The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

I'm still attempting to process this conversation and be objective.

I can recall quite well what it was like to not even be able to be served in some establishments, especially in southern states, and some northern states as well. Because that was just how it was during the 50's and 60"s.

Aa far as the possibilty of seeing a non white mannequin or window poster model ANYWHERE, back then would have been on the level of a Twilight Zone or Outer Limits experience.

This is a very "new" type of "discrimination" that I've never heard of.

Since I'm also retired, and have some time available, maybe I will start checking for "racial poster equality" in the stores that I visit as well.

Until now, I've never given a second thought to window posters.

On the occasions that I do go into stores, I only care about getting in and getting out as fast as possible.
So, what you are saying is that as a black man, you felt marginalized by the lack of black representation. Fair enough. 50 years ago, black people WEREN'T represented.

What is it in you that prevents you from extending the same grace to others by acknowledging that they might feel the same way as you?
So, what you are saying is that as a black man, you felt marginalized by the lack of black representation. Fair enough. 50 years ago, black people WEREN'T represented.

What is it in you that prevents you from extending the same grace to others by acknowledging that they might feel the same way as you?
When virtually everything boils down to race,then nothing is about race.
Because w/o context and motive and the fact { indisputable } that no Human
on Earth EVER had any say about the color of their skin.
Therefore it's become entirely Political.
Ironically by those Democrats who Owned slaves { Dinesh D'Souza } proved in
a book and also a Documentary that No Republican elected official ever held
slaves.Jim Crow was authored by the Democrat party.The KKK was helped along
by Democrats and were allowed a seat at the *Democrat DNC Convention of 1924.
Woodrow Wilson's first movie screened at the White House was :
- Birth of a Nation - { 1915 }.
It was President Eisenhower { who a majority of Blacks voted for }
A Republican who Signed on to the First Civil Rights bill of 1957.
It was lugs like L.B.J. { then Majority leader in the Senate }
who stalled it's progress.

* Later to be known as " The Klanbake "
So, what you are saying is that as a black man, you felt marginalized by the lack of black representation. Fair enough. 50 years ago, black people WEREN'T represented.

What is it in you that prevents you from extending the same grace to others by acknowledging that they might feel the same way as you?

You obviously don't understand what I'm saying.

I stated that I experienced what it was like to not even be waited on, let alone see a non white window poster or mannequin, nor did I even expect to, and whether it was 50 years ago or yesterday is irrelevant, and has nothing to do with "extending grace", because the two experiences are not even remotely comparable.

Lack of representation, and not even being able to set foot in a place are quite different.

To this day, I don't pay attention to such things as store displays or posters, and most people that I know don't either.

If I get good quality service, at the right price and do not have to spend a lot of time getting in and out, the stores displays and posters seem like a trivial matter, unless one is purposely looking for something to be upset over.
Blanket statements can get you in trouble, as many times there can be an exception to be found. Same thing with calling all of them only woke liberals. There might be a unicorn (very rare example of something) in the form of a conservative who goes along with anti white racism. Matter of fact, there could be a black conservative out there who agrees with that sentiment.
Yet the left loves blanket statements like


and one hell of a list of other bullshit extreme tags
Yet the left loves blanket statements like


and one hell of a list of other bullshit extreme tags
It's no longer reduced to being Jaded.It's driven.Like watchiing a Mob movie
starring De Niro.
However the left is now a Party of leftists.Not Liberals.
Thomas Jefferson was a Liberal.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan was a Liberal.Bill Bradley was a Liberal.
The constant drumbeat of Narratives with " You're Racist " no longer
flushes.In fact,it's the surest sign of a Politcal Hoax.
You obviously don't understand what I'm saying.

I stated that I experienced what it was like to not even be waited on, let alone see a non white window poster or mannequin, nor did I even expect to, and whether it was 50 years ago or yesterday is irrelevant, and has nothing to do with "extending grace", because the two experiences are not even remotely comparable.

To this day, I don't pay attention to such things as store displays or posters, and most people that I know don't either.

