The Lame Liberal Excuse For Acquiring I.D.,"It's Too Far To Drive To Get A Photo ID"

Wow. Three or four Voter ID topics in two days. Are you guys all on the same phone tree?

Please explain how voter ID will stop a bad poll worker like the one in Oregon who changed a bunch of ballots to straight Republican tickets.

Please explain how voter ID will stop someone from voting in two different precincts.

Please explain how voter ID will stop someone from casting more than one absentee ballot.

Please explain how voter ID will purge a dead voter from the registration rolls.

Those are the kinds of actual fraud which occur. And voter ID will solve NONE of them.

So there is an entirely different reason for why you are being led by the nose toward demanding identity papers for everyone.

Why are Democrat idiots against voter ID?

Creates hurdles because the hurdle maker wants them. No other reason

What hurdles?
Not having an ID to vote isn't the only complaint against Voter ID laws. The other issue, which I believe is a larger issue, is people who have IDs that don't match where they want to vote.

Now, for those of you who don't think voter fraud is happening I have a scenario.

A year before the election a person moves from one county to another. For whatever reason they didn't register to vote in the new county. On election day they go to the old county polling location, where they are still registered and vote.

Is this voter fraud?

No it's not.
Awee, Boo Hoo Hoo, we can't get I.D.'s to vote in the 2014/2016 elections because it's just too far to get to our local main street/government center complex.
Right? isn't that the first excuse we all hear when a liberal commentator is asked about this issue?
Did anyone see Alan Colmes on O'Reilly last night? He said something like, "Hundreds and Hundreds" of miles to get to the destination to acquire any kind of legal I.D.
Hundreds? as in the width of Texas? God, if you live 200/300 miles of your nearest town center, you probably are either unemployed, and living in a tent, or an illegal alien hiding out where no one will find you.
And libs always have a hard time answering the question, well, they still have over a year to get the proper I.D.'s to vote, so what is the F******ing Problem in getting registered?
Yet, Republicans, Independents, and Conservatives never seem to have a problem getting their I.D.s in tact and getting registered in time. Right?:up:
I don't have a hard time answering the question and anyone with a brain shouldn't have a hard time understanding the answer to the question.

11% of americans of age, do not have any form of government photo id, because they do not drive....that's 21 MILLION CITIZENS.

I see Republicans claiming that you need a pictured government ID for everything in this nation and this is simply a LIE. 21 million citizens in this nation do not have a gvt photo id, PERIOD.

This is putting these CITIZENS in a position that those that drive already don't have...YOU are trying to make it HARDER for CITIZENS in this Nation to vote that are poor and don't own a car, for SOLELY the purpose of DISENFRANCHISING those US Citizens from exercising their constitutional right of one man one vote.

THERE IS NO OTHER REASON FOR YOU to support this monstrosity, other than YOU and your party wanting to disenfranchise LEGAL CITIZENS from voting, because you feel they won't be voting Republican.

You claim that anyone can easily get a GOVERNMENT photo id and states are willing to pay for it's "free" for these citizens to get it, but it is NOT FREE TO GET IT FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT READILY HAVE A COPY of their birth certificates on hand...these people would first have to pay $20 to get a copy of their birth certificates first, and then, without a car, find means to go to the DMV to get one of these gvt issued ID's, while taking off work and not getting paid for those hours needed to get the ID if they can even get permission from their employer to take off work. These citizens make very little as it stands and can not afford to take off from their hourly paid job, each dollar they make is used just to survive....while the richer person with a car does not have to jump through any hoops at all to that fair in your eyes? Seriously?

My answer to that is ABSOLUTELY NOT !!!!

It is essentially a POLL TAX on poor voters who do not drive.

In addition to all of this, there is not one instance of voter fraud that would be stopped that occur now with these government issued picture voter id cards.

Apparently, many of the posters on this board have never voted themselves.

When you walk in to your voting presinct, the volunteers ask you your name, then they ask you your address, then they ask you for your "party" that you have registered under, before they make you sign your spot as voting. Someone off the street is NOT going to know all of that information on you or take the chance going in to a voting precinct and try to vote in your name, when you could have voted already and be caught right then and there....

Voter fraud takes place via absentee ballot, via using a dead person's name....via an insider, a poll worker or someone who has access to who is dead and still on the voter rolls....which can and should be taken care of by removing those who have died OFF OF THE VOTING ROLL.....

why aren't you trying to fix that?

