The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

We do not live in that same society, Steve.

The tables have turned - a complete 180, in fact.

I also remember the 60s, and have seen the changes since. Instead of the left wanting to build a color blind society, it is now all ABOUT color. Instead of prejudice against blacks, it is favoritism towards blacks. Instead of people seeing a black man and assuming he is a criminal, people defend him even if he is patently criminal. Instead of excluding blacks, it is now all about excluding whites.

If racial prejudice is wrong, simply changing the nature of the prejudice doesn't make it right.

Funny, I've been working for 30 years since I was discharged from the Army. In that time, every person who made the decision to hire me has been a white person. I could say the same of the jobs I had before I was in the service or only serving part time as a reservist. The hiring decision was made by a white person, almost always a male. I think the only occassion I could attribute to a person of color is when I got recommendation for a job from an Asian-American I had helped earlier in her career. And even then, it was still the white guy making the decision.

Since you want to talk about criminal justice, let's do that. Let's talk about the White women in the Varsity Blues scandal who got slaps on the wrist for cheating their children's way into colleges while a black woman who lied about her address got five years. Let's talk about Rush Limbaugh getting probation for buying drugs while people of color get prison.

As much as you and Karen558 complain about "Affirmative Action", the biggest beneficiaries of AA have been - wait for it - WHITE WOMEN.

Hmmm. Will the have a food court called chicks with dicks
Patience, my friend, patience. That comes next week.

Remember that my OP was a complaint that the fancy soap store had a poster that advertised NOT its overpriced soaps but….transgender kids. It’s telling that the libs concentrated on the secondary point about the race of the posters, because to them, race and favoritism toward blacks is the most important thing. (And then they question why whitey makes an issue of race, implying racism of course.)

The ”wokeness” pervading society is ridiculous. I’m sure you saw the thread on Disney’s latest decision. (If not, check it out.) The only thing Democrats despise more than Putin is an American white heterosexual couple with two normal kids.
Agree. Steve is saying that the prejudice against blacks was much worse 50 years ago than the prejudice against whites is today, which Is not the issue. The issue is that bias against whites is currently being advanced by liberals, when the goal should be that skin color is irrelevant when making decisions as to whom to hire.

Also, re the posters of which every single one was of a black and not one of a white, these were all from a row of individual stores. They didn’t gang together and decide to exclude whites. Rather, the six or seven stores on the way to the eatery all came to the same decision: we are not going to hire a white as a model. That shows how pervasive the anti-white bias is.

Wow, what fantasy world do you live in?

The problem isn't just open bigots like you, who fortunately get purged when they out their own racism.

It's the inherent bias of people who make decisions to favor people like themselves. When most of the people making hiring decisions are white, they are going to be biased towards people who remind them of themselves. And when most of the business owners and managers are white, you are going to get a bias towards white people.
Most businesses voluntarily shut down... The "shutdown" lasted less than two months.

Restaurants still allowed carry out, most companies switched to telecommuting.

The real problem was we were going into full recession before Covid Hit. GDP Growth for Q1 was -5%, and that was before we had all that many cases in the US. Did Covid make these things worse? Corporate Debt and Trump's unnecessary Trade War with China both contributed to creating an atmosphere that made us ripe for recession.

Okay, let's look at that. Let's forget that probably the only reason why you are probably getting a decent wage for doing that is either because you belong to a union or fair labor laws are keeping your wages high. Left to their own devices, those rich people would hire a bunch of undocumented workers for half your wage.

Don't you suppose that it's possible that I make what I do, and am treated as well as I am, because I have proven my worth to my employer, and that my employer knows, especially in the current market, that I could easily find any of several other firms eager to hire me away from my current employer, if that was what I chose?

I guess you wouldn't understand, having surely never impressed any employer to the degree that I have impressed mine.

But what is causing the building of an apartment complex?
The need of people FOR housing. Rich people don't create that need, consumer demand does.
The wealthy are parasites who have convinced the world they are a vital organ.

Without wealthy people forming and running all the various companies that it takes to build a project like this one, and employing all the workers that it takes to build it, it wouldn't get built.
Since you want to talk about criminal justice, let's do that. Let's talk about the White women in the Varsity Blues scandal who got slaps on the wrist for cheating their children's way into colleges while a black woman who lied about her address got five years. Let's talk about Rush Limbaugh getting probation for buying drugs while people of color get prison.

Don't waste your time Dogmaphobe. It's just more of Joe's standard lies in spite of me pointing it out every time he brings up this bullshit story.
Wow, what fantasy world do you live in?

The problem isn't just open bigots like you, who fortunately get purged when they out their own racism.

It's the inherent bias of people who make decisions to favor people like themselves. When most of the people making hiring decisions are white, they are going to be biased towards people who remind them of themselves. And when most of the business owners and managers are white, you are going to get a bias towards white people.
Oh lookie….the antisemite who uses profanity to describe Jews is accusing me of being a bigot. This would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

Crawl back in your hole, antisemite.
This thread just proves that it’s past time to stop the pro-black favoritism (and what’s with capitalizing B automatically and lower-casing white?), and eliminate racist affirmative action. It’s past time for leftists to stop their racism.
Okay, let's look at that. Let's forget that probably the only reason why you are probably getting a decent wage for doing that is either because you belong to a union or fair labor laws are keeping your wages high. Left to their own devices, those rich people would hire a bunch of undocumented workers for half your wage.

