The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

we never established Lisa was actually in a "democrat town" or even shopping. I personally never shop in a maj black town, unless it's at a liquor store or a gunshow. An exception is Krogers. Sometimes I go to "the black one" out of convenience. But I don't buy meat.
Who said I was in a majority black town? I could see why you would think that, since all the posters were of blacks exclusively, but this was in an affluent, primarily white town. And very liberal of course, with all the virtue-signaling.
Of course it would not feel like an isolated case to you, since you appear to have a hypersensitivity to the presence of blacks if they happen to exceed 14% of the total number of people present in any given situation, even if they are on a poster in a mall or an actor in a Turbo Tax ad.
Of course it would not feel like an isolated case to you, since you appear to have a hypersensitivity to the presence of blacks if they happen to exceed 14% of the total number of people present in any given situation, even if they are on a poster in a mall or an actor in a Turbo Tax ad.

I have no understanding how you people read something, and then repeat it with error. She's not talking about over 14%, she's talking about 100%. I think that's a difference of about 85% right there.
I have no understanding how you people read something, and then repeat it with error. She's not talking about over 14%, she's talking about 100%. I think that's a difference of about 85% right there.
Leftists lie about what their political enemies say. If they were to stick with the truth, their argument would fall apart.
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

Leftists lie about what their political enemies say. If they were to stick with the truth, their argument would fall apart.Hey Buttercup you are on a roll here.

Hey Buttercup you are on a roll here. This and protesting Covid shots and your genius is radiating all around this thread. The genius of Q anon and Buttercup!
Your belief that life for you and white people in general is a never ending saga of persecution and victimization by "leftist" who "favor" blacks over whites is interesting, because every measurable category in America indicates as it always has that the white population as a "whole", is far from being displaced by any other group of people in society.

If there actually was a significant trend indicating that such a change in society was imminent, there would be anarchy in the streets, and white leftists as well, as those on the far right would likely become aligned very quickly.

Then why isn't it happening?

This so-called President announced he would choose a VP based on skin color and gender and did exactly that. He announced he will choose a Justice based on skin color and gender, and he's doing it. The Mayor of our third largest city in the country announced she will not accept interviews from whites. You'd be hell pressed to find a television commercial without any minorities in them. As with the many, many problems Dementia brought on our country, the commies wrote and passed an anti-lynching law, like lynching is happening every day, week or month; as if we don't have laws for murder.

And yet I seen not one protest or riots by any white person.
And you are in denial as to the degree to which whites are being excluded. Even our own president said he was going to exclude whites!

And I’m not saying we should limit it to 14% representation. But when it is 100% in many places I turn - the long row of posters at the store, all the models advertising the hair products, all the people promoting TurboTax, etc., - the degree to which there are obvious decisions at the corporate level to show ONLY blacks is racist, and unacceptable.

Did you read the article I posted? It was interesting in that the writer pointed out that it’s not only whites being excluded in favor of blacks, but Asians and Latinos as well.

I told you that the current president could have handled the open spot in the Supreme Court differently.

I'm not in denial about anything.
Maybe the fact that I didn't rant about it sufficiently enough to you caused you to overlook what I said.

I did not see your article, as I only have limited time to spend looking at these threads, but I will look for it.

Mostly out of interest as to who wrote the article.

In the meantime, back to your issue with the Turbo Tax ad.

Did you look at the link showing who the top executives are?

From the CEO to the other members of their top executive staff, 11 of the 12 are white.

The point in this is that most upper management teams in America mirror similar numbers, which means that those in positions of responsibility far exceed their relative percentage of the population.

So no, in corporate America, white people are not being "excluded" in any way.
This acting as if whites don’t exist and black people are the only ones who count is ALL OVER THE PLACE. I just got an email from Turbo Tax, and they showcased three customers, with photos, who used their service and were happy with it.

Customer #1: Black female.
Customer #2: Another Black female.
Customer #3: Black male.

That was it.

Maybe that's the predominant group in your area... or they think that black people are more likely to seek tax help.
And you are in denial as to the degree to which whites are being excluded. Even our own president said he was going to exclude whites!

For one position... funny, the rest of his appointments are mostly white people.

And yet I seen not one protest or riots by any white person.
Uh what was Jan. 6? That was a big old white people hissy fit.
More lies and insults from a leftist because a white objected to racist decisions based on skin color. You leftist hypocrites using that TYRONE tactic are so predictable.
Be as racist a troglodyte as you please.
I reserve the right to make fun of your ignorant ass as much as I please.
Other side of the coin, fool.
The owners of private businesses made a decision to exclude whites from their advertising material based on skin color. That’s just as racist as excluding blacks, and you k ow it.

You disgusting leftists aren’t fooling anyone, and your attacks against whiteys who object to race-based decisions aren’t going to get us to shut up and accept being discriminated against. The extent of avoiding showing any white faces is just beyond belief.
God you're stupid as well as racist.

