The law of God, is written on our hearts. Not carved in stone.

I cannot box him, quantify him, measure him or label him. If you pay me, I can't sell him to you.
Are you visiting a peep show, and tucking money in a man's shorts to cop a feel on his privates? Or do truck-stop and train-station Christians patronize whorehouses, and view God as a "man's man" who will show mercy on pimps and johns?
jesus repudiated judaism and their liberation theology did the same to rome.
That liberal / "reform" Judaism (of Sadducees) was surely repudiated by Jesus Christ, along with the practice of the Pharisees which was not in line with their righteous preaching.
Two Corinthians is my favorite book
>>> Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To the church of God in Corinth, together with all his holy people throughout Achaia: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ<<<
Paul was not gay. He had a girlfriend, "Thecla" or "Tekla" by some apocryphal sources, and their exact marital status was unknown at the time the missionary letters were written.
Timothy was not gay, either.
>>>A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; (1 Timothy 3:2)<<<
The law of God, is written on our hearts. Not carved in stone.

How true. God can only be approached through the open heart, not coldly graphed on paper. I cannot box him, quantify him, measure him or label him. If you pay me, I can't sell him to you.

No word can describe him.

Man writes laws to limit himself. God measures man through his selfless devotion.

Through God, man expands himself eternally.
No word can describe him (them).
funny how "word" works for a christian ... they are what they can not describe.

Who ever told you I'm a christian?
No word can describe him.
funny how "word" works for a christian ... they are what they can not describe.
Who ever told you I'm a christian?
I didn't say you were - it's a statement of agreement. they have your problem also.
How true. God can only be approached through the open heart, not coldly graphed on paper. I cannot box him, quantify him, measure him or label him. If you pay me, I can't sell him to you.
surly not everyone is desert religion ... with the above, just curious is it your opinion they are male.
You are a hammer looking for a nail.
You are a hammer looking for a nail.
day dream much bing - ok, sure in your case, I found it ... the hammer is looking for a nail.
It's all you do. It's sad. You frame everything in terms of Christianity and not in a good way.

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