The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

You taken my statements about the effects of large corporations on our society and twisted them down to me objecting to Americans choosing the cheaper purchasing option.

It's ok if they choose the cheaper option as long as it doesn't result in "fewer people collecting the majority of our nations wealth"?

Then when I used the example of outsourcing to China, which absolutely provides a cheaper option for businesses and consumers you say “Nah, China can suck it”

Americans legally using better technology and logistics is equivalent to Chinese use of child/slave labor, stolen intellectual property and inferior materials? And then using their earnings to threaten us and our Papa John's is threatening to invade Little Italian Pizza?

do you get it now?

Do you?
Sorry man if you are going to recharacterize all my statements to give yourself some semblance of an argument then I don’t have interest in talking to you. Your little troll tactics are very transparent. I’m done correcting your distortions. Go bug somebody else. You’re an embarrassment

if you are going to recharacterize all my statements

You've been dancing since your first post about Papa John's.

Sorry if calling you out makes you cry.

Run away now......
You're not calling me out when you mischaracterize my statements. If you can’t recognize the obvious impact that big box corporations are having on small businesses then you are not intelligent enough to have this debate with. It’s a very similar effect as outsourcing is having. You are clearly just here to harass and troll.
Trying to blame President Trump for the deaths of Covid is just as stupid as trying to blame Obama for the 200,000 plus deaths from the flu during his two terms. A President doesn't control microorganisms or the decisions people make for their own well being.
So by the same "logic" Trump gets the blame for flu deaths since he took office, right? How about car accidents, heart attacks, strokes...

Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19, by Age and ...
If you can’t recognize the obvious impact that big box corporations are having on small businesses then you are not intelligent enough to have this debate with. It’s a very similar effect as outsourcing is having.

It's not the stores that are affecting those small businesses, it's the customers.
Trump lied to the American people regarding Covid-19 just as he did on numerous other issues; the other politicians you mention didn't have the same information on the upcoming pandemic last January that Trump did.

They had the same information. We all knew about it. It's just that nobody would imagine what we were in for.
Can you tell me what's stopping employees from buying the place they work at now, or perhaps a competitor? Companies selling out is no secret, it's publicly available. But most employees don't want to own any company.
I think it's more likely most US employees are unaware of how a worker-self-directed enterprise can be set up. There's also an inherent problem of how any interested employees would finance the purchase since the US Federal Reserve is more concerned with propping up Wall Street:

"The market is Wall Street’s Short-Term Funding Market which includes its integral repurchase agreement (repo) market.

"The repo market blew up in 2008 during the last financial crisis and required a Fed bailout.

"It blew up again on September 17, 2019 for reasons that have yet to be credibly explained and required at least $9 trillion in cumulative emergency loans from the Federal Reserve over the next six months."

The SEC Has a Graph of the Wall Street Short-Term Loan Market that Blew Up: It Needs a Surgeon General Warning Before Viewing
I think it's more likely most US employees are unaware of how a worker-self-directed enterprise can be set up. There's also an inherent problem of how any interested employees would finance the purchase since the US Federal Reserve is more concerned with propping up Wall Street:

That's very simple, you have a meeting with a loan officer at a bank. There are employee owned businesses in the US. They did it, why can't another group of people do it?

When your only concern is punching a clock to get a paycheck, the last thing you want is all the headaches of running a business. As an employee, if the economy is down and you get laid off, you can collect unemployment benefits. When your company is slow to the point you have to close up, you get nothing, and likely have a lot of headaches with the land and so forth.

Businesses ran by several people often bring on conflict. Everybody has their own way of doing things.
You don’t realize how truly ignorant you are.

Oh please. I live in an area where people use food stamps, especially during the DumBama years. You should see some of the stuff they have in their shopping cart. They are in line with a heaping cart of food and other stuff with three kids tagging along. They pay for their food with food stamps. Their perfume, flowers, gift cards, alcohol products, huge bags of dog food and cat litter they have to pay for with cash. They whip out a wad of it to buy all those items. Afterwards they go to the customer service line where they buy a ton of lottery tickets and perhaps a carton of cigarettes. A few times I only had one or two items and walked out of the store behind them. They get in a late model SUV to stuff all their grocery bags into.

The new scam is they approach customers in line. They ask if they can pay for 25 dollars of your items with their SNAP's card. At the end of the line, you give them 20 bucks in cash so they can buy anything they want. They converted their food stamps into cash, and you make out five bucks for helping them.
It's just like my business of renting apartments. None of my tenants want to be landlords. It's a pain in the ass. I wouldn't be able to sell them the place if I wanted. The reason they are tenants instead of landords is because they don't want to deal with all of my problems
As a lifelong renter, I agree with your argument most tenants would not want to be private landlords; perhaps the problem is with the concept of private as opposed to public ownership of rental units?

COVID-19, who? Private equity firms thrive in pandemic - Take On Wall Street
You don’t realize how truly ignorant you are.

Oh please. I live in an area where people use food stamps, especially during the DumBama years. You should see some of the stuff they have in their shopping cart. They are in line with a heaping cart of food and other stuff with three kids tagging along. They pay for their food with food stamps. Their perfume, flowers, gift cards, alcohol products, huge bags of dog food and cat litter they have to pay for with cash. They whip out a wad of it to buy all those items. Afterwards they go to the customer service line where they buy a ton of lottery tickets and perhaps a carton of cigarettes. A few times I only had one or two items and walked out of the store behind them. They get in a late model SUV to stuff all their grocery bags into.

The new scam is they approach customers in line. They ask if they can pay for 25 dollars of your items with their SNAP's card. At the end of the line, you give them 20 bucks in cash so they can buy anything they want. They converted their food stamps into cash, and you make out five bucks for helping them.
Only you could conclude from that foolish experience that ALL those suffering economically and forced to steal food to survive, are just lazy and dumb.

You truly disgust me.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

A corrupt system got this woman pregnant? A corrupt system stopped her from going to college, getting a career and then having a baby? A corrupt system when you don't prepare for the worst?

You can call it a corrupt system, but I call it irresponsibility.
Why are you distorting the debate? Because you know you lost?
you brainwashed functional morons do blame the poor. As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor -you think everyone got lazy and stupid magically. Actually this inequality and poverty is due to the GOP cutting investment in America and American so they can give the rich multiple tax cuts. Only propaganda and ignoramuses like you people make this mess possible.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

A corrupt system got this woman pregnant? A corrupt system stopped her from going to college, getting a career and then having a baby? A corrupt system when you don't prepare for the worst?

You can call it a corrupt system, but I call it irresponsibility.
Why are you distorting the debate? Because you know you lost?
you brainwashed functional morons do blame the poor. As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor -you think everyone got lazy and stupid magically. Actually this inequality and poverty is due to the GOP cutting investment in America and American so they can give the rich multiple tax cuts. Only propaganda and ignoramuses like you people make this mess possible.
Idiot. You didn’t bother to read my posts, fool.
If you can’t recognize the obvious impact that big box corporations are having on small businesses then you are not intelligent enough to have this debate with. It’s a very similar effect as outsourcing is having.

It's not the stores that are affecting those small businesses, it's the customers.
No shit. People are going to buy the cheaper product.

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