The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin
"transfer of wealth"
That's such a neat catch always seems to get the beggars among us worked up into a begging frenzy.
I'm still confused by this "transfer" and how it all works.
Explain a little further in your own words would you please....Are you saying wealthy positive contributors were somehow stealing from ShaQuita and Guadalupe who have an effective tax rate of zero? How were these wealthy positive contributors "transferring wealth" from the empty bank accounts of ShaQuita and Guadalupe?
Explain this so we have a better understanding...maybe we can level with you if you can better inform us dummies.
Thank in advance.
As a RWNJ who understands nothing of what the OP states, your idiotic response was everything expected.

Keep your RWNJ-head buried in the sand, it puts your a$$ high in the air so the 651 members of America's ruling billionaire class can walk by and kick it regularly.

Such a shame, the billionaires would show such disrespect for a voter that supports every policy and multi-trillion-dollar federal giveaway the ruling billionaire class receives. But, it is an a$$ asking to be kicked.



You fell for that moronic $5 trillion claim?
And we have another RWNJ displaying his a$$ to be kicked by the 651 billionaires.

The billionaires must be laughing, "So many RWNJs' a$$es to kick, but so little time."


How are these 651 evil productive positive contributors you speak of “kicking my ass”?
Aren’t you driving on their roadways for free?
  • In 2016, the top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (37.3 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (30.5 percent).
The biggest transfer wealth in history has been the last 30 years, from regular people to the rich because of the scumbag GOP. only garbage propaganda makes this mess possible along with ignoramuses like the GOP base

In the last 30 years, a Democrat President held office for 16 years, and both Presidents had (at least for a time) a Democrat House.
Republicans have reconciliation so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations and cuts in services for the middle class with only 51 votes in the Senate. The Democrats need 60 votes because of the GOP filibuster rule. Quite the scam that none of you ignoramuses even know about.
That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin
"transfer of wealth"
That's such a neat catch always seems to get the beggars among us worked up into a begging frenzy.
I'm still confused by this "transfer" and how it all works.
Explain a little further in your own words would you please....Are you saying wealthy positive contributors were somehow stealing from ShaQuita and Guadalupe who have an effective tax rate of zero? How were these wealthy positive contributors "transferring wealth" from the empty bank accounts of ShaQuita and Guadalupe?
Explain this so we have a better understanding...maybe we can level with you if you can better inform us dummies.
Thank in advance.
As a RWNJ who understands nothing of what the OP states, your idiotic response was everything expected.

Keep your RWNJ-head buried in the sand, it puts your a$$ high in the air so the 651 members of America's ruling billionaire class can walk by and kick it regularly.

Such a shame, the billionaires would show such disrespect for a voter that supports every policy and multi-trillion-dollar federal giveaway the ruling billionaire class receives. But, it is an a$$ asking to be kicked.



LefTard Logic:
“Wealthy people are bad for America....wetbacks, BLM filth, pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks and woke white quilt whackos are good for America.”
And intelligent well informed people who are not brainwashed functional moron hater doops like you.
That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin
"transfer of wealth"
That's such a neat catch always seems to get the beggars among us worked up into a begging frenzy.
I'm still confused by this "transfer" and how it all works.
Explain a little further in your own words would you please....Are you saying wealthy positive contributors were somehow stealing from ShaQuita and Guadalupe who have an effective tax rate of zero? How were these wealthy positive contributors "transferring wealth" from the empty bank accounts of ShaQuita and Guadalupe?
Explain this so we have a better understanding...maybe we can level with you if you can better inform us dummies.
Thank in advance.
As a RWNJ who understands nothing of what the OP states, your idiotic response was everything expected.

Keep your RWNJ-head buried in the sand, it puts your a$$ high in the air so the 651 members of America's ruling billionaire class can walk by and kick it regularly.

Such a shame, the billionaires would show such disrespect for a voter that supports every policy and multi-trillion-dollar federal giveaway the ruling billionaire class receives. But, it is an a$$ asking to be kicked.



You fell for that moronic $5 trillion claim?
And we have another RWNJ displaying his a$$ to be kicked by the 651 billionaires.

The billionaires must be laughing, "So many RWNJs' a$$es to kick, but so little time."


Go for it.

Kick my ass with your math.

$5 trillion.........go!!!
The biggest transfer wealth in history has been the last 30 years, from regular people to the rich because of the scumbag GOP. only garbage propaganda makes this mess possible along with ignoramuses like the GOP base

In the last 30 years, a Democrat President held office for 16 years, and both Presidents had (at least for a time) a Democrat House.
Republicans have reconciliation so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations and cuts in services for the middle class with only 51 votes in the Senate. The Democrats need 60 votes because of the GOP filibuster rule. Quite the scam that none of you ignoramuses even know about.

