The law of God, is written on our hearts. Not carved in stone.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Romans 2 : 14-16

14 For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them 16 on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.


Example the law of God not written in stone. Here is a question. What sin did Cain commit? Murder? Well, was it a commandment? The ten commandments were written long after Cain and Abel existed, so was it a sin?

Yes.....but how or why? Cause we know and the spelled out LAW was for our benefit cause of the hardening of our hearts.

WE are the great excuse making animal. From the beginning we immediately search for the excuse for own sin.

What sin by Adam most angered God? Disobedience? Not really. Wasn't even the original sin. That is PRIDE.

If it was Disobedience that sent them out, then God would not have asked them what they did. According to the scripture, they became ashamed and hid themselves, and God REVEALED HIS MERCY when he asked them what they did. He didn't smite them immediately. He gave an opportunity to acknowledge.

What did they do? Cast the blame....ultimately back at God. Adam replied the WOMAN YOU PUT HERE TRICKED ME. In other words his disobedience was God's fault.

Every society (Gentiles), even the Natives here had a form of the Mosaic Law. Marriages, laws against murder, most worshiped some Deity, honoring parents was most certainly a part of every culture, certainly laws against stealing.......

None of them knew anything about Moses and the ten Commandments. Yet, most had them in their culture.

Why? Written on our hearts. That's why.
Romans 2 : 14-16

14 For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them 16 on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.


Example the law of God not written in stone. Here is a question. What sin did Cain commit? Murder? Well, was it a commandment? The ten commandments were written long after Cain and Abel existed, so was it a sin?

Yes.....but how or why? Cause we know and the spelled out LAW was for our benefit cause of the hardening of our hearts.

WE are the great excuse making animal. From the beginning we immediately search for the excuse for own sin.

What sin by Adam most angered God? Disobedience? Not really. Wasn't even the original sin. That is PRIDE.

If it was Disobedience that sent them out, then God would not have asked them what they did. According to the scripture, they became ashamed and hid themselves, and God REVEALED HIS MERCY when he asked them what they did. He didn't smite them immediately. He gave an opportunity to acknowledge.

What did they do? Cast the blame....ultimately back at God. Adam replied the WOMAN YOU PUT HERE TRICKED ME. In other words his disobedience was God's fault.

Every society (Gentiles), even the Natives here had a form of the Mosaic Law. Marriages, laws against murder, most worshiped some Deity, honoring parents was most certainly a part of every culture, certainly laws against stealing.......

None of them knew anything about Moses and the ten Commandments. Yet, most had them in their culture.

Why? Written on our hearts. That's why.
Certain morals are near universal but the problem is that moral codes only apply to those in the tribe and anything goes when dealing with outsiders or enemies. Jesus tried to attack this problem with the parable of the Samaritan but it seems no one got the point.
The law of God, is written on our hearts. Not carved in stone.

How true. God can only be approached through the open heart, not coldly graphed on paper. I cannot box him, quantify him, measure him or label him. If you pay me, I can't sell him to you.

No word can describe him.

Man writes laws to limit himself. God measures man through his selfless devotion.

Through God, man expands himself eternally.
The law of God, is written on our hearts. Not carved in stone.

How true. God can only be approached through the open heart, not coldly graphed on paper. I cannot box him, quantify him, measure him or label him. If you pay me, I can't sell him to you.

No word can describe him.

Man writes laws to limit himself. God measures man through his selfless devotion.

Through God, man expands himself eternally.
No word can describe him (them).
funny how "word" works for a christian ... they are what they can not describe.
The law of God, is written on our hearts. Not carved in stone.

How true. God can only be approached through the open heart, not coldly graphed on paper. I cannot box him, quantify him, measure him or label him. If you pay me, I can't sell him to you.

No word can describe him.

Man writes laws to limit himself. God measures man through his selfless devotion.

Through God, man expands himself eternally.
No word can describe him (them).
funny how "word" works for a christian ... they are what they can not describe.

Who ever told you I'm a christian?
The law of God, is written on our hearts. Not carved in stone.

