The lawfare against Trump takes a new twist

i am shocked. you know this supreme court is corrupt, don't you? they will decide whatever harlan crowe and the federalist society want/
It sure is rumpart, with I don't know what a woman is sitting her fat can on it.

I’m shocked. Imagine asking the SCOTUS for what amounts to an advisory opinion.

Our courts don’t render advisory opinions. So, I expect the SCOTUS to take a pass on accepting the Special Persecutor’s “motion.” But, even so, maybe the guy is finally starting to dimly grasp that what he’s doing is improper.

I might have missed it.
Why would it amount to an advisory opinion - is it because someone thinks that it is broad and not a specific scope?
You didn't explain shit. What you did was post a link to people who are actually knowledgeable. People who clearly stated that advisory opinions are opinions that are NOT being litigated in court. In this case the question is clearly being litigated. It's even being appealed.

You on the other hand choose to ignore all that because you don't have the intellectual honesty or reading comprehension skill to admit you are spouting BS.
No. You simply fail to understand.

It’s ok. You’re thick as a brick. No worries.
Because this Country will be safe once dimocrap scum eradicate themselves.

Or maybe we can find places to put them. Like in Urban shitholes.

Yeah, that's it. They can be Ghetto Trash.

Someone should contact Musk and get to making box cars.
Jack Smith is just saving time since he knows that Trump will eventually appeal this to the Supreme Court anyway. One less step in Trump's stalling tactics.

SCOTUS will uphold the lower court's decision.
Gore conceded for the good of our democracy. Gore knew he got screwed. Don't you remember when he certified the vote he rolled his eyes in disgust.

See, this is why goober Republicans don't run any big blue cities. You have no idea the logistics nightmare it is to run an election and get all those votes turned in by 8pm.

Roger Stone likes to take credit for the riot Republicans started in 2000 to stop the recount. If they were confident they were going to win they would not have started a riot.

I suspect they could tell they were going to lose. OR, they knew that the vote totals would show how many votes were thrown out in black areas.

Don't you get it? You live in a white city that votes for Bush. They don't throw any of your hanging chad ballots away.

And none of you accidentally voted for Buchanan because he was confusingly lined up with Gore. Buchanan only stole from Gore.

The GOP were very clever in that they employed several tactics to make sure they won 2000.

And basically the voters in Florida didn't decide. The Supreme Court did. And did you hear their opinons/justifications? One conservative judge basically said, "this opinion only matters in this one case. Do not try to use my justification for future precident".

In other words he just pulled a bullshit justification for why he gave it to Bush. Fact is, and the Supreme Court did rule on this, Florida was stolen.

And I don't even want to hear one more word from you. Imagine if in 2020 Trump lost by one state and the Governor of that state was Hunter Biden. Give me a fucking break bitch.

You get more retarded every day.
Jack Smith is just saving time since he knows that Trump will eventually appeal this to the Supreme Court anyway. One less step in Trump's stalling tactics.

SCOTUS will uphold the lower court's decision.

None of the indictments survive an appeals court ruling.
Scotus will be disinclined to overturn those.
^^^^Election denier^^^^^
You aren't a conspiracy theorist when the conspiracy happened.

What should dawn on you is that you can't see that 2000 was stolen when it was but you are so willing to jump on board with the idea that 2020 was stolen when it wasn't.
Yes I know that but I also know that even including the panhandle, it was clear Gore won. That's why Fox called it for Gore.

And did you know big cities where a lot of blacks live take a little longer to gather up their votes and send them in. Fox News knew based on the numbers, Gore was going to win.

They didn't know the Bush brothers were going to be throwing out thousands of those votes because of hanging chads.
You have your opinion about the Bush/Gore election. Many people seriously believe the Biden/Trump election was rigged. I think it is quite possible it was rigged because that is something a Party would attempt when it runs a corrupt politician like Joe Biden for President only because he could beat Trump. The Democratic Party seems to believe the end justifies the means. They were willing to do whatever it takes to make sure Trump lost in 2020.

