The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

You brainwashed functional morons Love freedom so much you don't want anybody else to have what they want LOL.

They can have whatever they want if they can afford it. But they can't have whatever they want and expect others to pay for it.
A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.
I’m trying to have a discussion about the economic effects of what’s happening in our society as fewer people collect the majority of our nations wealth.

Collect? You make it sound so passive. So one-sided.

Nah, China can suck it.
Haha. “Nah, China can suck it.” Do I need to repeat the points you’ve been making to me to show your hypocrisy or do you finally get the point?

Collect is just a word that describes exactly what is happening. Would you feel better if I said “earn”? I’m really not interested in word games so use whatever you want

Do I need to repeat the points you’ve been making to me to show your hypocrisy or do you finally get the point?

Spell it out. Be specific.

Would you feel better if I said “earn”?

Yes, that would be more accurate.
They earn it by being more efficient.

Why don't you clarify your position?

Are you happy that people are freely choosing the more efficient, cheaper Papa John's?
Or does that make you sad?
Or are you neutral on the subject?
Wow, I really need to spell this out?? I thought I had... You taken my statements about the effects of large corporations on our society and twisted them down to me objecting to Americans choosing the cheaper purchasing option. Then when I used the example of outsourcing to China, which absolutely provides a cheaper option for businesses and consumers you say “Nah, China can suck it”

do you get it now?
I sometimes wonder if the ultra wealthy elite understand where this leads. They are forcing millions of Americans into desperation. This likely leads to violence and they might be the target.
As far as the 650 millionaires who have seen their fortunes expand by more than a trillion dollars since the pandemic began, they may believe safety awaits in New Zealand, surrounded by legions of private guns.

I don't know if many of these elites are aware of just how much worse the pandemic will become in the US before we reach herd immunity next summer, but I strongly suspect they are indifferent to the misery many Americans will experience between now and then.

The pandemic will not reach herd immunity until the winter of 2021-2022 and that is only if we get it together.
Bottom line is there is no such thing as unearned income unless you have a rich relative in your family die off and leave you a bunch of money. All other income is earned
How would you classify dividend income?

The Incredibly Unproductive Shareholder

"It’s fashionable these days to fret about the high level of CEO pay and its seeming disconnection from individual or corporate performance.

"But to cast CEOs as the paragons of greed simply distracts attention from today’s real business parasites: shareholders."

Despite their enormous power, shareholders are the sole group exempt from the requirement to be productive.

Wah.....owners are give us what you own....DURR
Of course that is highly theoretical and long in the future period on the other hand why are we the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare pa for the richest maybe. Idiotid parental leave keep college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich enough to invest in America and Americans again? Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. The inequality and crap upward mobility has gone too far.

We prefer more freedom and a higher standard of living.
Maybe for the richest. we have a higher standard of living because of the amazing natural resources we have. More freedom my butt. Except for pot these days...

At least you are getting your pot, by your posts it seems you are getting way too much pot.
it's the only freedom we have that other countries don't period they don't because mainly we made them make it you have any argument except stupid personal insults? I don't think so. Brainwashed functional moron LOL.....

Why argue with stupid? That is what you are, you are a partisan ass kisser, you can’t phantom any Democrat not doing the right thing. That is just plain moronic, idiotic and the mind of a simpleton. Any point made you lie or change the story to fit your agenda. I despise trying to deal with you duped, unthinking, dishonest dummies. Take care pothead. BTW, dumbo, Canada and several other countries you can legally smoke pot, dumb ass.
When you tell me something I don't know or that isn't ridiculously stupid, I'll tell you.

More of your incessant trolling. Get lost you pot smoking dupe. Go await what your masters tell you to think.
A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.

Then what are you doing here? If everyplace else is so much better, pack your bags and go there. You remind me of the dopes who move by the airport and the complain about the noise from airplanes.
As far as the 650 millionaires who have seen their fortunes expand by more than a trillion dollars since the pandemic began, they may believe safety awaits in New Zealand, surrounded by legions of private guns.

I don't know if many of these elites are aware of just how much worse the pandemic will become in the US before we reach herd immunity next summer, but I strongly suspect they are indifferent to the misery many Americans will experience between now and then.

The vaccines will be out this or next month. About half of America or more will get the shot when it's available to them. Most states are putting healthcare workers up front, next the senior citizens, and third those of us with comorbid conditions older to younger. If there are no serious side effects or deaths, the other half of Americans will be more confident in getting the shot as well.
A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.

Then what are you doing here? If everyplace else is so much better, pack your bags and go there. You remind me of the dopes who move by the airport and the complain about the noise from airplanes.
Truly a failed state. A totally fucked up country. Only in America!

Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic
Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic
A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.

Then what are you doing here? If everyplace else is so much better, pack your bags and go there. You remind me of the dopes who move by the airport and the complain about the noise from airplanes.
Truly a failed state. A totally fucked up country. Only in America!

Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic
Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic

Makes you wonder how many stealing food have the latest smart phone with a family plan running them 200 bucks a month, cable or satellite television, pay per view and Netflix, going to McDonald's several times a week, high speed internet.

