The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

I don't know how much longer. We both joined USMB in the same year and as long as I've been here I have been debating his lies. Every now and then he has an oppps, and I immediately point out how FOS he is. It's why I don't believe for a minute he writes resumes full-time; he may do it on the side, but no way supports himself doing it.
This has become the latest pattern for brainwashed and hateful bigots to argue against conservatives. I am on another thread with a leftist - a moderator, no less! - who continually claims I said something horribly racist, which of course I did not, and then uses that to lambast me as a racist.

What‘s even worse is that she brings in something - a horribly racist comment - that she falsely claims I said in a different thread altogether! Then what happens is that I get all involved in defending myself against horrible and false accusations, and the point being argued about the harm and wrong in the liberal position is lost.

This is the new American leftist. Anytime someone makes a valid, articulate, well-defended argument against a liberal policy, they will crawl out of the woodwork screaming “racist,” and to “prove” it, attribute a racist comment to the person that they never made.

It really should not be allowed on this forum, but if they allow a moderator to get away with it, it’s hopeless, and this forum will devolve into one in which leftists lie about their opponents with this false accusation of racism In order to deflect from the harm being done to this country via liberal policies. It really is disgusting.
Because people don't need resumes for real jobs where there is demand for labor. But maybe you should start going to these places that pay unacceptable wages in your opinion and tell them they could make two or three times their wage if they did real work, and you'll help them get a job as a truck driver or bricklayer.

Couple of things. FIrst, the only reason why those jobs have good wages is that unions keep the wages for them high.

Second, I don't want to reform the bad bosses. Bad bosses and bad companies are my bread and butter, man! The Great Resignation has been a boom, people really learned what shitballs they work for during TRUMP PLAGUE and are scrambling to get out.

People like you come here and cry a river about low paying jobs, but the people working those jobs are quite content with what they're doing. They don't want to give up the dope or work 40 hours or plus a week. They're happy making their ten bucks an hour and not get involved in any career so they don't need your sympathy either. But for people who actually want to help themselves, they find a way to do it. Oh, and I found and saved this story from yesterday.

So, they need to be a real man, get a low-skill manual labor job and drink themselves to death with good, legal alcohol!!! That's so much better.

It wasn't an opportunity, it was by no other realistic choice. I harp on the people who are young, physically and mentally capable of working but don't. You on the other hand stick up for your fellow lowlifes

Again, I believe that every American should have the RIGHT to a job paying a living wage, and if business won't provide them, then government should. There's plenty of stuff that needs to be done. Of course, right now, we are in a labor shortage, thanks to Boomers retiring faster than Millennials can replace them.

Looted it how? You know OCD, I have a better job for you. Writing fiction books. It probably pays a lot better since you live in a delusional world anyway and would probably be pretty good at it.

Actually, I write science fiction stories as a hobby. I just haven't tried to get published yet because I am not 100% happy with my own work. But that's another story.
This has become the latest pattern for brainwashed and hateful bigots to argue against conservatives. I am on another thread with a leftist - a moderator, no less! - who continually claims I said something horribly racist, which of course I did not, and then uses that to lambast me as a racist.

What‘s even worse is that she brings in something - a horribly racist comment - that she falsely claims I said in a different thread altogether! Then what happens is that I get all involved in defending myself against horrible and false accusations, and the point being argued about the harm and wrong in the liberal position is lost.

Well, if you didn't harp on "blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks" all day, we probably wouldn't think you are a racist.

This is the new American leftist. Anytime someone makes a valid, articulate, well-defended argument against a liberal policy, they will crawl out of the woodwork screaming “racist,” and to “prove” it, attribute a racist comment to the person that they never made.

It really should not be allowed on this forum, but if they allow a moderator to get away with it, it’s hopeless, and this forum will devolve into one in which leftists lie about their opponents with this false accusation of racism In order to deflect from the harm being done to this country via liberal policies. It really is disgusting.

Except you don't really make valid criticisms. You whine about how it's unfair that black people are getting stuff you rightfully think belongs to white people (admissions to elite colleges, being on posters), and you think you aren't coming off as racist.

Now you whine about how I am supposedly "anti-Semitic" (I'm not, I have equal contempt for ALL Religions) but the only time I really discuss Jews is when we are talking about Israel and their oppression of the Palestinians (who are also a Semitic people). You know, important stuff. Children being bombed in their schools.

But Lisa saw black person on a poster in a mall and she wet herself.
We are short over 10,000 drivers and that shortage is predicted to get worse as we baby boomers retire and lack of interest by young people. Either they don't bother with good paying jobs because of drug addiction or they want to attend college so they don't have to do any physical labor whatsoever.

If OCD and his clan dropped dead tonight, nobody would miss them. If every truck driver dropped dead, we would be heading for riots and a depression.

Uh, guy, that's true of anyone. Any one person dropped out, and no one would miss them. YOu started collecting the Government Cheese, and the economy didn't collapse.

ALL industries are facing a bit of a crisis in that skilled labor isn't really out there. Yes, nobody wants to go to school for 4 years and drive a truck or lay bricks.

