The Lame Liberal Excuse For Acquiring I.D.,"It's Too Far To Drive To Get A Photo ID"

Uh...if they're cheating to win elections they should be prosecuted.

Ha!... ok, you're still clinging to that fiction? Tell me, honestly (if you can bear it), would you be advocating these new laws if you thought they'd minimize conservative votes?

Now it's make believe time.....
All I hear from dems is that voter fraud is not happening....why so afraid then?
IDs would be free,and you can get your ID the same way you get to the polls,or the liquor store or the welfare office.

Why are liberals afraid to make laws to stop something that's not happening? Is that the question a republican small govt guy Is asking?
Some day, our children will look at us and say...

Had you stood up to and crushed dimocraps.. We could have had it all

[ame=]Adele - Rolling In The Deep - YouTube[/ame]
Ha!... ok, you're still clinging to that fiction? Tell me, honestly (if you can bear it), would you be advocating these new laws if you thought they'd minimize conservative votes?

Now it's make believe time.....
All I hear from dems is that voter fraud is not happening....why so afraid then?
IDs would be free,and you can get your ID the same way you get to the polls,or the liquor store or the welfare office.

Why are liberals afraid to make laws to stop something that's not happening? Is that the question a republican small govt guy Is asking?

These aren't small government conservatives.
Ha!... ok, you're still clinging to that fiction? Tell me, honestly (if you can bear it), would you be advocating these new laws if you thought they'd minimize conservative votes?

Fine,we wont worry about voter ID. Make it a mandatory ten years in prison for voter fraud.

Do you think you'd get any other voter id supporters to accept that as an alternative?

So, this seemed like the kind of thing we should be pursuing - ways to deal with the problem that don't amount to regulatory hurdles. Do you think the voter id people could be persuaded to take it in this direction? Or would that call their bluff?
Now it's make believe time.....
All I hear from dems is that voter fraud is not happening....why so afraid then?
IDs would be free,and you can get your ID the same way you get to the polls,or the liquor store or the welfare office.

Why are liberals afraid to make laws to stop something that's not happening? Is that the question a republican small govt guy Is asking?

These aren't small government conservatives.

Oh I'm all for small gov. I'm also against voter fraud.
Hell,get rid of obammy care. Thats big gov I can live without.
Fine,we wont worry about voter ID. Make it a mandatory ten years in prison for voter fraud.

Do you think you'd get any other voter id supporters to accept that as an alternative?

So, this seemed like the kind of thing we should be pursuing - ways to deal with the problem that don't amount to regulatory hurdles. Do you think the voter id people could be persuaded to take it in this direction? Or would that call their bluff?

Fellow Conservatives.

Would you be OK with a ten year mandatory prison sentence for voter fraud,in place of voter ID if there were a way to confirm voter fraud is happening?

I mean thats one of the biggest hurdles,catching them.
And of course the cost would be prohibitive to jail that many libs. It would be cheaper to give free IDs.
God only knows how they can organize the millions of ballots in the los angeles area, who has time to verify who is alive/dead/animals/pets/trees/legal/illegal and Disneyworld characters?
I'm all for voter ID as soon as everyone receives a free ID

Go for it Republicans........tell me when you are finished
How do you differentiate a person voting in person has to show ID and someone voting by mail doesn't?
ACORN, the scumbag-in-chief's prior affiliated rabble rousing commie organization was convicted in Nevada of FELONY Voter registration Fraud.

They submitted 1.4 MILLION Voter Registration forms of which 40% were fraudulent.

You remember? Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Super Man... All registered to vote.

Once again, you are not thinking.

Do you think someone was going to show up to vote as Donald Duck? :lol:

If you try real hard, I bet you can figure out the reason Donald Duck's name was submitted, as well as all the other fraudulent names, but for heaven's sake don't hurt yourself. We wouldn't want your alleged mind to explode.

[cues Jeopardy! theme]
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Liberals are the harbingers of papered Americans.

It started when they insisted we take a test and obtain a driver's license to drive.

It continued when they determined every person who has a car must maintain insurance on it, and be able to prove they have insurance on it when requested.

The same with the federal regulations on gun ownership.

Welcome to the brave new world you have created. The only thing you DON'T require papers for is voting..and the reason is obvious.

Requiring voters to show they are citizens effectively elminates voter fraud...and that is why democrats will fight tooth and nail to prevent it.

Nope. It does not eliminate fraud. Please explain how Voter ID would stop these actual types of fraud which occur:

Poll worker changing ballots.

Someone voting more than once by absentee ballot.

Someone voting in two different precincts.

I am sure you will all be completely honest and post the voter fraud cases which occur in states that have Voter ID in the future, right? Right?!?

Please explain how Voter ID would ensure the voter registration rolls don't have any dead people on them.

You are being led like a sheep. There is an entirely different reason why your masters want us all carrying identity papers.
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I can only imagine the kind of mental twists and willful deafness and blindness the rubes are going to have to inflict on themselves when voter fraud continues to occur in Voter ID states. :lol:

Papers! Papers, please!

