The left and Jew hatred

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Why do Leftists hate and disrespect Christians and Jews, but defend and respect Muslims and Islam? I'm curious. Any Leftists wanna weigh in?
Instead of repeatedly telling people who are more knowledgeable than you on this subject that they are ignorant, you might do better to educate yourself.

What I will say is that if a radical group of Mexicans started shooting missiles over our southern border into Texas and California and demanded a "right of return", we would flatten them into a sheet of glass and no one would say boo.

Wow, I'm really disappointed in you. I often disagree with you, but you are normally intelligent and rational.

Sadly, on this subject, you are anything but. Your attempt to compare "radical Mexicans" demanding a "right to return" to Palestinians really shows how absolutely polluted and deluded your mind is.

1 - Nowhere in this thread did I say anything about the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict. My contributions to this thread have been limited to pointing out a factual inaccuracy and the absolute silliness of certain reasonings that have been presented here. Why you are invoking the Israeli-Palestinian conflict right now is beyond me, other than the fact that it demonstrates severe bias on your part. Clearly, no person can say anything even slightly relating to Jewish identity that you disagree, without you making a beeline for the flagrant emotive "Oh but the suffering!" argument.

2 - Since you want to invoke the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and you want to use hypothetical radical Mexicans declaring a "right to return" as a comparison, you really need to clear the bullshit out of your head. How the fuck did the modern Israel ever come to exist? It was the Jews who declared their own right to return! So by your argument they should have been blown to smitherines!

I'm sorry, did you not know the history? Were you not aware that our people were spread across the globe in a major diaspora for thousands of years? Well gee golly! I guess I'm not the one who needs a history lesson after all, you are!

This level of stupidity is beneath you Jillian. Don't let your genes dictate your mind. I don't, and neither should you.

Yes, they were spread out and they came back and they became a nation, as prophesied, I know that you are scared of that, but it happened. After being granted statehood, truman called to recognize their state 8 minutes later. A few days later, Israel was already beating back arab countries who were trying to sack it. Israel went on to beat several ME countries in the six day war.

I have very little interest in speaking of prophesy. What is true is that a different standard is applied to Israel than any other country. And the reason for that disparate treatment is generally not well-intentioned.

As to the O/P. Again, the hatred exists equally at the far reaches of left and right.
Instead of repeatedly telling people who are more knowledgeable than you on this subject that they are ignorant, you might do better to educate yourself.

What I will say is that if a radical group of Mexicans started shooting missiles over our southern border into Texas and California and demanded a "right of return", we would flatten them into a sheet of glass and no one would say boo.

Wow, I'm really disappointed in you. I often disagree with you, but you are normally intelligent and rational.

Sadly, on this subject, you are anything but. Your attempt to compare "radical Mexicans" demanding a "right to return" to Palestinians really shows how absolutely polluted and deluded your mind is.

1 - Nowhere in this thread did I say anything about the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict. My contributions to this thread have been limited to pointing out a factual inaccuracy and the absolute silliness of certain reasonings that have been presented here. Why you are invoking the Israeli-Palestinian conflict right now is beyond me, other than the fact that it demonstrates severe bias on your part. Clearly, no person can say anything even slightly relating to Jewish identity that you disagree, without you making a beeline for the flagrant emotive "Oh but the suffering!" argument.

2 - Since you want to invoke the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and you want to use hypothetical radical Mexicans declaring a "right to return" as a comparison, you really need to clear the bullshit out of your head. How the fuck did the modern Israel ever come to exist? It was the Jews who declared their own right to return! So by your argument they should have been blown to smitherines!

I'm sorry, did you not know the history? Were you not aware that our people were spread across the globe in a major diaspora for thousands of years? Well gee golly! I guess I'm not the one who needs a history lesson after all, you are!

This level of stupidity is beneath you Jillian. Don't let your genes dictate your mind. I don't, and neither should you.

Yes, they were spread out and they came back and they became a nation, as prophesied, I know that you are scared of that, but it happened. After being granted statehood, truman called to recognize their state 8 minutes later. A few days later, Israel was already beating back arab countries who were trying to sack it. Israel went on to beat several ME countries in the six day war.

