The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

And when did those numbers increase? That's right, when the commies interfered with his policies. After he got past them and their commie judges in the courts, as the links I provided show, many less stopped trying to get in. In fact I have an ABC link where they used his success to excuse building a wall.

Right, Trump isn't responsible for any of his failures. The fact was, border crossing were at an all time low, and then Trump started talking his wall smack, and we had a spike. You had economic turmoil in Central America and we had a spike on top of that. Then Trump let Covid spread throughout the country, and that discouraged people, but now that we are past that, they are coming to fill those jobs we don't want to do.

The ironic thing was, when those big businesses needed people to come in and scrub down all the surfaces, they hired undocumented workers.

The rich have nothing to do with people in poverty. Plenty of good paying and excellent jobs out there, but a lot of people either won't take them out of laziness or because they can't pass a drug test.

Come on, Ray, get your story straight. Either there are good paying jobs out there anyone can do, or there are no jobs that pay you what disability pays you, so you are still going to collect your government cheese!

You leftists live in your make believe world. You think jobs are created so people can support themselves with good pay and benefits. That's not why jobs are created. You think that every industry should pay good wages and expect them to sell their products at twice the price of foreign made products. Do you believe in the tooth fairy too?

How is that any more make-believe that we should all work ourselves to death working two jobs so make the one percent richer? Seems to me that the whole issue is how wealth is distributed, then the working class should be considered before the investor class. Or as Abe Lincoln once said....


Wow, what a fucking Commie that guy was.
This acting as if whites don’t exist and black people are the only ones who count is ALL OVER THE PLACE. I just got an email from Turbo Tax, and they showcased three customers, with photos, who used their service and were happy with it.

Customer #1: Black female.
Customer #2: Another Black female.
Customer #3: Black male.

That was it.
I also went into a cosmetics store yesterday to buy hair conditioner, and I stopped at a brand displaying their wares. There were thtee shelves, with a photo of a female at the end cap of each shelf.

Photo .1: black female
Photo 2: black female
Photo 3: black female

And NO, these were not hair products designed for blacks. It’s just that whites faces MUST BE AVOIDED.

This racism must stop.
Right, Trump isn't responsible for any of his failures. The fact was, border crossing were at an all time low, and then Trump started talking his wall smack, and we had a spike. You had economic turmoil in Central America and we had a spike on top of that. Then Trump let Covid spread throughout the country, and that discouraged people, but now that we are past that, they are coming to fill those jobs we don't want to do.

The ironic thing was, when those big businesses needed people to come in and scrub down all the surfaces, they hired undocumented workers.

How did Trump allow covid to spread? Only an uneducated moron would create such a lie. Tell us how a President is able to control a microorganism. This should be real good, especially when you make a statement like "Trump isn't responsible for any of his failures." Yeah, Trump created covid and spread it across the globe.

And as always, 100% of the people here know you're lying, but you are a man with no shame.

As the reports I posted stated, a huge reduction in illegals started taking place long before Covid. I can point to several Trump policies that made it happen, the largest which is Stay in Mexico. So when did it become a problem again? When Dementia started to reverse those policies starting the day he took office and halted the border wall.

Come on, Ray, get your story straight. Either there are good paying jobs out there anyone can do, or there are no jobs that pay you what disability pays you, so you are still going to collect your government cheese!

Is part of OCD seeing things that nobody wrote? You have such a bad case of it I thought there was nobody better to ask.

So where did I say "anybody" can do? No, manual labor jobs do not pay shit and haven't for a good number of years. You need to get training in a field of work so you are no longer non-skilled manual labor. In my former line of work you can get training for free or very low cost. In my fathers former field (bricklaying) training is free. All you have to do is be able to pass a drug test and willing to do physical labor. It pays over $50.00 an hour plus OT and you are laid off all winter to rest. They can't find enough people just like the transportation field.

How is that any more make-believe that we should all work ourselves to death working two jobs so make the one percent richer? Seems to me that the whole issue is how wealth is distributed, then the working class should be considered before the investor class.

Wealth is not distributed, wealth is earned. Distribution of wealth is Socialism/ Communism and there are plenty of countries for one to move to if that's the environment they wish to live under.

