The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Walmart just announced that they will pay up to $110,000 to their drivers, in their FIRST year. There is no need for a Union.

Driving jobs can pay that well depending on where you go. Notice in the article I posted that they are offering those jobs to current employees, but will take people from outside the company and pay them around the same money. The problem is the transportation industry can't find enough workers. That's why it pays the money it does. Yeah, you can go to college to get a position to make six figures a year, but then you are repaying loans for the next 10 to 20 years. But if you said to hell with that, went into driving, you not only worked those years you would have been in college, but have a great paying job with no debts to take on.

Our country is in a sad direction. A friend of mine stopped by last week and we were talking about this. When we were young, you'd do anything for a good paying job. Your goal was to get out of your parents house, get your own apartment or house, and strive to make a decent wage. Today, it's like that's not the goal for younger people. People stay home with their parents until their 30's, 40's or later, and parents welcome it. Years ago if you were a slouch, Dad would kick you out of the house to force you to use those wings. You used to have to know somebody to be a mail carrier. Today, they are begging anybody to work for them.
The reason ANYONE enjoys a middle class lifestyle is because of unions. Otherwise we'd all be working slave labor jobs from childhood to early death.

So, under what union do you work as a résumé writer?

Because nobody wants to do a tedious, mind-numbing job. We've been over this, welfare ray.

Some times, that's what you have to do to work yourself up to a better job, is do the jobs that most people would really rather not do. I've certainly had to do that, at some parts in my career. Those like you, who think yourselves to be somehow too good to suffer the indignity of doing such low-status jobs do not deserve the opportunity to move up into better jobs.

And many of the jobs that you imagine to be “tedious mind-numbing jobs”, are really very much otherwise.

In my younger days, I was a computer programmer/data analyst. Like you, I thought that was what I was meant to do, and I thought myself too good to do more menial, physical work.

After a few upheavals, now I am a construction worker, and finding that the work that I once thought to be way beneath me is actually much more satisfying than what I was doing sitting in front of a computer all day when I was young. I don't expect that you'll ever understand.
I agree to an extent, and certainly it’s true that leftists have a hard time debating unless they lie about what their opponent says (or lies in general), but it seems that a forum shouldn’t allow the people charged with moderating it to do it as well.

As far as the Dems not caring about the country, that’s obvious. On one hand, they are warning of an upcoming uptick in cases this spring, and on the other, they are opening the floodgates at the border starting May 24 so as many illegals can swarm in as possible.
Well actually demofks silence
So, under what union do you work as a résumé writer?

Some times, that's what you have to do to work yourself up to a better job, is do the jobs that most people would really rather not do. I've certainly had to do that, at some parts in my career. Those like you, who think yourselves to be somehow too good to suffer the indignity of doing such low-status jobs do not deserve the opportunity to move up into better jobs.

And many of the jobs that you imagine to be “tedious mind-numbing jobs”, are really very much otherwise.

In my younger days, I was a computer programmer/data analyst. Like you, I thought that was what I was meant to do, and I thought myself too good to do more menial, physical work.

After a few upheavals, now I am a construction worker, and finding that the work that I once thought to be way beneath me is actually much more satisfying than what I was doing sitting in front of a computer all day when I was young. I don't expect that you'll ever understand.

With people like OCD, they believe the only way to feel good about themselves is to try and cut other people down. Truth of the matter is that it's not that the jobs are boring, it's that OCD could never do our jobs. One time he even admitted to me that he hated to drive to work and back. I don't know how far he had to travel to work, but it's certainly not like being behind the wheel all day long every day.

I can't think of a more boring job than writing resumes. At least with my job it was challenging. How am I supposed to back this 53' trailer in a dock like that??? I got to go to different towns, meet different people, and with our regular local customers, became friends with the dock workers. A few times a girl would flash me during the summer. I had great conversations with different drivers from all across the country on the radio. Really broke up the day. And during the summer, there is nothing like working outside and enjoying the nice weather which we don't get a lot of in the northeast.