I have very little interest in speaking of prophesy. What is true is that a different standard is applied to Israel than any other country. And the reason for that disparate treatment is generally not well-intentioned.

As to the O/P. Again, the hatred exists equally at the far reaches of left and right.

Oh, I know you don't but it does tie in.
A Mixture of Europeans from Germany, Poland and Russia?
You would have a difficult time telling who's from where as they did not abandon their basic identity as Jews.

Yeah, and? That doesn't change the fact that the modern day Jewish identity is composed of several varying ethnic groups. That's why Jewish ethnicity today is actually a pan ethnicity. Today's Israelis are a distinct people from the ancient Israelites. Really, I don't know why you are so resistant to this fact. If anything, it's something to be proud of.

Oh, I figured it out. You are resistant because you want to view the issue of Israeli identity in an absurdly simplistic perspective, based on your fanboi obsessive love of Jews, as opposed to the more complex, morally ambiguous, and intellectually fascinating reality.

Their religious practice remained the same.


Now I know you're an ignorant moron. There is a great deal of diversity in Jewish religious practice.

They were all Kosher and observed Shabbos.

More ignorance. :lmao: In fact, many Jews don't follow the faith at all. There are Jews who are atheists. There are "high holiday" Jews who don't do anything Jewish except for a few select days of the year. There are Jews who reject the Jewish religion, but who maintain certain customs as cultural practices from which they were raised.

If they didn't identify as Jews with a common goal they would never have moved to Israel.

In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. The goals of individuals who migrated to Israel are diverse. Zionism is not necessary to migrate to Israel. There are plenty of people who migrated to Israel simply to escape persecution. There are some who simply longed for a sense of national identity. Many Israelis reject Zionism. Then, there is one particular friend of mine who has been contemplating immigrating to Israel ever since a few years ago when she went for a visit with Birthright. She doesn't follow the faith, and was never a believer, and she scarcely identifies with her Jewish heritage in any way. But she fell in love with the country, and she's made some deep friendships in Israel. Because of her broken family situation she grew up with, she loves the familial connection she was able to find by meeting aunts and uncles and cousins she had never known before.

I live in an Orthodox community with family and friends in the US, Canada and Israel and there is little distinction between the groups.
You must really hate being a Jew.

Not at all. Why would I? Just because I view the world through logic and consistency does not mean that I hate being a Jew. What I hate is racism. If I put myself above other people simply because I am a Jew, then I am being racist. If I take a stance on an issue based my being a Jew, then I am being a racist. It's no different than my position on immigration. As a Hispanic I oppose illegal immigration, and I support a strong immigration policy that serves the needs of American citizens. I'm not going to let my Hispanic heritage be an excuse to abandon a logical assessment of the issue.
I have very little interest in speaking of prophesy. What is true is that a different standard is applied to Israel than any other country. And the reason for that disparate treatment is generally not well-intentioned.

Indeed. Take yourself as an example. You elevate Israel above all other countries. You define Israel based on your own egocentric perception of Jewish superiority. Your reasons are generally not well-intended.
A Mixture of Europeans from Germany, Poland and Russia?
You would have a difficult time telling who's from where as they did not abandon their basic identity as Jews.

Yeah, and? That doesn't change the fact that the modern day Jewish identity is composed of several varying ethnic groups. That's why Jewish ethnicity today is actually a pan ethnicity. Today's Israelis are a distinct people from the ancient Israelites. Really, I don't know why you are so resistant to this fact. If anything, it's something to be proud of.

Oh, I figured it out. You are resistant because you want to view the issue of Israeli identity in an absurdly simplistic perspective, based on your fanboi obsessive love of Jews, as opposed to the more complex, morally ambiguous, and intellectually fascinating reality.

Their religious practice remained the same.


Now I know you're an ignorant moron. There is a great deal of diversity in Jewish religious practice.

They were all Kosher and observed Shabbos.

More ignorance. :lmao: In fact, many Jews don't follow the faith at all. There are Jews who are atheists. There are "high holiday" Jews who don't do anything Jewish except for a few select days of the year. There are Jews who reject the Jewish religion, but who maintain certain customs as cultural practices from which they were raised.

If they didn't identify as Jews with a common goal they would never have moved to Israel.

