The Lame Liberal Excuse For Acquiring I.D.,"It's Too Far To Drive To Get A Photo ID"

Who doesn't have an ID?

What an preposterous argument.. you can't function in modern society with out some form of identification. You can't cash a check, you can't get utilities, you can't even buy Sudafed...

Old people and the poor.

No doubt when I say old and poor Repubs will make this into a "black people so stupid..." thread because repubs aren't racist

That's sad that you see things this way... who said anything about black people so stupid? Other than you of course... sad that that is where you immediately go.

So, old and poor people don't cash checks? They don't go to the SS office? Go there and try to get service without an ID.. you can't.

Again, you can't function without an ID.

Theres four threads on this and I made up the too stupid angle

Not yet.

So introducing another layer of difficulty into a system that can't handle would do what?

horseshit. you walk up to the table say your name and then show your ID, it takes 10 seconds.

try as you may, you can never come up with a valid argument as to why voters should not have to prove who they are before voting.

Only if you consider being black, old, poor, stupid, or lazy an excuse.

Except I didn't. Don't act coy, you've been hear longer than I have. You know how this goes. Someone wont even see the first two pages and will prove me right

Awee, Boo Hoo Hoo, we can't get I.D.'s to vote in the 2014/2016 elections because it's just too far to get to our local main street/government center complex.
Right? isn't that the first excuse we all hear when a liberal commentator is asked about this issue?
Did anyone see Alan Colmes on O'Reilly last night? He said something like, "Hundreds and Hundreds" of miles to get to the destination to acquire any kind of legal I.D.
Hundreds? as in the width of Texas? God, if you live 200/300 miles of your nearest town center, you probably are either unemployed, and living in a tent, or an illegal alien hiding out where no one will find you.
And libs always have a hard time answering the question, well, they still have over a year to get the proper I.D.'s to vote, so what is the F******ing Problem in getting registered?
Yet, Republicans, Independents, and Conservatives never seem to have a problem getting their I.D.s in tact and getting registered in time. Right?:up:

I thought gay folk rode bikes.
Here's an idea that should mitigate concerns on all sides. The voter id people clearly don't think erecting additional hurdles to voter registration is an onerous burden so, from now on, voter registration cards will be issued only at state voter id stations situated in inner-city, low-income neighborhoods.

Problem solved.


Amazing how eager the PC Police are to cram race into every thread.


mad because I beat you to the punch?

This doesn't stop anyone from voting. But that's what repubs keep harping on "This doesn't stop anyone!"

It does restrict tho...they cant even deny it.

Lets say you're hungry and on my island everyone has a right to 3 meals a day. Then I put One meal in a circle of fire, lunch in a cobras den and dinner in the crotch of a sweaty aborigine witch doctor.

Now i'll repeat what the repubs are saying so you get it.

"I'm not stopping anyone from eating" *wink wink*

My island is the same except one hour before meal time I put 1 meal for each person in the local community center.

Everyday there is a group of people outside my door claiming they only received one or two meals that day, some say they didn't got nothing to eat at all.
Who doesn't have an ID?

What an preposterous argument.. you can't function in modern society with out some form of identification. You can't cash a check, you can't get utilities, you can't even buy Sudafed...

Old people and the poor.

No doubt when I say old and poor Repubs will make this into a "black people so stupid..." thread because repubs aren't racist

That's sad that you see things this way... who said anything about black people so stupid? Other than you of course... sad that that is where you immediately go.

So, old and poor people don't cash checks? They don't go to the SS office? Go there and try to get service without an ID.. you can't.

Again, you can't function without an ID.

Yes you certainly can function without an ID. Once you begin collecting Social Security, you never need an ID again. You only need an ID to get it started. Once the money starts being automatically deposited, you have no further need of an ID. You can let it expire.

I receive a military pension and have never needed to show an ID to collect it since I retired.