I have no regrets doing what I decided to do. I was very good at it. Tough work? Yes it was at times. But at least I wasn't on the internet complaining I didn't make enough money to survive, and government should somehow force my employer to pay me what they call now, a living wage.
With people like OCD, they believe the only way to feel good about themselves is to try and cut other people down.

That remind me of something that I've often observed in the past about those on the left wrong, but I think it's been a while since I thought of it or mentioned it.

They seem driven to achieve equality with those who are clearly their superiors, not by doing anything to better themselves, but by trying to drag others down to their own level.

Does this not seem to apply particularly to Incel Joe?

In spite of its boastful and arrogant nature, a clear enough picture emerges of it, through its postings, of a creature that has failed seriously in life, as far as can be determined by comparing it to others. Does it show any interest at all in doing anything to improve itself? Not that I can see. It wants to achieve “equality” by dragging others down to its own degraded level, by dragging society as a whole down to its own degraded level.
That remind me of something that I've often observed in the past about those on the left wrong, but I think it's been a while since I thought of it or mentioned it.

They seem driven to achieve equality with those who are clearly their superiors, not by doing anything to better themselves, but by trying to drag others down to their own level.

Does this not seem to apply particularly to Incel Joe?

In spite of its boastful and arrogant nature, a clear enough picture emerges of it, through its postings, of a creature that has failed seriously in life, as far as can be determined by comparing it to others. Does it show any interest at all in doing anything to improve itself? Not that I can see. It wants to achieve “equality” by dragging others down to its own degraded level, by dragging society as a whole down to its own degraded level.
The idea of achieving equity with those superior to you by bringing the superior down to the lesser one’s level is a leftist objective - and a socialist one too.

This is why they called AP classes, where the superior students can shine, racist; and why they abolished the challenging admissions test to TJ High School, where the Asians aced it.

And this is why the country is in such trouble. We cannot excel on the world stage when we try to suppress the most capable among us in pursuit of “equity.” The fact is that some people are just more intelligent, more disciplined, more motivated, more willing to work hard, and yes, some even have innate talents. We should be celebrating that, rather than hiding it.
The idea of achieving equity with those superior to you by bringing the superior down to the lesser one’s level is a leftist objective - and a socialist one too.

This is why they called AP classes, where the superior students can shine, racist; and why they abolished the challenging admissions test to TJ High School, where the Asians aced it.

And this is why the country is in such trouble. We cannot excel on the world stage when we try to suppress the most capable among us in pursuit of “equity.” The fact is that some people are just more intelligent, more disciplined, more motivated, more willing to work hard, and yes, some even have innate talents. We should be celebrating that, rather than hiding it.

The right believes that the solution to equity is for those at the bottom to work their way up. The left believes the solution is to bring those at the top down. I could never figure out wealth envy. When I see successful people, I admire them. When the left sees successful people (outside of entertainment) they loath them.
That remind me of something that I've often observed in the past about those on the left wrong, but I think it's been a while since I thought of it or mentioned it.

They seem driven to achieve equality with those who are clearly their superiors, not by doing anything to better themselves, but by trying to drag others down to their own level.

Does this not seem to apply particularly to Incel Joe?

In spite of its boastful and arrogant nature, a clear enough picture emerges of it, through its postings, of a creature that has failed seriously in life, as far as can be determined by comparing it to others. Does it show any interest at all in doing anything to improve itself? Not that I can see. It wants to achieve “equality” by dragging others down to its own degraded level, by dragging society as a whole down to its own degraded level.

You can't be a true leftist unless you are taking away happiness from other people to make them just as miserable as you are.

If a leftist sees a child happily eating a Happy Meal, they will address their leaders to make a law against selling them to make the child unhappy. If a leftist is aware of a person who worked hard and amassed wealth, they will insist government take that wealth away from that person. If they are aware of a person who is armed to protect themselves and their family, they will protest to try and disarm that person. If a leftist sees a person sitting all alone on a park bench enjoying a cigarette, they will petition their representative to outlaw smoking in the park.