If I get good quality service, at the right price and do not have to spend a lot of time getting in and out, the stores displays and posters seem like a trivial matter, unless one is purposely looking for something to be upset over.
What you fail to realize is that it is the never-ending drumbeat by leftists as to how blacks are victimized, blacks do not get equal opportunities, whites are innately racist, math is racist, Aunt Jemima syrup is racist, admissions tests are racist, etc., etc., etc., that has made made people hyper-aware of things such as equity, exclusion, and so forth.

I never would have noticed the posters two years ago. But then again, two years ago we would not have heard a U.S. president announce - brag! - that whites would be excluded from consideration for the SCOTUS nominee. Nor would there be curriculums that teach that whites are INNATELY racist oppressors and blacks their victims.

I am sorry for ehat you experienced as a young man in the segregated South. Excluding people, or selecting people, on the basis of skin color is reprehensible, but that applies to whites as well as blacks. To walk past 20 posters in a row, every single one of a black person, reveals that there was a conscious decision among all those stores to exclude whites. That is wrong.
I stated that I experienced what it was like to not even be waited on, let alone see a non white window poster or mannequin, nor did I even expect to, and whether it was 50 years ago or yesterday is irrelevant, and has nothing to do with "extending grace", because the two experiences are not even remotely comparable.

To this day, I don't pay attention to such things as store displays or posters, and most people that I know don't either.

If I get good quality service, at the right price and do not have to spend a lot of time getting in and out, the stores displays and posters seem like a trivial matter, unless one is purposely looking for something to be upset over.
We do not live in that same society, Steve.

The tables have turned - a complete 180, in fact.

I also remember the 60s, and have seen the changes since. Instead of the left wanting to build a color blind society, it is now all ABOUT color. Instead of prejudice against blacks, it is favoritism towards blacks. Instead of people seeing a black man and assuming he is a criminal, people defend him even if he is patently criminal. Instead of excluding blacks, it is now all about excluding whites.

If racial prejudice is wrong, simply changing the nature of the prejudice doesn't make it right.
We do not live in that same society, Steve.

The tables have turned - a complete 180, in fact.

I also remember the 60s, and have seen the changes since. Instead of the left wanting to build a color blind society, it is now all ABOUT color. Instead of prejudice against blacks, it is favoritism towards blacks. Instead of people seeing a black man and assuming he is a criminal, people defend him even if he is patently criminal. Instead of excluding blacks, it is now all about excluding whites.

If racial prejudice is wrong, simply changing the nature of the prejudice doesn't make it right.
Nice,honest interpretation.The left has found a way to weaponize Race.
By intentionally forgetting that those White Democrat pols and Woke White Corporate
head are also White.But somehow they remain exempt from their own godforsaken
rules governing speech and mention of one race ... The Black Race!
Like only Blacks are allowed to openly and with disdain use the " N " word.
Kill,Maim,rob blind other blacks.Without as much a peep of complaint.
It's one way to Take Down the United States.From within.
By Whitey's who run those Deep States and Agencies.The same pack of whitey's
who haven't a care in the world when it comes to affording where to live
or their grocery bills.
Wake Up America and Smell the Hypocrisy.
It was not Trump that crashed the economy. It was your side, that used an overhyped cold/flu outbreak as an excuse to deliberately, maliciously, sabotage the economy, shut down businesses, and throw people out of their jobs, as well as to violate several essential basic human rights.

Your side did this, and your side totally owns it, and the results.

You and I both understand he knows that quite well. But if they didn't lie about Trump, what else would they have against him? Nothing.
You and I both understand he knows that quite well. But if they didn't lie about Trump, what else would they have against him? Nothing.
Dennis Prager is spot-on when he claimed the use of Covid Lockdowns
for near 2 years the Greatest scandal in American history.It made matters
much much worse,was Not necessary and ended up killing not just Jobs,
careers and livlihoods but humans.
Using Science as a way to combat perceived fears.
Where sheer common sense need not apply.
Denying very effective and safe drugs Like Hydroxychloroquine.
Simple need for Vitamin D supplements.The Government could have easily
given away Vitamin D supplements since it's dirt cheap.
Only in this instance, but not under Trump. Inflation was in the normal 2% range and wages increased, in fact a new median household income high. In other words people were doing better. When wages increase with inflation, you are no better off than when you started because everything is much more expensive.

