The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Don't you suppose that it's possible that I make what I do, and am treated as well as I am, because I have proven my worth to my employer, and that my employer knows, especially in the current market, that I could easily find any of several other firms eager to hire me away from my current employer, if that was what I chose?

Uh, guy, you've stated you are an electrician and live in CA. So, no, you are a member of a union. I noticed you didn't come right out and deny it. Never get a straight answer out of a Mormon.

I guess you wouldn't understand, having surely never impressed any employer to the degree that I have impressed mine.

I have the awards, promotions and medals that say otherwise...

Without wealthy people forming and running all the various companies that it takes to build a project like this one, and employing all the workers that it takes to build it, it wouldn't get built.

Yeah, that's what they keep telling you. Except most of the really big projects are done by government and they are just fine.

What antisemite Joe is doing by saying that you only got high pay because of a union is doing what all liberals do: refuse to acknowledge that some people get higher wages because they are smarter, more talented, harder working, or whatever. That’s because they’d also have to acknowledge that some people are pulling up the rear because they are dumber, lazier, or have no skills. It would kill their myth that it’s always “society’s fault.”

Actually, unions were the biggest example of Affirmative Action for white people, except the Right Wing has been trying to tear it down for the last 40 years.

I've seen lots of people work hard and not get anywhere. I've seen people who are professional slackers who charm their way into good paying jobs... everyone's got an angle.

Leftists have everything upside down. They vilify the successful and sing the praises of the dependent class that can’t support itself. Recipe for a collapse of a nation.

Actually, the recipe for the collapse of a nation is what we are doing now - the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. France 1787, Russia 1917, Cuba 1959, Iran 1979 in case you need reference points. When 40% of your population lives BELOW the poverty line because of wealth inequality, one paycheck from disaster, you have the makings of social disorder.

The very fact that so many kids voted for Bernie Sanders tells me they've looked at Capitalism and saw it was a shit sandwich. I actually see a need for investors and capital, just not the way we are doing it in this country. What we were doing pre-Reagan was just fine. The Rich paid their fair share, the working class belonged to unions to get a fair wage.

Then why did the liberals in the marketing departments of all those stores refuse to hire a white model and show ONLY blacks, on poster, after poster, after poster, after poster, after poster, after poster, after poster, after poster? Because as another poster pointed out, libersls have forced a 180 on society, where it is acceptable for the president to say “whites will be excluded“ and called an innocent white kid defending himself form a pedophile about to kill him a “white suoremacist”?

Uh, Rittenhouse was a White Supremacist. He hung out with the Proud Boys and was caught on video saying how he wished he had his AR so he could shoot a black man leaving a CVS.

Oh, and I don't think anyone actually believes you about the posters, BTW.
If it helps any, I can offer that I am a white person, I hire employees for my business, and there is absolutely no way in hell I would ever hire you.

I look for those who are well-adjusted and friendly, and not seething piles of human excrement who know only hatred.

Actually, given what an asshole you demonstrate yourself to be, I can imagine you are a pain to work for.
To a leftist hypocrite like ^^^ , pointing out obvious bias against whites is “white privilege not being worshipped.”

Something tells me that when blacks complain about there not being enough blacks in a movie, you don’t say, with snark and disdain, “there’s another Tyrone whining because his Black Privilege is not being worshipped.”

You’re a racist and a hypocrite, and normal people can all see it. This over the type avoidance of showing white people, because hey! Blacks and only blacks are who count!! is just beyond ridiculousness.

Please describe on detail how you were discriminated against.

Were you arrested for walking while white?
shot down for walking while white?

Please describe how your white privilege has been imposed upon by some posters in a local mall.

God you are a stupid little racist fool.
It hides how much illegal immigration is up, you idiot. You nasty leftists are doing everything possible to bring in as many illegals as you can, and then hide how much it’s increased under Dementia by combining in with the good immigrants who came here legally.

Actually, illegal immigration is still at an all-time low, compared to where it was at in the 90's or early Aughts.

That’s the issue is a nutshell. The leftists have completely upside down values: the defend criminals, and demonize law-abiding citizens.

Or you can see crime as a symptom of a troubled society. The Europeans don't have the crime problems we have. Neither do the Japanese. Because they've addressed poverty, addiction, gun proliferation, mental illness as social ills.

You've decided you are perfectly happy with millions of Americans going to bed hungry every night, but you are horrified when some of them commit crimes?