So why do they do these things if they are not directly affected by them? Because there is no greater joy for a leftist than to take things away from people.
That's great I also got the chance to meet him and have a conversation with him. I had a close friend Marry Jo that Maried a Comedian whose name was Sandy Baron , He was Della Reese's side Kick on the Della Reese show . Mary Joe Introduced me to people she knew I liked and that she had a connection to in Hollywood with. She lived there. She invited me to the Della Reese show because Ali was on it that day and after the show she brought me back stage to meet him and Della . I was just out of the hispital after 3 months in LA after a Motor Cycle accident I had and weighed probably 100 lbs and that of course was the first thing that came up < Ali wanted to know what happened and I told him, Della Already knew the story but I got a chance to talk to This great man who was my Hero , in fact my only hero at the time. Tell me a bit about your boxing years.
Great story. I started out in novice golden gloves at 12, working with a former world champion named Archie Moore in San Diego, who actually trained Ali briefly after he wonbthe Olympic gold medal in 1960.
I finished in the seniors at 19. In my last year competing, I had a great chance to make the national AAU team, but broke my hand in training. So I decided at that time school was more important, so I hung it up. It was a great experience to learn training discipline early in life.
So, under what union do you work as a résumé writer?

You miss my point. Unions raised the bar for everyone, including independent contractors.

With people like OCD, they believe the only way to feel good about themselves is to try and cut other people down. Truth of the matter is that it's not that the jobs are boring, it's that OCD could never do our jobs. One time he even admitted to me that he hated to drive to work and back. I don't know how far he had to travel to work, but it's certainly not like being behind the wheel all day long every day.

And so what? I hate driving because frankly, it's not productive time and there are a lot of crazy people out there.

If I'm cutting you down, it's because YOU ARE AN AWFUL PERSON AND I AM JUST POINTING IT OUT.

You live in a slum, but hate your fellow slum dwellers. That's kind of pathetic.

I can't think of a more boring job than writing resumes.
Well, you'd suck at it.. you have no compassion for other people. It's not just writing, it's also showing empathy, understanding people's hope and goals, and helping them get there.

The way I saw it put, a very long time ago, was something like this:

“A capitalist sees a man with a gold watch, and wishes that everyone could have one.A Communist sees a man with a gold watch, and wishes that nobody could have one.”

A decent person says, "Why the hell are we wasting money on gold watches when Children are going to bed hungry at night?" Not to worry, though, Mormon Bob pretty much stops caring about them after their umbilical chord is cut.

As a practical matter, when you have 40% living in near poverty, you are setting the stage for disaster. The Floyd Riots were just the dress rehearsal.

In spite of its boastful and arrogant nature, a clear enough picture emerges of it, through its postings, of a creature that has failed seriously in life, as far as can be determined by comparing it to others. Does it show any interest at all in doing anything to improve itself? Not that I can see. It wants to achieve “equality” by dragging others down to its own degraded level, by dragging society as a whole down to its own degraded level.

NOt at all, Bob. I make good money, unlike Ray, I don't live next to people I need to put cameras on my house because I'm terrified they will take my stuff. Unlike you, I don't want to murder people who have different values
If a leftist sees a child happily eating a Happy Meal, they will address their leaders to make a law against selling them to make the child unhappy. If a leftist is aware of a person who worked hard and amassed wealth, they will insist government take that wealth away from that person. If they are aware of a person who is armed to protect themselves and their family, they will protest to try and disarm that person. If a leftist sees a person sitting all alone on a park bench enjoying a cigarette, they will petition their representative to outlaw smoking in the park.

Um, yeah, because Happy Meals cause Obesity
The wealth the rich have isn't earned, it's stolen
A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.
Cigarettes cause cancer.

Now, yes we should always balance the public good against liberty. You really SHOULD be free to make bad life choices, to a degree.