Actually, really not true.

From December 2016 to September 2019, nominal wages rose 6.79% from $22.83 to $24.38. But after factoring in inflation, average wages barely budged, climbing just 0.42% in the period.

And that was before Trump WRECKED the economy in 2020.

This is true. Other than the OP in which I pointed out the ridiculous anti-white bias in advertising these days, my posts were responding to the libs who went into meltdown mode over the fact that I complained about racial bias (against whites), and thus went into vicious attack mode with lies and whatnot.

Actually, it was more like mocking you, Karen558.

Not true.

“Racism” is one of more favored slurs to gratuitously use against any sane, decent person, but he has plenty of other slurs at least as nasty and at last as baseless and gratuitous.

In many instances, his slurs consist of falsely accusing others of vices which he very often exhibits on his own part in the very same posts.

For those playing along at home, Mormon Bob belongs to a cult that holds that dark skin is a curse from God and tried to bring Utah into the Union as a slave state. it didn't allow black people to join as full members until 1978, when Jimmy Carter threatened to pull their tax exemption.

It was not Trump that crashed the economy. It was your side, that used an overhyped cold/flu outbreak as an excuse to deliberately, maliciously, sabotage the economy, shut down businesses, and throw people out of their jobs, as well as to violate several essential basic human rights.

Your side did this, and your side totally owns it, and the results.

Most businesses voluntarily shut down... The "shutdown" lasted less than two months.

Restaurants still allowed carry out, most companies switched to telecommuting.

The real problem was we were going into full recession before Covid Hit. GDP Growth for Q1 was -5%, and that was before we had all that many cases in the US. Did Covid make these things worse? Corporate Debt and Trump's unnecessary Trade War with China both contributed to creating an atmosphere that made us ripe for recession.

Those horrible rich people are seriously screwing me over, by running a business in which I am given the opportunity to make good use of my skills and talents, to contribute to society, to build great things, and make an honest living by so doing.

How cruel they are to expect me to do productive work in exchange for my weekly paycheck!

The apartment complex that I am building should just build itself, after all, and I should get paid for sitting around doing nothing, shouldn't I?

Okay, let's look at that. Let's forget that probably the only reason why you are probably getting a decent wage for doing that is either because you belong to a union or fair labor laws are keeping your wages high. Left to their own devices, those rich people would hire a bunch of undocumented workers for half your wage.

But what is causing the building of an apartment complex?

The need of people FOR housing. Rich people don't create that need, consumer demand does.

The wealthy are parasites who have convinced the world they are a vital organ.
When virtually everything boils down to race,then nothing is about race.
Because w/o context and motive and the fact { indisputable } that no Human
on Earth EVER had any say about the color of their skin.
Therefore it's become entirely Political.
Ironically by those Democrats who Owned slaves { Dinesh D'Souza } proved in
a book and also a Documentary that No Republican elected official ever held
slaves.Jim Crow was authored by the Democrat party.The KKK was helped along
by Democrats and were allowed a seat at the *Democrat DNC Convention of 1924.
Woodrow Wilson's first movie screened at the White House was :
- Birth of a Nation - { 1915 }.
It was President Eisenhower { who a majority of Blacks voted for }
A Republican who Signed on to the First Civil Rights bill of 1957.
It was lugs like L.B.J. { then Majority leader in the Senate }
who stalled it's progress.

* Later to be known as " The Klanbake "
rosie says---IMVO (in my vaunted opinion) ---the
more germane to our lives than the
hostility between the "FARMERS AND THE
COWBOYS" in the early 1900s in
You obviously don't understand what I'm saying.

I stated that I experienced what it was like to not even be waited on, let alone see a non white window poster or mannequin, nor did I even expect to, and whether it was 50 years ago or yesterday is irrelevant, and has nothing to do with "extending grace", because the two experiences are not even remotely comparable.

