The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

I don’t know if it will work, haven’t even heard plans debated yet. But nothing changes if you do nothing

Yang had some interesting thoughts with Liberty dollars

You cannot stop this problem. With the last reform, they gave maximums for campaign contributions. So people formed PACs which have no maximum. At least if a candidate created a false ad, it can be disputed. Thanks to campaign contribution reform, these PACs can run the most phony ads they want, and they are protected by their constitutional right of free speech. All the money that used to go to the candidate or party are now being funneled to the PACs. What was accomplished?

We could make it illegal for any representative to accept any money, but how would the less interested public get informed about the candidates? We here on USMB would because this is our passion. But polls show that in these swing states, if people knew of the corruption of Hunter, Joe, and China, they would have never voted for him. How are they unaware of these events? They don't take the time to study politics as we do here and other forums.
Just because some shitty law didn’t work doesn’t mean the problem can’t be solved or improved. Look up Yangs plan with Liberty dollars. Maybe some out of the box thinking can take us in the right direction
They decided they liked paying $12 for a pizza instead of $20. And papa John’s can work on lower margins
Because they have buying power. Rinse and repeat.

Papa John's saved consumers $8 a pizza?

Damn those rapacious robber barons!!!!
Yes Papa John’s did save consumers $$ and Walmart also saves consumers money. And outsourcing to China saves consumers a ton of money as well. Do you want to address the topic now?

Yes Papa John’s did save consumers $$ and Walmart also saves consumers money.

There ought to be a law against providing goods and services more efficiently, eh?
I see no reason for that. Do you?

You're the one complaining about it, not me.
They decided they liked paying $12 for a pizza instead of $20. And papa John’s can work on lower margins
Because they have buying power. Rinse and repeat.

Papa John's saved consumers $8 a pizza?

Damn those rapacious robber barons!!!!
Yes Papa John’s did save consumers $$ and Walmart also saves consumers money. And outsourcing to China saves consumers a ton of money as well. Do you want to address the topic now?

Yes Papa John’s did save consumers $$ and Walmart also saves consumers money.

There ought to be a law against providing goods and services more efficiently, eh?
I see no reason for that. Do you?

You're the one complaining about it, not me.
Did you really miss the point that bad or are you just trolling?
If you read your own link, none of it goes to Trump personally. The closest they get is it can be used for travel and related expenses to his political goals. The rest goes to the RNC which is common with leftover political donations, or his PAC. It's against the law for Trump to financially benefit personally.
Did Trump break any laws with his Foundation or University?

Why do you consistently ignore his life-long reputation as a con man?

For Trump, one last fundraising scam before leaving office

"Donald Trump has an unusually ugly record when it comes to separating those he perceives as fools from their money.

"After all, the outgoing Republican president ran a fraudulent charitable foundation, and created a fraudulent 'university' which was designed to do little more than rip off its 'students...'"

He is currently lying about an epidemic of voter fraud while fleecing his gullible flock one more time before he leaves office:

"For example, if you were inclined to believe the president's ridiculous election conspiracy theories and decided to send his operation $1,000 to help support his 'Official Election Defense Fund,' $600 of your contribution would go toward Trump's new political action committee, called 'Save America.'

"The Republican National Committee would get the other $400.

"How much would go toward the so-called 'recount account'?

"Not one penny, unless you contributed several thousand dollars."
They decided they liked paying $12 for a pizza instead of $20. And papa John’s can work on lower margins
Because they have buying power. Rinse and repeat.

Papa John's saved consumers $8 a pizza?

Damn those rapacious robber barons!!!!
Yes Papa John’s did save consumers $$ and Walmart also saves consumers money. And outsourcing to China saves consumers a ton of money as well. Do you want to address the topic now?

Yes Papa John’s did save consumers $$ and Walmart also saves consumers money.

There ought to be a law against providing goods and services more efficiently, eh?
I see no reason for that. Do you?

You're the one complaining about it, not me.
Did you really miss the point that bad or are you just trolling?

You're upset that the more efficient chain is putting mom & pop out of business.
I don't see nefarious motives, I see built-in motives as part of the designed system.
A system that consolidates wealth in fewer and fewer hands with each passing generations based on the specious belief that an "invisible hand" magically produces a perfectly just distribution of income is nefarious, at least.

