The Lame Liberal Excuse For Acquiring I.D.,"It's Too Far To Drive To Get A Photo ID"

Liberals are the harbingers of papered Americans.

It started when they insisted we take a test and obtain a driver's license to drive.

It continued when they determined every person who has a car must maintain insurance on it, and be able to prove they have insurance on it when requested.

The same with the federal regulations on gun ownership.

Welcome to the brave new world you have created. The only thing you DON'T require papers for is voting..and the reason is obvious.

Requiring voters to show they are citizens effectively elminates voter fraud...and that is why democrats will fight tooth and nail to prevent it.

Nope. It does not eliminate fraud. Please explain how Voter ID would stop these actual types of fraud which occur:

Poll worker changing ballots.

Someone voting more than once by absentee ballot.

Someone voting in two different precincts.

I am sure you will all be completely honest and post the voter fraud cases which occur in states that have Voter ID in the future, right? Right?!?

Please explain how Voter ID would ensure the voter registration rolls don't have any dead people on them.

You are being led like a sheep. There is an entirely different reason why your masters want us all carrying identity papers.

Nobody has to *carry* identification papers. They simply need something to prove who they say they are to vote.

I had to prove my identity when I voted for the first time in 1985. No biggie.

Progressives are the ones who will start trying to restrict the MOVEMENT of people, by requiring them to prove this or that before they are allowed to cross state lines, or travel between different towns, of get food.

YOu have to prove you're who you are to get foodstamps, after all.

You have to have ID to buy alcohol. The poor don't seen to have a problem wit that OR with food stamps.
Fascinating. Alleged conservatives not asking for proof we need more government regulation. Not asking for evidence Voter ID would stop the types of fraud which occur. In fact, they willfully ignore the evidence that it would not stop the fraud which occurs.

Simply fascinating.

Nope. They just want everyone to have identity papers. Very gestopo-esque.

Papers! Papers, please!
and they bring in the older/disabled americans who cant get an ID. huh? so in other words, a 80 yr old man who has lived here all of his life has no birth certificate/drivers license yet, social security card?

How does ANYONE live in this Country for 80 years without an ID?

Explain that to me.

And one other thing I will remind you of.... Millions of good men and women have DIED to give you the PRIVILEGE of Voting.

Voting is NOT a right, it is a privilege. Get that through your head once and for all.

Millions more good men and women were horrendously and grievously wounded and maimed to give you the Privilege of voting.

And Millions more than all of them will never be the same because of nightmares and memories that won't go away.

All to give you the Privilege of voting.

And dimocrap scum want to make excuse for people who are too goddamned fucking lazy and stupid to go get an ID so they can make sure the process is not tainted?

Because if you cast a vote for Ms Jones and an illegal voter comes along and casts a vote for her opponent, Mr Smith, that illegal voter has just cancelled out YOUR vote.

But dimocraps already know that. And they don't care.

Do you think for one second that if it was Republicans doing all the cheating that they wouldn't be all for it?

Yeah, right. We know why they're fighting it. Because dimocraps cheat like the criminals they are.

And all those brave Men and Women died and suffered for nothing when that happens.

So FUCK anybody that is too goddamned lazy and ignorant to go to a little tiny bit of trouble to get an ID.

They should think about those Men who stormed Normandy or were in the Bataan Death March.

THAT wasi nconvenience

qft!!! It's all LIES and propaganda.. nothing more than a ruse to steal the vote.. WE ALL KNOW IT!
Fascinating. Alleged conservatives not asking for proof we need more government regulation. Not asking for evidence Voter ID would stop the types of fraud which occur. In fact, they willfully ignore the evidence that it would not stop the fraud which occurs.

Simply fascinating.

Nope. They just want everyone to have identity papers. Very gestopo-esque.

Papers! Papers, please!

papers??? This isn't the Bolshevik Uprising you librul DICK.. You're a fucking drama queen.. STFU and go blame some poor sap for a video that did nothing but become an excuse to hide the truth about your god Odumbo.. it's what you're best at..
qft!!! It's all LIES and propaganda.. nothing more than a ruse to steal the vote.. WE ALL KNOW IT!

You are confusing your desire to believe with knowledge. As usual.

Please explain how voter ID will stop a poll worker from altering ballots.

Please explain how voter ID will stop someone from voting in two precincts.

Please explain how voter ID will stop someone from voting more than once by absentee ballot.

These are the types of fraud which occur. And voter ID will not stop any of them.

You see, a REAL conservative asks for evidence a new regulation is necessary and will actually prevent further harm. You all fail, miserably.

Papers! Papers, please.

You guys are going to be so shocked when election fraud keeps happening in Voter ID states.
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How do any of you dumbazz libruls cash paychecks without a photo ID?? To set up a bank acct you need photo ID.. Lying morons.
Great list:

By ASHE SCHOW | AUGUST 14, 2013 AT 12:20 PM
Topics: Beltway Confidential Voter Registration
Photo -

Voter-ID laws continue to get a lot of attention, and proponents of the law are being drowned out by opponents claiming the laws discriminate against certain voters.

Rather than getting IDs to the people who are supposedly disenfranchised, opponents spend their efforts trying to end the laws, even though polls consistently show overwhelming majorities of voters approve of the laws.

Below are just some of the examples of things you need to prove your identity for:
1. Alcohol

2. Cigarettes

3. Opening a bank account

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4. Apply for food stamps

5. Apply for welfare

6. Apply for Medicaid/Social Security

7. Apply for unemployment or a job

8. Rent/buy a house, apply for a mortgage

9. Drive/buy/rent a car

10. Get on an airplane

11. Get married

12. Purchase a gun

13. Adopt a pet

14. Rent a hotel room

15. Apply for a hunting license

16. Apply for a fishing license

17. Buy a cell phone

18. Visit a casino

19. Pick up a prescription

20. Hold a rally or protest

21. Blood donations

22. Buy an "M" rated video game

23. Purchase nail polish at CVS

24. Purchase certain cold medicines

But not to vote?

