The Lame Liberal Excuse For Acquiring I.D.,"It's Too Far To Drive To Get A Photo ID"

Republicans have only won the popular presidential vote one time in the last 20 years.....2004.

So Republicans decided that the only way they could win a national election was for the Supreme Court to change the rules on campaign contributions allowing billionaire donors to give hundreds of millions of dollars to Republican campaigns and then have the states illegally block the people's right to vote.
Who doesn't have an ID?

What an preposterous argument.. you can't function in modern society with out some form of identification. You can't cash a check, you can't get utilities, you can't even buy Sudafed...

Old people and the poor.

No doubt when I say old and poor Repubs will make this into a "black people so stupid..." thread because repubs aren't racist

In my years with SPD, I never met an elderly person who didn't have ID.


Well then. Case Closed
Perhaps people should have to drive a few hundred miles to get a gun permit, and then provide a statement from a psychiatrist and their primary physician they are sane. We can make the visits to the doctors "free".

Hey, that's not infringing on your rights!

Nope not at all. But these same Freedom lovers will howl at the moon if you tell them to jump through hoops

Then do a complete 180 in this thread. Stay inconsistent.
and no matter how long or short the voting periods are, the left complains. if voting starts on Saturday, oh god forbid only four days to vote!!!,,that wont allow enough time for us to commit voter fraud,,,,if some purple states allow 3 weeks to vote,,,oh no no no! we cant have that! that will give the precincts enough time to trash the thousands of fraudulent ballots! see, the purple states just can't win on elections week. or "weeks".

Awee, Boo Hoo Hoo, we can't get I.D.'s to vote in the 2014/2016 elections because it's just too far to get to our local main street/government center complex.
Right? isn't that the first excuse we all hear when a liberal commentator is asked about this issue?
Did anyone see Alan Colmes on O'Reilly last night? He said something like, "Hundreds and Hundreds" of miles to get to the destination to acquire any kind of legal I.D.
Hundreds? as in the width of Texas? God, if you live 200/300 miles of your nearest town center, you probably are either unemployed, and living in a tent, or an illegal alien hiding out where no one will find you.
And libs always have a hard time answering the question, well, they still have over a year to get the proper I.D.'s to vote, so what is the F******ing Problem in getting registered?
Yet, Republicans, Independents, and Conservatives never seem to have a problem getting their I.D.s in tact and getting registered in time. Right?:up:

If it was the width of Texas they might have a legit bitch...I wouldnt want to drive 800 miles either. Especially without a drivers license. lol
and no matter how long or short the voting periods are, the left complains. if voting starts on Saturday, oh god forbid only four days to vote!!!,,that wont allow enough time for us to commit voter fraud,,,,if some purple states allow 3 weeks to vote,,,oh no no no! we cant have that! that will give the precincts enough time to trash the thousands of fraudulent ballots! see, the purple states just can't win on elections week. or "weeks".

All were saying is leave it alone.
Here's an idea that should mitigate concerns on all sides. The voter id people clearly don't think erecting additional hurdles to voter registration is an onerous burden so, from now on, voter registration cards will be issued only at state voter id stations situated in inner-city, low-income neighborhoods.

Problem solved.

SWEET !!! I'll be sure and come armed. Get in a little target practice and vote?? Where do I sign!!!
Here's an idea that should mitigate concerns on all sides. The voter id people clearly don't think erecting additional hurdles to voter registration is an onerous burden so, from now on, voter registration cards will be issued only at state voter id stations situated in inner-city, low-income neighborhoods.

Problem solved.

SWEET !!! I'll be sure and come armed. Get in a little target practice and vote?? Where do I sign!!!

Well, it's a hypothetical. You get that right? Can you absorb the point and respond? Unlike you, many conservatives, many older, rural residents, might not be so eager to threaten people with their enormous guns. They might just not bother to register if it meant moving far outside their comfort zones, which would cut down on conservative votes.

I guess you'd be ok with that, as long as you got to kill some black kids?
Here's an idea that should mitigate concerns on all sides. The voter id people clearly don't think erecting additional hurdles to voter registration is an onerous burden so, from now on, voter registration cards will be issued only at state voter id stations situated in inner-city, low-income neighborhoods.

Problem solved.

SWEET !!! I'll be sure and come armed. Get in a little target practice and vote?? Where do I sign!!!

Well, it's a hypothetical. You get that right? Can you absorb the point and respond? Unlike you, many conservatives, many older, rural residents, might not be so eager to threaten people with their enormous guns. They might just not bother to register if it meant moving far outside their comfort zones, which would cut down on conservative votes.

I guess you'd be ok with that, as long as you got to kill some black kids?

Keep on posting ridiculous shit....and so will I.
How about we put the ballets in all white neighborhoods that are chock full of skin heads and KKK members. There's a hypothetical for ya FUCK FACE!
Wow. Three or four Voter ID topics in two days. Are you guys all on the same phone tree?

Please explain how voter ID will stop a bad poll worker like the one in Oregon who changed a bunch of ballots to straight Republican tickets.

Please explain how voter ID will stop someone from voting in two different precincts.

Please explain how voter ID will stop someone from casting more than one absentee ballot.

Please explain how voter ID will purge a dead voter from the registration rolls.

Those are the kinds of actual fraud which occur. And voter ID will solve NONE of them.

So there is an entirely different reason for why you are being led by the nose toward demanding identity papers for everyone.

Why are Democrat idiots against voter ID?
SWEET !!! I'll be sure and come armed. Get in a little target practice and vote?? Where do I sign!!!

