The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Personally, I believe that "sentiments" are more out in the open than ever, considering the difference that social media has made.

I haven’t read the whole thread, but just out of curiosity, If you "hate" where you live, why don't you move?

For one I have a business here. Two, I'm close to my elderly parents (87 and 91) and I'd like to be here when things go wrong for them. Third, my tenants are more like friends and family to me, and I want to make sure they have an affordable place to live, at least until I'm gone which is probably a matter of 6 months to a couple more years. Nobody can really say when it comes to cancer, but my oncologist told me chemo is working amazingly well so I'm hoping for five more years if possible, or at least be able to outlive my parents so they don't have to suffer the torment of losing another child. Forth, even if the first three reasons weren't issues, the blacks have run our property value down so badly I wouldn't be able to sell it for enough to get a house in a nice, safe and quiet all or mostly white area.

Yes, sentiments are more overt than ever, however what gets accomplished by it? Are the races getting along any better? The last three riots tells me no. White flight tells me no. Even the mention all the models in posters are all black in a predominantly white mall, it's racist. It seems these issues can never be resolved.
How would liberals react if a white mayor announced she would grant interviews to white reporters only?

It would have been on the MSM for months, the Mayor would have received multiple death threats and not only have to quit the job, but move out of town entirely. But because she took that stance against whites, she's not only staying, but running for reelection.
It would have been on the MSM for months, the Mayor would have received multiple death threats and not only have to quit the job, but move out of town entirely. But because she took that stance against whites, she's not only staying, but running for reelection.
There are countless examples of the racism that is accepted (by liberals) when it goes against whites, yet protested loudly when it goes against blacks.

Shall we have “No Blacks on Campus Day,” like that woke college? What about the black local elected official who screamed at the white reporter to get out of here “with her white woman rage”? Can you imagine a white mayor of a major city authorizing the words “White LIves Matter” on a prominent street downtown?
There are countless examples of the racism that is accepted (by liberals) when it goes against whites, yet protested loudly when it goes against blacks.

Shall we have “No Blacks on Campus Day,” like that woke college? What about the black local elected official who screamed at the white reporter to get out of here “with her white woman rage”? Can you imagine a white mayor of a major city authorizing the words “White LIves Matter” on a prominent street downtown?

As far as the left is concerned, there can't be any discrimination or bias against whites because whites are just too large and control everything. They don't believe that other whites can side with anti-white policies or even create such policies themselves.
As far as the mayor that you're speaking of, I have not heard that story, or anything about who is being interviewed for what.

Well, she is misrepresenting it. Mayor Lightfoot gives interviews to the white press all the time, but on the first anniversery of her term, she stated she wanted to give interviews to the African American press like the Chicago Defender.
Growing up in OKC the malls were all white and sparkling because blacks were not allowed to get out of their side of town.
So, you are saying that malls cannot be 'white and sparkling' if black folks are allowed? That's pretty racist.
As far as the left is concerned, there can't be any discrimination or bias against whites because whites are just too large and control everything. They don't believe that other whites can side with anti-white policies or even create such policies themselves.
That's because the left is made up of racists who see skin color as the most important feature in human beings.
You’re the racist. Otherwise, you would be willing to acknowledge that companies that specifically exclude whites from ads because of their race are doing wrong.

When you hypocrites fight back against black racism to a ridiculous extreme - math is racist….rice is racist….AP classes are racist….admissions test are racist….and then refuse to acknowledge that rejecting whites based on race is a problem, you lose all standing to complain about ANY form of racism.
Bigots always charge people who call them bigots , bigots. It is so comical , it's 3rd grade at it's best . I don't know who you are Buttercup but who ever you are, you are weak blithering and a Q anoner.
Bigots always charge people who call them bigots , bigots. It is so comical , it's 3rd grade at it's best . I don't know who you are Buttercup but who ever you are, you are weak blithering and a Q anoner.
So, since Democrats always charge people with being bigots then, they must be bigots by your statement.
That's because the left is made up of racists who see skin color as the most important feature in human beings.
Not even close , The left has lots to say about Blacks all in support of them , the right are bigots and generally have a level of hatred of them and anyone generally of color. Its a old fat white man party and anything other then white, right wingers don't like in general terms. That means generally all immigrants and Blacks. That's why they attempt in any way possible to take away their vote.
There are countless examples of the racism that is accepted (by liberals) when it goes against whites, yet protested loudly when it goes against blacks.

Shall we have “No Blacks on Campus Day,” like that woke college? What about the black local elected official who screamed at the white reporter to get out of here “with her white woman rage”? Can you imagine a white mayor of a major city authorizing the words “White LIves Matter” on a prominent street downtown?
What the hell is this compost?
This may be the stupidest thread I've read in months. All these bigots showing their wall to wall bigotry and saying in the same sentence that they aren't bigots, that the real bigots are the liberals but not one logical example of how people on the left are bigots. It seems the best they got is all the people who recognize that their hate group are bigots and say so are bigots for saying so , Now if I missed the gist of this maybe one of your hate group could explain what their point is.
Not even close , The left has lots to say about Blacks all in support of them , the right are bigots and generally have a level of hatred of them and anyone generally of color. Its a old fat white man party and anything other then white, right wingers don't like in general terms. That means generally all immigrants and Blacks. That's why they attempt in any way possible to take away their vote.

But you don't wear a tin foil hat. :auiqs.jpg:

You know, if you read a few pages of topic, you'll find the answers to the questions you're looking for.
How did Trump allow covid to spread? Only an uneducated moron would create such a lie. Tell us how a President is able to control a microorganism. This should be real good, especially when you make a statement like "Trump isn't responsible for any of his failures." Yeah, Trump created covid and spread it across the globe.
We've been over this.
He disbanded the Pandemic Response Team
He threw out the Pandemic Response plan.
He lied about how serious it was.
He didn't quarantine Americans returning from China and Europe
He undermined the attempts of governors to contain it.
He told people it would disappear by Easter.
He downplayed the seriousness of the issue time after time.

The rest of the globe treated this seriously, it's why the US has 20% of the cases with only 4% of the world's population.

So where did I say "anybody" can do? No, manual labor jobs do not pay shit and haven't for a good number of years. You need to get training in a field of work so you are no longer non-skilled manual labor. In my former line of work you can get training for free or very low cost. In my fathers former field (bricklaying) training is free. All you have to do is be able to pass a drug test and willing to do physical labor. It pays over $50.00 an hour plus OT and you are laid off all winter to rest. They can't find enough people just like the transportation field.

Because most people don't want to do tedious jobs. I'd shoot myself if all I did was lay bricks all day.

Wealth is not distributed, wealth is earned. Distribution of wealth is Socialism/ Communism and there are plenty of countries for one to move to if that's the environment they wish to live under.

No, buddy, wealth is distributed... and we have put the investor class ahead of the working class. I want the country we had before Republicans fucked it up.

I worked two jobs in the 70's. I worked two jobs in the 80's. That's when I decided I need to learn to do something so I didn't have to work two jobs. That's when I decided I would make investments. My first job was at a car wash. If we had a government that guaranteed me a livable income, I may have stayed at that car wash until it closed down, and then proceed to another non-skill job.

Guy, you are making my point for me. You've worked your entire life, and at the end of it, you are collecting a government check, living in a slum, and suffering from cancer that probably could have been detected earlier if we had a decent health care system.
Ali was a hero of mine, he was a amazing person.
Ali was a hero of mine, he was a amazing person.
Cool. I first personally met him when I was a 16 year old golden glover, and he visited the training facility shortly after winning his first title fight. I saw him a number of tines in the following years.

Very interesting person.

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