The same is probably true for a lot of government entitlements.
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Since Voter ID won't fix what is broken, and won't stop the kinds of fraud which actually occur, then those of you who are for it need to ask yourselves what the real reason is for why you are being led like sheep into demanding national identity papers for everyone.

Papers! Papers, please!

Again, there is no Federally Guaranteed Right To Vote.

The SCOTUS has ruled on this and nowhere in the US Constitution is there a 'Right' to vote.

You don't want to go to the trouble of getting a voter ID? Fine, don't vote.

I'm gonna tell you like it is... Anybody too lazy, too stupid, too scuzzy to get off his or her dead fucking ass to go get an ID so he or she can vote?

I don't want them to vote. They're too stupid.

And pleas don't bore me with the invalid excuse. Show me a person who is a permanent invalid that doesn't ID out the wazoo. They're all on Medicaid or Medicare and Welfare and SNAP and a half dozen other programs that demand ID.

dimocrap scum are raising hell about this for one reason and one reason only -- It's going to cut down the fraud they have been committing.

Al Franken anybody?

Book: Voter fraud is real and has consequences (just look at Sen. Al Franken) « Hot Air
Since Voter ID won't fix what is broken, and won't stop the kinds of fraud which actually occur, then those of you who are for it need to ask yourselves what the real reason is for why you are being led like sheep into demanding national identity papers for everyone.

Papers! Papers, please!

Again, there is no Federally Guaranteed Right To Vote.

The SCOTUS has ruled on this and nowhere in the US Constitution is there a 'Right' to vote.


Perhaps you should actually read the Constitution. The right to vote is explicity stated in the 15th, 19th, and 26th amendments.

Yes, it's true. The Constitution goes beyond 10 amendments! Go and see for yourself.

You don't want to go to the trouble of getting a voter ID? Fine, don't vote.

Ah. The totalitarian mask finally slips off.

Papers! Papers, please! You are not a citizen unless you have papers! Sieg Heil!
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Our little wannabe Nazis want the right to vote to be abridged for a lack of identity papers.

Hmmm. What other rights can we abridge with this logic? What other obstacles can we now place between you and your constitutional rights?
Since Voter ID won't fix what is broken, and won't stop the kinds of fraud which actually occur, then those of you who are for it need to ask yourselves what the real reason is for why you are being led like sheep into demanding national identity papers for everyone.

Papers! Papers, please!

Again, there is no Federally Guaranteed Right To Vote.

The SCOTUS has ruled on this and nowhere in the US Constitution is there a 'Right' to vote.


Perhaps you should actually read the Constitution. The right to vote is explicity stated in the 15th, 19th, and 26th amendments.

Yes, it's true. The Constitution goes beyond 10 amendments!

You don't want to go to the trouble of getting a voter ID? Fine, don't vote.

Ah. The totalitarian mask finally slips off.

Papers! Papers, please! You are not a citizen unless you have papers! Sieg Heil!

You stupid little bitch.....

Bush v. Gore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 2000 Bush v. Gore decision, five justices declared, “The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States unless and until the state legislature chooses a statewide election as the means to implement its power to appoint members of the Electoral College.” The Court went on to say that Florida’s legislature has the power to take that power away from the people at any time, regardless of the popular vote tally.

You really are a stupid motherfucker
From the Department of Fatherland Security: DHS Determines 13 States Meet REAL ID Standards

On December 20, 2012, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) determined that thirteen states have met the standards of the REAL ID Act of 2005 (“Act”) for driver’s licenses and identification cards and has granted a temporary deferment for all other states and territories.

Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.

Tell me more about this phantom 'right' to vote

Center for Voting and Democracy


Position Paper Presented
At The
Center For Voting & Democracy
"Claim Democracy Conference"
By Congressman Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.
American University's
Washington College of Law
Saturday, November 22, 2003

Most Americans believe that the "legal right to vote" in our democracy is explicit (not just implicit) in our Constitution and laws. However, our Constitution only provides for non-discrimination in voting on the basis of race, sex, and age in the 15th, 19th and 26th Amendments respectively.

