The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Biden inherited a country where the disease was endemic... Not much he could have done to contain it. Unlike Trump, he took positive actions and supported those trying to fight it. Who opposed him at every turn? The right wing.

If Trump had taken action, he'd have had bipartisan support. He was more worried about his own ego.

So who opposed him and what did he do? Nothing. The lost moron used to walk around outside with a mask on. Oh, that will save the country. I know how much you like to remain ignorant, so this isn't for you as much as it is for everybody else. A hundred things Trump did to fight covid:

Or people don't want to do unrewarding, tedious jobs.

And you claim you write resumes for a living?????? :laughing0301::badgrin::auiqs.jpg: How do you hold back the excitement when you come here? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I understand it just fine. For all your mewling about "self-reliance", you took the government cheese.

I worked all my life moron. And I didn't take a dime of government money until THE GOVERNMENT deemed me too ill to work. You bash me for retiring two years earlier than I was going to but stick up for lifelong welfare lowlifes and people who don't make shit at their floor sweeping job because they didn't want to take any of those good and great paying jobs that were unerewarding and tedious. Do you see how stupid you sound now? Hey! Did you ever get an income tax return? What did YOU do with that government cheese?

Your area turned bad because the One Percenters were through with you....

Yes, the whole country is in decline... The Decline started when Richard Nixon got stupid white people like you to vote against their own economic interests.

Nope, a lot of people doing good here and all across the country. We have very influential areas where it's clean, quiet and safe to live in. They will remain that way unless government targets them for destruction as they did my area.
Yeah right…..focusing on 14% of the population and ignoring the majority population is the way to “maximize profits.” Clearly, you‘ve never run a successful business, as have I.

Not sure what including some ads that deign to include the evil white people proves. Doesn’t negate the fact that blacks are being featured 100% of the time in numerous instances, when they are a slim majority. It’s ridiculous.

It’s virtue signaling gone awry. Go woke, go broke!
Successful business?

Seems you can be anyone you want to be...on the internet.


At least on the interwebs.



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You’re the racist. Otherwise, you would be willing to acknowledge that companies that specifically exclude whites from ads because of their race are doing wrong.

When you hypocrites fight back against black racism to a ridiculous extreme - math is racist….rice is racist….AP classes are racist….admissions test are racist….and then refuse to acknowledge that rejecting whites based on race is a problem, you lose all standing to complain about ANY form of racism.
Because I don't think about thinks like what race people on posters are?


Tell us again how some of your best friends are _____ (black, oriental, Jewish and on and on)



Do try to stay on topic my Tiny Minded Racist.
This topic is about your pulling a raging Karen over some PoC on posters in your local mall.
Because I don't think about thinks like what race people on posters are?


Tell us again how some of your best friends are _____ (black, oriental, Jewish and on and on)



Do try to stay on topic my Tiny Minded Racist.
This topic is about your pulling a raging Karen over some PoC on posters in your local mall.
I just decided to ignore one lying, deceitful leftist, and boom! Another one crawls out of the woodwork.
Companies don't always make decisions to maximize profits. Those in bed with politicians do so to help them promote their agenda or message. The Parental Rights law is popular not only in Florida, but across the country as well. They knew it would be popular thus the lie of "Don't Say Gay" bill. In the entire bill the word "gay" isn't even in there. Disney took a stance against the new law. Think that's going to help Disney maximize their profits?

When the NFL players started their kneeling shit, they lost customers and fans. Think by allowing these morons to disrespect our flag, anthem, and police were going to help them maximize their profits?
Correlation is not causation. You whining bitches had little impact on attendance in 2016. A horrible schedule that saw prime games with terrible matchups.

A little tale for you.

Back in the 90s you hate mongers decided to go after Disney for Gay Days. BOYCOTT DISNEY
Disney looked at the numbers...
Money spent by the racist assclowns vs money spent by Gays
Disney told your companions to take a long walk down a short pier, to pound sand, to kiss off.

One of the things you clowns are proud of is that corporations have no hear, no soul, and the only color they see is green.
Now, here, those corporations are making BUSINESS DECISIONS that are at cross purposes to your racist views and you now hate business.

Now unwad your panties and get a grip on actual factual reality.
So who opposed him and what did he do? Nothing. The lost moron used to walk around outside with a mask on. Oh, that will save the country. I know how much you like to remain ignorant, so this isn't for you as much as it is for everybody else. A hundred things Trump did to fight covid:

You mean things the government did. The beauty of America is that much like Ancient Rome, it can continue to function with a Mad Emperor. The bad news is, the Secret Service doesn't have the sense of duty the Praetorian Guard did.