The one story in your article was very telling. A woman (appearing to be single) quitting her job to take care of her kid because the daycare closed. It said she made 15 bucks an hour. There is no way she could have afforded daycare at that rate of pay while supporting herself and her child. Bottom line is she got knocked up because she's irresponsible, got a voucher from government to pay for her daycare, is now trying to go to college at the same time, and I'm supposed to pity her?

It says she was refused food stamps. I don't believe that for a minute. Even if government gives you little aid, they always make sure the kids are taken care of. What happened to her child support the man is supposed to provide? Maybe that's why they refused her food stamps.
A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.

Then what are you doing here? If everyplace else is so much better, pack your bags and go there. You remind me of the dopes who move by the airport and the complain about the noise from airplanes.
Truly a failed state. A totally fucked up country. Only in America!

Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic
Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic

Makes you wonder how many stealing food have the latest smart phone with a family plan running them 200 bucks a month, cable or satellite television, pay per view and Netflix, going to McDonald's several times a week, high speed internet.

The one story in your article was very telling. A woman (appearing to be single) quitting her job to take care of her kid because the daycare closed. It said she made 15 bucks an hour. There is no way she could have afforded daycare at that rate of pay while supporting herself and her child. Bottom line is she got knocked up because she's irresponsible, got a voucher from government to pay for her daycare, is now trying to go to college at the same time, and I'm supposed to pity her?

It says she was refused food stamps. I don't believe that for a minute. Even if government gives you little aid, they always make sure the kids are taken care of. What happened to her child support the man is supposed to provide? Maybe that's why they refused her food stamps.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

A corrupt system got this woman pregnant? A corrupt system stopped her from going to college, getting a career and then having a baby? A corrupt system when you don't prepare for the worst?

You can call it a corrupt system, but I call it irresponsibility.
You want freedom from free stuff that every other modern country has

Only morons think this stuff is free.
Thanks for the brainwash, Pavlov

I'm happy to point out your idiocy.
You too brainwashed and stupid to talk to really. Much later

And the whiney twat runs away.
You taken my statements about the effects of large corporations on our society and twisted them down to me objecting to Americans choosing the cheaper purchasing option.

It's ok if they choose the cheaper option as long as it doesn't result in "fewer people collecting the majority of our nations wealth"?

Then when I used the example of outsourcing to China, which absolutely provides a cheaper option for businesses and consumers you say “Nah, China can suck it”

Americans legally using better technology and logistics is equivalent to Chinese use of child/slave labor, stolen intellectual property and inferior materials? And then using their earnings to threaten us and our Papa John's is threatening to invade Little Italian Pizza?

do you get it now?

Do you?
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

A corrupt system got this woman pregnant? A corrupt system stopped her from going to college, getting a career and then having a baby? A corrupt system when you don't prepare for the worst?

You can call it a corrupt system, but I call it irresponsibility.
Why are you distorting the debate? Because you know you lost?
You taken my statements about the effects of large corporations on our society and twisted them down to me objecting to Americans choosing the cheaper purchasing option.

It's ok if they choose the cheaper option as long as it doesn't result in "fewer people collecting the majority of our nations wealth"?

Then when I used the example of outsourcing to China, which absolutely provides a cheaper option for businesses and consumers you say “Nah, China can suck it”

Americans legally using better technology and logistics is equivalent to Chinese use of child/slave labor, stolen intellectual property and inferior materials? And then using their earnings to threaten us and our Papa John's is threatening to invade Little Italian Pizza?

do you get it now?

Do you?
Sorry man if you are going to recharacterize all my statements to give yourself some semblance of an argument then I don’t have interest in talking to you. Your little troll tactics are very transparent. I’m done correcting your distortions. Go bug somebody else. You’re an embarrassment
You taken my statements about the effects of large corporations on our society and twisted them down to me objecting to Americans choosing the cheaper purchasing option.

It's ok if they choose the cheaper option as long as it doesn't result in "fewer people collecting the majority of our nations wealth"?

Then when I used the example of outsourcing to China, which absolutely provides a cheaper option for businesses and consumers you say “Nah, China can suck it”

Americans legally using better technology and logistics is equivalent to Chinese use of child/slave labor, stolen intellectual property and inferior materials? And then using their earnings to threaten us and our Papa John's is threatening to invade Little Italian Pizza?

do you get it now?

Do you?
Sorry man if you are going to recharacterize all my statements to give yourself some semblance of an argument then I don’t have interest in talking to you. Your little troll tactics are very transparent. I’m done correcting your distortions. Go bug somebody else. You’re an embarrassment

if you are going to recharacterize all my statements

You've been dancing since your first post about Papa John's.

Sorry if calling you out makes you cry.

Run away now......
Russ and Pam are such whiners. And you're wrong!!!

XOM, PFE and RTN were up more, since 8/31/2020, than CRM, AMGN and HON.

The SEC Has a Graph of the Wall Street Short-Term Loan Market that Blew Up: It Needs a Surgeon General Warning Before Viewing
Yes, Trump offered comfort to the public, just like Cuomo did, just like Piglosi did, just like DeBlasio did.
Trump lied to the American people regarding Covid-19 just as he did on numerous other issues; the other politicians you mention didn't have the same information on the upcoming pandemic last January that Trump did.

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