The left are terrorizing the United states of America

Is governing against the "will of the people" terrorism?
Trumpcare, against the "will of the people", Trump's "tax reform", against the "will of the people", dropping out of the Paris Accord, against the "will of the people", travel ban, against the "will of the people", reversing our policy with Cuba, against the "will of the people."
Trump, 35% approval, 64% disapproval. Trump's base is shrinking, currently it has shrunk by 25%. (Trump got 46% of the vote, do the math.)
. The great President Trump is governing with the blessing of those of us who voted for him. 96% of us will vote for him again and if some nut job like Eliz Warren is nominated, that number will raise to 100%. President Trump is enjoying a 50% approval rating which would be even higher is the fake news agencies would stop the witch hunt. TRump is good for America.
Is governing against the "will of the people" terrorism?
Trumpcare, against the "will of the people", Trump's "tax reform", against the "will of the people", dropping out of the Paris Accord, against the "will of the people", travel ban, against the "will of the people", reversing our policy with Cuba, against the "will of the people."
Trump, 35% approval, 64% disapproval. Trump's base is shrinking, currently it has shrunk by 25%. (Trump got 46% of the vote, do the math.)

How the fuck is Trump care, dropping out of the Paris accord and all the rest against the will of the people?


Polling Data
Poll Date Sample For/Favor Against/Oppose Spread
RCP Average 3/12 - 6/11 -- 49.4 43.6 For/Favor +5.8
PPP (D) 6/9 - 6/11 811 RV 44 38 For/Favor +6
CNN/ORC 4/22 - 4/25 RV 49 47 For/Favor +2
Gallup 4/1 - 4/2 1023 A 55 41 For/Favor +14
CBS News 3/25 - 3/28 1088 A 49 45 For/Favor +4
FOX News 3/12 - 3/14 1008 RV 50 47 For/Favor +3
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

More favor the ACA than Trumpcare.

Most oppose Trump decision to withdraw from major climate agreement
Q: Do you support or oppose Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the main international agreement that tries to address climate change?

No opinion
Source: Washington Post-ABC News poll June 2-4, error margin +/- 5 percentage points among 527 adults


The survey also finds broad skepticism toward Trump’s argument that leaving the Paris agreement will benefit the U.S. economy. While 32 percent of respondents say his action will help the nation’s economy, 42 percent say it will hurt and 20 percent say it will make no difference. On a separate question, slightly more people surveyed say that exiting the climate accord will cost jobs, such as those in renewable energy, than it will create jobs in traditional energy sectors such as coal, oil and gas.

Seems you are also wrong on the Paris Accord. You miserable 'Conservatives' just cannot seem to get anything right, now, can you? How many miles of the wall was built today? LOL
^^^ Survey of liberal democrats exclusively.
Actually the left and Trumpistas are the ones who are terrorizing America. Criticize Trump and see how many death threats you get.

Bull shit, it may happen but there is no comparison to what the left is doing. You cannot be honest and say otherwise.
Commies are a violent bunch, as history reveals.
1) Look at the gif in your sig line.
2) Look up the definition of irony,
3) See if you can figure out why people laugh at you.
Said the guy has a gif of Ivanka only a degenerate Leftie pervert would put.

I didn't make her walk down that runway and back with her titty flopping out, knowing that pictures would be all over the internet. They offered her money to do it, and she did it. Don't get mad at me for doing exactly what she intended to be done.
Commies are a violent bunch, as history reveals.
1) Look at the gif in your sig line.
2) Look up the definition of irony,
3) See if you can figure out why people laugh at you.
Said the guy has a gif of Ivanka only a degenerate Leftie pervert would put.

I didn't make her walk down that runway and back with her titty flopping out, knowing that pictures would be all over the internet. They offered her money to do it, and she did it. Don't get mad at me for doing exactly what she intended to be done.
Aha I see so when the daughter of a president accidentally shows a body part your fantastic Leftie values which include "respect for women" dictate that you use that photo as your sig line. What a sick fuck. :lmao:
Commies are a violent bunch, as history reveals.
1) Look at the gif in your sig line.
2) Look up the definition of irony,
3) See if you can figure out why people laugh at you.
Said the guy has a gif of Ivanka only a degenerate Leftie pervert would put.

I didn't make her walk down that runway and back with her titty flopping out, knowing that pictures would be all over the internet. They offered her money to do it, and she did it. Don't get mad at me for doing exactly what she intended to be done.
Aha I see so when the daughter of a president accidentally shows a body part your fantastic Leftie values which include "respect for women" dictate that you use that photo as your sig line. What a sick fuck. :lmao:

She pranced all the way down the runway and back with her titty flopping, and made no effort to tuck it in on the way down or back. That's not an accident.

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