And you claim you write resumes for a living?????? How do you hold back the excitement when you come here?

Well, except it isn't tedious. It's pretty rewarding. Most of my customers are a bad place in their lives. They either just got downsized or they are dealing with a toxic work environment. I guide them through a process that frankly, is a lot more difficult than it needs to be. Sure, any idiot can watch a YouTube video, but a YouTube video isn't going to tell you how to make your document ready for

And you know what, nobody comes to me saying "I want to be a bricklayer". or "I want to drive a truck".

I worked all my life moron. And I didn't take a dime of government money until THE GOVERNMENT deemed me too ill to work. You bash me for retiring two years earlier than I was going to but stick up for lifelong welfare lowlifes and people who don't make shit at their floor sweeping job because they didn't want to take any of those good and great paying jobs that were unerewarding and tedious. Do you see how stupid you sound now? Hey! Did you ever get an income tax return? What did YOU do with that government cheese?

Um, actually, most of the last 12 years, I've had to send the government a check as increasing amounts of my income come from resume writing.

Point is, you took the government cheese. After all your mewling about government dependency and comparing people to raccoons, when the opportunity came to get a big fat check from the government, you took it.

Nope, a lot of people doing good here and all across the country. We have very influential areas where it's clean, quiet and safe to live in. They will remain that way unless government targets them for destruction as they did my area.

Uh, guy, the point is, when we had unions and the rich paid their fair share, your area was okay to live in. But the Investor class looted it and now you are whining because you couldn't get away when everyone else left.
Washington DC itself is about 50% black, but the suburbs - where this mall was - is perhaps 25% at most. Either way, it’s not 100%, which is what a space alien would assume were he to make an assessment based on posters and ads.
And for the decades where EVERY model in EVERY ad was white? I bet you didn't have an issue then, right?
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Well, except it isn't tedious. It's pretty rewarding. Most of my customers are a bad place in their lives. They either just got downsized or they are dealing with a toxic work environment. I guide them through a process that frankly, is a lot more difficult than it needs to be. Sure, any idiot can watch a YouTube video, but a YouTube video isn't going to tell you how to make your document ready for

And you know what, nobody comes to me saying "I want to be a bricklayer". or "I want to drive a truck".

Because people don't need resumes for real jobs where there is demand for labor. But maybe you should start going to these places that pay unacceptable wages in your opinion and tell them they could make two or three times their wage if they did real work, and you'll help them get a job as a truck driver or bricklayer.

People like you come here and cry a river about low paying jobs, but the people working those jobs are quite content with what they're doing. They don't want to give up the dope or work 40 hours or plus a week. They're happy making their ten bucks an hour and not get involved in any career so they don't need your sympathy either. But for people who actually want to help themselves, they find a way to do it. Oh, and I found and saved this story from yesterday.

Um, actually, most of the last 12 years, I've had to send the government a check as increasing amounts of my income come from resume writing.

Point is, you took the government cheese. After all your mewling about government dependency and comparing people to raccoons, when the opportunity came to get a big fat check from the government, you took it.

It wasn't an opportunity, it was by no other realistic choice. I harp on the people who are young, physically and mentally capable of working but don't. You on the other hand stick up for your fellow lowlifes

Uh, guy, the point is, when we had unions and the rich paid their fair share, your area was okay to live in. But the Investor class looted it and now you are whining because you couldn't get away when everyone else left.

Looted it how? You know OCD, I have a better job for you. Writing fiction books. It probably pays a lot better since you live in a delusional world anyway and would probably be pretty good at it.
Correlation is not causation. You whining bitches had little impact on attendance in 2016. A horrible schedule that saw prime games with terrible matchups.

A little tale for you.

Back in the 90s you hate mongers decided to go after Disney for Gay Days. BOYCOTT DISNEY
Disney looked at the numbers...
Money spent by the racist assclowns vs money spent by Gays
Disney told your companions to take a long walk down a short pier, to pound sand, to kiss off.

One of the things you clowns are proud of is that corporations have no hear, no soul, and the only color they see is green.
Now, here, those corporations are making BUSINESS DECISIONS that are at cross purposes to your racist views and you now hate business.

