The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Well, she is misrepresenting it. Mayor Lightfoot gives interviews to the white press all the time, but on the first anniversery of her term, she stated she wanted to give interviews to the African American press like the Chicago Defender.
Thanks. I have to look up the story. It sounds like there are conflicting usual.
For one I have a business here. Two, I'm close to my elderly parents (87 and 91) and I'd like to be here when things go wrong for them. Third, my tenants are more like friends and family to me, and I want to make sure they have an affordable place to live, at least until I'm gone which is probably a matter of 6 months to a couple more years. Nobody can really say when it comes to cancer, but my oncologist told me chemo is working amazingly well so I'm hoping for five more years if possible, or at least be able to outlive my parents so they don't have to suffer the torment of losing another child. Forth, even if the first three reasons weren't issues, the blacks have run our property value down so badly I wouldn't be able to sell it for enough to get a house in a nice, safe and quiet all or mostly white area.

Yes, sentiments are more overt than ever, however what gets accomplished by it? Are the races getting along any better? The last three riots tells me no. White flight tells me no. Even the mention all the models in posters are all black in a predominantly white mall, it's racist. It seems these issues can never be resolved.

Ok. Valid reasons for not moving. And I'm truly sorry about your condition, because I lost my father to cancer back in 2006, as well as a very close first cousin. But it sounds like you're handling it well.

Lastly, there are varying degrees of "getting along", and different people would define "getting along" in different ways.

I frequently see individuals in public from different races on a regular basis socializing , however that is primarily younger people, under 30. My 18 year old grandchildren have a very diverse group of friends, and they are frequently at my house.

Those of us who are old enough to recall the years prior to the Civil rights movement regardless of race, will likely always be skeptical of what progress really looks like to an extent.
Yet you keep using it as an excuse for exclusionary attitudes in the ptesent.

If you believe discrimination against a group of people is wrong, you should believe it is wrong for ALL people,, amd not just your own as you are doing here
Discrimination is a wonton and deliberate act of exclusion based in perceived bias or outright bigotry. This is where your narrative fails.
I don’t see discrimination.
I see purposeful inclusion with no implied bias toward white folks.
What is different from two years ago is that we have now a society where it is deemed a positive to intentionally exclude whites - and it is seen all over, from a extremely disproportionate focus on blacks in advertising to the U.S. president proudly announcing that whites will be excluded from consideration for the Vice Presidency as well as the next Supreme Court justice. Making decisions such as this is RACIST.

And nobody said it’s s bad as what blacks have experienced HISTORICALLY, although now they are favored In various arenas. But if racism is wrong against one group, it is just as wrong against another.

Take the most recent in-your-face example of black favoritism - the Turbo Tax email ad to which I referred. The marketimg execs decided to highlight three people who loved their product, and all three were black. In a country that is only 14% black, you don’t think there was a deliberate decision to exclude whites?

And again, it’s not the same as not being served because you’re black, but it IS excluding people based on race. And of course there’s been worse. What about that liberal college that had “No Whites on Campus Day“? Is that not racist. [BTW, a white professor who decided to boycott the anti-white day was beaten to a pulp ans put in the hospital.)

The way to fight racism is to object when decisions and policies are made according to skin tome, no matter what the skin tone. The fact that liberals are fighting against racism toward blacks, while advancing racism against whites, is Unacceptable.
What is different from two years ago is that we have now a society where it is deemed a positive to intentionally exclude whites
It’s deemed positive to promote inclusivity. There is no wider social dynamic or construct to diminish while folks as there is historically for black folks. The context is entirely different.

Your privilege has led you to claim a victim status that is hollow and superficial at best.
That’s why you’re marked as a “Karen”.
It’s deemed positive to promote inclusivity. There is no wider social dynamic or construct to diminish while folks as there is historically for black folks. The context is entirely different.

Your privilege has led you to claim a victim status that is hollow and superficial at best.
That’s why you’re marked as a “Karen”.
Excluding whites because of their race is hardly promoting inclusivity.

And stop with the privilege shit. I grew up a member of a minority and experienced plenty of bigotry, as did my parents - my parents more so.

And you keep going back to “historically” - from generations ago. We are talking about the racism that exists now, and it’s against whites.

Here’s the deal these days: There’s a casting call for models or actors for marketing material, and 200 people show up. Going with statistics, about 130 of them are white and 28 are black. The announcement is made that 10 people will be selected.

All 10 selected are black. Zero whites. That’s today’s racism.
Excluding whites because of their race is hardly promoting inclusivity.

And stop with the privilege shit. I grew up a member of a minority and experienced plenty of bigotry, as did my parents - my parents more so.

And you keep going back to “historically” - from generations ago. We are talking about the racism that exists now, and it’s against whites.

Here’s the deal these days: There’s a casting call for models or actors for marketing material, and 200 people show up. Going with statistics, about 130 of them are white and 28 are black. The announcement is made that 10 people will be selected.

All 10 selected are black. Zero whites. That’s today’s racism.
There is no racism. You’re a reactionary kook.
Privilege comes in to play when you feel aggrieved in the same way as others without ever really understanding what that actually means because you never had to.
Just got another email….this time from a hotel with a conference center, promoting the show. It’s a one-man show, and the person is… guessed it….black.

it’s ubiquitous.
There is no racism. You’re a reactionary kook.
That’s the ploy you racists play when a white doesn’t submit to the anti-white agenda sweeping the country. Tell me, ten years ago, could the President of the United States march (well, old man hobble) to the podium, take the mic, amd proudly announce that there is a prestigious position open and that whites will be excluded from consideration?