I worked two jobs in the 70's. I worked two jobs in the 80's. That's when I decided I need to learn to do something so I didn't have to work two jobs. That's when I decided I would make investments. My first job was at a car wash. If we had a government that guaranteed me a livable income, I may have stayed at that car wash until it closed down, and then proceed to another non-skill job.
I can see the OP skulking into shops with her racial identity notebook, furiously scribbling down notes on all the posters she can find. Back home at the HQ, the walls papered with charts and diagrams; different colored pins connected with yarn.
Just pointing out the blatant racism. I thought you libs were opposed to racism. But that’s only when it’s PERCEIVED to be against blacks. When it goes against whites, and of course there’s no way to defend it, whitey will be mocked, taunted, and insulted until she STFU.

All I can hope is that this ridiculous attention paid to blacks, and ONLY blacks, is a trend that will die out soon, and that companies won’t be so afraid of insulting blacks with a white included among them that they will be willing to show whites on their marketing material.

In the meantime, I will continue to point out racism.
Here’s a great article, with statistics, about the almost total focus of blacks in advertising, to the exclusion of others. It points out that it’s not only whites being “erased,” when they are the majority of the population, but that Asians and Latinos are not being represented to the numbers one would expect either, given their presence in our country. The ads and commercials are overwhelmingly of blacks, even though they are just 14% of the population.

The comments are interesting, as well. Clearly, the extreme bias in favor of one race and one race only has not gone unnoticed.

I can see the OP skulking into shops with her racial identity notebook, furiously scribbling down notes on all the posters she can find. Back home at the HQ, the walls papered with charts and diagrams; different colored pins connected with yarn.
All pointing back to Clinton and Soros. :afro:
What you fail to realize is that it is the never-ending drumbeat by leftists as to how blacks are victimized, blacks do not get equal opportunities, whites are innately racist, math is racist, Aunt Jemima syrup is racist, admissions tests are racist, etc., etc., etc., that has made made people hyper-aware of things such as equity, exclusion, and so forth.

I never would have noticed the posters two years ago. But then again, two years ago we would not have heard a U.S. president announce - brag! - that whites would be excluded from consideration for the SCOTUS nominee. Nor would there be curriculums that teach that whites are INNATELY racist oppressors and blacks their victims.

I am sorry for ehat you experienced as a young man in the segregated South. Excluding people, or selecting people, on the basis of skin color is reprehensible, but that applies to whites as well as blacks. To walk past 20 posters in a row, every single one of a black person, reveals that there was a conscious decision among all those stores to exclude whites. That is wrong.

There is no need for anyone to be "sorry" for anything that I experienced, because I don't have any sympathy to offer in exchange.

And what I experienced was not limited to the "segregated south"

Your belief that life for you and white people in general is a never ending saga of persecution and victimization by "leftist" who "favor" blacks over whites is interesting, because every measurable category in America indicates as it always has that the white population as a "whole", is far from being displaced by any other group of people in society.

If there actually was a significant trend indicating that such a change in society was imminent, there would be anarchy in the streets, and white leftists as well, as those on the far right would likely become aligned very quickly.

As you say, "two years" ago you would not have even noticed the posters that have caused you the level of trauma that they appear to be causing you now.

What is so significantly different now, compared to two years ago?

As far as the current presidents choice for the supreme court, I would acknowledge that he could have just as easily considered all interested candidates and saved himself some unnecessary scrutiny.

As far as your belief that school curriculums are now teaching that "whites are oppressors and blacks are their victims".

I have two grandchildren who just graduated from high school last year and they attended a school that was predominantly white, and there was nothing introduced in their curriculum that taught what you are describing, and I was closely involved in what went on at their school.

You sound like an alarmist.
We do not live in that same society, Steve.

The tables have turned - a complete 180, in fact.

I also remember the 60s, and have seen the changes since. Instead of the left wanting to build a color blind society, it is now all ABOUT color. Instead of prejudice against blacks, it is favoritism towards blacks. Instead of people seeing a black man and assuming he is a criminal, people defend him even if he is patently criminal. Instead of excluding blacks, it is now all about excluding whites.

If racial prejudice is wrong, simply changing the nature of the prejudice doesn't make it right.

I never implied that we live in the same society.

However, I would not agree that there is a 180 degree difference between now and then.

That aside, see post #1231.
Growing up in OKC the malls were all white and sparkling because blacks were not allowed to get out of their side of town.

And so now, they can go anywhere they want, and you still claim "racism."

"People so stupid
People so dumb
People so boo hoo
wha wha wha
Need better issues
they're gonna run out tissues
yall so dumb" Tom MacDonald
There is no need for anyone to be "sorry" for anything that I experienced, because I don't have any sympathy to offer in exchange.