Is it that you truly do NOT care about fraudulent votes and only care about disenfranchising citizens, keeping them from voting. Me thinks so....

In addition to all of this, I was brought up that we would NEVER EVER have a gvt that required you to carry "papers" in order to prove who you are....THAT WAS WHAT NAZI'S did and never in America, the land of the free, would this happen....

and here we are, with a generation of young who are's a shame really!

THERE IS NOTHING that gvt issued photo voter id will solve when it comes to the rampant fraud that can or does take place.

YOUR ONLY PURPOSE is to disenfranchise citizens of the United States from their right to vote for those who represent them.

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Liberals are the harbingers of papered Americans.

It started when they insisted we take a test and obtain a driver's license to drive.

It continued when they determined every person who has a car must maintain insurance on it, and be able to prove they have insurance on it when requested.

The same with the federal regulations on gun ownership.

Welcome to the brave new world you have created. The only thing you DON'T require papers for is voting..and the reason is obvious.

Requiring voters to show they are citizens effectively elminates voter fraud...and that is why democrats will fight tooth and nail to prevent it.
for the next year or so, the left will continue to create excuses, more like dog whistles to find ways for multiple and illegal voting so long as they look like they will lose both upcoming elections.
Not having an ID to vote isn't the only complaint against Voter ID laws. The other issue, which I believe is a larger issue, is people who have IDs that don't match where they want to vote.

Now, for those of you who don't think voter fraud is happening I have a scenario.

A year before the election a person moves from one county to another. For whatever reason they didn't register to vote in the new county. On election day they go to the old county polling location, where they are still registered and vote.

Is this voter fraud?

No it's not.

In Florida it is. The law states a person must vote in the precinct where they reside.

I would assume it would be fraud in most states as well.
Liberals are the harbingers of papered Americans.

It started when they insisted we take a test and obtain a driver's license to drive.

It continued when they determined every person who has a car must maintain insurance on it, and be able to prove they have insurance on it when requested.

The same with the federal regulations on gun ownership.

Welcome to the brave new world you have created. The only thing you DON'T require papers for is voting..and the reason is obvious.

Requiring voters to show they are citizens effectively elminates voter fraud...and that is why democrats will fight tooth and nail to prevent it.

Liberals did all that :doubt:

And now since you believe liberals made you get permission to safly operate a vehicle


Its payback time. Like I said the repub mask is coming off little by little...
Keep on posting ridiculous shit....and so will I.
How about we put the ballets in all white neighborhoods that are chock full of skin heads and KKK members. There's a hypothetical for ya FUCK FACE!

Still not getting the point? Or do you just want to acknowledge the point because it highlights the hypocrisy in all of this? There's no genuine concern for voter fraud behind this. It's an attempt to minimize liberal votes. Period.

Interestingly, I support the goal - just not the means.

Got a better idea?

A better idea for minimizing liberal votes? Yeah, point out the hypocrisy of liberal positions. Show people how state dependency reduces our freedom AND our security. Show them how state control over the economy is a dangerous centralization of power that it is, historically, a precursor to totalitarian government.

Or we could just come up with a bunch of stupid laws that make it more uncomfortable for them to vote. Maybe we could require that all liberals allow themselves to be spit on by conservatives before they can vote.
Still not getting the point? Or do you just want to acknowledge the point because it highlights the hypocrisy in all of this? There's no genuine concern for voter fraud behind this. It's an attempt to minimize liberal votes. Period.

Interestingly, I support the goal - just not the means.

Got a better idea?

A better idea for minimizing liberal votes? Yeah, point out the hypocrisy of liberal positions. Show people how state dependency reduces our freedom AND our security. Show them how state control over the economy is a dangerous centralization of power that it is, historically, a precursor to totalitarian government.

Or we could just come up with a bunch of stupid laws that make it more uncomfortable for them to vote. Maybe we could require that all liberals allow themselves to be spit on by conservatives before they can vote.

Uh...if they're cheating to win elections they should be prosecuted.
Trying to convince someone they need to change sides when they are willing to cheat is a losing proposition. And a stupid one at that.
Uh...if they're cheating to win elections they should be prosecuted.

Ha!... ok, you're still clinging to that fiction? Tell me, honestly (if you can bear it), would you be advocating these new laws if you thought they'd minimize conservative votes?
Uh...if they're cheating to win elections they should be prosecuted.