How true. God can only be approached through the open heart, not coldly graphed on paper. I cannot box him, quantify him, measure him or label him. If you pay me, I can't sell him to you.

No word can describe him.

Man writes laws to limit himself. God measures man through his selfless devotion.

Through God, man expands himself eternally.
No word can describe him (them).
funny how "word" works for a christian ... they are what they can not describe.

Who ever told you I'm a christian?
No word can describe him.
funny how "word" works for a christian ... they are what they can not describe.
Who ever told you I'm a christian?
I didn't say you were - it's a statement of agreement. they have your problem also.
How true. God can only be approached through the open heart, not coldly graphed on paper. I cannot box him, quantify him, measure him or label him. If you pay me, I can't sell him to you.
surly not everyone is desert religion ... with the above, just curious is it your opinion they are male.
Romans 2 : 14-16

14 For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them 16 on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.


Example the law of God not written in stone. Here is a question. What sin did Cain commit? Murder? Well, was it a commandment? The ten commandments were written long after Cain and Abel existed, so was it a sin?

Yes.....but how or why? Cause we know and the spelled out LAW was for our benefit cause of the hardening of our hearts.

WE are the great excuse making animal. From the beginning we immediately search for the excuse for own sin.

What sin by Adam most angered God? Disobedience? Not really. Wasn't even the original sin. That is PRIDE.

If it was Disobedience that sent them out, then God would not have asked them what they did. According to the scripture, they became ashamed and hid themselves, and God REVEALED HIS MERCY when he asked them what they did. He didn't smite them immediately. He gave an opportunity to acknowledge.

What did they do? Cast the blame....ultimately back at God. Adam replied the WOMAN YOU PUT HERE TRICKED ME. In other words his disobedience was God's fault.

Every society (Gentiles), even the Natives here had a form of the Mosaic Law. Marriages, laws against murder, most worshiped some Deity, honoring parents was most certainly a part of every culture, certainly laws against stealing.......

None of them knew anything about Moses and the ten Commandments. Yet, most had them in their culture.

Why? Written on our hearts. That's why.
I believe original sin is failure to take accountability.
The law of God, is written on our hearts. Not carved in stone.

How true. God can only be approached through the open heart, not coldly graphed on paper. I cannot box him, quantify him, measure him or label him. If you pay me, I can't sell him to you.

No word can describe him.

Man writes laws to limit himself. God measures man through his selfless devotion.

Through God, man expands himself eternally.
No word can describe him (them).
funny how "word" works for a christian ... they are what they can not describe.

Who ever told you I'm a christian?
No word can describe him.
funny how "word" works for a christian ... they are what they can not describe.
Who ever told you I'm a christian?
I didn't say you were - it's a statement of agreement. they have your problem also.
How true. God can only be approached through the open heart, not coldly graphed on paper. I cannot box him, quantify him, measure him or label him. If you pay me, I can't sell him to you.
surly not everyone is desert religion ... with the above, just curious is it your opinion they are male.
You are a hammer looking for a nail.
The law of God, is written on our hearts. Not carved in stone.

How true. God can only be approached through the open heart, not coldly graphed on paper. I cannot box him, quantify him, measure him or label him. If you pay me, I can't sell him to you.

No word can describe him.

Man writes laws to limit himself. God measures man through his selfless devotion.

Through God, man expands himself eternally.
No word can describe him (them).
funny how "word" works for a christian ... they are what they can not describe.

