into it, if they have to admit they were wrong.

For those of you Leftists, who really do NOT know what has befallen you, let me say...…..I feel sorry for you, I really do. Soon, you will be questioning your own political instincts, and feel like a fool in the process.

But remember, to many (myself included sometimes) try to make this Right versus Left. It is NOT! It is really about all of our protections under our constitution. We can not have rogue leaders running these agencies from ANY POLITICAL PARTY, that abuse the power that we grant them.

PARAPHRASING, in my own words what the author of the video says in post 1 of this thread--------------->if 20 people can do this to America for this amount of time, then something is really fu**ed up!

Let me finish by saying this------------>While this whole thing really isn't about Left or Right, but rather about our safeguards and rights; it BECOMES Left versus Right because unlike what the Republicans did when Nixon was in office, the Democrats keep trying to push the lie.

They KNOW better than the Republicans what happened, as it was on Obamas watch. Instead of being aghast, decrying what was done, then carry on, they want to double down, thinking they may be able to run out the clock......and let me tell you, unless they get some made up ruling by a judge, that isn't going to happen.

Do you Leftists understand, that under the rules of FISA, no warrant should EVER have been granted? Do you also understand, that without the illegal FISA, no special counsel would ever have been put in! Now all of you may have had fun over the last 2, to 2 1/2 years yanking our chains, but does that sound like it was something good for the country overall?

And so now, what is about to come out, was FORCED out, by YOUR SIDE, because they refused to take the L (loss), and instead doubled down. When it all comes out, don't yell at Trump, yell at the people on YOUR side, who will have cost you a MASSIVE defeat, in 2020!

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