The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

At the time, yes. But today, people of all races own property. Women own property. Then we have people who have nothing because they didn't live a life to have anything, and vote for politicians to take our money to give to them.
Unless your property puts you among the richest one percent of Americans, you have more in common with "people who have nothing" than with elite parasites like Trump.

Do you believe only property owners should have the right to vote? If so, does that suggest only property owners should serve in the US military?
Apparently you’re unaware of what’s going on. This isn’t free market capitalism. It’s Fascism. Why do you support it?
Because he's a FASCIST:omg:

Economics of fascism - Wikipedia
Three things are given. Democratsare totalitarian. Democrats are bigots. And Democrats are total assholes who think that a system of government that has failed every time will succeed here,
Bottom line is there is no such thing as unearned income unless you have a rich relative in your family die off and leave you a bunch of money. All other income is earned
How would you classify dividend income?

The Incredibly Unproductive Shareholder

"It’s fashionable these days to fret about the high level of CEO pay and its seeming disconnection from individual or corporate performance.

"But to cast CEOs as the paragons of greed simply distracts attention from today’s real business parasites: shareholders."

Despite their enormous power, shareholders are the sole group exempt from the requirement to be productive.

Wah.....owners are give us what you own....DURR
Of course that is highly theoretical and long in the future period on the other hand why are we the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave keep college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich enough to invest in America and Americans again? Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. The inequality and crap upward mobility has gone too far.
Bottom line is there is no such thing as unearned income unless you have a rich relative in your family die off and leave you a bunch of money. All other income is earned
How would you classify dividend income?

The Incredibly Unproductive Shareholder

"It’s fashionable these days to fret about the high level of CEO pay and its seeming disconnection from individual or corporate performance.

"But to cast CEOs as the paragons of greed simply distracts attention from today’s real business parasites: shareholders."

Despite their enormous power, shareholders are the sole group exempt from the requirement to be productive.

Wah.....owners are give us what you own....DURR
Of course that is highly theoretical and long in the future period on the other hand why are we the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave keep college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich enough to invest in America and Americans again? Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. The inequality and crap upward mobility has gone too far.

We prefer more freedom and a higher standard of living.
The great transfer isn’t from capitalism, it is from government. Subsidies, wealth transfers from government laws, that is the reason for the transfer.
Capitalism has never existed without government.
Markets, money, and corporations are all state creations.
Capitalism generates the money that bribes corrupt politicians for the politically constructed laws and institutions that structure economic activity in this society. Reforming government starts with replacing capitalism.

Then we need not to elect corrupt politicians and throw them out when they do. Yet, we keep voting them back in over and over and wonder why we are screwed up. Replacing corrupt government officials is the key, as long as they are there, they will be corrupt, whether it be socialism or capitalism. So, that is the issue but no one wants to blame the politician who makes a conscious wrong decision.
Three things are given. Democratsare totalitarian. Democrats are bigots. And Democrats are total assholes who think that a system of government that has failed every time will succeed here,
Being a brainwashed ignoramus and fool, you think socialism that AOC and Bernie is communism lol. Socialism is always democratic and Canada has everything that AOC and Bernie want period so does every other modern country. So we are the only one with this incredible inequality and crap benefits of citizenship..... Change the damn channel.
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Bottom line is there is no such thing as unearned income unless you have a rich relative in your family die off and leave you a bunch of money. All other income is earned
How would you classify dividend income?

The Incredibly Unproductive Shareholder

"It’s fashionable these days to fret about the high level of CEO pay and its seeming disconnection from individual or corporate performance.

"But to cast CEOs as the paragons of greed simply distracts attention from today’s real business parasites: shareholders."

Despite their enormous power, shareholders are the sole group exempt from the requirement to be productive.

Wah.....owners are give us what you own....DURR
Of course that is highly theoretical and long in the future period on the other hand why are we the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare pa for the richest maybe. Idiotid parental leave keep college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich enough to invest in America and Americans again? Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. The inequality and crap upward mobility has gone too far.

We prefer more freedom and a higher standard of living.
Maybe for the richest. we have a higher standard of living because of the amazing natural resources we have. More freedom my butt. Except for pot these days...
Three things are given. Democratsare totalitarian. Democrats are bigots. And Democrats are total assholes who think that a system of government that has failed every time will succeed here,
Being a brainwashed ignoramus and fool, you think socialism that AOC and Bernie are communism lol. Socialism is always democratic and Canada has everything that AOC and Bernie want period so does every other modern country. So we are the only one with this incredible inequality and crap benefits of citizenship..... Change the damn channel.
Thank you for proving your idiocy.
That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin
Of course the bailout of the banks was tarp under George w bush and the GOP who caused the great recession with their usual corrupt deregulation bubble and bust. Great job! Obama stimulus was for main Street and worked great except it was probably too small. Little did they know they would be up against total ridiculous GOP obstruction for 8 years.... Change the channel
The blind partisan.