Ha!... ok, you're still clinging to that fiction? Tell me, honestly (if you can bear it), would you be advocating these new laws if you thought they'd minimize conservative votes?

If they are stopping people from cheating, then they aren't minimizing anything other than cheating.

Funny, it is only libs that whine about any efforts to shore up the election process. That says a lot. Hell, you should support it because every time your guy loses, you scream "foul".

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If they are stopping people from cheating, then they aren't minimizing anything other than cheating.

IF that's all they're doing, you'd have a point. But most of us here are smart enough to realize they're doing a good deal more than that. They're making it more inconvenient to vote in general, especially for people on the fringe. Which is the real point behind them, regardless of the charade.

Funny, it is only libs that whine about any efforts to shore up the election process. That says a lot. Hell, you should support it because every time your guy loses, you scream "foul".


Funnier thing is, that's not true.
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Uh...if they're cheating to win elections they should be prosecuted.

Ha!... ok, you're still clinging to that fiction? Tell me, honestly (if you can bear it), would you be advocating these new laws if you thought they'd minimize conservative votes?

Fine,we wont worry about voter ID. Make it a mandatory ten years in prison for voter fraud.
Or would that somehow disenfranchise dems? Cue the dems who will say that being in prison for voter fraud would disenfranchise dem voters.
ACORN, the scumbag-in-chief's prior affiliated rabble rousing commie organization was convicted in Nevada of FELONY Voter registration Fraud.

They submitted 1.4 MILLION Voter Registration forms of which 40% were fraudulent.

You remember? Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Super Man... All registered to vote.

In fact, Acorn FOLDED up their tent and left town only to re-emerge as another cheating lying dimocrap scum voter fraud machine.

Nevada Judge Calls ACORN 'Reprehensible,' Slaps Group With Maximum Fine for Voter Fraud | Fox News

The Judge who oversaw the case called ACORN "reprehensible". Which for a Judge, is strong language.

There is no doubt that Al Franken and the dimocrap scum in Minnesota stole the election through illegal Felons voting.

No doubt at all. The reason it was never pursued is two fold -- One, we have the most dishonest Attorney General in History, Eric Himmler, in Office and two...

Even if we DID prove rampant voter fraud, you can't overturn and election because of it.

There's no way to know how the illegal voters actually voted.

We can assume they voted for dimocrap scum because, let's face it, criminals hang together.

But we can't prove it.

Secret Ballot. Can't prove who the illegal votes were for.

That's dimocrap scum are always saying, "There's never been an election overturned because of voter fraud."

They're right. But the reason you can't overturn an election is that there's no way to tell how the illegal votes were cast.

Secret Ballots.

dimocraps are scum and the Country better wake up and do something about them.

But Republicans are too cowardly. Too afraid of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

Scared they'll end up like the Rodeo Clown.

Think I'm kidding? Think again.

[ame=]OFA Climate Day protestor Calls for arrest of dissenters for treason - YouTube[/ame]
Uh...if they're cheating to win elections they should be prosecuted.

Ha!... ok, you're still clinging to that fiction? Tell me, honestly (if you can bear it), would you be advocating these new laws if you thought they'd minimize conservative votes?

Fine,we wont worry about voter ID. Make it a mandatory ten years in prison for voter fraud.

Do you think you'd get any other voter id supporters to accept that as an alternative?
Uh...if they're cheating to win elections they should be prosecuted.

Ha!... ok, you're still clinging to that fiction? Tell me, honestly (if you can bear it), would you be advocating these new laws if you thought they'd minimize conservative votes?

Now it's make believe time.....
All I hear from dems is that voter fraud is not happening....why so afraid then?
IDs would be free,and you can get your ID the same way you get to the polls,or the liquor store or the welfare office.
Ha!... ok, you're still clinging to that fiction? Tell me, honestly (if you can bear it), would you be advocating these new laws if you thought they'd minimize conservative votes?

Fine,we wont worry about voter ID. Make it a mandatory ten years in prison for voter fraud.

Do you think you'd get any other voter id supporters to accept that as an alternative?

You can bet the dems wont.
But yeah I would think you could could convince Republicans. But the problem is,how are you gong to catch them?
If it were me I would implement both.
Thats why community organizers are truly heroes, they serve the imbeciles too ignorant to accomplish overwhelming tasks like acquiring ID....

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