24 things that require a photo ID |
Great list:

By ASHE SCHOW | AUGUST 14, 2013 AT 12:20 PM
Topics: Beltway Confidential Voter Registration
Photo -

Voter-ID laws continue to get a lot of attention, and proponents of the law are being drowned out by opponents claiming the laws discriminate against certain voters.

Rather than getting IDs to the people who are supposedly disenfranchised, opponents spend their efforts trying to end the laws, even though polls consistently show overwhelming majorities of voters approve of the laws.

Below are just some of the examples of things you need to prove your identity for:
1. Alcohol

2. Cigarettes

3. Opening a bank account

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4. Apply for food stamps

5. Apply for welfare

6. Apply for Medicaid/Social Security

7. Apply for unemployment or a job

8. Rent/buy a house, apply for a mortgage

9. Drive/buy/rent a car

10. Get on an airplane

11. Get married

12. Purchase a gun

13. Adopt a pet

14. Rent a hotel room

15. Apply for a hunting license

16. Apply for a fishing license

17. Buy a cell phone

18. Visit a casino

19. Pick up a prescription

20. Hold a rally or protest

21. Blood donations

22. Buy an "M" rated video game

23. Purchase nail polish at CVS

24. Purchase certain cold medicines

But not to vote?

24 things that require a photo ID |

Exactly.. these same losers show ID to get food stamps and other government services.. Like I said, this is about STEALING ELECTIONS.. period! Voting is not a right.. END OF STORY.
Exactly.. these same losers show ID to get food stamps and other government services.. Like I said, this is about STEALING ELECTIONS.. period! Voting is not a right.. END OF STORY.

Apparently it is not the end of this retarded apples and oranges fallacy since you rubes keep repeating it several times a day like a cage full of parrots.

You call yourself a conservative, I bet. And yet you don't even ask for evidence Voter ID will stop fraud. It won't. You fools are going to have a lot of egg on your moronic faces when fraud continues in Voter ID states. You idiots could be working to stop actual fraud instead, but are hung up on something completely idiotic, expensive, and useless.

Instead, you are some kind of control freak who wants everyone to carry identity papers, which reveals your true totalitarian streak. Voter ID is just a thin excuse.
How do any of you dumbazz libruls cash paychecks without a photo ID?? To set up a bank acct you need photo ID.. Lying morons.

What kind of idiot still gets paychecks? It's all direct deposit now.

Hey STOOPID.. Go to Walmart.. the line is long for people cashing checks.. How did these people get a bank account for direct deposit without an ID??
All this bluster over who does or does not have ID is just an attempt to hide the fact the liberals who want more control and government interference in our lives can't even clear the tiniest of hurdles to prove any fraud which could only be prevented or caught by Voter ID.

It's a tiny hurdle, and they can't get past it.

These government loving fools are going to be so embarrassed when fraud continues in Voter ID states.

Paper! Papers, please!
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How will voter ID catch or prevent a poll worker from altering ballots?

How will voter ID catch or prevent someone voting in two different precincts?

How will voter ID catch or prevent someone from voting twice by absentee ballot?

These are the questions a real conservative should be asking before going along with more government regulations and intervention in our voting.

Egg, meet face.
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Racccccccccccccccccccccccccccccciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Hotel desk clerks for requiring photo ID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **SQUAWK** RACIST
Great list:

By ASHE SCHOW | AUGUST 14, 2013 AT 12:20 PM
Topics: Beltway Confidential Voter Registration
Photo -

Voter-ID laws continue to get a lot of attention, and proponents of the law are being drowned out by opponents claiming the laws discriminate against certain voters.

Rather than getting IDs to the people who are supposedly disenfranchised, opponents spend their efforts trying to end the laws, even though polls consistently show overwhelming majorities of voters approve of the laws.

Below are just some of the examples of things you need to prove your identity for:
1. Alcohol

2. Cigarettes

3. Opening a bank account

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4. Apply for food stamps

5. Apply for welfare

6. Apply for Medicaid/Social Security

7. Apply for unemployment or a job

8. Rent/buy a house, apply for a mortgage

9. Drive/buy/rent a car

10. Get on an airplane

11. Get married

12. Purchase a gun

13. Adopt a pet

14. Rent a hotel room

15. Apply for a hunting license

16. Apply for a fishing license

17. Buy a cell phone

18. Visit a casino

19. Pick up a prescription

20. Hold a rally or protest

21. Blood donations

22. Buy an "M" rated video game

23. Purchase nail polish at CVS

24. Purchase certain cold medicines

But not to vote?

24 things that require a photo ID |

That's right. You don't need an ID to vote. We have not needed to in over two centuries. Voter ID is not necessary, and will not stop or prevent the types of fraud which occur or the problems on our voter registry rolls.

Guess what? You cannot know if someone is of legal drinking age without an ID.

Therefore you are making a very common apples to oranges comparison fallacy. Don't feel too bad, though. Almost every Voter ID proponent makes that illogical mistake sooner or later. And then they repeat it to each other incessantly.
Poor suppressed minorities must not have medical insurance, go to Dr's, purchase beer or cigarettes-- All of these places require ID which makes them RACIST BASTARDS!
if an individual doesn't have any form of ID? how does he/she get access to cash? in other words, going to the bank. someone needs to explain to liberals that if by this time, 2013, an individual who has no papers to acquire any kind of photo ID is an illegal alien!

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