Plus, democrats are useless twats.
That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin
"transfer of wealth"
That's such a neat catch always seems to get the beggars among us worked up into a begging frenzy.
I'm still confused by this "transfer" and how it all works.
Explain a little further in your own words would you please....Are you saying wealthy positive contributors were somehow stealing from ShaQuita and Guadalupe who have an effective tax rate of zero? How were these wealthy positive contributors "transferring wealth" from the empty bank accounts of ShaQuita and Guadalupe?
Explain this so we have a better understanding...maybe we can level with you if you can better inform us dummies.
Thank in advance.
As a RWNJ who understands nothing of what the OP states, your idiotic response was everything expected.

Keep your RWNJ-head buried in the sand, it puts your a$$ high in the air so the 651 members of America's ruling billionaire class can walk by and kick it regularly.

Such a shame, the billionaires would show such disrespect for a voter that supports every policy and multi-trillion-dollar federal giveaway the ruling billionaire class receives. But, it is an a$$ asking to be kicked.



You fell for that moronic $5 trillion claim?
And we have another RWNJ displaying his a$$ to be kicked by the 651 billionaires.

The billionaires must be laughing, "So many RWNJs' a$$es to kick, but so little time."


How are these 651 evil productive positive contributors you speak of “kicking my ass”?
Aren’t you driving on their roadways for free?
  • In 2016, the top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (37.3 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (30.5 percent).
Capitalism requires co
So what does the virus have to do with capitalism?
Capitalism requires constant consumption to maintain prosperity; how does that work out during a global pandemic?

Capitalism requires constant consumption to maintain prosperity

What does communism require to maintain prosperity?
Communism doesn't work, everyone knows it but brain washed functional morons. Only the poor people in Cuba China and North Korea have to put up with it
That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin
"transfer of wealth"
That's such a neat catch always seems to get the beggars among us worked up into a begging frenzy.
I'm still confused by this "transfer" and how it all works.
Explain a little further in your own words would you please....Are you saying wealthy positive contributors were somehow stealing from ShaQuita and Guadalupe who have an effective tax rate of zero? How were these wealthy positive contributors "transferring wealth" from the empty bank accounts of ShaQuita and Guadalupe?
Explain this so we have a better understanding...maybe we can level with you if you can better inform us dummies.
Thank in advance.
As a RWNJ who understands nothing of what the OP states, your idiotic response was everything expected.

Keep your RWNJ-head buried in the sand, it puts your a$$ high in the air so the 651 members of America's ruling billionaire class can walk by and kick it regularly.

Such a shame, the billionaires would show such disrespect for a voter that supports every policy and multi-trillion-dollar federal giveaway the ruling billionaire class receives. But, it is an a$$ asking to be kicked.



You fell for that moronic $5 trillion claim?
And we have another RWNJ displaying his a$$ to be kicked by the 651 billionaires.

The billionaires must be laughing, "So many RWNJs' a$$es to kick, but so little time."


How are these 651 evil productive positive contributors you speak of “kicking my ass”?
Aren’t you driving on their roadways for free?
  • In 2016, the top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (37.3 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (30.5 percent).
That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin
"transfer of wealth"
That's such a neat catch always seems to get the beggars among us worked up into a begging frenzy.
I'm still confused by this "transfer" and how it all works.
Explain a little further in your own words would you please....Are you saying wealthy positive contributors were somehow stealing from ShaQuita and Guadalupe who have an effective tax rate of zero? How were these wealthy positive contributors "transferring wealth" from the empty bank accounts of ShaQuita and Guadalupe?
Explain this so we have a better understanding...maybe we can level with you if you can better inform us dummies.
Thank in advance.
As a RWNJ who understands nothing of what the OP states, your idiotic response was everything expected.

Keep your RWNJ-head buried in the sand, it puts your a$$ high in the air so the 651 members of America's ruling billionaire class can walk by and kick it regularly.

Such a shame, the billionaires would show such disrespect for a voter that supports every policy and multi-trillion-dollar federal giveaway the ruling billionaire class receives. But, it is an a$$ asking to be kicked.



You fell for that moronic $5 trillion claim?
And we have another RWNJ displaying his a$$ to be kicked by the 651 billionaires.

The billionaires must be laughing, "So many RWNJs' a$$es to kick, but so little time."