The worst part of my career was after I got out of the Army, and the best job I could get after Bush Sr. Fucked up the economy six ways to Tuesday was working in a warehouse. Even though I had LOTS of procurement experience, it still took me years to get into civilian purchasing/supply chain.

My only regret is that it took another Bush to realize the fastest route to prosperity is to keep Republicans out of the White House. They just fuck it up.
Or an electrician, or any other kind of blue-collar worker, which, in your parasitic and unproductive life, you delusionally imagine yourself to be superior to.

Bricklayers happen to be a highly-skilled and very well-paid trade. Same with truck drivers.

I find it amusing when pathetic, lazy desk jockeys such as yourself express how superior you think you are, to people in trades that do real work.

Dude, I drove a truck in the Army... it's not that skilled of a job. The only reason why the manual labor jobs - the few that are left and haven't been replaced by machines - pay well is because unions have kept those wages high.

If you have a job behind a desk, it's because you have a brain.

Yours was washed clean by the Mormon Cult years ago... I doubt you've had an original thought in your life.
Well, if you didn't harp on "blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks" all day, we probably wouldn't think you are a racist.

Except you don't really make valid criticisms. You whine about how it's unfair that black people are getting stuff you rightfully think belongs to white people (admissions to elite colleges, being on posters), and you think you aren't coming off as racist.

Now you whine about how I am supposedly "anti-Semitic" (I'm not, I have equal contempt for ALL Religions) but the only time I really discuss Jews is when we are talking about Israel and their oppression of the Palestinians (who are also a Semitic people). You know, important stuff. Children being bombed in their schools.

But Lisa saw black person on a poster in a mall and she wet herself.
A bigot will always show you who exactly they are , their hate and uglyness is so over powering for them that it oozes from their pores.
Uh, guy, that's true of anyone. Any one person dropped out, and no one would miss them. YOu started collecting the Government Cheese, and the economy didn't collapse.

ALL industries are facing a bit of a crisis in that skilled labor isn't really out there. Yes, nobody wants to go to school for 4 years and drive a truck or lay bricks.

The worst part of my career was after I got out of the Army, and the best job I could get after Bush Sr. Fucked up the economy six ways to Tuesday was working in a warehouse. Even though I had LOTS of procurement experience, it still took me years to get into civilian purchasing/supply chain.

My only regret is that it took another Bush to realize the fastest route to prosperity is to keep Republicans out of the White House. They just fuck it up.

it's like every post of yours reveal your ignorance. Yes, people do go to school for years and become truck drivers because it pays so well. They wasted their time in college. They went to classes for things that were not in demand. Now if every resume writer dropped dead today, nobody would miss you. You are worthless to our society. But what would happen to this country when there is nobody to process and deliver the products to your store? People can do without resume writers, but they can't do without food and products that sustain their life and that of their family.
it's like every post of yours reveal your ignorance. Yes, people do go to school for years and become truck drivers because it pays so well. They wasted their time in college. They went to classes for things that were not in demand. Now if every resume writer dropped dead today, nobody would miss you. You are worthless to our society. But what would happen to this country when there is nobody to process and deliver the products to your store? People can do without resume writers, but they can't do without food and products that sustain their life and that of their family.

Actually, if every resume writer dropped dead, we'd just have new people learn to write resumes. I didn't start out with that as a career goal, it was more of a calling. I started out doing them for friends, and then friends of friends, until I realized that people would pay money to have it done.

I could not have done this as a business in the 1990's. The technology wasn't there yet. It is here now.

Same thing. If all the truck drivers whined 'My back hurts" and went off to collect the government cheese, we'd just find new people to drive those trucks.
Couple of things. FIrst, the only reason why those jobs have good wages is that unions keep the wages for them high.

Second, I don't want to reform the bad bosses. Bad bosses and bad companies are my bread and butter, man! The Great Resignation has been a boom, people really learned what shitballs they work for during TRUMP PLAGUE and are scrambling to get out.

So, they need to be a real man, get a low-skill manual labor job and drink themselves to death with good, legal alcohol!!! That's so much better.

Again, I believe that every American should have the RIGHT to a job paying a living wage, and if business won't provide them, then government should. There's plenty of stuff that needs to be done. Of course, right now, we are in a labor shortage, thanks to Boomers retiring faster than Millennials can replace them.

Actually, I write science fiction stories as a hobby. I just haven't tried to get published yet because I am not 100% happy with my own work. But that's another story.

You are so FOS. The reason driving jobs pay good is because of supply and demand, not any corrupt union. The last of the union jobs in driving left during the DumBama recession. They were the first ones to close their doors because the unions bled them so dry the companies had no rainy day funds to remain open. The last union company we had as a customer, the employees got together and voted the union out. The company and employees were much happier without a stupid union and they never regretted it.

Good paying jobs are not a right. If you want a good paying job, you have to have to develop a skill or trade to get them. You have to be able to do actual physical work besides sweeping a floor at a Walmart. You have to be able to accept responsibility and get off the dope.
Actually, if every resume writer dropped dead, we'd just have new people learn to write resumes. I didn't start out with that as a career goal, it was more of a calling. I started out doing them for friends, and then friends of friends, until I realized that people would pay money to have it done.