Who ever told you I'm a christian?
No word can describe him.
funny how "word" works for a christian ... they are what they can not describe.
Who ever told you I'm a christian?
I didn't say you were - it's a statement of agreement. they have your problem also.
How true. God can only be approached through the open heart, not coldly graphed on paper. I cannot box him, quantify him, measure him or label him. If you pay me, I can't sell him to you.
surly not everyone is desert religion ... with the above, just curious is it your opinion they are male.
You are a hammer looking for a nail.
You are a hammer looking for a nail.
day dream much bing - ok, sure in your case, I found it ... the hammer is looking for a nail.
14 For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law.
The act of circumcision or genital mutilation was the law of the Jews of those times, though acknowledged as being against nature -- the Gentiles who did not have that law to do what was evil and against nature, did not violate the law of Moses that required the circumcision (or literal cutting out) of the heart of anyone who would mutilate an innocent child like that.
When the children of Israel created the golden calf and rebelled against the Lord, they lost the opportunity to receive the higher Melchizedek priesthood which carries the authority to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost. Israel was then subject unto what is known now as the law of Moses which was administered by the Aaronic priesthood which did not have the authority to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost. Thus they had to go by the tablets written on stone. But when the Lord Jesus Christ came, he restored the Melchizedek priesthood and those who repented and received baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost had the law written upon the fleshy tables of their hearts.

2 Corinthians 3:3
Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.

Ezekiel 11:19-21
19 And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh:

20 That they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God.

21 But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord God.
Thus they had to go by the tablets written on stone
Excuse me, SIR. We have a Constitution written in iron gall ink on parchment paper, and we are not beating off or budging or deviating from it in any way. The ancient Jews were forbidden to read the Holy Scriptures when drunk, and modern Christians-In-Name-Only are not doing any better in that respect.
Thus they had to go by the tablets written on stone
Excuse me, SIR. We have a Constitution written in iron gall ink on parchment paper, and we are not beating off or budging or deviating from it in any way. The ancient Jews were forbidden to read the Holy Scriptures when drunk, and modern Christians-In-Name-Only are not doing any better in that respect.

Many would argue that there are those who are "beating off or budging or deviating from it" in many ways. My point is not that having it written in stone is bad, but that having it written in your hearts is even better. I love the constitution and I think that if those who are deviating from it had it written in their hearts, they would not deviate from it. I love that we have the constitution written in ink, but if we would all love the constitution and not try to change or disannul its principles, we would be a much better country. Not everyone has the word of God written upon the fleshy tables of their hearts and not everyone has the Constitution in their hearts either. But we do have both written in ink for all to read and consider.
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Thus they had to go by the tablets written on stone
Excuse me, SIR. We have a Constitution written in iron gall ink on parchment paper, and we are not beating off or budging or deviating from it in any way. The ancient Jews were forbidden to read the Holy Scriptures when drunk, and modern Christians-In-Name-Only are not doing any better in that respect.

Many would argue that there are those who are "beating off or budging or deviating from it" in many ways. My point is not that having it written in stone is bad, but that having it written in your hearts is even better. I love the constitution and I think that if those who are deviating from it had it written in their hearts, they would not deviate from it. I love that we have the constitution written in ink, but if we would all love the constitution and not try to change or disannul its principles, we would be a much better country. Not everyone has the word of God written upon the fleshy tables of their hearts and not everyone has the Constitution in their hearts either. But we do have both written in ink for all to read and consider.
Unless you are baptized by fire and the Holy Spirit and receive that illumination of the soul then it really doesn't matter. For I am sure one that is IN GRACE have the fruits of Spirit.

Observing the LAW is futile. There are over 600 Mosaic Laws. Btw, the Jews were indeed bound to those Laws and God recognized their authority to set the Law.

Mathew 23:1-3

23 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law(C) and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you.

However, after the Jewish leaders proclaimed we have no king but Caesar and the Temple was destroyed 2 years after the last Caesar died in 68AD, the separation was complete.

ALL authority was given to the Church, as shown in Acts when the first council convened and it was decreed that they were free of Mosaic Law.

1st Timothy 3:15
15 if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church(A) of the living God,(B) the pillar and foundation of the truth.
Unless you are baptized by fire and the Holy Spirit and receive that illumination of the soul then it really doesn't matter. For I am sure one that is IN GRACE have the fruits of Spirit.
People are shooting and killing in the battlefield at war; that is what we call "baptism of fire."
The rest of what you post is the Satanic propaganda of the Illuminati.
Observing the LAW is futile. There are over 600 Mosaic Laws. Btw, the Jews were indeed bound to those Laws and God recognized their authority to set the Law.
Christianity is not a religion of lawlessness. Jesus in His own words says
Thus they had to go by the tablets written on stone
Excuse me, SIR. We have a Constitution written in iron gall ink on parchment paper, and we are not beating off or budging or deviating from it in any way. The ancient Jews were forbidden to read the Holy Scriptures when drunk, and modern Christians-In-Name-Only are not doing any better in that respect.