How are these 651 evil productive positive contributors you speak of “kicking my ass”?
Aren’t you driving on their roadways for free?
  • In 2016, the top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 3 percent.
  • The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (37.3 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (30.5 percent).
Of course you are a brainwashed functional moron who only knows about the federal income tax because that is the only thing you are ever told about. If you count all taxes everyone is paying about 27% on average in all taxes, a huge giveaway to the rich. Which none of you ignoramuses know about. Google the only tax graph you need to know and learn something for once.
The biggest transfer wealth in history has been the last 30 years, from regular people to the rich because of the scumbag GOP. only garbage propaganda makes this mess possible along with ignoramuses like the GOP base

In the last 30 years, a Democrat President held office for 16 years, and both Presidents had (at least for a time) a Democrat House.
Republicans have reconciliation so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations and cuts in services for the middle class with only 51 votes in the Senate. The Democrats need 60 votes because of the GOP filibuster rule. Quite the scam that none of you ignoramuses even know about.

Plus, democrats are useless twats.
Anyone but a brainwashed functional moron knows it's a GOP scam....
The biggest transfer wealth in history has been the last 30 years, from regular people to the rich because of the scumbag GOP. only garbage propaganda makes this mess possible along with ignoramuses like the GOP base

In the last 30 years, a Democrat President held office for 16 years, and both Presidents had (at least for a time) a Democrat House.
Republicans have reconciliation so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations and cuts in services for the middle class with only 51 votes in the Senate. The Democrats need 60 votes because of the GOP filibuster rule. Quite the scam that none of you ignoramuses even know about.

Plus, democrats are useless twats.
Anyone but a brainwashed functional moron knows it's a GOP scam....

It's a fact, democrats are useless twats.
Communism doesn't work, everyone knows it but brain washed functional morons. Only the poor people in Cuba China and North Korea have to put up with it

A moron calling other people morons. Wonderful. Why don't you learn something, like go to the US Communist Party website and see what their agenda is. You'll find very few differences between theirs and the Democrats. Look at who they supported the last several presidential elections. Look at who they were totally against.
Republicans have reconciliation so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations and cuts in services for the middle class with only 51 votes in the Senate. The Democrats need 60 votes because of the GOP filibuster rule. Quite the scam that none of you ignoramuses even know about.

Idiot. How did Republicans pass tax reductions for the wealthy when they haven't had a 60 vote majority in decades?
Republicans have reconciliation so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations and cuts in services for the middle class with only 51 votes in the Senate. The Democrats need 60 votes because of the GOP filibuster rule. Quite the scam that none of you ignoramuses even know about.

Idiot. How did Republicans pass tax reductions for the wealthy when they haven't had a 60 vote majority in decades?

You have it all wrong!
They need 51 votes to cut taxes and services, but 60 votes to hike them.
That's why the dems are useless twats.
Republicans have reconciliation so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations and cuts in services for the middle class with only 51 votes in the Senate. The Democrats need 60 votes because of the GOP filibuster rule. Quite the scam that none of you ignoramuses even know about.

Idiot. How did Republicans pass tax reductions for the wealthy when they haven't had a 60 vote majority in decades?
Reconciliation. As I say in my post. I caramba!
Communism doesn't work, everyone knows it but brain washed functional morons.

You're right. George is a brain washed functional moron.
Only the GOP base qualifies as brainwashed because they believe a huge mountain of crap like you do. Try journalism sometime or law enforcement.

George believes communism is awesome.
George who, idiot?

georgephillip ,you idiot.

Republicans have reconciliation so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations and cuts in services for the middle class with only 51 votes in the Senate. The Democrats need 60 votes because of the GOP filibuster rule. Quite the scam that none of you ignoramuses even know about.

Idiot. How did Republicans pass tax reductions for the wealthy when they haven't had a 60 vote majority in decades?

You have it all wrong!
They need 51 votes to cut taxes and services, but 60 votes to hike them.
That's why the dems are useless twats.
You are correct. Exactly. Can you guys read?.

Dems could change the Senate rules with 51 votes.
If they haven't been able to fix something that's "broken", they're useless twats.

Can you read that? DURR
The biggest transfer wealth in history has been the last 30 years, from regular people to the rich because of the scumbag GOP. only garbage propaganda makes this mess possible along with ignoramuses like the GOP base

In the last 30 years, a Democrat President held office for 16 years, and both Presidents had (at least for a time) a Democrat House.
Republicans have reconciliation so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations and cuts in services for the middle class with only 51 votes in the Senate. The Democrats need 60 votes because of the GOP filibuster rule. Quite the scam that none of you ignoramuses even know about.

Plus, democrats are useless twats.
I am afraid that you are a bought off scumbag troll yourself- politically of course. You are a stock market agent right?well then George Phillip is mistaken. But I don't believe he believes in dictatorship so he's not really talking about communism. He's talking about socialism as understood everywhere but brainwashed English speaking countries, brainwashed by supercapitalist monopolists imperialist colonialist England. Vive la France! And the United States when it has it's s*** together. The two great republics. Franco is short for Francophile. Because I know. The French would never put up with this giveaway to the rich bologna.

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