Well, it's a hypothetical. You get that right? Can you absorb the point and respond? Unlike you, many conservatives, many older, rural residents, might not be so eager to threaten people with their enormous guns. They might just not bother to register if it meant moving far outside their comfort zones, which would cut down on conservative votes.

I guess you'd be ok with that, as long as you got to kill some black kids?

Keep on posting ridiculous shit....and so will I.
How about we put the ballets in all white neighborhoods that are chock full of skin heads and KKK members. There's a hypothetical for ya FUCK FACE!

Still not getting the point? Or do you just want to acknowledge the point because it highlights the hypocrisy in all of this? There's no genuine concern for voter fraud behind this. It's an attempt to minimize liberal votes. Period.

Interestingly, I support the goal - just not the means.
Wow. Three or four Voter ID topics in two days. Are you guys all on the same phone tree?

Please explain how voter ID will stop a bad poll worker like the one in Oregon who changed a bunch of ballots to straight Republican tickets.

Please explain how voter ID will stop someone from voting in two different precincts.

Please explain how voter ID will stop someone from casting more than one absentee ballot.

Please explain how voter ID will purge a dead voter from the registration rolls.

Those are the kinds of actual fraud which occur. And voter ID will solve NONE of them.

So there is an entirely different reason for why you are being led by the nose toward demanding identity papers for everyone.

Why are Democrat idiots against voter ID?

Creates hurdles because the hurdle maker wants them. No other reason
Well, it's a hypothetical. You get that right? Can you absorb the point and respond? Unlike you, many conservatives, many older, rural residents, might not be so eager to threaten people with their enormous guns. They might just not bother to register if it meant moving far outside their comfort zones, which would cut down on conservative votes.

I guess you'd be ok with that, as long as you got to kill some black kids?

Keep on posting ridiculous shit....and so will I.
How about we put the ballets in all white neighborhoods that are chock full of skin heads and KKK members. There's a hypothetical for ya FUCK FACE!

Still not getting the point? Or do you just want to acknowledge the point because it highlights the hypocrisy in all of this? There's no genuine concern for voter fraud behind this. It's an attempt to minimize liberal votes. Period.

Interestingly, I support the goal - just not the means.

Got a better idea? Voter ID is a good start. How about a mandatory ten years in prison for voter fraud? For each infraction of course. Melowese would be serving sixty years. Matter of fact,if you're a poll worker it should be twenty years per infraction.
This wouldnt disenfranchise voters.
Well, it's a hypothetical. You get that right? Can you absorb the point and respond? Unlike you, many conservatives, many older, rural residents, might not be so eager to threaten people with their enormous guns. They might just not bother to register if it meant moving far outside their comfort zones, which would cut down on conservative votes.

I guess you'd be ok with that, as long as you got to kill some black kids?

Keep on posting ridiculous shit....and so will I.
How about we put the ballets in all white neighborhoods that are chock full of skin heads and KKK members. There's a hypothetical for ya FUCK FACE!

Still not getting the point? Or do you just want to acknowledge the point because it highlights the hypocrisy in all of this? There's no genuine concern for voter fraud behind this. It's an attempt to minimize liberal votes. Period.

Interestingly, I support the goal - just not the means.

You made a good point. Do you really expect anything other than a deflection. :lol:
Not having an ID to vote isn't the only complaint against Voter ID laws. The other issue, which I believe is a larger issue, is people who have IDs that don't match where they want to vote.

Now, for those of you who don't think voter fraud is happening I have a scenario.

A year before the election a person moves from one county to another. For whatever reason they didn't register to vote in the new county. On election day they go to the old county polling location, where they are still registered and vote.

Is this voter fraud?
Repubs seem to advocate for more bureaucracy

Whats the worst that can happen? Isnt the DMV like super efficient? Doesn't everyone have a good experience when they go there?

Lets add more layers of that
Keep on posting ridiculous shit....and so will I.
How about we put the ballets in all white neighborhoods that are chock full of skin heads and KKK members. There's a hypothetical for ya FUCK FACE!

Still not getting the point? Or do you just want to acknowledge the point because it highlights the hypocrisy in all of this? There's no genuine concern for voter fraud behind this. It's an attempt to minimize liberal votes. Period.

Interestingly, I support the goal - just not the means.

You made a good point. Do you really expect anything other than a deflection. :lol:

A point was made? Hardly....
The only point that was made is that black and poor people are afraid to go to the DPS for an ID. Why that would be the case is beyond me.
But hey,keep posting the stupid shit.
Still not getting the point? Or do you just want to acknowledge the point because it highlights the hypocrisy in all of this? There's no genuine concern for voter fraud behind this. It's an attempt to minimize liberal votes. Period.

Interestingly, I support the goal - just not the means.

You made a good point. Do you really expect anything other than a deflection. :lol:

A point was made? Hardly....
The only point that was made is that black and poor people are afraid to go to the DPS for an ID. Why that would be the case is beyond me.
But hey,keep posting the stupid shit.

Yeah, except that's not what he said.

Do you see why you didn't see a point now?

btw...Do you find it interesting that he said put the ID spots in the poor areas and you responded that blacks are scared? Bit of projection on your part because no one said anything about being scared lol
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All citizens have a right to vote. The right is limited to only citizens so it is responsible to prove citizenship before you are allowed to vote. We all have SS cards, Drivers licenses or state issued ID because you can't live in the US without these kinds of IDs. If you are in a nursing home you have to provide ID, if you buy liquor or beer or wine you have to have ID. If you have a bank account you have to have ID. If you have a job you have to have ID.

I see nothing wrong with having to prove you are a citizen in order to vote.

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