I am sorry you are not opposed to racism, and excluding people by skin color.
That’s the ploy you racists play when a white doesn’t submit to the anti-white agenda sweeping the country. Tell me, ten years ago, could the President of the United States march (well, old man hobble) to the podium, take the mic, amd proudly announce that there is a prestigious position open and that whites will be excluded from consideration?

I am sorry you are not opposed to racism, and excluding people by skin color.
No it’s what I tell wrongheaded kooks.
You’re only a victim to your own incompetence and insecurities.

Years ago nothing needed to be announced. It was a given that a white Christian male would be nominated.
There is no racism. You’re a reactionary kook.
Privilege comes in to play when you feel aggrieved in the same way as others without ever really understanding what that actually means because you never had to.
And you know nothing about what I’ve experienced - being excluded from country clubs, from entering someone’s house, to having my property vandalized. It’s arrogance to assume that people haven’t experienced bigotry and their life is all honk—dory because they’re white. In fact, that’s how kooks like you justify the anti-white bias.
And you know nothing about what I’ve experienced - being excluded from country clubs, from entering someone’s house, to having my property vandalized. It’s arrogance to assume that people haven’t experienced bigotry and their life is all honk—dory because they’re white. In fact, that’s how kooks like you justify the anti-white bias.
Then you should certainly understand why people see inclusion as a positive step but you don’t. You choose to play victim yet again.
I have no understanding how you people read something, and then repeat it with error. She's not talking about over 14%, she's talking about 100%. I think that's a difference of about 85% right there.

She applied the average population of black citizens of 14% to the fact that she SAYS that 100% of the posters that she saw were of black models.

Which was on ONE trip to ONE mall, in ONE town.

So no, she was not quoted in error.
She applied the average population of black citizens of 14% to the fact that she SAYS that 100% of the posters that she saw were of black models.

Which was on ONE trip to ONE mall, in ONE town.

So no, she was not quoted in error.
I see things everywhere too. Men in skirts, for example. I can't get it out of my mind.
And you know nothing about what I’ve experienced - being excluded from country clubs, from entering someone’s house, to having my property vandalized. It’s arrogance to assume that people haven’t experienced bigotry and their life is all honk—dory because they’re white. In fact, that’s how kooks like you justify the anti-white bias.

You might be on to something here, but not what you think.

For most of American history, there has been a line drawn between WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) and those dirty unwashed Catholics, Jews, Germans, Irish, Italians, Poles who were invited into this country to provide the cheap labor for the Industrial Revolution.

I can sympathize, when my grandparents came here between WWI and WWII, no one as happy to see more Germans show up. Prohibition was largely an act of anti-German bigotry that became very unpopular when the WASP's realized, "What, us too?"

So all the groups I mentioned above got to a point where we lost our funny accents and our funny names to the point where we considered "White Enough". White enough to marry the WASP's even.

But here's the reality. I get an advantage in this society for being white. It doesn't matter that my Grandfather was named Ludwig and fought for the Kaiser. Or that they called my Dad a "Kraut" even when he was fighting Hitler in WWII. I get all the advantages of being white because none of those other things matter anymore.

And if the worst thing I have to worry about is "those people in the posters don't look like me", then I really have a pretty good life. Because at the end of the day, Grandpa Ludwig made the CHOICE to come here. Black people weren't exactly given a choice to participate in this society, they were brought over in chains, and still considered second class citizens after the Catholics, Jews, Germans, Irish, Italians, Poles passed them up in the line.
Then you should certainly understand why people see inclusion as a positive step but you don’t. You choose to play victim yet again.
The people playing victim are those blacks who continue to claim they’re being excluded - yet you don’t call them out on that lie. Instead, you promote the lie.Walk into a store or through a mall, and see the vast majority of posters - if not all - are of blacks. Turn on the Tv and watch a show. Or watch the commercials.

And for the final time, you racist idiot, “inclusion” doesn’t mean excluding whites. And don’t tell me it isn’t being done. It’s ubiquitous. It’s SO bad that the US President can say that whites will be excluded from consideration for the most prestigious job in the country, and you racists are OK with it.
She applied the average population of black citizens of 14% to the fact that she SAYS that 100% of the posters that she saw were of black models.

Which was on ONE trip to ONE mall, in ONE town.

So no, she was not quoted in error.
Nope. I’ve been on two shopping jaunts since then, in two different towns, and same thing. Majority of posters are of blacks. One was just this morning. I’ve become VERY sensitive to this over the last week, given the vitriol leftists have shoveled in my direction, so I’m really taking note.

I walked into the store this morning and counted how many posters I would pass before I saw a token white. It was SEVEN. So black…. black…. black….black…. black…. black….. black….Honky. Then it started again. Same thing.

What really gets me is when a product has many models advertising its use, and every single one is of a black. Talk about trying too hard! I was at a display of hair products, and there were four posters of women showing their wonderful hair. Every one black. It‘s moved beyond ridiculous.

You‘re honestly going to deny that here isn’t bias against whites going on? The president admitted it! (More than that, he was guilty of it himself.)
She applied the average population of black citizens of 14% to the fact that she SAYS that 100% of the posters that she saw were of black models.

Which was on ONE trip to ONE mall, in ONE town.

So no, she was not quoted in error.

Actually I was talking about you.

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