But what is causing the building of an apartment complex?

The need of people FOR housing. Rich people don't create that need, consumer demand does.

The wealthy are parasites who have convinced the world they are a vital organ.

So people want apartments. Would they ever get one if not a rich person building them? Of course not. Want doesn't create anything. Somebody has to fulfill that desire and it's always a rich person that does it. If there were no rich people, then the apartment never gets built whether ten people or a thousand people want them. You need huge capital for such a project which we middle-class don't have. Plus like any investment, it's a huge risk.

Wages are determined by how many people could do your job. If you quit your job because your boss wouldn't give you a raise and he found somebody that's willing to work and provide the same quality of work as you do for the same wage, then you were getting what you were worth. If the employer can't find anybody to work for your wage and has to up his offer to attract workers, then you were getting underpaid. If he can find somebody who will do the work for less, you were overpaid.
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From December 2016 to September 2019, nominal wages rose 6.79% from $22.83 to $24.38. But after factoring in inflation, average wages barely budged, climbing just 0.42% in the period.

And that was before Trump WRECKED the economy in 2020.

Bullshit. Inflation was in the normal 2% area when Trump was presiding. If your wages went up 7% and inflation is 2%, you are ahead of the game.
Don't you suppose that it's possible that I make what I do, and am treated as well as I am, because I have proven my worth to my employer, and that my employer knows, especially in the current market, that I could easily find any of several other firms eager to hire me away from my current employer, if that was what I chose?

I guess you wouldn't understand, having surely never impressed any employer to the degree that I have impressed mine.
What antisemite Joe is doing by saying that you only got high pay because of a union is doing what all liberals do: refuse to acknowledge that some people get higher wages because they are smarter, more talented, harder working, or whatever. That’s because they’d also have to acknowledge that some people are pulling up the rear because they are dumber, lazier, or have no skills. It would kill their myth that it’s always “society’s fault.”
Without wealthy people forming and running all the various companies that it takes to build a project like this one, and employing all the workers that it takes to build it, it wouldn't get built.

Leftists have everything upside down. They vilify the successful and sing the praises of the dependent class that can’t support itself. Recipe for a collapse of a nation.
Wow, what fantasy world do you live in?

The problem isn't just open bigots like you, who fortunately get purged when they out their own racism.

It's the inherent bias of people who make decisions to favor people like themselves. When most of the people making hiring decisions are white, they are going to be biased towards people who remind them of themselves. And when most of the business owners and managers are white, you are going to get a bias towards white people.
Wow….talk about Fantasy World, bigot.

Then why did the liberals in the marketing departments of all those stores refuse to hire a white model and show ONLY blacks, on poster, after poster, after poster, after poster, after poster, after poster, after poster, after poster? Because as another poster pointed out, libersls have forced a 180 on society, where it is acceptable for the president to say “whites will be excluded“ and called an innocent white kid defending himself form a pedophile about to kill him a “white suoremacist”?

I am going to call out the ever-advancing racism against whites, and your lies and venom calling me a racist isn’t going to stop me.
every person who made the decision to hire me has been a white person.

If it helps any, I can offer that I am a white person, I hire employees for my business, and there is absolutely no way in hell I would ever hire you.

I look for those who are well-adjusted and friendly, and not seething piles of human excrement who know only hatred.
Not at all since the subject is illegal immigration, not legal immigration. Not green cards, no VISA's, nothing. Illegal immigration.
Yes, I understand that. It’s you who struggles to realize that those numbers are included in the total net migration. See the graph if the words confuse you.
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Yes, I understand that. It you who struggles to realize that those numbers are included in the total net migration. See the graph if the words confuse you.
We want to see a chart of illegals ONLY. Nice attempt to diffuse the burden they cause by adding in legal immigrants, who everyone knows are superior.
I’m ashamed that those pieces of shit are Americans, who can vote. This is why we are in the mess we are. Imagine, a country where some people are so deranged that they defend thugs and scofflaws who weaken our country, and lambast good, decent people with proper values who follow the law. It’s absolutely infuriating, and it will destroy the country unless we can take it back.
Proper values? :auiqs.jpg:
We want to see a chart of illegals ONLY. Nice attempt to diffuse the burden they cause by adding in legal immigrants, who everyone knows are superior.
What would that prove if over all net migration, which includes illegal immigration, is down from Trump’s numbers?
Yeah, I decided after he started attacking me and accusing me of bullshit that I don’t need to oblige him. I could never win, anyway.

Vermin is right. And they are getting worse. I think this thread is revealing a new low.
Blacks…will not…replace us!
I think Democrats have an ongoing game of who can be the most outraged over the most ridiculous stuff. The first time I slow danced at a record hop, I didn't need a teacher or any other perverted liberal to explain to me where that hard on came from. Grownups need to stay out of kid's pants.

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