The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Imagine, a country where some people are so deranged that they defend thugs and scofflaws who weaken our country, and lambast good, decent people with proper values who follow the law.
Proper values? :auiqs.jpg:

So to you, being a thug or a scofflaw, weakening the country, and generally disregarding the law, is consisted with “proper values”?

Not that it surprises anyone that that's the way your kind would think, but your kind seldom come this close to honestly admitting to it.
What would that prove if over all net migration, which includes illegal immigration, is down from Trump’s numbers?
It hides how much illegal immigration is up, you idiot. You nasty leftists are doing everything possible to bring in as many illegals as you can, and then hide how much it’s increased under Dementia by combining in with the good immigrants who came here legally.
So to you, being a thug or a scofflaw, weakening the country, and generally disregarding the law, is consisted with “proper values”?

Not that it surprises anyone that that's the way your kind would think, but your kind seldom come this close to honestly admitting to it.
That’s the issue is a nutshell. The leftists have completely upside down values: the defend criminals, and demonize law-abiding citizens.
I think Democrats have an ongoing game of who can be the most outraged over the most ridiculous stuff. The first time I slow danced at a record hop, I didn't need a teacher or any other perverted liberal to explain to me where that hard on came from. Grownups need to stay out of kid's pants.
OMG. Was that YOU I danced with at my first dance?
It hides how much illegal immigration is up, you idiot. You nasty leftists are doing everything possible to bring in as many illegals as you can, and then hide how much it’s increased under Dementia by combining in with the good immigrants who came here legally.
It hides how much illegal immigration is up, you idiot.
How does it do that? Explain.
I notice you won’t criticize the antisemite. Typical leftist…..very tolerant of antisemites and in fact MOCKING Jews who point it out. The only prejudice you care about is against blacks. You’re a lying hypocrite.
I critcize you for doing the exact same thing as those pictured in my previous post are doing to Jews. One would think you would have the self awareness and understanding of why that is wrong.
Omg. This is one of the ways in which the other poster noted that leftists argue: pretend to be clueless and demand explanations (and from the people they mock).
I’m not pretending at all. I’m trying to understand your confused thinking. It should be easy enough to explain.
Are you saying that the graph is only representing illegals which is actually much higher than what is presented rather that what it says it is?
Your logic is difficult to follow.
Yes, I understand that. It’s you who struggles to realize that those numbers are included in the total net migration. See the graph if the words confuse you.

It doesn't confuse me at all. We were discussing illegal immigration and you posted a link to all immigration assuming none of us would even look at it. Either you didn't read your own link or you assumed none of us would. In any case, you can't deny the BP reports of the flood of illegals trying to enter this country since Dementia invaded the White House. People won't come unless they know there's a chance at getting in. It's why illegals dropped by 90% in 2019 after Trump's policies went into play. Furthermore by dropping Title 42, the BP stated they will be overwhelmed with illegals to the point there is no possible way to stop them.
I critcize you for doing the exact same thing as those pictured in my previous post are doing to Jews. One would think you would have the self awareness and understanding of why that is wrong.
If there were a row of 20 posters at a slew of stores, and each poster was showing Jews ONLY - they’d have to be Orthodox or how would you even know - I would recognize how asinine it Is to recognize only one religion when selling makeup, clothes, soaps, books, etc., and understand fully if Christians complained that they are being excluded in order to favor Jews SOLELY. I would fully support their complaints.
It doesn't confuse me at all. We were discussing illegal immigration and you posted a link to all immigration assuming none of us would even look at it. Either you didn't read your own link or you assumed none of us would. In any case, you can't deny the BP reports of the flood of illegals trying to enter this country since Dementia invaded the White House. People won't come unless they know there's a chance at getting in. It's why illegals dropped by 90% in 2019 after Trump's policies went into play. Furthermore by dropping Title 42, the BP stated they will be overwhelmed with illegals to the point there is no possible way to stop them.
Thanks for explaining it to the leftist. He’s wearing my patience.
It doesn't confuse me at all. We were discussing illegal immigration and you posted a link to all immigration assuming none of us would even look at it. Either you didn't read your own link or you assumed none of us would. In any case, you can't deny the BP reports of the flood of illegals trying to enter this country since Dementia invaded the White House. People won't come unless they know there's a chance at getting in. It's why illegals dropped by 90% in 2019 after Trump's policies went into play. Furthermore by dropping Title 42, the BP stated they will be overwhelmed with illegals to the point there is no possible way to stop them.
I gave it to you specifically to look at and to read the corresponding text. You obviously haven’t done that.
You claimed that the data in question was somehow obfuscated but refuse to say how.
Just because a large number of people arrive at the border and try to enter does not mean they are now here.
The number I provided was the net migration. Meaning arrivals minus departures or deportations.
You’re only proving yourself to be wrongheaded.
2019 was actually Trump’s worst year for border encounters.
I gave it to you specifically to look at and to read the corresponding text. You obviously haven’t done that.
You claimed that the data in question was somehow obfuscated but refuse to say how.
Just because a large number of people arrive at the border and try to enter does not mean they are now here.
The number I provided was the net migration. Meaning arrivals minus departures or deportations.
You’re only proving yourself to be wrongheaded.
2019 was actually Trump’s worst year for border encounters.
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I gave you the numbers of apprehensions and inadmissions for the year. Posting a link for a drop in August in no way refutes that.
Asylum seekers aren’t illegals. Stop listening to Fox. They’re rotting your brain.
Apprehensions is how they judge how many people got in that they didn't catch. Thanks.

You know, it really helps to understand things when you know what the definition of words actually are. Here, let me help you out.........................

Definition of apprehension

1: suspicion or fear especially of future evil : FOREBODING an atmosphere of nervous apprehension

2: seizure by legal process : ARREST apprehension of a criminal

3a: the act or power of perceiving or comprehending something a person of dull apprehension
b: the result of apprehending something mentally : CONCEPTION according to popular apprehension

You might want to pay close attention to definition 2 of the word you used (apprehension). It talks about a criminal being seized (caught) and arrested, i.e. apprehension. If someone was apprehended, that means they were caught, not that they were "people they didn't catch", as you stated in your post.

Apprehension, they were caught and arrested.
Inadmission, they applied to come here but were turned down.

You really might wanna buy a dictionary, or used "" if you don't want to appear stupid. Thanks.

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