And what I experienced was not limited to the "segregated south"

Your belief that life for you and white people in general is a never ending saga of persecution and victimization by "leftist" who "favor" blacks over whites is interesting, because every measurable category in America indicates as it always has that the white population as a "whole", is far from being displaced by any other group of people in society.

If there actually was a significant trend indicating that such a change in society was imminent, there would be anarchy in the streets, and white leftists as well, as those on the far right would likely become aligned very quickly.

As you say, "two years" ago you would not have even noticed the posters that have caused you the level of trauma that they appear to be causing you now.

What is so significantly different now, compared to two years ago?

As far as the current presidents choice for the supreme court, I would acknowledge that he could have just as easily considered all interested candidates and saved himself some unnecessary scrutiny.

As far as your belief that school curriculums are now teaching that "whites are oppressors and blacks are their victims".

I have two grandchildren who just graduated from high school last year and they attended a school that was predominantly white, and there was nothing introduced in their curriculum that taught what you are describing, and I was closely involved in what went on at their school.

You sound like an alarmist.
What is different from two years ago is that we have now a society where it is deemed a positive to intentionally exclude whites - and it is seen all over, from a extremely disproportionate focus on blacks in advertising to the U.S. president proudly announcing that whites will be excluded from consideration for the Vice Presidency as well as the next Supreme Court justice. Making decisions such as this is RACIST.

And nobody said it’s s bad as what blacks have experienced HISTORICALLY, although now they are favored In various arenas. But if racism is wrong against one group, it is just as wrong against another.

Take the most recent in-your-face example of black favoritism - the Turbo Tax email ad to which I referred. The marketimg execs decided to highlight three people who loved their product, and all three were black. In a country that is only 14% black, you don’t think there was a deliberate decision to exclude whites?

And again, it’s not the same as not being served because you’re black, but it IS excluding people based on race. And of course there’s been worse. What about that liberal college that had “No Whites on Campus Day“? Is that not racist. [BTW, a white professor who decided to boycott the anti-white day was beaten to a pulp ans put in the hospital.)

The way to fight racism is to object when decisions and policies are made according to skin tome, no matter what the skin tone. The fact that liberals are fighting against racism toward blacks, while advancing racism against whites, is Unacceptable.
Yet you keep using it as an excuse for exclusionary attitudes in the ptesent.

If you believe discrimination against a group of people is wrong, you should believe it is wrong for ALL people,, amd not just ypur own as you are doing here

If actually I saw any "exclusionary" PRACTICES in effect that had a direct impact on an ENTIRE race of people generally without exception, having seen it before, I certainly would believe it to be wrong.

This thread is an example of an isolated case that someone believes to be the norm.

ATTITUDES are not the same as actual PRACTICES that are enforced by law.
If actually I saw any "exclusionary" PRACTICES in effect that had a direct impact on an ENTIRE race of people generally without exception, having seen it before, I certainly would believe it to be wrong.

This thread is an example of an isolated case that someone believes to be the norm.

ATTITUDES are not the same as actual PRACTICES that are enforced by law.
It is not an isolated case. That’s the point.
It is not an isolated case. That’s the point.

Of course it would not feel like an isolated case to you, since you appear to have a hypersensitivity to the presence of blacks if they happen to exceed 14% of the total number of people present in any given situation, even if they are on a poster in a mall or an actor in a Turbo Tax ad.

Which by the way, here is a link to the executive profiles of the people who run Turbo Tax.

I don't see any Asians, but there is one black person out of 12.

The rest are all white.

If one of their ads showing 3 black people upset you, this should help.
we never established Lisa was actually in a "democrat town" or even shopping. I personally never shop in a maj black town, unless it's at a liquor store or a gunshow. An exception is Krogers. Sometimes I go to "the black one" out of convenience. But I don't buy meat.
Of course it would not feel like an isolated case to you, since you appear to have a hypersensitivity to the presence of blacks if they happen to exceed 14% of the total number of people present in any given situation, even if they are on a poster in a mall or an actor in a Turbo Tax ad.
And you are in denial as to the degree to which whites are being excluded. Even our own president said he was going to exclude whites!

And I’m not saying we should limit it to 14% representation. But when it is 100% in many places I turn - the long row of posters at the store, all the models advertising the hair products, all the people promoting TurboTax, etc., - the degree to which there are obvious decisions at the corporate level to show ONLY blacks is racist, and unacceptable.

Did you read the article I posted? It was interesting in that the writer pointed out that it’s not only whites being excluded in favor of blacks, but Asians and Latinos as well.

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