I could not have done this as a business in the 1990's. The technology wasn't there yet. It is here now.

Same thing. If all the truck drivers whined 'My back hurts" and went off to collect the government cheese, we'd just find new people to drive those trucks.

Think so? Then why can't we find them now Duh?
You are so FOS. The reason driving jobs pay good is because of supply and demand, not any corrupt union.

The reason ANYONE enjoys a middle class lifestyle is because of unions. Otherwise we'd all be working slave labor jobs from childhood to early death.

Think so? Then why can't we find them now Duh?
Because nobody wants to do a tedious, mind-numbing job. We've been over this, welfare ray.
This has become the latest pattern for brainwashed and hateful bigots to argue against conservatives. I am on another thread with a leftist - a moderator, no less! - who continually claims I said something horribly racist, which of course I did not, and then uses that to lambast me as a racist.

What‘s even worse is that she brings in something - a horribly racist comment - that she falsely claims I said in a different thread altogether! Then what happens is that I get all involved in defending myself against horrible and false accusations, and the point being argued about the harm and wrong in the liberal position is lost.

This is the new American leftist. Anytime someone makes a valid, articulate, well-defended argument against a liberal policy, they will crawl out of the woodwork screaming “racist,” and to “prove” it, attribute a racist comment to the person that they never made.

It really should not be allowed on this forum, but if they allow a moderator to get away with it, it’s hopeless, and this forum will devolve into one in which leftists lie about their opponents with this false accusation of racism In order to deflect from the harm being done to this country via liberal policies. It really is disgusting.

I don't know if I can agree with you there. The reason this site is popular is because there are no strict rules to follow; nobody is really censured. It has it's flaws like moving topics to different categories, and now with the annoying ads, but all in all it's a lot better place than most.

The last group I left was a site called Topix. If you said the least thing out of line, they'd remove the content, which was mostly conservative. I brought that up a few years back and another former Topix member told me the site closed down. I Googled it and sure enough, they went out of business.

When you have a forum like this where people can say what they want, you learn more about how your adversary thinks. Yes, in many cases it's frightening, but when you look at election results, you understand that there are really people out there that think and vote like they do. For instance leftists have a hard time debating unless they use lies. It's like a theme of the left be it forum members or the politicians themselves. You learn that they could care less about the country, all they care about is being in charge.
I don't know if I can agree with you there. The reason this site is popular is because there are no strict rules to follow; nobody is really censured. It has it's flaws like moving topics to different categories, and now with the annoying ads, but all in all it's a lot better place than most.

The last group I left was a site called Topix. If you said the least thing out of line, they'd remove the content, which was mostly conservative. I brought that up a few years back and another former Topix member told me the site closed down. I Googled it and sure enough, they went out of business.

When you have a forum like this where people can say what they want, you learn more about how your adversary thinks. Yes, in many cases it's frightening, but when you look at election results, you understand that there are really people out there that think and vote like they do. For instance leftists have a hard time debating unless they use lies. It's like a theme of the left be it forum members or the politicians themselves. You learn that they could care less about the country, all they care about is being in charge.
I agree to an extent, and certainly it’s true that leftists have a hard time debating unless they lie about what their opponent says (or lies in general), but it seems that a forum shouldn’t allow the people charged with moderating it to do it as well.

As far as the Dems not caring about the country, that’s obvious. On one hand, they are warning of an upcoming uptick in cases this spring, and on the other, they are opening the floodgates at the border starting May 24 so as many illegals can swarm in as possible.
The reason ANYONE enjoys a middle class lifestyle is because of unions. Otherwise we'd all be working slave labor jobs from childhood to early death.

Unions are a thing of the past like the horse and buggy. People finally wised up and decided a reasonable paying job is a lot better than no job at all. Unions chased millions of jobs out of state or country. Why do you suppose workers don't unionize today? Because they want to keep their jobs. They know that bringing a union in will not only suck money out of their paycheck, but very likely eliminate their job either through automation or relocation.

Because nobody wants to do a tedious, mind-numbing job. We've been over this, welfare ray.

Yes we have OCD, but you realize you just made a liar out of yourself. Your first claim is that unions were responsible for pay in an industry they are no longer part of, and now that I pointed out your flaw, admit that it's a job people don't want to do. Yes, that's why you can do well financially driving a truck.
Unions are a thing of the past like the horse and buggy. People finally wised up and decided a reasonable paying job is a lot better than no job at all. Unions chased millions of jobs out of state or country. Why do you suppose workers don't unionize today? Because they want to keep their jobs. They know that bringing a union in will not only suck money out of their paycheck, but very likely eliminate their job either through automation or relocation.

Yes we have OCD, but you realize you just made a liar out of yourself. Your first claim is that unions were responsible for pay in an industry they are no longer part of, and now that I pointed out your flaw, admit that it's a job people don't want to do. Yes, that's why you can do well financially driving a truck.
Walmart just announced that they will pay up to $110,000 to their drivers, in their FIRST year. There is no need for a Union.


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