The business CHOSE to exercise their right to MAXIMIZE their potential profit.
Willoing to bet these images don't bother you. RACIST.



God you're stupid as well as racist.

The business CHOSE to exercise their right to MAXIMIZE their potential profit.
Willoing to bet these images don't bother you. RACIST.

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Yeah right…..focusing on 14% of the population and ignoring the majority population is the way to “maximize profits.” Clearly, you‘ve never run a successful business, as have I.

Not sure what including some ads that deign to include the evil white people proves. Doesn’t negate the fact that blacks are being featured 100% of the time in numerous instances, when they are a slim majority. It’s ridiculous.

It’s virtue signaling gone awry. Go woke, go broke!
Be as racist a troglodyte as you please.
I reserve the right to make fun of your ignorant ass as much as I please.
Other side of the coin, fool.
You’re the racist. Otherwise, you would be willing to acknowledge that companies that specifically exclude whites from ads because of their race are doing wrong.

When you hypocrites fight back against black racism to a ridiculous extreme - math is racist….rice is racist….AP classes are racist….admissions test are racist….and then refuse to acknowledge that rejecting whites based on race is a problem, you lose all standing to complain about ANY form of racism.
Then why isn't it happening?

This so-called President announced he would choose a VP based on skin color and gender and did exactly that. He announced he will choose a Justice based on skin color and gender, and he's doing it. The Mayor of our third largest city in the country announced she will not accept interviews from whites. You'd be hell pressed to find a television commercial without any minorities in them. As with the many, many problems Dementia brought on our country, the commies wrote and passed an anti-lynching law, like lynching is happening every day, week or month; as if we don't have laws for murder.

And yet I seen not one protest or riots by any white person.

As far as the current presidents handling of the supreme court Justice nomination, I stated that he could have handled it better by interviewing all interested and qualified candidates.

As far as the mayor that you're speaking of, I have not heard that story, or anything about who is being interviewed for what.

As far as "no protests"by white citizens, quite a few showed up on January 6th to publicly protest the election from what I saw.
As far as the current presidents handling of the supreme court Justice nomination, I stated that he could have handled it better by interviewing all interested and qualified candidates.

As far as the mayor that you're speaking of, I have not heard that story, or anything about who is being interviewed for what.

As far as "no protests"by white citizens, quite a few showed up on January 6th to publicly protest the election from what I saw.

Yes they did. Now what's the ratio of protests and violence with the left, like 100 to 1 or something?

Point is that it's the left who are pushing race down our throats. I don't know how far back you went into this discussion, but earlier on I said it's a form of subliminal messaging. We still have a lot of hidden hate when it comes to the white and black races. It's not a skin color problem as much as it is a culture problem. Trust me, I live in a majority black suburb. I hate it because it's not the color of their skin that bothers me, it's how they conduct themselves along with their social standards; what they find acceptable that we don't and what we find acceptable but they don't.

God you're stupid as well as racist.

The business CHOSE to exercise their right to MAXIMIZE their potential profit.
Willoing to bet these images don't bother you. RACIST.

Companies don't always make decisions to maximize profits. Those in bed with politicians do so to help them promote their agenda or message. The Parental Rights law is popular not only in Florida, but across the country as well. They knew it would be popular thus the lie of "Don't Say Gay" bill. In the entire bill the word "gay" isn't even in there. Disney took a stance against the new law. Think that's going to help Disney maximize their profits?

When the NFL players started their kneeling shit, they lost customers and fans. Think by allowing these morons to disrespect our flag, anthem, and police were going to help them maximize their profits?
Yes they did. Now what's the ratio of protests and violence with the left, like 100 to 1 or something?

Point is that it's the left who are pushing race down our throats. I don't know how far back you went into this discussion, but earlier on I said it's a form of subliminal messaging. We still have a lot of hidden hate when it comes to the white and black races. It's not a skin color problem as much as it is a culture problem. Trust me, I live in a majority black suburb. I hate it because it's not the color of their skin that bothers me, it's how they conduct themselves along with their social standards; what they find acceptable that we don't and what we find acceptable but they don't.

How would liberals react if a white mayor announced she would grant interviews to white reporters only?
Yes they did. Now what's the ratio of protests and violence with the left, like 100 to 1 or something?

Point is that it's the left who are pushing race down our throats. I don't know how far back you went into this discussion, but earlier on I said it's a form of subliminal messaging. We still have a lot of hidden hate when it comes to the white and black races. It's not a skin color problem as much as it is a culture problem. Trust me, I live in a majority black suburb. I hate it because it's not the color of their skin that bothers me, it's how they conduct themselves along with their social standards; what they find acceptable that we don't and what we find acceptable but they don't.

Personally, I believe that "sentiments" are more out in the open than ever, considering the difference that social media has made.

I haven’t read the whole thread, but just out of curiosity, If you "hate" where you live, why don't you move?

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