We need a way to restore faith in our election system or the times are going to become very interesting.

Reports were all? What is that?

I heard Biden was teaching a class at a University on Classified documents. And when asked he turned them over.

What was Trump doing with them? Clearly he was selling them or giving them away. We caught him on tape ranting to a Mara Lago guest. "Look at this, I'm not even supposed to be showing you this"

Now you can lie and say he wasn't really showing them top secret info but you and I both know better.

Besides classified documents in Biden's garage. Did Biden tell an Australian businessman secrets about our nuclear subs? Trump did. And did Biden tell Russia Israel top secret info that they went and told Iran? Trump did.

Trump clearly mishandles top secret intel and he does for nefarious reasons.
We do not know what classified documents Trump had. Lots of classified documents lack good reason to be classified. If he took classified info on his meetings with Kim Jong Un in North Korea, they might not really be all that important. If he took classified documents on how we spy and the people who are spying for us, that would be very important.

With a sitting president, a former president, and a former vice president now implicated in the mishandling of classified information, the classification system itself is coming under scrutiny. This attention is long overdue. But there’s a danger that some observers will conclude that we need stronger protections for our nation’s secrets, such as tighter handling restrictions or enhanced penalties for violations.

That would be exactly the wrong response. The problem is not that we protect too little; it’s that we classify too much. To better safeguard sensitive information, we must stop trying to safeguard information that isn’t sensitive.
You aren't a conspiracy theorist when the conspiracy happened.

What should dawn on you is that you can't see that 2000 was stolen when it was but you are so willing to jump on board with the idea that 2020 was stolen when it wasn't.

There has been absolutely no evidence in more than 20 years that the election was stolen.
The fact that Gore lost his home state, was telling though.
I might have missed it.
Why would it amount to an advisory opinion - is it because someone thinks that it is broad and not a specific scope?
No. It’s because it isn’t a present case or controversy.

Once a case is brought, and evidence has been presented and decisions have been rendered, the case becomes “ripe” for judicial review. Until then, what is being sought by the Special Persecutor is basically permission to proceed. It is asking for an advisory opinion. “Before we proceed, can you please tell us whether it is ok to proceed?”

One of the troubles with this is that the SCOTUS would then be rendering a legal opinion about a matter before the case is tried at all, and before any appellate litigation has taken place. Then, later on, the case is very likely to appear again before the SCOTUS. At that point, though, they would be in the position of having pre-decided one (or more) of the legal questions before the case ripened.

There isn’t much virtue in doing this.

Some folks (and I’m thinking of morons like forked up) can’t wrap their minds around why this is problematic. And I’m not guaranteeing that my view is how the SCOTUS will rule. Maybe they will grant Smith’s motion and entertain this matter in this fashion. I’m skeptical though.
You have your opinion about the Bush/Gore election. Many people seriously believe the Biden/Trump election was rigged. I think it is quite possible it was rigged because that is something a Party would attempt when it runs a corrupt politician like Joe Biden for President only because he could beat Trump. The Democratic Party seems to believe the end justifies the means. They were willing to do whatever it takes to make sure Trump lost in 2020.

We need a way to restore faith in our election system or the times are going to become very interesting.

We do not know what classified documents Trump had. Lots of classified documents lack good reason to be classified. If he took classified info on his meetings with Kim Jong Un in North Korea, they might not really be all that important. If he took classified documents on how we spy and the people who are spying for us, that would be very important.

With a sitting president, a former president, and a forme
Team Trump spread too many lies for any sane person to believe 2020 was rigged. What reasons do you believe 2020 was rigged other than all the lies?
You have your opinion about the Bush/Gore election. Many people seriously believe the Biden/Trump election was rigged. I think it is quite possible it was rigged because that is something a Party would attempt when it runs a corrupt politician like Joe Biden for President only because he could beat Trump. The Democratic Party seems to believe the end justifies the means. They were willing to do whatever it takes to make sure Trump lost in 2020.