It doesn't confuse me at all. We were discussing illegal immigration and you posted a link to all immigration assuming none of us would even look at it. Either you didn't read your own link or you assumed none of us would. In any case, you can't deny the BP reports of the flood of illegals trying to enter this country since Dementia invaded the White House. People won't come unless they know there's a chance at getting in. It's why illegals dropped by 90% in 2019 after Trump's policies went into play. Furthermore by dropping Title 42, the BP stated they will be overwhelmed with illegals to the point there is no possible way to stop them.

Actually, they did nothing of the sort. Trumps average apprehensions were only slightly above Obama's and well below Bush's. Factor in the humanitarian crisis in Central America, Trump's accomplishment doesn't look all that impressive.

Are you for real? The point isn’t about a picture of a black person. It’s about all 20 posters featuring black people, and not a single one showing the “race-that-must-be-made-invisible.” You‘re not fooling anyone by pretending you don’t understand how ridiculous It is to avoid any depiction of the majority population and focus 100% solely on the 14% minority.

Please you tiny Minded troglodyte. drag your knuckles elsewhere.

You're throwing a KAREN because the OWNERS of PRIVATE BUSINESSES decided to exercise their rights to attract customers.

You're panties need adjusting, fool.

Please you tiny Minded troglodyte. drag your knuckles elsewhere.

You're throwing a KAREN because the OWNERS of PRIVATE BUSINESSES decided to exercise their rights to attract customers.

You're panties need adjusting, fool.
More lies and insults from a leftist because a white objected to racist decisions based on skin color. You leftist hypocrites using that TYRONE tactic are so predictable.
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Please you tiny Minded troglodyte. drag your knuckles elsewhere.

You're throwing a KAREN because the OWNERS of PRIVATE BUSINESSES decided to exercise their rights to attract customers.

You're panties need adjusting, fool.
The owners of private businesses made a decision to exclude whites from their advertising material based on skin color. That’s just as racist as excluding blacks, and you k ow it.

You disgusting leftists aren’t fooling anyone, and your attacks against whiteys who object to race-based decisions aren’t going to get us to shut up and accept being discriminated against. The extent of avoiding showing any white faces is just beyond belief.
Can you feel your power fading?

No. When Democrats are in power it never feels like minorities are advancing. The virtue signaling the OP is referring to in the mall doesn’t help the record number of blacks getting slaughtered in our Inner cities. Not that you care.
No. When Democrats are in power it never feels like minorities are advancing. The virtue signaling the OP is referring to in the mall doesn’t help the record number of black getting slaughtered in our Inner cities. Not that you care.
Blacks were doing better under Trump, which scared the bejeesus out of the Dems. They need them dependent, or how else can they buy their votes?

And you’re right: intentionally excluding whites from marketing materials in an affluent suburban mall is doing nothing to help stem the inner-city crime committed by blacks, including rampant murders, and the main cause of black poverty: out of wedlock births.
Uh, guy, you've stated you are an electrician and live in CA. So, no, you are a member of a union. I noticed you didn't come right out and deny it. Never get a straight answer out of a Mormon.

No, not all Electricians in California have anything to do with any union. I have no idea where you got the idea that union membership is required to be an electrician in California, but it's bullshit.

Technically, I am a member of IBEW Local 340. Signed up with them when I was fresh out of trade school, and looking for any way to get my foot in the door into the trade. They never did anything for me, so it's moot. My current employer is a non-Union company, and most of my coworkers in this company probably are not union members.

I'm also a member of the Teamsters, Local 50. My previous major employer was a union shop, so I had to join to get that job. They never really did much for me either, except skim their dues off of my paychecks; and created a hostile adversarial relationship between my colleagues and the company management. Now that I think about it, the effect of the union on the labor/management relationship of working under the Teamsters sounds a great deal like most of your complaints about shitty bosses. I don't know if that's how it is with most unionized jobs, but it certainly seemed that way to me, that the culture in that job was that management and labor saw each other as enemies, and that it was the union that was responsible for fostering that aspect of the culture. It seems to me that in my limited experience, it was working under a union that created the very conditions that you attribute to capitalism in general, and for which you specifically see unions as the remedy.
Blacks were doing better under Trump, which scared the bejeesus out of the Dems. They need them dependent, or how else can they buy their votes?

Uh, people who are doing well don't riot. Rioting means they are doing the opposite of well.

No, not all Electricians in California have anything to do with any union. I have no idea where you got the idea that union membership is required to be an electrician in California, but it's bullshit.

Technically, I am a member of IBEW Local 340.

Okay, so after saying you aren't in a union, you admit you are in union.