But both the left and the right have things they'd like to restrict - The right wants to ban gays having any rights, want to keep women from being able to have abortions, and so on.
Um, yeah, because Happy Meals cause Obesity
The wealth the rich have isn't earned, it's stolen
A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.
Cigarettes cause cancer.

Now, yes we should always balance the public good against liberty. You really SHOULD be free to make bad life choices, to a degree.

But both the left and the right have things they'd like to restrict - The right wants to ban gays having any rights, want to keep women from being able to have abortions, and so on.

Where do you make up this shit from? The right wants to ban gays from what?

My point is that the left loves to make people miserable. A gun in a home is no concern of yours, what kids eat is no concern of yours, people who use tobacco is no concern of yours. Your only concern is that people are happy and that drives you leftists crazy.
Nope. I’ve been on two shopping jaunts since then, in two different towns, and same thing. Majority of posters are of blacks. One was just this morning. I’ve become VERY sensitive to this over the last week, given the vitriol leftists have shoveled in my direction, so I’m really taking note.

I walked into the store this morning and counted how many posters I would pass before I saw a token white. It was SEVEN. So black…. black…. black….black…. black…. black….. black….Honky. Then it started again. Same thing.

What really gets me is when a product has many models advertising its use, and every single one is of a black. Talk about trying too hard! I was at a display of hair products, and there were four posters of women showing their wonderful hair. Every one black. It‘s moved beyond ridiculous.

You‘re honestly going to deny that here isn’t bias against whites going on? The president admitted it! (More than that, he was guilty of it himself.)

Yes in fact I am denying that what you believe exists to extent it does.

Because I see nothing that remotely resembles what you are describing.

Truthfully, you sound like you are at the point of unbridled hysteria or have an obsession that is outside of the realm of normality.

So I think I will sit this thread out and just read the comments as opposed to responding any further.

Circular arguments are a waste of time.
Great story. I started out in novice golden gloves at 12, working with a former world champion named Archie Moore in San Diego, who actually trained Ali briefly after he wonbthe Olympic gold medal in 1960.
I finished in the seniors at 19. In my last year competing, I had a great chance to make the national AAU team, but broke my hand in training. So I decided at that time school was more important, so I hung it up. It was a great experience to learn training discipline early in life.
You trained with Archie Moore?
Where do you make up this shit from? The right wants to ban gays from what?

My point is that the left loves to make people miserable. A gun in a home is no concern of yours, what kids eat is no concern of yours, people who use tobacco is no concern of yours. Your only concern is that people are happy and that drives you leftists crazy.

It kind of is when the rest of us end up paying higher health care costs for your poor lifestyle choices.

Let's take smoking. We now know that the tobacco companies intentionally marketed to children AND spike their products to make them more addictive. I've known very few adult smokers who haven't tolk me they'd love to be able to quit.

It amazes me that whenever a conservative talks about "Freedom", it's usually the ability of the wealthy to abuse the rest of us.
You're as big a moron as the other moron.
I was wondering why they did something over and over again that caused them to lose money.
Thanks for admitting you only read articles that pop up when you search for "Trump".
It kind of is when the rest of us end up paying higher health care costs for your poor lifestyle choices.

Let's take smoking. We now know that the tobacco companies intentionally marketed to children AND spike their products to make them more addictive. I've known very few adult smokers who haven't tolk me they'd love to be able to quit.

It amazes me that whenever a conservative talks about "Freedom", it's usually the ability of the wealthy to abuse the rest of us.

I forgot I was talking to somebody that still thinks this is 1974. So are you concerned about people that drive motorcycles with no helmet, people that go hiking or skying, mountain climbers or people that go swimming?

So what are you doing to fight higher health costs, electing people who open the border that's helping to cause this drug problem that's killing 100,000 Americans a year and those who don't kill themselves, end up in the ER for overdoses or paramedics? And how about those not sneaking in drugs that are carrying covid and God knows what other diseases they are infecting our people with? Nah, don't worry about them. They will be voting Democrat in the near future.

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