Many would argue that there are those who are "beating off or budging or deviating from it" in many ways. My point is not that having it written in stone is bad, but that having it written in your hearts is even better. I love the constitution and I think that if those who are deviating from it had it written in their hearts, they would not deviate from it. I love that we have the constitution written in ink, but if we would all love the constitution and not try to change or disannul its principles, we would be a much better country. Not everyone has the word of God written upon the fleshy tables of their hearts and not everyone has the Constitution in their hearts either. But we do have both written in ink for all to read and consider.
Unless you are baptized by fire and the Holy Spirit and receive that illumination of the soul then it really doesn't matter. For I am sure one that is IN GRACE have the fruits of Spirit.

Observing the LAW is futile. There are over 600 Mosaic Laws. Btw, the Jews were indeed bound to those Laws and God recognized their authority to set the Law.

Mathew 23:1-3

23 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law(C) and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you.

However, after the Jewish leaders proclaimed we have no king but Caesar and the Temple was destroyed 2 years after the last Caesar died in 68AD, the separation was complete.

ALL authority was given to the Church, as shown in Acts when the first council convened and it was decreed that they were free of Mosaic Law.

1st Timothy 3:15
15 if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church(A) of the living God,(B) the pillar and foundation of the truth.
Jesus fulfilled the Law (and the prophets, too, but that may be another thread). For centuries after his fall from grace, Adam wandered the wilderness. Moses sought redemption with a law, but however holy, righteous, and good the Law was, it was insufficient to that end. Like Adam, Moses was a prodigal son.

Jesus did what the Law could not do. He redeemed the holy people.
Thus they had to go by the tablets written on stone
Excuse me, SIR. We have a Constitution written in iron gall ink on parchment paper, and we are not beating off or budging or deviating from it in any way. The ancient Jews were forbidden to read the Holy Scriptures when drunk, and modern Christians-In-Name-Only are not doing any better in that respect.

Many would argue that there are those who are "beating off or budging or deviating from it" in many ways. My point is not that having it written in stone is bad, but that having it written in your hearts is even better. I love the constitution and I think that if those who are deviating from it had it written in their hearts, they would not deviate from it. I love that we have the constitution written in ink, but if we would all love the constitution and not try to change or disannul its principles, we would be a much better country. Not everyone has the word of God written upon the fleshy tables of their hearts and not everyone has the Constitution in their hearts either. But we do have both written in ink for all to read and consider.
Unless you are baptized by fire and the Holy Spirit and receive that illumination of the soul then it really doesn't matter. For I am sure one that is IN GRACE have the fruits of Spirit.

Observing the LAW is futile. There are over 600 Mosaic Laws. Btw, the Jews were indeed bound to those Laws and God recognized their authority to set the Law.

Mathew 23:1-3

23 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law(C) and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you.

However, after the Jewish leaders proclaimed we have no king but Caesar and the Temple was destroyed 2 years after the last Caesar died in 68AD, the separation was complete.

ALL authority was given to the Church, as shown in Acts when the first council convened and it was decreed that they were free of Mosaic Law.

1st Timothy 3:15
15 if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church(A) of the living God,(B) the pillar and foundation of the truth.
Jesus fulfilled the Law (and the prophets, too, but that may be another thread). For centuries after his fall from grace, Adam wandered the wilderness. Moses sought redemption with a law, but however holy, righteous, and good the Law was, it was insufficient to that end. Like Adam, Moses was a prodigal son.

Jesus did what the Law could not do. He redeemed the holy people.
Jesus did what the Law could not do. He redeemed the holy people.
jesus repudiated judaism and their liberation theology did the same to rome.

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