I don't see nefarious motives, I see built-in motives as part of the designed system.
A system that consolidates wealth in fewer and fewer hands with each passing generations based on the specious belief that an "invisible hand" magically produces a perfectly just distribution of income is nefarious, at least.

That's just inadequacies of the "ism," in this case, capitalism...that's not nefarious, it's merely the best "ism" currently in the modern human lexicon that's been come up with.
What's going on? A pandemic. Hmm, what resources are at my disposal to mitigate the risks for my family? Ahh, more online presence/shopping. Hello, Amazon, and thank you.
Should government redistribute a portion of Bezos's gains in wealth over the course of the pandemic to those who've lost their jobs?


"Job loss has also been more acute among certain demographic groups.

"Overall, 25% of U.S. adults say they or someone in their household was laid off or lost their job because of the coronavirus outbreak, with 15% saying this happened to them personally.

"Young adults (ages 18 to 29) and lower-income adults are among the most likely to say this has occurred in their household."

Economic Fallout From COVID-19 Continues To Hit Lower-Income Americans the Hardest
What's going on? A pandemic. Hmm, what resources are at my disposal to mitigate the risks for my family? Ahh, more online presence/shopping. Hello, Amazon, and thank you.
Should government redistribute a portion of Bezos's gains in wealth over the course of the pandemic to those who've lost their jobs?


"Job loss has also been more acute among certain demographic groups.

"Overall, 25% of U.S. adults say they or someone in their household was laid off or lost their job because of the coronavirus outbreak, with 15% saying this happened to them personally.

"Young adults (ages 18 to 29) and lower-income adults are among the most likely to say this has occurred in their household."

Economic Fallout From COVID-19 Continues To Hit Lower-Income Americans the Hardest


If the Government is worried about the size of Bezos' wealth, they can address that with existing Monopoly Laws...but it's not his responsibility, that's a bit myopic.

He is a beneficiary from a happenstance: There's a pandemic, more people are shopping online versus going out to stores. Amazon is online shopping. Wooo, conspiracy!
Better wages with a lowered Profit Margin for our Large Corporations is something I'm in favor of, by the way - it's just not clear how to get there. There are terrible consequences to any avenues I can think of.
A system that consolidates wealth in fewer and fewer hands with each passing generations based on the specious belief that an "invisible hand" magically produces a perfectly just distribution of income is nefarious, at least.

Our "system" does no such thing. You can make as much as you want or as little as you want. It's a choice you make on your own, not some system. You can choose to spend your money freely, carelessly, or conservatively and use the remainder for investments. You can choose an apartment or house that you can barely make the payments on, comfortably make the payments on, or easily make the payments on and get out of that loan much quicker. The cost to raise a child in the US today averages about $240,000. You can choose to have a child and spend that money throughout 18 years, have several children with the multiplying factor, or not have any children at all and invest that $240,000 into a conservative growth fund.

Our system is beautiful, because our system is personal choice.
I don't see nefarious motives, I see built-in motives as part of the designed system.
A system that consolidates wealth in fewer and fewer hands with each passing generations based on the specious belief that an "invisible hand" magically produces a perfectly just distribution of income is nefarious, at least.

A system that consolidates wealth in fewer and fewer hands with each passing generations

Capitalism? LOL!

Is that why the richest families in 2000 were the same as the richest families in 1900...the same as the richest families in 1800? DURR.

based on the specious belief that an "invisible hand" magically produces a perfectly just distribution of income

Who made that claim about capitalism......ever?
They decided they liked paying $12 for a pizza instead of $20. And papa John’s can work on lower margins
Because they have buying power. Rinse and repeat.

Papa John's saved consumers $8 a pizza?

Damn those rapacious robber barons!!!!
Yes Papa John’s did save consumers $$ and Walmart also saves consumers money. And outsourcing to China saves consumers a ton of money as well. Do you want to address the topic now?

Yes Papa John’s did save consumers $$ and Walmart also saves consumers money.

