The Left Are Like Middle School Girls

So we like living in a first world nation with a high quality of life.

The right reminds me of the fucking taliban..A bunch of hairy old fuckers with guns riding around in pick up trucks.

Another clueless jerk weed heard from.
The left wing media is completely destroying any credibility they have left. My prediction is that the people writing and reporting the daily news today will slowly be replaced. The networks are in the business to earn money not to support dying ideologies from our beleaguered past.

The democrat party made a huge mistake swinging so far to the left but the media gave them little choice. Now the masses are paying attention, they see the corruption on the left and they see the corruption and the lies from the left wing media.

So WHEN not IF.... Trump wins a second term heads will explode, many left wing media talking heads will be in the unemployment line with Rodger Goodall.....

Times they are a changing.....

No. Not changing at all. If anything the non-Deplorable Trump voters realising that he is the King of Fake News. Us normals already knew that.
No. Not changing at all. If anything the non-Deplorable Trump voters realising that he is the King of Fake News. Us normals already knew that
Keep telling yourself that...Hollywood is burning...Trump won...Clinton's could go to prison...Russia has been a destroy Trump tool and it has failed and backfired big time...The GOP own the House the Senate and the judiciary...Dems are losing elections right and left but you keep hope alive and keep your fingers crossed....whatever floats your boat.
I don't know if the left is like Middle School girls...but
I do know that the Hollywood left is banging the hell
out of middle school girls.
So we like living in a first world nation with a high quality of life.

The right reminds me of the fucking taliban..A bunch of hairy old fuckers with guns riding around in pick up trucks.
The party of science that says people can change sex on a whim and whines Trump does not want to execute dead people!
No. Not changing at all. If anything the non-Deplorable Trump voters realising that he is the King of Fake News. Us normals already knew that
Keep telling yourself that...Hollywood is burning...Trump won...Clinton's could go to prison...Russia has been a destroy Trump tool and it has failed and backfired big time...The GOP own the House the Senate and the judiciary...Dems are losing elections right and left but you keep hope alive and keep your fingers crossed....whatever floats your boat.

Psstt...come over here...I've got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn....
Now...imagine if Trump lasts for two terms. The left, who is already bat shit crazy, will completely lose what little grey matter they have left.
It has only been 9 months and Trump has them foaming at the mouth crazy. They won't last another year, let alone 7 more.
Lowest rated president in history.
Most embarrassing president in history..
Least informed President in history.
One year after being elected still zero legislative accomplishments.
Dumbest president in history.
WATCH: Trump tells Japanese dignitaries he never knew there were ‘so many countries’ until he was elected
Worst president ever.
Seriously lefties, the Clinton News Network just got caught lying to your faces, again, and about Trump feeding fish. Even if you want to think that you've not lost your minds, it's damn clear to everyone on the planet that the media has...

Why do you keep buying their polls? Even knowing they couldn't have been more wrong during the election. Even knowing that most right wingers don't participate in these polls. Even knowing that the pollsters bias them. Why do you still believe them? Are ya'll just stupid or what?
Seriously lefties, the Clinton News Network just got caught lying to your faces, again, and about Trump feeding fish. Even if you want to think that you've not lost your minds, it's damn clear to everyone on the planet that the media has...

Why do you keep buying their polls? Even knowing they couldn't have been more wrong during the election. Even knowing that most right wingers don't participate in these polls. Even knowing that the pollsters bias them. Why do you still believe them? Are ya'll just stupid or what?

More fake news. The polls had it very close, especially after Comey spilt his guts. The polls were on the money in most instances.

Anybody who doesn't believe polling is stupid. It is within the margin of error 99.9 per cent of the time. Then again, Deplorables are as dumb as the Orange what would they know..

Well, when it comes to catty shallowness, illogic and utter self-absorption liberals are indeed like teenage girls in that sense. I've never met an older mother in my life who DIDN'T find raising teenage girls the grand tour of hell. Every mother I've seen who has raised boys & girls says that teenage sons are a dream compared to teenage daughters.
I know because he is actually a great President. thanks for the lead in.
Based on...what?
I know because he is actually a great President. thanks for the lead in.
Based on...what?
I’ve said it many times, the left are like petulant children, and should always be treated as such.
I’ve said it many times, the left are like petulant children, and should always be treated as such.
hly fk are you right. I had more respect for them until today. they truly are walking evil.

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