The only two parties in power since before the 1900s have been Republicans and Democrats. They have both written and passed laws that have hurt the American workers, yet partisans are still blind and unwilling to admit their party is 50% responsible, this attitude just leads to the problem getting worse.
Total b*******. All the GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations and screwing everybody else. They have blocked a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and ID card to end illegal immigration the only solution, and mainly getting the rich to pay their fair share. Their Nixon reconciliation rule means they only need 51 votes in the Senate for tax cuts for the rich and service cuts for everyone else, while the Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Quite the scam, brainwashed functional moron.... And Trump's tax cuts for the rich are permanent while tax cuts for the rest end in 2024. Enjoy!

I’m not a Republican, I don’t like them anymore than I like Democrats. The only two in power for decades are the Democrats and the Republicans, if your Democratic Party is so defenseless and feeble that they can’t overturn bad laws, they need to go as well as the Republicans. Brain washed dupe.
If you think landlords just sit back and collect money, you don't know anything about the rental business. I haven't been on a vacation in over 35 years
How many hours have you spent sleeping over those 35 years?

So no one should rent to anyone? I am selling my home and am going to move and rent, what happens to people that don’t want to own anymore and just want to rent?

You really don’t think things through. Right now many landlords of only a couple properties are losing money because of the current Covid-19 laws. Now, they are at risk, they are the ones that stand to lose money, yet it doesn’t seem to bother you.
Bottom line is there is no such thing as unearned income unless you have a rich relative in your family die off and leave you a bunch of money. All other income is earned
How would you classify dividend income?

The Incredibly Unproductive Shareholder

"It’s fashionable these days to fret about the high level of CEO pay and its seeming disconnection from individual or corporate performance.

"But to cast CEOs as the paragons of greed simply distracts attention from today’s real business parasites: shareholders."

Despite their enormous power, shareholders are the sole group exempt from the requirement to be productive.

Wah.....owners are give us what you own....DURR
Of course that is highly theoretical and long in the future period on the other hand why are we the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare pa for the richest maybe. Idiotid parental leave keep college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich enough to invest in America and Americans again? Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. The inequality and crap upward mobility has gone too far.

We prefer more freedom and a higher standard of living.
Maybe for the richest. we have a higher standard of living because of the amazing natural resources we have. More freedom my butt. Except for pot these days...

we have a higher standard of living because of the amazing natural resources we have

Like the oil you libtards want to leave in the ground? DURR.
Bottom line is there is no such thing as unearned income unless you have a rich relative in your family die off and leave you a bunch of money. All other income is earned
How would you classify dividend income?

The Incredibly Unproductive Shareholder

"It’s fashionable these days to fret about the high level of CEO pay and its seeming disconnection from individual or corporate performance.

"But to cast CEOs as the paragons of greed simply distracts attention from today’s real business parasites: shareholders."

Despite their enormous power, shareholders are the sole group exempt from the requirement to be productive.

Wah.....owners are give us what you own....DURR
Of course that is highly theoretical and long in the future period on the other hand why are we the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare pa for the richest maybe. Idiotid parental leave keep college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich enough to invest in America and Americans again? Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. The inequality and crap upward mobility has gone too far.

We prefer more freedom and a higher standard of living.
Maybe for the richest. we have a higher standard of living because of the amazing natural resources we have. More freedom my butt. Except for pot these days...

At least you are getting your pot, by your posts it seems you are getting way too much pot.
Bottom line is there is no such thing as unearned income unless you have a rich relative in your family die off and leave you a bunch of money. All other income is earned
How would you classify dividend income?

The Incredibly Unproductive Shareholder

"It’s fashionable these days to fret about the high level of CEO pay and its seeming disconnection from individual or corporate performance.

"But to cast CEOs as the paragons of greed simply distracts attention from today’s real business parasites: shareholders."

Despite their enormous power, shareholders are the sole group exempt from the requirement to be productive.

Wah.....owners are give us what you own....DURR
Of course that is highly theoretical and long in the future period on the other hand why are we the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare pa for the richest maybe. Idiotid parental leave keep college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich enough to invest in America and Americans again? Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. The inequality and crap upward mobility has gone too far.