The point is, without unions keeping the costs of labor up, you wouldn't enjoy the benefits you do.
Uh, people who are doing well don't riot. Rioting means they are doing the opposite of well.

Okay, so after saying you aren't in a union, you admit you are in union.

The point is, without unions keeping the costs of labor up, you wouldn't enjoy the benefits you do.

I never said I wasn't in a union. I am, in fact, a member of two different unions, though not active with either of them.

Of the three main jobs that I've had in my life, and all the various smaller jobs to fill in the gaps, only one was a union job.

My current employment as an electrician is not in any way associated with any union. I only joined the electricians' union because at a time that I was struggling to get a foot in the door, I thought that might be a way into the trade. It wasn't.
My current employment as an electrician is not in any way associated with any union. I only joined the electricians' union because at a time that I was struggling to get a foot in the door, I thought that might be a way into the trade. It wasn't.

Okay, man... this is even more convoluted than your claim Joseph Smith wasn't fucking those women and girls he married.
No, not all Electricians in California have anything to do with any union. I have no idea where you got the idea that union membership is required to be an electrician in California, but it's bullshit.

Technically, I am a member of IBEW Local 340. Signed up with them when I was fresh out of trade school, and looking for any way to get my foot in the door into the trade. They never did anything for me, so it's moot. My current employer is a non-Union company, and most of my coworkers in this company probably are not union members.

I'm also a member of the Teamsters, Local 50. My previous major employer was a union shop, so I had to join to get that job. They never really did much for me either, except skim their dues off of my paychecks; and created a hostile adversarial relationship between my colleagues and the company management. Now that I think about it, the effect of the union on the labor/management relationship of working under the Teamsters sounds a great deal like most of your complaints about shitty bosses. I don't know if that's how it is with most unionized jobs, but it certainly seemed that way to me, that the culture in that job was that management and labor saw each other as enemies, and that it was the union that was responsible for fostering that aspect of the culture. It seems to me that in my limited experience, it was working under a union that created the very conditions that you attribute to capitalism in general, and for which you specifically see unions as the remedy.
Do you know where Jimmy is buried? (just kidding…..)
Actually, illegal immigration is still at an all-time low, compared to where it was at in the 90's or early Aughts.

Or you can see crime as a symptom of a troubled society. The Europeans don't have the crime problems we have. Neither do the Japanese. Because they've addressed poverty, addiction, gun proliferation, mental illness as social ills.

You've decided you are perfectly happy with millions of Americans going to bed hungry every night, but you are horrified when some of them commit crimes?

Actually, they did nothing of the sort. Trumps average apprehensions were only slightly above Obama's and well below Bush's. Factor in the humanitarian crisis in Central America, Trump's accomplishment doesn't look all that impressive.

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And when did those numbers increase? That's right, when the commies interfered with his policies. After he got past them and their commie judges in the courts, as the links I provided show, many less stopped trying to get in. In fact I have an ABC link where they used his success to excuse building a wall.
Actually, the recipe for the collapse of a nation is what we are doing now - the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. France 1787, Russia 1917, Cuba 1959, Iran 1979 in case you need reference points. When 40% of your population lives BELOW the poverty line because of wealth inequality, one paycheck from disaster, you have the makings of social disorder.

The rich have nothing to do with people in poverty. Plenty of good paying and excellent jobs out there, but a lot of people either won't take them out of laziness or because they can't pass a drug test.

You leftists live in your make believe world. You think jobs are created so people can support themselves with good pay and benefits. That's not why jobs are created. You think that every industry should pay good wages and expect them to sell their products at twice the price of foreign made products. Do you believe in the tooth fairy too?
You know, it really helps to understand things when you know what the definition of words actually are. Here, let me help you out.........................

Definition of apprehension

1: suspicion or fear especially of future evil : FOREBODING an atmosphere of nervous apprehension

2: seizure by legal process : ARREST apprehension of a criminal

3a: the act or power of perceiving or comprehending something a person of dull apprehension
b: the result of apprehending something mentally : CONCEPTION according to popular apprehension

You might want to pay close attention to definition 2 of the word you used (apprehension). It talks about a criminal being seized (caught) and arrested, i.e. apprehension. If someone was apprehended, that means they were caught, not that they were "people they didn't catch", as you stated in your post.

Apprehension, they were caught and arrested.
Inadmission, they applied to come here but were turned down.

You really might wanna buy a dictionary, or used "" if you don't want to appear stupid. Thanks.

Nothing more stupid than this post of yours. WTF does this have to do with what we were talking about?

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