We need a way to restore faith in our election system or the times are going to become very interesting.

We do not know what classified documents Trump had. Lots of classified documents lack good reason to be classified. If he took classified info on his meetings with Kim Jong Un in North Korea, they might not really be all that important. If he took classified documents on how we spy and the people who are spying for us, that would be very important.

With a sitting president, a former president, and a former vice president now implicated in the mishandling of classified information, the classification system itself is coming under scrutiny. This attention is long overdue. But there’s a danger that some observers will conclude that we need stronger protections for our nation’s secrets, such as tighter handling restrictions or enhanced penalties for violations.

That would be exactly the wrong response. The problem is not that we protect too little; it’s that we classify too much. To better safeguard sensitive information, we must stop trying to safeguard information that isn’t sensitive.

If you believe 2020 was stolen it's because you believe Trump. Trump lied to you. Constantly for 4 years. This should be your time to wake up.

And Trump knew he lost

Yes, many people in jail told the judge they listened to too much right wing radio/media months leading up to the election.
That was just one small way Florida was stolen. Not the entire story but here's the story in a nutshell. How can we throw out a lot of black votes for Gore? I have an idea. I will order paper so thin that when they are punched for Biden, hanging chads will often occur. We will tell people that the thin paper will save us money. That's why we will say we mysteriously went with this cheap paper. Despite being warned that hanging chads will occur.

And on election night, we will throw out any ballots with hanging chads. But not in Republican leaning districts. Only in black cities in Florida.

Trump didn't try to steal 2020 the same way Bush stole Florida. He didn't use hanging chads to try to throw out Detroit votes. Instead he slowed down the mail and wanted to throw out any votes that came in after 8pm. But both tried to throw out black votes. Similar but different.

Anyways, so they would go to a black precinct and throw out any votes that had hanging chads. But they didn't do this in white areas to people who voted for Bush. They may say they did it to all hanging chads but that's a lie.

And the woman in charge of Florida's election in 2000. Republicans love to say she was a Democrat. But they go silent when I point out she was a registered Republican 4 years prior.

Just like Trump got charged with RICO, Bush should have too in Florida. Him and his brother. That cock sucker.

And you guys deep down know I'm right. You even know Bush lied us into Iraq. Trump said it and you voted for him.
Gore conceded for the good of our democracy. Gore knew he got screwed. Don't you remember when he certified the vote he rolled his eyes in disgust.

See, this is why goober Republicans don't run any big blue cities. You have no idea the logistics nightmare it is to run an election and get all those votes turned in by 8pm.

Roger Stone likes to take credit for the riot Republicans started in 2000 to stop the recount. If they were confident they were going to win they would not have started a riot.

I suspect they could tell they were going to lose. OR, they knew that the vote totals would show how many votes were thrown out in black areas.

Don't you get it? You live in a white city that votes for Bush. They don't throw any of your hanging chad ballots away.

And none of you accidentally voted for Buchanan because he was confusingly lined up with Gore. Buchanan only stole from Gore.

The GOP were very clever in that they employed several tactics to make sure they won 2000.

And basically the voters in Florida didn't decide. The Supreme Court did. And did you hear their opinons/justifications? One conservative judge basically said, "this opinion only matters in this one case. Do not try to use my justification for future precident".

In other words he just pulled a bullshit justification for why he gave it to Bush. Fact is, and the Supreme Court did rule on this, Florida was stolen.

And I don't even want to hear one more word from you. Imagine if in 2020 Trump lost by one state and the Governor of that state was Hunter Biden. Give me a fucking break bitch.
Gore knew he was defeated and he truly was defeated. Are you an admitted conspiracy theorist? A major paper in Florida deep dived it and agreed Bush won.
No court awarded the win to GORE. NOT A SINGLE COURT

I will also add, for GORE the court heard the issues. For Trump no court heard the issues.

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