In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. The goals of individuals who migrated to Israel are diverse. Zionism is not necessary to migrate to Israel. There are plenty of people who migrated to Israel simply to escape persecution. There are some who simply longed for a sense of national identity. Many Israelis reject Zionism. Then, there is one particular friend of mine who has been contemplating immigrating to Israel ever since a few years ago when she went for a visit with Birthright. She doesn't follow the faith, and was never a believer, and she scarcely identifies with her Jewish heritage in any way. But she fell in love with the country, and she's made some deep friendships in Israel. Because of her broken family situation she grew up with, she loves the familial connection she was able to find by meeting aunts and uncles and cousins she had never known before.

I live in an Orthodox community with family and friends in the US, Canada and Israel and there is little distinction between the groups.
You must really hate being a Jew.

Not at all. Why would I? Just because I view the world through logic and consistency does not mean that I hate being a Jew. What I hate is racism. If I put myself above other people simply because I am a Jew, then I am being racist. If I take a stance on an issue based my being a Jew, then I am being a racist. It's no different than my position on immigration. As a Hispanic I oppose illegal immigration, and I support a strong immigration policy that serves the needs of American citizens. I'm not going to let my Hispanic heritage be an excuse to abandon a logical assessment of the issue.

You claimed a mixture of heritage.
Now you are claiming variances in religious practice.
90% of Jews, including my own relatives, are not observant which has NOTHING to do with heritage.

You claimed a mixture of heritage...
Back it up.
One of my all time favorites...
What do you call a Tel Aviv Leftist who's house has katusha's lobbed at it?
A Tel Aviv Rightest who tells Netanyahu to bomb Gaza into the Stone Age.
Why do RWnuts love the Jews? Israel is a socialist country where the government funds abortions.

Why is it that the left is preoccupied with Zionists building walls, when just south of the border hundreds of thousands of Christians in the Sudan were systematically killed in genocide? And what of the mass genocide by ISIS today around Israel?

I suppose you want Islam to overtake them so we have more refugees spilling into Europe as they flee similar regimes like in the Sudan.

The thread purported to discuss the reason people hate the Jews?

I believe that all religions are fraudulent.

But now you are discussing a different issue: Zionism - many Jews hate the zionists. No one has the right to invade a territory where there are people living already , terrorize them , murder and disappear them.

American whites had no right to invade SD Black Hills. The Zionists had no right to invade Palestine.

Want to reduce the hatred of the Jews? Easy, dissolve Israel. Problem pretty much solved...
Why? Because Muslims get dibs on what ever holy sites they want to claim?
Nope, because Zionists are the new Nazis, and one should hate evil...
It must be very liberating for you to have such an uncluttered, uncomplicated, simple view of everything.
Nothing simple about it. Act like a Nazi and it's fair to be called one. The only thing missing are the ovens, which the Zionists know would be going too far.
You should feel free to call people by whatever name suits you, particularly since it goes such a long ways toward elevating the discussion. I really like the way you pose simple solutions for complex problems.
Dealing with a mentality that says God gave you land therefore it is yours isn't complex. The answer is, ah, no...
The Left doesn't just hate Jews. It hates Christians even more. They've always had a bizarre fascination with hating Christians. Yet they seem to always rush to defend Islam. I don't get em. They're a confused lot for sure.

One thing is for sure though, Antisemitism is on the rapid rise, especially in Europe. And it's coming mostly from the Left.
Which Christians? So called fundamentalist Christians have a long history of hating Catholics.

The Left hates Jews and Christians, yet dutifully defends Muslims. I don't get em. Islam is the most brutal in opposing everything Leftists stand for. Judaism and Christianity are actually very tolerant faiths in comparison.

So i don't get why the Left focuses its hate on those faiths. I would think Islam would be the faith they would have to oppose most.
All religion is equally bad, as are its adherents...

Yet you on the Left seem to only obsess on hating Jews and Christians. You take the opposite approach with Islam. And that's pretty bizarre. Islam is by far the least tolerant of faiths in regards to Leftist beliefs.
All religion opposes liberalism, which is why liberalism opposes all religion...
Why do socialists hate Jews? Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people? Here is a taste of it today in the US under the Occupy Wall Street movement.

