The Leadership of Columbia University Should be Fired

when and where did I say Americans cant be screwed up?
Sure, we have problems but you seem to believe Iran is some innocent nation that does not pose a threat.

We can either debate in a civil fashion or we can place each other on ignore.
I dont appreciate your personal attacks.


No nation is innocent. But hey, as long as you can wrap yourself up in ethnocentricity you can probably ignore the last nation to feel as personally self righteous in their actions...

Again, show me something beyond sabre rattling and salty words and Ill stop standing on your head with Ann Coutler quotes.

but.. let me just say..
seeing you cry about debating in a civil fashion is RICH! You are like a fat kid who only wants to share candy when he doesnt have any.
LMFAO! I got under your skin without trying.
I want to print that out and frame it for others to laugh at.

and your friends probably DO find printouts from internet mesageboards a "better than going out on a friday night" good time!
Any public funds that are provided to Columbia University should be stopped until the President of the school resigns."........

Why would somebody invite a lightning rod of a guest to their institution to speak, then shit on the guest??? What does it say about the freedoms we hold so dear when we cheapen the opportunity? Does anybody care what we now look like to the rest of the world??

I don't like anyone who supplies weapons, or any form of aid, to those who would hurt my fellow citizens, or our deployed troops. But, sometimes you have to bite your lip and listen to those who are not your friends..

"Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.."

We should be monitoring Iran, and the rest of the middle east countries. There are issues there that make the region ripe for terrorism, and the hating of Americans chic. But,, the true source of our problems is going to be from China.. They have the means and the motive to take us down, and they have us to thank for it.
actually, no we dont have to. All we have to do is remind the enemy of our firepower and of sanctions if they threaten us.
and at this time. they are LAUGHING at us. We have lost the confidence of the world. Thanks mostly to BUSH and company.
... I am not going to tone anything done...

P.S., Have fun moving the thread. :eusa_boohoo:

Is that "done" or "down?" Oh well... this guy sounds like a little sugared up autistic kid that needs a time out.
Iran is a growing threat to the US and I believe is active in sending weapons and explosives into Iraq. BUT I do not agree that Federal Funding should be stopped for allowing this man to speak there.

I would hope that more voices would speak out against the concept that an American University is the right place to allow this person a soap box. But it is the right of the school to make that decision. I would hope some pressure could be brought to bear to change the nature of the schools leadership, but NOT legal action nor the stripping of funds they receive from the Federal or State Governments. That is the right and responsibility of the School to make such a decision. Freedom of Speech should not be trampled by our Government.

Cap'n Corset,

Iran is a growing threat to the US and I believe is active in sending weapons and explosives into Iraq

From an editorial in the Tehran Times,

The US is a traditional threat to Iran. It is actively firing weapons into and dropping explosives onto Iraqis
and at this time. they are LAUGHING at us. We have lost the confidence of the world. Thanks mostly to BUSH and company.
No, thank Bubba for that. Shall we discuss his decision to bomb Bosnia?
The world laughed at us when we focused on his sex scandal rather than his more serious offenses.
The bastard should be wormfood by now.
Any public funds that are provided to Columbia University should be stopped until the President of the school resigns."........

Why would somebody invite a lightning rod of a guest to their institution to speak, then shit on the guest??? What does it say about the freedoms we hold so dear when we cheapen the opportunity? Does anybody care what we now look like to the rest of the world??

I don't like anyone who supplies weapons, or any form of aid, to those who would hurt my fellow citizens, or our deployed troops. But, sometimes you have to bite your lip and listen to those who are not your friends..

"Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.."

We should be monitoring Iran, and the rest of the middle east countries. There are issues there that make the region ripe for terrorism, and the hating of Americans chic. But,, the true source of our problems is going to be from China.. They have the means and the motive to take us down, and they have us to thank for it.

Lemme see... How many countries have Iran and China, combined, CRIMINALLY invaded/attacked in the last couple of centuries? :eusa_think: :eusa_think:

Why, it’s less than the US has in last decade! :omg:

Shit, who would history’s REAL Black Hats be then? :eusa_dance:

America has long since hoist itself, on its own sanctimonious Nuremberg petard, as the most evil nation EVER!

Ho!... Ho!.... Ho Chi Minh! :D
I would not go that far. I think that the president of Iran made a fool of himself. It would be neat to see what reply we would get if Bush asked to speak about America and Christianity at a college in Iran. LOL.
Is that "done" or "down?" Oh well... this guy sounds like a little sugared up autistic kid that needs a time out.

And you need to go to hell. Oh well...You sound like a loser who needs to be told to shut up and to go vote for a person as dumb as you since intelligent discussion is beyond you and your representatives. :rofl:
I would not go that far. I think that the president of Iran made a fool of himself. It would be neat to see what reply we would get if Bush asked to speak about America and Christianity at a college in Iran. LOL.

He would probably get the same reaction he got when he spoke at the UN. The Iranian delegation stayed to hear him speak unlike when the American delegation left when the President of Iran spoke. I suspect that Bush would get the same treatment in Iran if he were asked to speak there as he got from the Iranian delegation at the United Nations.
No, thank Bubba for that. Shall we discuss his decision to bomb Bosnia?
The world laughed at us when we focused on his sex scandal rather than his more serious offenses.
The bastard should be wormfood by now.
he can't hold a candle to the stinkiness of Bush.
You would probably disagree, but he did great at rolling back abortion 'rights.' First curtailment of Roe v Wade.

While Congress refused to meet him, he tried to change the tone of the WH v Congress. Even when he disagrees, he maintains respect, which is more than given in return.

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