We prefer more freedom and a higher standard of living.
Maybe for the richest. we have a higher standard of living because of the amazing natural resources we have. More freedom my butt. Except for pot these days...

we have a higher standard of living because of the amazing natural resources we have

Like the oil you libtards want to leave in the ground? DURR.
we just don't want to burn it like a bunch of morons. There's plenty of other things to use it for. Yes oil and coal and iron and you name it everything but those new elements the Chinese have cornered it appears.
I’m not proposing doing anything right now. We are discussing whether wealth accumulation and inequality is an issue or not. Consumers didn’t just decide they like Papa John’s more. They decided they liked paying $12 for a pizza instead of $20. And papa John’s can work on lower margins
Because they have buying power. Rinse and repeat. This is happening across most industries

And it's been happening for the last 35 years that I can remember. This is all consumer driven, not government driven, not party driven. As a whole, we opted for cheaper prices even if it means much less quality right down to our food. Middle-aged and younger people don't know what a real Big Mac tastes like, or a real Whopper. Those were great sandwiches when they first came out. As Americans got cheaper, so did the ingredients in those sandwiches. The only two franchises that stayed the same are KFC and Wendy's, but you're not going to get any item from these two places that you get a Popeye's or Rally's for the same money. Here, there isn't a pizza place that isn't a franchise for ten miles. A new one is going to open up this month, we'll see if they can survive selling quality food at a higher price.
My uncle has been in the Pizza business his whole life. It’s a dying industry as it’s being taken over by a few franchises. This is happening across industries. Owners are being turning into employees. Home owners are being turned into renters. Play that out for another 35 years and tell me what that looks like...
It'll get much worse under establishment elitists like Biden.
Perhaps. But to be clear are you agreeing that the core of the problem we are discussing is in fact a problem?
I do agree. But really, too big to fail are just words now days. It's what asshole politicians from both parties say when they want to make believe they're concerned. In reality, your uncle's problem is of no concern to them.
That problem stems from the fact that politicians need 100s of thousands and millions of dollars to run a campaign. That money largely comes from the big dogs. Campaign finance reform is necessary to institute needed changes
They decided they liked paying $12 for a pizza instead of $20. And papa John’s can work on lower margins
Because they have buying power. Rinse and repeat.

Papa John's saved consumers $8 a pizza?

Damn those rapacious robber barons!!!!
Yes Papa John’s did save consumers $$ and Walmart also saves consumers money. And outsourcing to China saves consumers a ton of money as well. Do you want to address the topic now?
That problem stems from the fact that politicians need 100s of thousands and millions of dollars to run a campaign. That money largely comes from the big dogs. Campaign finance reform is necessary to institute needed changes

I thought we already had campaign finance reform.
Bottom line is there is no such thing as unearned income unless you have a rich relative in your family die off and leave you a bunch of money. All other income is earned
How would you classify dividend income?

The Incredibly Unproductive Shareholder

"It’s fashionable these days to fret about the high level of CEO pay and its seeming disconnection from individual or corporate performance.

"But to cast CEOs as the paragons of greed simply distracts attention from today’s real business parasites: shareholders."

Despite their enormous power, shareholders are the sole group exempt from the requirement to be productive.

Wah.....owners are give us what you own....DURR
Of course that is highly theoretical and long in the future period on the other hand why are we the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare pa for the richest maybe. Idiotid parental leave keep college and training great infrastructure and vacations, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich enough to invest in America and Americans again? Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. The inequality and crap upward mobility has gone too far.

We prefer more freedom and a higher standard of living.
Maybe for the richest. we have a higher standard of living because of the amazing natural resources we have. More freedom my butt. Except for pot these days...

At least you are getting your pot, by your posts it seems you are getting way too much pot.
it's the only freedom we have that other countries don't period they don't because mainly we made them make it you have any argument except stupid personal insults? I don't think so. Brainwashed functional moron LOL.....
Unless your property puts you among the richest one percent of Americans, you have more in common with "people who have nothing" than with elite parasites like Trump.

Do you believe only property owners should have the right to vote? If so, does that suggest only property owners should serve in the US military?

It doesn't matter who I have more in common with. When I vote, I vote for what's good for the country, not what's good for me. I think anybody who pays income tax (no not payroll, sales, or property tax) should only be allowed to vote in federal elections. Given that nearly half of our country pays no income tax at all, that would knock out most of the Democrats.
Bottom line is there is no such thing as unearned income unless you have a rich relative in your family die off and leave you a bunch of money. All other income is earned
How would you classify dividend income?

The Incredibly Unproductive Shareholder

"It’s fashionable these days to fret about the high level of CEO pay and its seeming disconnection from individual or corporate performance.

"But to cast CEOs as the paragons of greed simply distracts attention from today’s real business parasites: shareholders."

What makes them parasites? My IRA is in the market. It doesn't grow from day traders, it grows from big buck shareholders. Who supports our charities, creates industry to give people jobs, contributes the most to our income tax base that benefits most all of us?

If you took all the poor people, put them on an island somewhere, our society would not miss them. In fact it would actually get better given the poor have a much higher percentage of criminals than other income groups. Take all our wealthy, put them on an island somewhere, our entire economic system and country would collapse.

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