Awee, Boo Hoo Hoo, we can't get I.D.'s to vote in the 2014/2016 elections because it's just too far to get to our local main street/government center complex.
Right? isn't that the first excuse we all hear when a liberal commentator is asked about this issue?
Did anyone see Alan Colmes on O'Reilly last night? He said something like, "Hundreds and Hundreds" of miles to get to the destination to acquire any kind of legal I.D.
Hundreds? as in the width of Texas? God, if you live 200/300 miles of your nearest town center, you probably are either unemployed, and living in a tent, or an illegal alien hiding out where no one will find you.
And libs always have a hard time answering the question, well, they still have over a year to get the proper I.D.'s to vote, so what is the F******ing Problem in getting registered?
Yet, Republicans, Independents, and Conservatives never seem to have a problem getting their I.D.s in tact and getting registered in time. Right?:up:

Colmes was referring to the voter ID law passed in North Carolina. I live in North Carolina. In my county, free bus transportation is provided for people to access their government services. Drivers license offices offer state ID for free. If you need a birth certificate they are provided for free. They used to bus illegals here to get drivers licenses until they put a stop to it. I guess my question is: if they say they have no transportation or they have to travel so far to get an ID, then how do they get to the polls to vote? And how can anyone function in society without an ID?
Liberals are the harbingers of papered Americans.

It started when they insisted we take a test and obtain a driver's license to drive.

It continued when they determined every person who has a car must maintain insurance on it, and be able to prove they have insurance on it when requested.

The same with the federal regulations on gun ownership.

Welcome to the brave new world you have created. The only thing you DON'T require papers for is voting..and the reason is obvious.

Requiring voters to show they are citizens effectively elminates voter fraud...and that is why democrats will fight tooth and nail to prevent it.

Nope. It does not eliminate fraud. Please explain how Voter ID would stop these actual types of fraud which occur:

Poll worker changing ballots.

Someone voting more than once by absentee ballot.

Someone voting in two different precincts.

I am sure you will all be completely honest and post the voter fraud cases which occur in states that have Voter ID in the future, right? Right?!?

Please explain how Voter ID would ensure the voter registration rolls don't have any dead people on them.

You are being led like a sheep. There is an entirely different reason why your masters want us all carrying identity papers.

Nobody has to *carry* identification papers. They simply need something to prove who they say they are to vote.

I had to prove my identity when I voted for the first time in 1985. No biggie.

Progressives are the ones who will start trying to restrict the MOVEMENT of people, by requiring them to prove this or that before they are allowed to cross state lines, or travel between different towns, of get food.

YOu have to prove you're who you are to get foodstamps, after all.
Liberals are the harbingers of papered Americans.

It started when they insisted we take a test and obtain a driver's license to drive.

It continued when they determined every person who has a car must maintain insurance on it, and be able to prove they have insurance on it when requested.

The same with the federal regulations on gun ownership.

Welcome to the brave new world you have created. The only thing you DON'T require papers for is voting..and the reason is obvious.

Requiring voters to show they are citizens effectively elminates voter fraud...and that is why democrats will fight tooth and nail to prevent it.

Nope. It does not eliminate fraud. Please explain how Voter ID would stop these actual types of fraud which occur:

Poll worker changing ballots.

Someone voting more than once by absentee ballot.

Someone voting in two different precincts.

I am sure you will all be completely honest and post the voter fraud cases which occur in states that have Voter ID in the future, right? Right?!?

Please explain how Voter ID would ensure the voter registration rolls don't have any dead people on them.

You are being led like a sheep. There is an entirely different reason why your masters want us all carrying identity papers.

Nobody has to *carry* identification papers. They simply need something to prove who they say they are to vote.

I had to prove my identity when I voted for the first time in 1985. No biggie.

Progressives are the ones who will start trying to restrict the MOVEMENT of people, by requiring them to prove this or that before they are allowed to cross state lines, or travel between different towns, of get food.

In short, you are unable to explain how Voter ID will stop these crimes.

A conservative is a person who asks for evidence that we need more government regulations. You can turn in your conservative credentials at the nearest trash can.

YOu have to prove you're who you are to get foodstamps, after all.

A frequent apples to oranges comparison fallacy used by Voter ID proponents who cannot prove the necessity of Voter ID.
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Republican election fraud:
After pleading guilty on Monday for his involvement in a voter fraud scandal, former East Longmeadow Selectman Enrico ‘Jack’ Villamaino has learned his sentence.

He and his wife, Courtney Llewellyn, were charged in 2012 with changing the party affiliations for about 280 East Longmeadow voters. About a month after those changes were made, Mastroianni says that there was an almost “name-for-name match” for those people who had their enrollment changed from ‘Democrat’ to ‘Unenrolled.’

At that time, Villamaino was running for a seat in the Mass. House of Representatives against Marie Angelides.

Voter ID would not have stopped this.

Boy, you guys are going to be so shocked when election fraud keeps happening in Voter ID states! :lol:
Who doesn't have an ID?

What an preposterous argument.. you can't function in modern society with out some form of identification. You can't cash a check, you can't get utilities, you can't even buy Sudafed...

Old people and the poor.

No doubt when I say old and poor Repubs will make this into a "black people so stupid..." thread because repubs aren't racist

I am old and I have ID. Thanks, but I don't need you to make any excuses. People my age have done many things that require an ID, and we can start with registering with the draft board.

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