The U.S. Constitution contains no explicit affirmative individual right to vote!

Even though the "vote of the people" is perceived as supreme in our democracy - because voting rights are protective of all other rights - the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore constantly reminded lawyers that there is no explicit or fundamental right to suffrage in the Constitution - "the individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States." (Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, 104 (2000)


I can do this all day.

I like humiliating morons
Again, there is no Federally Guaranteed Right To Vote.

The SCOTUS has ruled on this and nowhere in the US Constitution is there a 'Right' to vote.


Perhaps you should actually read the Constitution. The right to vote is explicity stated in the 15th, 19th, and 26th amendments.

Yes, it's true. The Constitution goes beyond 10 amendments!

Ah. The totalitarian mask finally slips off.

Papers! Papers, please! You are not a citizen unless you have papers! Sieg Heil!

You stupid little bitch.....

Bush v. Gore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 2000 Bush v. Gore decision, five justices declared, “The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States unless and until the state legislature chooses a statewide election as the means to implement its power to appoint members of the Electoral College.” The Court went on to say that Florida’s legislature has the power to take that power away from the people at any time, regardless of the popular vote tally.

You really are a stupid motherfucker

Maybe you should read the actual decision before making an ass of yourself even further:

The right to vote is protected in more than the initial
allocation of the franchise. Equal protection applies as
well to the manner of its exercise. Having once granted
the right to vote on equal terms, the State may not, by
later arbitrary and disparate treatment, value one person's
vote over that of another.
The reason some Voter ID laws have been overturned by the courts is precisely because they caused the disenfranchisement of some voters. This is a violation of equal protection.

Those Voter ID laws which are not viewed as causing an undue burden are allowed to stand, even though one court stated such laws were useless in preventing fraud.

Courts decide on the legality and not the utility of laws.

A lot of smoke has been thrown up to hide the failure to prove Voter ID has any effectiveness against fixing what is broken or stopping or preventing the actual fraud which occurs.

So what is it's real purpose? It is a vehicle to grease the smooth as a baby's ass sheep brains for accepting a national identity papers security apparatus.
Last edited: repubs are arguing that there isn't a right to vote? Sliding the mask off a little at a time repubs are arguing that there isn't a right to vote? Sliding the mask off a little at a time

It's just a matter of time before the wannabe Nazis start saying gays, blacks, and Muslims should not have a right to vote.

Papers! Papers, please!
Perhaps people should have to drive a few hundred miles to get a gun permit, and then provide a statement from a psychiatrist and their primary physician they are sane. We can make the visits to the doctors "free".

Hey, that's not infringing on your rights!
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all we hear from the far left are quotes like, well we have to help the elderly, poor single women, unemployed blacks, the disabled, illegal,awe whoops,i mean the Hispanics,etc, the right to vote in elections. well, how about the middle class? why don't they give a chit whether they have voter ID's?
Since the 2010 election, Republicans have waged an unprecedented war on voting, with the unspoken but unmistakable goal of preventing millions of mostly Democratic voters, including students, minorities, immigrants, and the elderly, from casting ballots in 2012. More than a dozen states, from Texas to Wisconsin and Florida, have passed laws designed to impede voters at every step of the electoral process, whether by requiring birth certificates to register to vote, restricting voter registration drives, curtailing early voting, or requiring government-issued IDs to cast a ballot.
Republicans in North Carolina outlawed voting on Sundays.
Because black churches like to organize buses, so people can vote on Sunday.
Republican black voter suppression.
Who doesn't have an ID?

What an preposterous argument.. you can't function in modern society with out some form of identification. You can't cash a check, you can't get utilities, you can't even buy Sudafed...

Old people and the poor.

No doubt when I say old and poor Repubs will make this into a "black people so stupid..." thread because repubs aren't racist

In my years with SPD, I never met an elderly person who didn't have ID.


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