Lack of representation, and not even being able to set foot in a place are quite different.

To this day, I don't pay attention to such things as store displays or posters, and most people that I know don't either.

If I get good quality service, at the right price and do not have to spend a lot of time getting in and out, the stores displays and posters seem like a trivial matter, unless one is purposely looking for something to be upset over.
So what you’re saying is that what you suffered as a young black man is worse than the anti-white bias we see today, be it the rampant favoritism toward blacks in advertising (meaning whites are much less likely to be hired as models or commercial actors) or and-and-out exclusion (“no whites will be considered”), and that whites shouldn’t complain when there is a bias against their race?

Why, in the midst of Democrats making the fight against anti-black racism - which is being exaggerated - the key element of the platform, should they, or anyone, advance bias against ANY race, even if it’s not as bad as what blacks suffered 50 years ago? Are you saying that racism and prejudice is good if it is “not as severe” and against whites? Because that is definitely what some liberals here have said, and they show it by continuing to advance bias against white skin and eviserate any white who complains.
So, what you are saying is that as a black man, you felt marginalized by the lack of black representation. Fair enough. 50 years ago, black people WEREN'T represented.

What is it in you that prevents you from extending the same grace to others by acknowledging that they might feel the same way as you?

Well, mostly because the people who complain about it would LOVE to go back to the good old days of Jim Crow. Let's look at who is complaining here. Lisa558, whose every fucking thread is complaining about black people getting things she thinks are rightfully here like college admissions or supreme court appointments or being on a poster. Ray from Cleveland who complains about "jungle music" and his neighbors on HUD. Bob who belongs to a racist cult that didn't admit black people until 1978.

Most well-adjusted white people wouldn't have thought twice about posters in a mall.

What you fail to realize is that it is the never-ending drumbeat by leftists as to how blacks are victimized, blacks do not get equal opportunities, whites are innately racist, math is racist, Aunt Jemima syrup is racist, admissions tests are racist, etc., etc., etc., that has made made people hyper-aware of things such as equity, exclusion, and so forth.

And if a product was advertised as "Jewy McJewstein's Matza balls", you'd be screaming to high heaven, too.

I never would have noticed the posters two years ago. But then again, two years ago we would not have heard a U.S. president announce - brag! - that whites would be excluded from consideration for the SCOTUS nominee. Nor would there be curriculums that teach that whites are INNATELY racist oppressors and blacks their victims.

Um, okay, six of the nine justices are still white people. And one guy who wishes he were white and hates himself. Just not seeing the problem here.

I am sorry for ehat you experienced as a young man in the segregated South. Excluding people, or selecting people, on the basis of skin color is reprehensible, but that applies to whites as well as blacks. To walk past 20 posters in a row, every single one of a black person, reveals that there was a conscious decision among all those stores to exclude whites. That is wrong.

If what black people encountered in the South was just who was on the posters, you might have an issue. You know, instead of the lynching, the voter suppression, the discrimination.

Here was the thing, nothing really kept you from shopping at that store because you didn't like the poster. Not shopping there was your choice. In the old South, a black person couldn't get served at all. He could get lynched for looking at the white clerk the wrong way. So even if one belived your incredible story about this ONE MALL that didn't have any pictures of white people, this is really your hang up, not an institutionalized racism that still exists.
rosie says---IMVO (in my vaunted opinion) ---the
more germane to our lives than the
hostility between the "FARMERS AND THE
COWBOYS" in the early 1900s in
Agree. Steve is saying that the prejudice against blacks was much worse 50 years ago than the prejudice against whites is today, which Is not the issue. The issue is that bias against whites is currently being advanced by liberals, when the goal should be that skin color is irrelevant when making decisions as to whom to hire.

Also, re the posters of which every single one was of a black and not one of a white, these were all from a row of individual stores. They didn’t gang together and decide to exclude whites. Rather, the six or seven stores on the way to the eatery all came to the same decision: we are not going to hire a white as a model. That shows how pervasive the anti-white bias is.
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

Hmmm. Will the have a food court called chicks with dicks

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