Now unwad your panties and get a grip on actual factual reality.

The only people that hate businesses are the commies. They are the ones constantly making it harder to conduct business. Either that or talk about taking even more money from them.
Right, the attendance shrinking at sports games had nothing to do with idiots who decided to make it political. All just dumb luck I guess, but what should I expect from the party of excuses. So what's your excuse for shrinking viewership of Hollywood awards shows, bad actors?
The only people that hate businesses are the commies. They are the ones constantly making it harder to conduct business. Either that or talk about taking even more money from them.
Right, the attendance shrinking at sports games had nothing to do with idiots who decided to make it political. All just dumb luck I guess, but what should I expect from the party of excuses. So what's your excuse for shrinking viewership of Hollywood awards shows, bad actors?
You might be interested to know that the ”person” you’re debating with is on another thread, defending Farrakhan’s views about Jews as valid - while crying about bigotry against blacks. Just wanted to warn you that he’s another leftist hypocrite.
You might be interested to know that the ”person” you’re debating with is on another thread, defending Farrakhan’s views about Jews as valid - while crying about bigotry against blacks. Just wanted to warn you that he’s another leftist hypocrite.
Butter cup, Butter cup, Butter cup, you don't ever tell the truth so this comment won't even be considered without proof and since you bigots never tell the truth I bet you can't back up this bullshit of yours. What a hoot.
And you know what, nobody comes to me saying "I want to be a bricklayer". or "I want to drive a truck".

Or an electrician, or any other kind of blue-collar worker, which, in your parasitic and unproductive life, you delusionally imagine yourself to be superior to.

Bricklayers happen to be a highly-skilled and very well-paid trade. Same with truck drivers.

I find it amusing when pathetic, lazy desk jockeys such as yourself express how superior you think you are, to people in trades that do real work.
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You might be interested to know that the ”person” you’re debating with is on another thread, defending Farrakhan’s views about Jews as valid - while crying about bigotry against blacks. Just wanted to warn you that he’s another leftist hypocrite.

We know.

Ray From Cleveland, Incel Joe, and I have been on this forum a lot longer than you have.

Ray and I both know very well what Incel Joe is, or at least as well as is possible to discern from its body of work here.

You're just barely beginning to scratch the surface of Incel Joe's hypocrisy.
Butter cup, Butter cup, Butter cup, you don't ever tell the truth so this comment won't even be considered without proof and since you bigots never tell the truth I bet you can't back up this bullshit of yours. What a hoot.

It would sure be nice if the English language had one single word to describe a combination of mental illness, extreme stupidity and utter dishonesty.

In situations like these, it would save me a lot of typing.

I propose that we coin a new word, for exactly this meaning.

I propose that the word we use shall be jbander.
Or an electrician, or any other kind of blue-collar worker, which, in your parasitic and unproductive life, you delusionally imagine yourself to be superior to.

Bricklayers happen to be a highly-skilled and very well-paid trade. Same with truck drivers.

I find it amusing when pathetic lazy desk jockeys such as yourself express how superior you think you are, to people in trades that do real work.

It's typical OCD Joe.

When I was a kid traveling with my father, we'd pass by buildings and he'd ask me to point out what part of the job he worked on. Believe it or not, you could tell. My father was maticulous about his work like an artist. I knew of his expertise because I labored for him since the age of 10 on side jobs.

These whiners always tell me how awful it is that people work for low wages. Well.....that's their choice. When I get a response that there are no good paying jobs, I simply provide evidence there is.

We are short over 10,000 drivers and that shortage is predicted to get worse as we baby boomers retire and lack of interest by young people. Either they don't bother with good paying jobs because of drug addiction or they want to attend college so they don't have to do any physical labor whatsoever.

If OCD and his clan dropped dead tonight, nobody would miss them. If every truck driver dropped dead, we would be heading for riots and a depression.
We know.

Ray From Cleveland, Incel Joe, and I have been on this forum a lot longer than you have.

Ray and I both know very well what Incel Joe is, or at least as well as is possible to discern from its body of work here.

You're just barely beginning to scratch the surface of Incel Joe's hypocrisy.

I don't know how much longer. We both joined USMB in the same year and as long as I've been here I have been debating his lies. Every now and then he has an oppps, and I immediately point out how FOS he is. It's why I don't believe for a minute he writes resumes full-time; he may do it on the side, but no way supports himself doing it.

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