There ought to be a law against providing goods and services more efficiently, eh?
I see no reason for that. Do you?

You're the one complaining about it, not me.
Did you really miss the point that bad or are you just trolling?

You're upset that the more efficient chain is putting mom & pop out of business.
Upset? No I’m not expressing emotion. I’m trying to have a discussion about the economic effects of what’s happening in our society as fewer people collect the majority of our nations wealth. You don’t seem to want to have that discussion.

Outsourcing to China reduces costs to US consumers. Do you support more outsourcing to China?
I sometimes wonder if the ultra wealthy elite understand where this leads. They are forcing millions of Americans into desperation. This likely leads to violence and they might be the target.
As far as the 650 millionaires who have seen their fortunes expand by more than a trillion dollars since the pandemic began, they may believe safety awaits in New Zealand, surrounded by legions of private guns.

I don't know if many of these elites are aware of just how much worse the pandemic will become in the US before we reach herd immunity next summer, but I strongly suspect they are indifferent to the misery many Americans will experience between now and then.
I’m trying to have a discussion about the economic effects of what’s happening in our society as fewer people collect the majority of our nations wealth.

Collect? You make it sound so passive. So one-sided.

Nah, China can suck it.
Haha. “Nah, China can suck it.” Do I need to repeat the points you’ve been making to me to show your hypocrisy or do you finally get the point?

Collect is just a word that describes exactly what is happening. Would you feel better if I said “earn”? I’m really not interested in word games so use whatever you want
I’m trying to have a discussion about the economic effects of what’s happening in our society as fewer people collect the majority of our nations wealth.

Collect? You make it sound so passive. So one-sided.

Nah, China can suck it.
Haha. “Nah, China can suck it.” Do I need to repeat the points you’ve been making to me to show your hypocrisy or do you finally get the point?

Collect is just a word that describes exactly what is happening. Would you feel better if I said “earn”? I’m really not interested in word games so use whatever you want

Do I need to repeat the points you’ve been making to me to show your hypocrisy or do you finally get the point?

Spell it out. Be specific.

Would you feel better if I said “earn”?

Yes, that would be more accurate.
They earn it by being more efficient.

Why don't you clarify your position?

Are you happy that people are freely choosing the more efficient, cheaper Papa John's?
Or does that make you sad?
Or are you neutral on the subject?
You want freedom from free stuff that every other modern country has

Only morons think this stuff is free.
Thanks for the brainwash, Pavlov

I'm happy to point out your idiocy.
You too brainwashed and stupid to talk to really. Much later

And the whiney twat runs away.
Bottom line is there is no such thing as unearned income unless you have a rich relative in your family die off and leave you a bunch of money. All other income is earned
How would you classify dividend income?

The Incredibly Unproductive Shareholder

"It’s fashionable these days to fret about the high level of CEO pay and its seeming disconnection from individual or corporate performance.

"But to cast CEOs as the paragons of greed simply distracts attention from today’s real business parasites: shareholders."

Despite their enormous power, shareholders are the sole group exempt from the requirement to be productive.

Wah.....owners are give us what you own....DURR
Of course that is highly theoretical and long in the future period on the other hand why are we the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare pa for the richest maybe. Idiotid parental leave keep college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich enough to invest in America and Americans again? Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. The inequality and crap upward mobility has gone too far.

We prefer more freedom and a higher standard of living.
Maybe for the richest. we have a higher standard of living because of the amazing natural resources we have. More freedom my butt. Except for pot these days...

At least you are getting your pot, by your posts it seems you are getting way too much pot.
it's the only freedom we have that other countries don't period they don't because mainly we made them make it you have any argument except stupid personal insults? I don't think so. Brainwashed functional moron LOL.....

Why argue with stupid? That is what you are, you are a partisan ass kisser, you can’t phantom any Democrat not doing the right thing. That is just plain moronic, idiotic and the mind of a simpleton. Any point made you lie or change the story to fit your agenda. I despise trying to deal with you duped, unthinking, dishonest dummies. Take care pothead. BTW, dumbo, Canada and several other countries you can legally smoke pot, dumb ass.
When you tell me something I don't know or that isn't ridiculously stupid, I'll tell you.

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