The extremes of both left and right have issues with jews.
I'm pretty sure your rightwingnut, white christian supremacist KKK'ers and neo-nazis aren't fans either. jews generally only thrive in moderate societies.

you're welcome.

Very true. Those "extreme right", like Hitler, hated the Jews.

I guess what the extreme right and extreme left have in common is that they are collectivists and hate Jews.

It makes you wonder why they hate each other, doesn't it?
Why do socialists hate Jews? Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people? Here is a taste of it today in the US under the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Still don't understand the hatred? Did you notice all the anti-capitalist signs? Did you notice all the signs showing hatred for Jewish bankers? In the US Jews only account for about 2.6% of the population, but out of that population about 46% earn 6 digit salaries?

No other group really comes close, except for maybe Hindus at 43% In fact, amongst the average US citizen, only 18% make 6 digit salaries.

And so it was in Nazi Germany. You had a small successful minority that the majority coveted, so they took their gold and sent them away to die.

Can this happen again? If so, are the Hindus next?

The overwhelming majority of we Jews are Liberal and over 70% of us voted for President Obama . we have nothing in common with you ignorant uneducated rightwing goyim .

Your thread fails cross groveler or statue bower, as the case may be

And I'm sure many Jews voted for Hitler or were in love with his socialist tendencies.

So what?

Interestingly, Mark Levin is Jewish.
Instead of repeatedly telling people who are more knowledgeable than you on this subject that they are ignorant, you might do better to educate yourself.

What I will say is that if a radical group of Mexicans started shooting missiles over our southern border into Texas and California and demanded a "right of return", we would flatten them into a sheet of glass and no one would say boo.

Wow, I'm really disappointed in you. I often disagree with you, but you are normally intelligent and rational.

Sadly, on this subject, you are anything but. Your attempt to compare "radical Mexicans" demanding a "right to return" to Palestinians really shows how absolutely polluted and deluded your mind is.

1 - Nowhere in this thread did I say anything about the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict. My contributions to this thread have been limited to pointing out a factual inaccuracy and the absolute silliness of certain reasonings that have been presented here. Why you are invoking the Israeli-Palestinian conflict right now is beyond me, other than the fact that it demonstrates severe bias on your part. Clearly, no person can say anything even slightly relating to Jewish identity that you disagree, without you making a beeline for the flagrant emotive "Oh but the suffering!" argument.

2 - Since you want to invoke the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and you want to use hypothetical radical Mexicans declaring a "right to return" as a comparison, you really need to clear the bullshit out of your head. How the fuck did the modern Israel ever come to exist? It was the Jews who declared their own right to return! So by your argument they should have been blown to smitherines!

I'm sorry, did you not know the history? Were you not aware that our people were spread across the globe in a major diaspora for thousands of years? Well gee golly! I guess I'm not the one who needs a history lesson after all, you are!

This level of stupidity is beneath you Jillian. Don't let your genes dictate your mind. I don't, and neither should you.

Yes, they were spread out and they came back and they became a nation, as prophesied, I know that you are scared of that, but it happened. After being granted statehood, truman called to recognize their state 8 minutes later. A few days later, Israel was already beating back arab countries who were trying to sack it. Israel went on to beat several ME countries in the six day war.

I have very little interest in speaking of prophesy. What is true is that a different standard is applied to Israel than any other country. And the reason for that disparate treatment is generally not well-intentioned.

As to the O/P. Again, the hatred exists equally at the far reaches of left and right.

Oh, I know you don't but it does tie in.

but it isn't helpful in arguing world policy with people who don't believe in that.
Hilarious ! Right wingers making larazza arguments ! Guess we should give the southwest back to the Mexicano/Aztecs ?

Don't look now but I think we have.

Why do socialists hate Jews? Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people? Here is a taste of it today in the US under the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Still don't understand the hatred? Did you notice all the anti-capitalist signs? Did you notice all the signs showing hatred for Jewish bankers? In the US Jews only account for about 2.6% of the population, but out of that population about 46% earn 6 digit salaries?

No other group really comes close, except for maybe Hindus at 43% In fact, amongst the average US citizen, only 18% make 6 digit salaries.

And so it was in Nazi Germany. You had a small successful minority that the majority coveted, so they took their gold and sent them away to die.

Can this happen again? If so, are the Hindus next?

The overwhelming majority of we Jews are Liberal and over 70% of us voted for President Obama . we have nothing in common with you ignorant uneducated rightwing goyim .

Your thread fails cross groveler or statue bower, as the case may be

And I'm sure many Jews voted for Hitler or were in love with his socialist tendencies.

So what?

A lot of troll threads on USMB today. Must be the effect of All Saints Day.

Hated of Jews is a stupid reactionary thing. Occupy Wall Street (still relevant?) has plenty of stupid reactionaries in its ranks.

The Occupy Wall Street Movement is at the heart and soul of left wing thought.

The majority of Dim supporters wishes to confiscate the wealth of the top 1%. You hear it every day from political hacks who continually support such demagoguery.

What's funny is that they think increasing their taxes will cause them to wind up with some of the money. LOL.

Guess what, they are stealing from your Social Security as well.
Want to reduce the hatred of the Jews? Easy, dissolve Israel. Problem pretty much solved...

You idiot. The reason the Jews were given Israel was because they had been persecuted in Europe for centuries prior.

The Holocaust was nothing but a natural climax to the said persecution.

Everything Hitler did to the Jews, the ghettos, making them wear stars of David, rounding them up and killing them, had already been done over the centuries in Europe. Hitler merely did it on a bigger scale.

Why on earth would such a people go back into the world of anti-Semitism and forsake their country?
Why do socialists hate Jews? Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people? Here is a taste of it today in the US under the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Still don't understand the hatred? Did you notice all the anti-capitalist signs? Did you notice all the signs showing hatred for Jewish bankers? In the US Jews only account for about 2.6% of the population, but out of that population about 46% earn 6 digit salaries?

No other group really comes close, except for maybe Hindus at 43% In fact, amongst the average US citizen, only 18% make 6 digit salaries.

And so it was in Nazi Germany. You had a small successful minority that the majority coveted, so they took their gold and sent them away to die.

Can this happen again? If so, are the Hindus next?

The overwhelming majority of we Jews are Liberal and over 70% of us voted for President Obama . we have nothing in common with you ignorant uneducated rightwing goyim .

Your thread fails cross groveler or statue bower, as the case may be

Your post reminds me of the Biblical history of the Jews. They continually forsook their God in favor of being like all the other nations as they turned to their gods instead.

Today, the modern Jew is no different. The vast majority are atheist leftists who have forsaken their God and replaced him with the god of secular humanism and socialism.
Why do socialists hate Jews? Have you ever wondered why the National Socialists of Germany unleashed all their anger on the Jewish people? Here is a taste of it today in the US under the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Still don't understand the hatred? Did you notice all the anti-capitalist signs? Did you notice all the signs showing hatred for Jewish bankers? In the US Jews only account for about 2.6% of the population, but out of that population about 46% earn 6 digit salaries?

No other group really comes close, except for maybe Hindus at 43% In fact, amongst the average US citizen, only 18% make 6 digit salaries.

And so it was in Nazi Germany. You had a small successful minority that the majority coveted, so they took their gold and sent them away to die.

Can this happen again? If so, are the Hindus next?

The overwhelming majority of we Jews are Liberal and over 70% of us voted for President Obama . we have nothing in common with you ignorant uneducated rightwing goyim .

Your thread fails cross groveler or statue bower, as the case may be

And I'm sure many Jews voted for Hitler or were in love with his socialist tendencies.

So what?


No what?

Hitler had support of about 90% of the population.

Hitler Endorsed by 9 to 1 in Poll on his Dictatorship, but Opposition Is Doubled

I'm sure there were Jews who supported him as well.
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Want to reduce the hatred of the Jews? Easy, dissolve Israel. Problem pretty much solved...

You idiot. The reason the Jews were given Israel was because they had been persecuted in Europe for centuries prior.

The Holocaust was nothing but a natural climax to the said persecution.

Everything Hitler did to the Jews, the ghettos, making them wear stars of David, rounding them up and killing them, had already been done over the centuries in Europe. Hitler merely did it on a bigger scale.

Why on earth would such a people go back into the world of anti-Semitism and forsake their country?
The Jews don't have a country. They are like the rest of the religions, all over the place. And antisemitism would be minimal at this point, if not for Israel.
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